BEST Apartment Cat Hacks

BEST Apartment Cat Hacks

Jackson Galaxy

2 года назад

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Bella Cook
Bella Cook - 05.10.2023 01:13

I have a bed that is over a foot off the ground - got it with the knowledge my cats will put themselves under there (I have four) but it is high enough for me to easily crawl under in case of emergency and for cleaning. I even practiced it. But granted they all sleep in my room - their safe space at night. Door is closed and I know all their hiding spots lol.

Maja Mańczak
Maja Mańczak - 03.10.2023 16:04

Thank you so much for this video! Exactly the advice I was searching for :) I had no idea there were pressure mounted cat trees and now I have the perfect solution for my apartment.

Tortoishel - 02.10.2023 20:24

My favorite way I catified my apartment was sticking peacock feathers in everything as stationary cat toys. They’re super cheap at the pet store near my house, aren’t harmful if ingested and perfectly fit my moody aesthetic. My cats absolutely love them.

Wig - 29.09.2023 10:06

Who are these people afraid to mess with their apartment? I’m over here installing cabinets and wallpaper and light fixtures, psh, it’s a free upgrade.

Michelle Anson
Michelle Anson - 16.09.2023 22:55

Thanks so much for this! My cats were born on my front porch and are now 10 1/2 years old. (I'm pretty much the only human they've ever known!) In the not-to-distant future, we'll be moving from our small, 2 story house to an apartment. I've had some challenges to my physical health this past year, and the house is just not a suitable place for me anymore.

I've been very concerned about creating an environment for them (there are 5, mama & her 4 boys - BIG boys) that's as close to what they know as possible. Worried about how they'll not only adapt to a smaller living space, but finding new ways for them to exercise and release their energy when there are no more stairs to race up and down.
How amazing that the universe chose TODAY to send this video to me as a follow-up to a different CatDaddy video I watched earlier. (A fun one - for me - about how to make a cat hate you, LOL. I don't know what that's like - since I was little and my grandmother's anti-social, unneutered tomcat would lay near me on her living room floor and "show me his claws" (kneading the floor at me) cats seem to have gravitated toward me. My cousin is the same with dogs.)

There are a few things here that we already do -- cat trees and the water fountains in particular. My boys LOVE to play with water. (When they were little, I even had a plastic dishpan in the bathtub with water and a few floating toys, and they would GO FISHING!) And they do like to watch it, even if they won't all drink out of them. LOL

Anyway, thank you so much for this one - and for all of your knowledge. I'm making notes, and even after 35 years of cat parentage, and about 30 cats (I've always had multiples.) I'm still learning things -- and I can't wait to implement new things for their enrichment and see how that goes.

Lorraine Moore
Lorraine Moore - 14.09.2023 01:04

Hi! I had to move in with my sister so even though she has a house I can't do anything like making holes or building ramps . I appreciate your tips. Some of those we can do. And we have the proper amount of litter boxes. That I stuck up for 😊

Bee - 08.09.2023 10:13

I never thought about the cats being under the bed as an issue. I will definitely begin to block that area off. The cat carriers i have sat stacked in the spare room right by the door in a corner that the cats sleep in, on and off through the day. Ma,es breat additional sleeping beds.

What great tips. It helps me reallsd where i could improve.

My cats poop on their cat grass.

We have floor to ceiling windows in all our rooms across the entirety of one wall in our apartment so we stuck some tension poles in front of the living oom amd bedroom windows and it completely changed the cats environment . They get to choose to enjoy the sunshine from inside or outside.

Also we brought a square floot planter that we grow grass in for them that sits on our balcony. They have their own space. I just want my cats to be happy and kive a good life.

Patch - 07.09.2023 08:17

I just adopted a 2 1/2 year old cat who has had 4 previous owners. He is the sweetest cat (surprisingly not more skiddish from all the different owners) and these have been very helpful, thank you!

Izzy On The Move
Izzy On The Move - 04.09.2023 08:30

You can still hang things on the wall if you rent. You just put it back to original state when/if you move out. 👍Even if you only live there a year, that's 365 days. It's worth it.

Kayla jaime Nelson
Kayla jaime Nelson - 02.09.2023 02:59

I have a 8 week old kitten I'm getting tmr . And I have 3 litter boxes lolz 😆 2 bedroom place basement suite 😄 I'm extremely excited 😁

Your New SJW Waifu
Your New SJW Waifu - 31.08.2023 14:00

Some apartments don't let you hang things on the walls?

Elena F. Polster
Elena F. Polster - 24.08.2023 18:54

Hey Jackson! you're so cool! looking great and healthy! thank you soooooo much for helping keep my kitty happy! My dad is a vet and we both learn from you! much love! from Costa Rica

Karea Shaver
Karea Shaver - 19.08.2023 17:53

Keeping them off my personal surfaces. Food prep areas where I eat. Can we find balance with specific territories that simply are off limits. Catifying yet respect.. what's the best version of doing this for Cat minds?

Victor Ramone
Victor Ramone - 19.08.2023 09:53


Lindsy - 17.08.2023 17:34

Thank you! I’m glad you are still promoting cat knowledge. Your videos are a go to when trying to educate others on cats! We used your videos a lot when I volunteered at an animal shelter. Truly, thank you!

