jour experiences keep for you and go away .
ОтветитьThey have been victims in their DNA
ОтветитьSimple adapt and dont judge..we have our culture that we proud of and protect ...obey rules and culture...and the people and if you dont like being stared at or you want to dress your way howerber that is then expect to be called out... if you dont like that dont come to Poland so you dont get your feeling hurt...
ОтветитьAs a Polish person I have to say sorry for that racist expiriences . You are beautiful and open minded people .
ОтветитьFrom my own experience I have to say that about 10-15% of population are racists some more openly some more hidden .
ОтветитьThen just go home. Why do they owe you their homeland?
ОтветитьI am Polish and I am very sorry and I dont understand why people judge others by the colour .Love you brothers and you always welcome ❤
ОтветитьMy question is the women talking to black men?
ОтветитьSo shameful all of Europe is becoming an African haven. The ineptitude of African politicians doesn’t help and them all coming to Europe isn’t a sustainable solution
ОтветитьGo to africa why do they need to live off us? Can we not have any country? They follow us like dogs
ОтветитьNigerian overload
ОтветитьPeople are unhappy and constantly complain and have made this beautiful earth/ world that God created for all to enjoy a living hell and nightmare with their attitudes ideologies behavior and refusal to respect appreciate and value one another, people have made life hell on earth through disobedience and take no responsibility for their actions.
ОтветитьAs a darker skinned person myself I would like to remind my fellow chocolates of the fact that it doesn´t matter where you go. If the general skincolor is white, you will be stared at. Met a few sisters in Japan. They had the right mindset, they instantly turned the "stared at " into "interested in". Not romantically ofcourse but just a humane curiousity. A friend smiled at me when I saw the Shinkanzen for the first time. He said " you check it out like a lady you are interested in". And it made me realize how weird I might seem to bystanders.
Nothing offensive until you are attacked. The streets are broad, so is the horizon and your mind. Use that space and widen your horizon. Not everyone is against you due to racial features. Some people are just curious, wary or nervous. Healthy traits in humans.
I used to stare at people of color when I first came to Krakow from my hometown. Well, maybe not like stare stare but definitely stealing glances, you know? I didn't mean anything hostile by it, I was just curious. I remember thinking 'gosh, out of all the countries out there, why would you choose our dumpster?'. I try not doing it so much nowadays, but now and then I still catch myself looking, especially at ladies' hair, black women have the most awesome hair I've seen in my life 😂.
ОтветитьAs African people I have found ourselves to be more docile and accepting of the fact that everyone in the world will be racist to us. Its sad that everywhere we go we have to experience racism even in our own continent, but we also need to man up and not give a damn about verbal and psychological racism. Well done on the people that are brave enough to travel the world to build their future. Well done to Nigeria and Zimbabwe for being the most human capital outside Africa.
ОтветитьIt’s interesting—they’ve only been here a short while, don’t really know the language, and yet they pass judgement on others without any insight into the cultural background of the host country. It’s also surprising that they keep getting puzzled by certain behaviours of the locals, like they never thought to ask someone who’s been here longer or a Polish friend, “What’s up with that?” or “Why is that?” And if they did ask, why hasn’t anyone told them the things people write here in the comments? We’re all different; it’s normal.
Ответитьthank you sharing your experience
ОтветитьIn Poland it is like this, in a tram or metro you always sit as far away as possible from others so as not to disturb them. Politeness is very strict in Poland. You don't talk to someone who has not been introduced to you. Poles value their privacy!
ОтветитьThis music is extremely depressing and I wonder if it is intentional. From the interviews, most everyone has had a pleasant experience. They haven't been greeted like celebrities but no one has experienced physical violence either. It seems each person desires something different, which is to be expected because they are individuals. Some seem to want the Polish people to pay more attention, and others complain that Polish people stare at them.
ОтветитьLiving in Hawaii I am always curious about other cultures. I have lived in Central America. I'm thinking about visiting the UK & Europe. I can live anywhere. I would like to experience the culture and people. I would like to have a black woman for love and friendship. I am excited to begin the journey.
ОтветитьShe looks beautiful ❤
ОтветитьRadzę wam nie przyjeżdżać do Polski! U nas jest bieda, zabobon, brud, dyskryminacja murzynów i rasizm. A już największym rasistą jestem ja. Często z kumplami wychodzę wieczorem na "polowanie" gdzie szukamy kolorowych. Jak już kogoś znajdziemy to tłuczemy go tak długo aż przestanie się ruszać, a potem go okradamy.
Zostańcie więc u siebie bo nie ma to jak w domu. Powodzenia.
Well we are still a slavic country. Naturally by God and genes we are all white. Pale as flour. Its not hate or racial discrimination. Its just difference.
ОтветитьBlack people coming to SLAVIC country and talking about discrimination. Then white person is coming to Mexico and been called gringo.
ОтветитьThat girl will find the light soon
ОтветитьI think that most older Polish people are not used to having people of different races around, or even people from other countries. This makes some of them curious and some others fearful. Most of them will not be confrontational, but I also think that many will not express their negative thoughts to you, out of politeness. Among the younger people who have travelled, they tend to be more open and curious. It helps that most black people in Poland came to study and are generally well-educated.
