Do You Have a GENIUS Startup Idea?

Do You Have a GENIUS Startup Idea?

Enrico Tartarotti

1 год назад

126,396 Просмотров

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Deepak Soni
Deepak Soni - 20.09.2023 14:32

A detailed video on how one can analyse their environment to find potential startup opportunities would be very helpful.

Btw it's a great video on startup idea validation!

Zainhyuk McAdam
Zainhyuk McAdam - 21.06.2023 04:20

This is a very good video! Very enlightening and just what I needed to validate, prepare & promote my new idea!

LoreK - 28.05.2023 17:37

I’m starting to like your channel. I’m from Italy too and I have just launched my web made in almost a year, I think you are so smart in apps/website ideas and your videos have much value. I wish you the best for this channel and your projects

Chen Yang Li
Chen Yang Li - 23.05.2023 12:35

If you don’t try you can’t fail😂

Jiftoo粗油 - 07.05.2023 15:16

Man now i wish i'd come up with even a single idea for a product heh

Sonsequence - 16.04.2023 03:12

What I took away from this is that Enrico thinks someone would have to be a pervert to think of him in that special way in the shower. Believe in yourself, Enrico.

Zombie_M8 - 03.03.2023 03:09

Thank you for this video I have an idea and you helped me to make it simple and easy ☺️

Luic - 28.02.2023 03:08

Mi sono sempre chiesto quando un Italiano avrebbe fatto un canale figo su temi simili come ce ne sono vari in inglese. E daje bravo bel progetto, capisco sia in inglese per la fruizione ma mi piace pensare sia comunque un canale Italiano ahahah

Ecliptus - 26.02.2023 12:31

finding problem is difficult than making solution

Igor L Sambo
Igor L Sambo - 23.02.2023 09:48

@Enrico. This is probably the most straight forward and insightful content about building product I’ve found on the internet. Thank you!

Hussain Abbas
Hussain Abbas - 18.02.2023 09:13

Thank you so much

Erik - 17.02.2023 00:30

Wonderful content!

I'm just wondering, you were referring to the book mistake, is that book with best practices really exist? :)
I was dreaming to launch my own product from the childhood, what books would you recommend to read?


conley quillen
conley quillen - 16.02.2023 11:36

You got me for a second I have the right Idea

Grand Mat2
Grand Mat2 - 15.02.2023 12:00

That's what makes being a programmer awesome.
I have an idea, I make it, I share it online, if people want to use it they do, or they don't, and I don't care because I had fun making it

LanceRomance411 - 15.02.2023 04:58

I love the ending haha 😂 “Think about this video but don’t be a pervert”

Samuel Sägesser
Samuel Sägesser - 14.02.2023 20:28

If you have one group of similar people who have a similar problem, make sure to find similar people who don't have the same problem. That way you can better identify the exact extent of the problem. You will also avoid wasting resources on building a too generic solution or one that already exists in part or as a whole and people just haven't found it or haven't figured out how to solve their problem with it. Some consumers are isolated and don't properly understand their problem or they don't actually care about the problem enough to throw money at you for solving it.

kim-hendrik merk
kim-hendrik merk - 14.02.2023 05:52

If you have a big problem that not many people have then that won't make a good business but if you create a solution for yourself what is the harm in publishing it under a Foss license. Other people who have the same or a similar problem can use it and suggest or even implement improvements so that in the end you and everyone else gets a better solution to the problem you had.

Ahmed Ben Zayed
Ahmed Ben Zayed - 13.02.2023 07:22

I saw the title “oh finally something interesting”, the saw the outline “Definitely Product Person” now I validate my experience with a fellow Product Manager like myself for fun 😂❤

Definitely subscribed, FYI that’s what I teach Founders in Incubators as a Mentor for years “Technically” Product Lead (Manager, Owner, Ops) are Entrepreneurs in Residence 😂

You need us if we need this ship float 😅

PHOTON - 12.02.2023 15:33

‘The Mom Test’ is a short book worth every second of your time if your watching this video. Go out there and read it again and again.

sney5555 - 12.02.2023 02:19


chris BE OG
chris BE OG - 10.02.2023 21:05

That’s actually a brilliant idea about having similar people to you and your niche connecting that would be lovely for those interested

Cristian Andrei
Cristian Andrei - 10.02.2023 17:56

My latest idea: use ai to analise websites, and warn people about a website being a possible scam, or phishing attempt. Build that into an app or browser extension and profit😂😂

KiėLø - 10.02.2023 15:00

This guy read the lean startup.
Great video!

