Survival Bugout - Survival Scenarios

Survival Bugout - Survival Scenarios

The Survival Summit

4 года назад

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The Survival Summit
The Survival Summit - 19.07.2020 20:08

There are a lot of folks asking why they shouldn't just "bug in". Yes, if you're in the right area and you can bug in, that is almost Always preferred. But what if you're forced out of your house and off your property? It doesn't even have to be a man-made event that happens. What if a forest fire forces you out, or a flood? Even an EMP can catch your electronics on fire and take your house out of the equation. While "bugging in" is always preferred if you're in a semi-rural to rural area; just planning to stay home no matter what is not an actual plan. You already live there. Without contingencies, if you lose your preps that are at home, you're as good as dead. You should have a second fall back location with friends or family, and even a 3rd. You don't need to own a cabin in the woods or land in Montana. Start networking with family and friends first. Find a group that you can provide value to and make the right connections with them. You should have routes mapped out to get to secondary locations with caches along the way. That's real planning. The truth is; reality doesn't care what our opinions are. There are several things that could cause your primary plan to fail, so just have contingencies and you might be ok. 2 is one and 1 is none. That doesn't just apply to gear. That also applies to strategy.

Max Marlowe
Max Marlowe - 26.09.2023 01:46

70% are overweight and weak you will be fine if your even average all the losers alcoholic s druggies those with diabetes the endless wine box boomers gamers , office workers , mentally unstable. College students the list is so long ,, your fine

Phil - 26.09.2023 00:04

A good video, well done thanks.

Toaster - 25.09.2023 08:37

Unfortunately in Canada we cant have a CCW. If it comes down to it and I happen to have a firearm, I wont be walking home without it...

JAEUFM - 24.09.2023 20:54

As an option to consider to a shopping cart, taking into consideration the volume of things you might need to transport, I would keep a deer cart in mind. Fairly easy to store at home, and, when on the move, if you have to go cross country, more suited for such terrain than a shopping cart would be.

Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - 24.09.2023 15:53

Very well done. Some very salient points. Never get into a protracted firefight. This is for many reasons. Most will not carry enough rounds. Most will not have the stamina. Most will not have the intestinal fortitude to complete the job of killing. In addition, a protracted firefight increases the chances of a penetrating injury. Honestly, most nurses and docs are woefully unprepared to save your life in a penetrating injury. Even a dedicated trauma surgeon may not have the tools to save your life. In fact, most people will likely succumb to foot injuries because they are unprepared to walk more than a few minutes or with rucks on their back.

Coolnicknameguy - 23.09.2023 02:45

fun fact, I bought vegan mre's by mistake but rather then returning them I sold them out front of trader joys and made a nice profit going "Get your vegan mre's, get your vegan mre's, I can eat squirrel if the world ends but what are you gonna do? Get your vegan mre's" took an hour to sell all 12 at $10 each and I paid $50 for a 12 pack so I almost tripled my money! Point is even the liberals are starting to prep and realize shit can fall apart any second. Its not just some right winger that lives out in the woods with too many guns talking conspiracy theories like TV would imply. Full blown lefties are starting to prep too. I think we all know doom is on the horizon by now. What the lefties dont realize though is people like me plan to eat them when we run out of squirrels :P plant eaters just taste better and put up less of a fight.. both animals and humans.

Coolnicknameguy - 23.09.2023 02:36

I agree with keeping survival cash stash but people should also have silver/gold/ammo/lighters/water purification supply's, anything they can trade with incase cash isn't welcomed.

Coolnicknameguy - 23.09.2023 02:30

assuming people wont be setting ambushes on day 1 is an ignorant mistake, people ambush people now on the daily. If you think the people doing these organized retail thefts and car jackings wont be looking victimize people out the gate you are going to be caught off guard. Im not saying you need a full rambo set up in your car at all times but what I am saying is have your guard up because I think with in an hour people are going to start turning on one another.

Former Marine
Former Marine - 21.09.2023 14:35

I have read many comments below. Not one person has mentioned about learning bushcraft and tracking! Two of the most important survival techniques to know, understand, and use to your advantage!

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph - 21.09.2023 01:53

Trip wires. Valuable tool, easy to assemble and use.

SteveJohnSteele - 20.09.2023 21:33

Excellent and well thought out video.

Assuming that "normal" doesn't return for months (perhaps even years) ... what next?
At the end of your video I see you meeting up with others, at a location which I assume has more supplies.

Q. How do we NOT kill each other?!
Q. How do we grow food?
Q. How do we negotiate with other groups and begin to trade?
Q. How do we re-establish "law and order" and what exactly is that?!

In many tv series and films, these are the issues that "communities" face.
From "Survivors" (1975) and more recently "The Walking Dead" (2010) we see that many different communities are formed, each with its own unique way of "governing" and dealing with "outsiders".

joseph andersen
joseph andersen - 20.09.2023 06:46

Well done

Donovan Bryan
Donovan Bryan - 20.09.2023 01:08

Here is the MAJOR issue. Barely anyone has a bug out location. Not many people own land away from city.
Plus having food stored at bug out.
So...its you against the world.
And i say stay off the freeways since everyone else will be traveling it. And what you have they will take.
Is best to find other routes. Assuming you have somewhere to go.