Ответитьthe zimbabwe guy is just the chill guy
ОтветитьWhy doesn't the man look at the woman when she speaks? it's like she's like an object which he does not to look at. Mysoginist
ОтветитьJust like a black person in Sweden 🇸🇪 😌 🖤 😎
" ooh, blackensipen? Ja, blackensipen" lol family guy.
African nations are much more racist than Europeans
ОтветитьPeople don’t have to like or be nice to you just because you’re black
White people also get treated badly but they don’t call them racist
Racism is not a word just for blacks but it seems this way
Just be yourself, respect is not an entitlement (we all wish it was) respect has to be earned
Its fear of saying it. Those guys have gone through alot
ОтветитьEurope has had their share of Africans, Moors occupied us, Aficans dragged Europeans to their SLAVE Boats and took us to Africa to be sold to Arabs, as well as used by Africans. THERE they abused us snd starved us to death.
I guess Poland and other European countries enjoyed their African madters than and still do now. None of you have learned anything. That fits right in with Ottoman Empire, Muslim slaughter of Europe.
What’s the average a barber can make please
ОтветитьU guys should talk about work can someone make 5000 euros a month
ОтветитьPlease go home invader, you're not from here
ОтветитьDid you ever meet a lion on your path while in Zimbabwe?
ОтветитьIf you come to Poland with a victim mentality then you will always think yourself as a victim. If you consider people staring at you or not sitting next to you as racist then you are just projecting your own racism or insecurities. That is part of Polish society to stare at anyone. My white friends from the USA had the same criticisms. Some the people blaming this behavior as racism didn't do the minimal effort on understanding Poles in Poland. Some Americans, British and Ukranians who live in Poland also cry about the same things. The first thing they do is blame Polish people but, never look within. Generally Poles don't like those people either.
I hope you understand by now Polish culture and how much we regard a certain level of respect. Not too many people outside of other eastern asian cultures get it. Westerners don't get it. Many Africans don't get it. That is fine. What isn't fine is that you don't bother to try to get it.
I hope your stay in Poland is mostly positive. Glad you chose it.
How to get tech job here without experience
ОтветитьPolish people are one of few that helped us
Ответитьa jak ja bym by biały w zimbabwe czy bym
byl wykluczonyHAHA the best , is cold in poland :D go to seden or norway then u love poland :D
Im an American and my ex-wife mother hated me so much because I wasn't Polish
And im white.She only wanted her daughter to marry a Polish guy.But her father loved me.her mother destroyed our marriage after only a year and a half.
Yeah... you know I made my comment on unity... but not everything is that idealistic sugar ... (do not forgive them, just remeber that those asholes are fought by us at every step) and... if you had only positive exp. then -> you propablly spent time at my city :D Warsaw sucks (I am just honest), check Wrocław, my city aka. Breslau) ":D
ОтветитьPoland even not rich country and not interesting why african going over there and consuming money what kind of knowledge Africa need from Poland? Have you ever seen got PHD in Poland and highering in Africa mostly no. That why
ОтветитьPoland played a Role in The Ending of slavery with Haiti I Love My Polish People they just been taught by the fake ones .
ОтветитьWhy this bgm! Jesus 😢
ОтветитьWhy is there this sad music in the background?
ОтветитьDon't you have your own countries? I think every country, no matter which one, should stay as it is. When I go on holiday to Japan I want to see Japanese people and the same goes for my country Poland. I don't care if I'm called a racist, I'm not a racist and I don't want mixed cultures.
ОтветитьUnfortunately, our isolation from the world was caused by the "wonderful" actions of Germany and Russia in our lands. The fact that they have never taken any responsibility for it, as strong as the stigma that rests on us to this day, enormous trauma and sadness... anger and disgust... it doesn`t facilitate contact with other nations. Due to the war and "communist protection" of Russia... we are very distrustful.
If you decide to visit this country, let alone stay in this country, you have to prepare yourself mentally for a certain challenge and I don`t mean racism. Poland is a country that is trying to get up from its knees, whose citizens were treated like slaves, without respect for our life, used by their masters in many disgusting ways. Older people in this country don`t know English, in their time they learned Russian and their worldview differs from that of younger Poles because we grew up in other worlds. Older people fear the most, and this anger and "hatred" is nothing but a sign of weakness and many wounds they have on their hearts/minds. Younger Poles are more cheerful, they know English, they contact with various nations (thanks to social media, for example), so they don`t see the world in such a negative way as older people. Unfortunately, they will take their pain to their graves.
So I recommend to deal with younger Poles and not to worry about the older ones, if they behave inappropriately, ignore them, it isn`t worth arguing with them. If someone makes your life difficult and causes pain all the time - report that to police, no one has the right to treat you worse just because of where you come from and what color your skin is. Poles should be the greatest opponents of racism, because it is no different from how German hatred Jews.
We Poles are painfully honest, rude, we have a very sarcastic sense of humor, very self-critical, we like to laugh at ourselves, we are curious about the world and we need time to feel at ease with someone (introverted personality), we only show our true face with our friends. If this mentality doesn`t bother you and you are patient in making contact... you will quickly communicate with us even without knowing Polish ;) The basis for success in communication with us is a hard skin and a smile ;).
PS: We are looking at you out of curiosity, not out of hatred. <3