The Worst YouTube Advice That Everyone Believes

The Worst YouTube Advice That Everyone Believes

Channel Makers

10 дней назад

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@StateoftheFranchiseSports - 08.07.2024 16:06

Relying on one video is like going viral for you and not being able to handle subsequent videos as you just expect the rest to do great. Whereas consistency will allow you to sustain growth.

@paintedpreppers-airguns - 08.07.2024 16:23

Defo agree with this, although I've been lucky the past few weeks I've had massive views which is awesome but not looking forward to when it goes back to normal

@fantastictraveller - 08.07.2024 16:37

You guys give me lot of insight from few videos .. thank u very much 💐💐💐

@FinalSelfBoss - 08.07.2024 16:47

The problem most small creators struggle to come in agreement with, is the fact that they always try to get a viral video, and end up losing the very essence of their channel; one or two viral video goals bi-weekly is enough, so you don't begin to burden yourself with unnecessary tasks. Content creation should be enjoyed, not endured.

@DiabeticGameGuy - 08.07.2024 16:48

Nice. Love the new thumbnails. They really pop out.

@SuccessisTheGoal - 08.07.2024 17:04

I no longer follow the 'gurus' who keep pushing for that viral video. I am grateful for every view and every subscriber even if it's just 2 a day! May was the worst month for all 3 of my channels and I actually thought about the idea of quitting. Instead, I backed off and restrategized. Back at it with a new outlook, for at least the next several months.

@letstalktug - 08.07.2024 17:36

I couldn't disagree more the post referenced did not say don't change don't pivot don't improve... that was you believing that the post needed to be more detailed but you can only place so much in a singular post.

@Jd7172g - 08.07.2024 18:17

I don’t really get it, the advice you gave is basically the same advice from that post, I.e. just keep creating content?

@EdwinSchaap - 08.07.2024 18:37

I make my videos because I want to make them, for fun and passion, and luckily they take so long to make that I can never even try to please the algorithm or pump out too many just for the sake of a viral one. But of course, I do hope with each of them when I make them public, that they hit that viral-boost... but thats just hoping. luckily my last one did. but I'm fully aware that it can go back to normal now. so I try to not feel too emotionally attached by it. And just keep going and keep making stuff because i like it, and not for the views.

@BlackapinoTheTechGuy - 08.07.2024 19:49

My First Video got 42K views and then I made 4 more videos that surpassed that 1st one lmao, but I pivoted, same thing but more variety as My channel is supposed to be and I changed My Channel Name and now I'm doing well

@nickthepiker - 08.07.2024 20:41

On my channel I'm on a quest to make videos of every fish I catch , fishing is my Hobbie, my passion, capturing it on video and making videos is part of my fishing and my Hobbie, if people watch my videos and content that's great, but if people don't, that's ok, I'm not going to try to change what I do or who I am to make people watch my channel I'm staying my authentic self

@tube-master - 08.07.2024 20:54

Thanks 🙏

@CameTo - 08.07.2024 22:46

My most successful video got over 25 million views, and it literally meant nothing, because the other videos were rubbish and I had no clue what I was doing. My old channel with this on is babyalien83 and trainspotter almost killed by high speed train.

@bm1113 - 08.07.2024 23:59

Yes, I agree with a lot. In fact, my most viral video drives traffic away from many of my other videos. Then I see a clear trend every year that it depends a lot on the season. I live in a country with winter and snow. So my winter videos will be much more exclusive than the summer videos like now. 😀

@nopeoplenoproblems - 09.07.2024 01:53

Great video, thank you.
Off this topic, Thumbnails test and compare is garbage, I did it on 4 videos and 😴😴😴, It still choose my first pick but differences in % was minimal.
Thank you.

@Noosa21 - 09.07.2024 02:33

The old saying "A watched pot doesnt boil" comes to mind.

@wingwatchersaviation - 09.07.2024 04:55

I've got a small channel, I pivoted twice then I found what works. I'm growing about the same or maybe a little bit more than the average channel. I've had 2 "viral" or videos that perform significantly better than the norm. I don't expect any of them to do that l'm just pleasantly suprised when it does.

@heilathenaturewoman9358 - 09.07.2024 12:04

I can associate with what you are saying. I have only about 3 videos that take off videos.. But I keep on trying, although sometimes I feel negative and just post 1 or 2 videos in a month. It took me so long to just get to 100 subs..

@ATRestoration - 09.07.2024 14:49

If you constantly give people some real value, the audience will grow inevitably

@reflactor - 09.07.2024 16:08

My videos get between 500 to 2000 views in the first month after publishing. Some have done well long term (years). I made a video about the solar eclipse and that video got 600k+ views in less than three weeks. Subscribers shot up by nearly 1000. To be honest, it was pretty thrilling. Every video since has been back to normal (actually less than normal). But I keep on going because it's fun.

@NewHamBasicsKD9ZRO - 10.07.2024 18:44

This happened to me. I went from hundreds of views to zero. Not even my subs.

@JoesPhenomenal - 10.07.2024 22:33

I've used that advice and it worked great for me... But it wasn't just about keep making videos.. What I did what keep making em and trying to improve something each time, making adjustments on a regular basis based on what the analytics were telling me. It's a lot of hard work, but it's worth it.

@wolflover789 - 11.07.2024 01:37

I don't look at analytics hardly at all now. I just look at views and hunker down and accept it will be a marathon. You better enjoy the process. And IF you go viral, that's icing.

@HayleyHadeez - 12.07.2024 04:09

I had this happen with one of my videos. 51k+ views in 2 months compared to my 300-2k view videos. But I realized quickly that chasing that wasn't something I wanted to focus on attempting to recreate and instead am just making the best content I can and if it happens it happens.

@letstartgames - 12.07.2024 23:57

I agree with all except one! Because I broke it. For me, one video (I think was the 5°ft) made all the difference. And the funny thing is, never stopped. Funnier even, it was planned. I started the channel on slow steady pace, keeping the "one" video for the ripe time and it worked.
But on the other hand, I'm humble to admit that even on strategy, there might be an account for luck. :) Cheers!

@factswithrankings - 15.07.2024 03:46

Keep creating while spicing your videos with some creativity and ensuring you give some form of value to the consumer either in form of entertainment or education.

@ChannelMakers - 08.07.2024 16:08

Do you agree or disagree with us on this one?
