PETG Cura Profiles plus Tips for 3D Printing

PETG Cura Profiles plus Tips for 3D Printing


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ThiRalD - 18.07.2023 10:10

Please Extra Fast (0.20) Cura Profile 5.4 🙏🙏🙏

Renan Werdan
Renan Werdan - 07.07.2023 21:39

Having to print really slow with PETG and a 0.4mm nozzle, i`m using 30mm/s as cura speed setting, and 30% in the ender 3 tune speed setting, higher that that and the filament dont sitck to the bed/layer. I`m using 90c on the bed and 240c on the nozzle. Bed is glass and no other mod to the printer. Am i doing anything wrong? With a 1mm nozzle the speeds can be normal, but i`m thinking that for the smaller nozzer the speed need to be too mutch slower, i want to print something with 0.2mm nozzle and PETG, but i`m afraid it will have to be at slow motion at this point. didn't have any of this with PLA, PLA with 0.2mm nozzle is normal.

Adam Shockey
Adam Shockey - 17.06.2023 01:47

@CHEP I am getting an error in CURA when trying to load the profiles.

Chris Burgdorf
Chris Burgdorf - 12.06.2023 19:45

Im having issues with the infill. It looks fluff. But the walls are great. Just looking for some guidance. Thanks

Nate May
Nate May - 28.05.2023 04:08

Should I be avoiding Petg+?

I either can’t search it or nobody like it?

Richie Kaye
Richie Kaye - 26.03.2023 23:02

Hi Chep,I've used your Profiles in Pla with Cura for a good while now and they give some great results..The newer version of Cura has just come out ,Are your profiles suited or have you done some new ones

I have came in search as I never have good results with PETG I'm running a Cr6se and Cr6 Max

Carlos Metoyer
Carlos Metoyer - 24.03.2023 09:26

I can't for the life of me get petg to print on my cr6 max I'm at was end with it

Zach Baruch
Zach Baruch - 14.03.2023 02:32

Would using Capricorn tubing instead of the stock PTFE help when printing at around 230?

JM Silapan
JM Silapan - 12.03.2023 13:07

would this work with .6mm nozzle too Sir Chep?

Anthony Watson
Anthony Watson - 09.03.2023 00:40

Thanks for the Cura 5.1 PLA profiles! Looking forward to 5.2/5.3 👍

Question: what's the difference between Good / Best / and Extra Fast profiles with the same layer height? I'd love to see a comparison video.

I have some detailed parts for cosplay and I'm debating between which profile to use.

MOULIN Hervé - 02.03.2023 17:59

Hello CHEP.
I don’t understand. With your PETG profiles, I have very important concerns about overkill. Like, with EF0.28, I have a blob that forms in the first layer. If I use your EF0.28 5.1 profile for PLA with temperatures and ventilation for my PETG the printing is perfect on my 3-S1 ender.
I don’t know what the problem is!
Thank you for your response

4x4Graphics - 27.02.2023 22:31

Hi, I like the videos for my Ender 3 v2 but I have a Voron 2.4, is anyway you can make the profile to Voron or what I need to do or where I can find a good profile like yours for Voron 2.4. Thanks in advance for your help.

Darth Karnagge
Darth Karnagge - 23.02.2023 06:53

After about 25 test prints I've1 got my fan speed set at 60% and on my machine, and Ender-3 Pro modified with linear rails, I have my retraction set at 4.5mm with a speed of 10mm/s with a retraction extra prime amount of 0.01mm. I'm printing at 50mm/s with a 20mm/s first layer and am getting awesome nearly string free prints. There are a few prints that have a little bit of wispy strings over long distances but those disappear with a heat gun. I am using Overture PETG at 225C and any color I print except the "glass like" are working great with maybe a minor change to temperature here and there. edit: My bed temp is set to 75C

DanP RC: Build it, Paint it, Drive it
DanP RC: Build it, Paint it, Drive it - 11.02.2023 00:00

I love this Ender 2 Pro and it prints Hatchbox PLA Pro+ amazingly. My problem is when I went to print regular Hatchbox PLA the filament jams the nozzle. It’ll lay down the test strip but nothing else comes out. My settings are Nozzle 200° and Bed 60°. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Just A Pile
Just A Pile - 09.02.2023 21:17

Any chance you could do a profile for Overture PETG? It's considered a higher end filament. The only way I could get a print with that stuff, was to slow the print to 10mms, and max out my ender 3 hot end and bed. It wouldn't stick to itself otherwise.

Daniel Liebst
Daniel Liebst - 09.02.2023 00:53

Im running your 0.12 PETG profile right now, and so far the part is looking FANTASTIC! but as we all know, print times with 0.4 is quite a bit longer than with a 0.6mm nozzle, are you planning to start experimenting with something like it?

FreeEnergy Experiments
FreeEnergy Experiments - 19.01.2023 22:12

Perfect Video, but I printed your temperature tower for Petg, (the gcode version) it does change temperature so it works, BUT.. all stages look exactly the same !! so i still dont know which temperature to choose. Its the Xpetg from extrudr (just ad a com) and it says from 210 to 230 degrees.. What should I look for on the temperature tower???

Robert McDonald
Robert McDonald - 16.01.2023 20:17

I just tried going over to your profiles in thangs and it wouldn’t load the page for some reason. 😢

ParkourNerd - 16.01.2023 15:17

Could you export curaprofile files instead? They're much more convenient to import than 3mf project files. It was a breeze to import your PETG profiles, but the others X.X

jackjackjacky - 16.01.2023 06:18

do i need to apply glue on PEI bed for pteg?