Shake'N'Bake - 10.02.2023 06:43

This is one of the most useful videos I've ever seen! And I don't even care about startups. This is useful for inteviews, starting a new project, and just being a better communicator.

hizkia - 10.02.2023 04:08

As an employee i can relate this check everything and end up not starting.

Sinus Keiler
Sinus Keiler - 10.02.2023 02:12

I think you are mainly talking about software. But you make it sound as if you where talking about every kind of product.

Ian Laffey
Ian Laffey - 09.02.2023 21:08

This is a great video Enrico.

Are you interested in motivational advertising? I have a tool for you, but I'm not trying to ask you to buy it or use it or feedback

Eghizio - 09.02.2023 18:43

That's one of the best videos about the topic I have ever seen. Kudos to you 👍

American Dream Brokerage
American Dream Brokerage - 09.02.2023 04:07

hahah nice startup idea, I tried to make that 2 years ago, it was called "Creatorfy", didn't go anywhere :)

Acesiz Official
Acesiz Official - 08.02.2023 23:41


youri berger
youri berger - 08.02.2023 20:47

Payed €15000/year for a college and they basically taught me everything you talked about in this video. Very good work man

Billyblbl - 08.02.2023 17:19

Oh hey most of my school's value that i paid ~50k for boiled down to a free sub 10min video, thats nice

Tim Schneider
Tim Schneider - 08.02.2023 11:13

Best strategy is just do something that has already worked for someone else, but do it better, or faster, or cheaper, or any combination of those.

Ettore Mihaili
Ettore Mihaili - 07.02.2023 13:05

somebody just read 0 to 1 <3 ahah

Dan - 07.02.2023 10:24

you totally forgot adoption curve. without it the mac would have been relegated a failure and we’d all be using command line computing. it took years for the idea to take hold.

Miguel Thorpe
Miguel Thorpe - 06.02.2023 23:35

Do you have Twitter?

AlbyTheMovieCreator - 06.02.2023 21:29

Grande enrii

STEPHAN FEIBISH - 06.02.2023 19:49

I think I've heard of the "Wizard of Oz test" (a.k.a. "Mechanical Turk")

ishaan - 06.02.2023 18:55

Great insight 💡 but for physical product should we have to build prototypes first or have to validate problems and idea first while interviewing

Michael Avrukin
Michael Avrukin - 06.02.2023 15:23

All fine and good, except all your examples of the successful companies: fb, Amazon , were way ahead of their time and did require a really big technology lift. Think of the current example, Chat GPT, that took 7 years from idea to usable. Google took a few years from beginning of ideation to research to something useful. If you want to build the online equivalent of a yet-another-pizza-store, then your approach is valid. But if you have vision, and want to build something like say Sheets, then there is no way of doing that using the no code, fake door, weekend approach, the only way of doing that is through investment and a strong contrarian conviction about the future.

Tobias Fontana Ceccato
Tobias Fontana Ceccato - 06.02.2023 11:50

Qiming to become the new elon musk is like aiming to be the next wolf of wall street. There is nothing admirable in beeing a fraud and a con men. Not to mention that Tesla and spacex are barely profitable. in 2021 tesla made 5.5 billion in profits (1.5 from carbon credits) and elon payed himself 55 billion

Taha Silat
Taha Silat - 06.02.2023 07:26

Just discovered this channel last month and am loving everything that I've seen on it so far!

Sodaa - 06.02.2023 02:48

I strongly agree with everything here. I’ll just add one more thing. Forget your product and sell your value proposition.

Nobody cares about your product, they care about the value you offer. Find and know that value.

daddy's boy nightmares
daddy's boy nightmares - 06.02.2023 02:47

Subscriped definitely 🥳
Business is about solving problems
Money is the result of solving the P
Good jop Friend 💯