Mark Spencer
Mark Spencer - 18.09.2023 22:04

Nice tutorial. Well done

John Hermann
John Hermann - 18.09.2023 17:50

I disagree with your assessment not needing a rifle on day one. I just recently retired from law enforcement after 26 yrs of working in an urban environment. As large/national incidents occurred, i saw the populace get more nervous and aggressive with each incident. In the current state of affairs, gangs and thug groups are going to get started very quickly. Add in communication being completely down and it's going to be even worse. Go minimalist because you're going to be carrying it, but if you don't make it home, you're not going to help anyone. That being said, your situational awareness should be up on day one because the majority of the populace is in no way prepared for an emergency and expect the gubment to swoop in and save then
Suspect everyone, trust none. Some good info in your video, though. Nice.

BaffledCube - 17.09.2023 12:30

Wouldn’t your nvgs go out because of the emp too, or am I just wrong?

Blue Eyes White Dragon
Blue Eyes White Dragon - 15.09.2023 19:47

FYI :- EMP ...electro magnetic pulse, usually caused by a nuclear detonation high in the atmosphere. An EMP by one large nuclear weapon over the USA will probably cause all electronic devices to overload and burn out over the entire continental USA. Only shielded and military electronics will still function, so cell phones, TV's, radios, automobiles, just about anything with modern technology will become useless. If you wish to protect your radios, etc., then look into Faraday cages on Google. It probably isn't possible to protect modern vehicles...they depend on computers too much nowadays.

A BUGOUT BAG is a backpack, knapsack, of any kind where you have PREPARED certain supplies that you believe will get you through one or two days away from home and on your way to a safe area. That safe area could be your home if you are at work, or a country retreat, such as a cabin in the woods, a friendly farmer, or a state park. Large cities will be death traps after a week or so, but if you have a genuine bug-in shelter (ie. Fallout type shelter) with weeks of supplies, including water & food, then bugging-in might be the way to go. If you have a prepared location with supplies outside of the city...then go that route.
This video is an excellent primer for the "prepper"/survivalist...designed to give you info during an enemy attack, but in NATURAL disasters you will have your vehicle for evacuation, and bugging-in might be a better choice if evacuation is not mandatory by the State Police and local government.
P.S. It is always the sick, elderly and children who suffer the most in these situations. God bless.

John Booth
John Booth - 14.09.2023 05:23

Will nods work after an emp though?

robbie E
robbie E - 07.09.2023 21:26

What great tips! Thank you so much

Breezy Bre
Breezy Bre - 26.08.2023 08:49

How would this sceario play out in -30 weather? The children simply can't hack bugging out in this weather. Ideas?

Stevenbp101 - 13.08.2023 12:25

Stay close to Jesus

Kaye B
Kaye B - 09.08.2023 02:32

Since we are in our 60’s and 70’s now I plan on going down with the ship.

YuMn - 06.08.2023 21:27

What night vision did you use/recommend?

Mario Luna
Mario Luna - 06.08.2023 08:09

Im Not going to lie but this was actually a really good video and it shows when we’re actually missing and having to do in real life differently going to look at this video and save it good job sir

Exploration Zone
Exploration Zone - 24.07.2023 03:21


_Nines - 12.07.2023 03:01

It's really great that you emphasized hydration. It is 'simple' yet extremely important and often overlooked

Google Email Account
Google Email Account - 09.07.2023 09:37

This was cool!

nomad Terry
nomad Terry - 06.07.2023 17:49

Insulin has to be kept refrigerated unless they have done type pull form now; in a emp blast insulin that has to be refrigerated will become useless after short term

dtrap bai
dtrap bai - 04.07.2023 00:57

While I suggest this to no one.. I intend to shadow, and rob selected looters/badguys. The scenario u never see in Survive Hostile Terrain movies.

Adam Rudmik
Adam Rudmik - 03.07.2023 07:21

emp shielded vehicle with hitch and cargo carrier. emp protected solar and gas/propane gennies and panels, several months of freeze dried food. guns and ammo to arm all who make it to our cottage out of the city. Cottage has full propane tank and well. I always keep my vehicle tank at least 50% full and store an additional 125litres of gas with 4 bbq propane cylinders. We also keep about a month of drinking water on hand since we drink water from a local spring. At this point we are looking to move to a place with more land so that we can get chickens and a greenhouse. The thing is that none of these things (other than the inexpensive emp shielding) have anything to do with prepping or a shtf scenario. We use all of these things in our daily lives and they just so happen to work for a shtf scenario. I am becomming familiarized with ham radio operation and am looking into getting ballistic plates and night optics. They say that about 90% of the population would perish in a grid down scenario, however, I really do not think it would take much to do better than 90% of the population. I would say that at least 70% of the population lives in the city and has zero supplies. May even have some time to enjoy fishing and swimming at the cottage in this scenario. I would be out of the city within a few hours of not having cell reception or internet connection. My main disadvantage is man-power. I hope that I would have at least 4 other male friends or family make it to the same location so that we could have security in place (road blocks and night patrol with optics with full armour, smoke grenades, etc). In my opion all the needed gear is the easy part, security is the real issue. If I end up moving to a homestead, I would hope that the neighbours would provide this role but if not I would likely be doing solo rekke with optics every night and not sleeping in the house.

Adam Rudmik
Adam Rudmik - 03.07.2023 07:07

Ek-specially the bility of the miss-laneous lone woof

Jake Brooks
Jake Brooks - 27.06.2023 08:54

You mentioned at the beginning that you made a movie about prep? This is something id like to see , can you leave a link?

Tracy Wyttenberg
Tracy Wyttenberg - 26.06.2023 22:16

Why would you leave your home

Saucy Scrambler
Saucy Scrambler - 26.06.2023 17:46

The cinematic short film we needed but didn’t deserve

Tricki - 23.06.2023 18:06

A weird coincidence this pops up as nasa warns of a “solar flare” that could knock out the grid. Things are falling into place, I thank you for this video, best of luck to everyone

Peter rockwater
Peter rockwater - 22.06.2023 05:34

Great video!

Denise Eulert
Denise Eulert - 20.06.2023 01:47

Recently I have been watching survival videos and find this one particularly interesting. But I have one question. When it comes to stocking up on supplies I see a lot of different thing recommended. Most people would not be able to get everything they might need, do you have, say, a top twently list of supply items? I'm thinking medicines, water purifiers, dried foods, good shoes, a coat, matches or fire starting equipment, that kind of thing. I am impressed how you emphasize water, water, water. I have one problem though, is I don't have a firearm.

Jeremy Kelley
Jeremy Kelley - 17.06.2023 08:02

Most well thought out video I’ve seen.

Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes - 13.06.2023 16:32

One thing you missed that I think everyone interested in bugging out should know is that there is a better way to build your fire to prevent being found or followed. It's called a Dakota Fire Hole, and it creates intense heat while eliminating your smoke signature. It's also a leave no trace type fire, so when you pack up to move, a pursuer will have a more difficult time tracking you. Knowing this fire lay is necessary for anyone that plans to bug out in the event of a collapse.

Sam Crockett
Sam Crockett - 11.06.2023 23:28

Seriously the best video for Post lifestyle.

KITTY CATO - 11.06.2023 19:19

I live in a condo half way in the ground. Cement buikding. 1 sliding door..2 windows. Entrance to my unit is inside locked building. Can i simply put furniture against windiws and doors? I dont own a gun. I live next to a river if i need water ir fish. If we arnt nuked.

KITTY CATO - 11.06.2023 19:17

Where can i get tactical training? Im in CT.

Noah T
Noah T - 07.06.2023 21:07

Traveling rail lines when away from populated areas is most ideal in my opinion

ADF-Maloo - 07.06.2023 10:07

Put a bike in the back if you’re that into the bug out life it’ll save heaps of time buggin onto the desired destination

ec1032am - 05.06.2023 21:07

I like the cart Idea, I've always thought about using my 65 gallon recycling cart. The downside is it will be more tiring to haul than pushing a cart, but it has more maneuverability than a shopping cart as you can take it off terrain for a bit, and it has a lid that can keep everything in it relatively dry, Also some might not think to look in trash bin initially.

R Toguidver
R Toguidver - 05.06.2023 19:40

This life comes with one guarantee – You Will Die !
Ready or Not ?
Heaven or Hell
Choose Wisely !

OG Ghost Prepper
OG Ghost Prepper - 05.06.2023 17:27

We bought a freeze dryer about 6 weeks ago. We've already processed 3 Roughneck totes of dried food. Our plan is to bug in, as we already live in a very rural area. Neighbors are all prepped, as are we. The grid is more fragile than anyone thinks.

Recondo 581
Recondo 581 - 05.06.2023 02:45

I am certainly no expert in “survival,” tactics etc. However, I was an 11B2P in the 82nd ABN DIV & the 10th MTN DIV (LI). My current career requires me to be physically fit and qualified on pistols, shotguns and rifles.
Bugging out on foot will be difficult at best IF you train for it (rucking, rucking on uneven terrain, scrambling and moving in low light situations ). If you don’t train regularly you will definitely place yourself, your family and or group in an extremely dangerous and hazardous situation. If this is your “go-to” plan you definitely need to train for it. Running and resistance training will definitely help to reduce injuries but it is not a substitute for rucking. Be safe and keep your head on a swivel.

Eddie Walker
Eddie Walker - 04.06.2023 19:26

As soon as the police cars stop moving looters and hoarders will begin and gangs will form from Militias, Police, and Criminals. Go bag means Go as gangs will go door to door and setting up traveler traps. Best to go and disappear asap. Know your community and devise a route and caches in advance.