Junior Clemons
Junior Clemons - 13.08.2023 19:16

Респект за интересное видео

KR Koole
KR Koole - 12.08.2023 09:50

1. Cheap tall Walmart bookcases are great cat highway creators. Rough up one side with sandpaper and glue some carpet squares to go from floor to top: scratching spot and a climbing "wall" to get up on the highway. If you only have room for two bookcases, secure a long 2x4 to bridge the gap between them.
2. The cheap plastic framed cat window beds can be made much sturdier simply by getting the right diameter wooden dowels (Lowes will cut them for you) and inserting them inside the hollow plastic frame.
3. Wire shelving units are perfect to place flush with windows. Top shelf gets a pillow for the cats and you get the rest for storage. Theyre adjustable so they can fit any height you need them to.
4. Cat water fountains are indispensable. Get the largest capacity you can find and go for stainless steel.
5. Tension curtain rods let you put shelves anywhere--they come quite thick or use the ones made for shower curtains that are up to 8ft long.
6. Build a small temporary blanket fort and camp out in your living room one night. Pop popcorn, have cat friendly shareable food, lots of pillows, and a movie on your laptop. Bring in a few soft toys you can bounce off the blanket walls and have cat date night. Make sure blankets or sheets are well anchored. You will always have that one cat who prefers to climb the outside instead of hanging out getting fed on the inside.
7. Cat or kid tunnels are great for setting up behind the couch or under the bed and most are made to connect to each other for longer lengths.

Patricia McCoy
Patricia McCoy - 06.08.2023 21:27

❤❤❤❤ once again, you have hit home with how to,Catifiy My Apartment. Lol and it so happen's I've had a Friend who once owned a Construction Company here visiting and helping me figure out how to attach thing's properly. Although I love everything I've just seen here. Thank you honey as always for your help. We are totally a Jackson and Team Sanctuary here. You are all so, awesome.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Red Plays Games
Red Plays Games - 01.08.2023 20:48

Thanks so much for posting this!

Dannie's Daze
Dannie's Daze - 25.07.2023 15:21

Hi Everyone, how did you introduce cats in a small apartment? We don't have a spare room but put the kitten in a large dog playpen and coverd the sides but resident cat is having non of it. We're on day 4 and it's breaking my heart, she is just growling and hissing at us. (Kitten is none the wiser 😂)

Ian Gonzalez
Ian Gonzalez - 24.07.2023 17:51

This mf said “just suscribe to the channel im not gonna give u a reason” I paused my video and subscribed

Sleep2Nature - 23.07.2023 15:52

Fireplace, no mantle, bottom dweller... How do you make a bottom dweller super highway? I pull the mattress out and let the blanket make a cat fort.
Not a climber, though.

NervousBunnyGaming - 21.07.2023 17:09

My cat loves my PUSHEEN blanket as her scent soaker it’s a cute blanket so I love keeping it out aesthetically, and she loves laying on it on the soft chair in our bedroom.

Marlon Mendez
Marlon Mendez - 16.07.2023 11:57

"subscrive to this channel....i'm not going to give you any reason..." LMAO if that's not the most cat thing I've ever heard a human say! LOL

Bobo and Juju
Bobo and Juju - 16.07.2023 04:00

Ooof! - 12.07.2023 15:51


PWNCANNON - 08.07.2023 15:26

Blocking off the Unders is taking you cat's safe space away from them. I disagree. You are the cat Gestapo.

CastinCactus - 06.07.2023 11:01

We made the top of our bookshelves accessible to our cat, and then used double sided tape to glue one of the flat wall scratchers onto it. In the morning my cat comes down from her caves from up there and she loves to stretch and scratch on that scratcher. As a human I can't even see it, its very unintrusive and she loves it <3

felecia roles
felecia roles - 05.07.2023 02:05

We used to live in a tiny apartment for my cats first 2 years of life and after we moved in to a house he is so much happier he loves running around and up and down the stairs and running up and down the hallway because in our old apartment he had barely any space to run.

Cathy Here
Cathy Here - 04.07.2023 05:32

I’d love to know what kind of fountain that is — and where to get it… ALSO what about ELEVATING the food and water UP from being flush with the floor? Seems to make sense for swallowing, right?

lil' sprugga
lil' sprugga - 03.07.2023 08:55

Thanks for all those ideas, Jackson.Also, children’s crayons make good hole fillers, you can find the right colour if not white

hypnotherapy69 - 03.07.2023 02:35

I have kind of a small apartment so I put chickenwire on my balcony(law in sweden) I made my cats scratching post by mcgyvering an old cattree,a three that I stripped from bark and some scrap wood. I also have a simular setup on the balcony (she still insists on sitting on the door =_=), I also have planks between all the cubords,bookshelfs, fridge and dining table. She can do her 3 rounds of poopzomies without EVER touching the floor XD, I have an aquarium she loves to lie on the armature since it´s warm and insists on drinking from the out put where the clean filtered water is returned to the tank., this is a problem when we go to nanna becuse they don´t have a 200 gallon fish tankXD. She is 15 this year so she is starting to slow down and have had some health scares but I hope we still have a few years together🤞.

Marie Fillion
Marie Fillion - 01.07.2023 21:47

My cat seems to want nothing to do with his vertical scratcher that are made of ropes

Brookie Girl †
Brookie Girl † - 30.06.2023 22:13

The kennel one...that's genius. Definitely going to start that now. Cricket is only 3 months old (just got her last weekend) and doesn't even know what a carrier is. Better start now, get her to see that the carrier is safe, so that when I take her on trips to the vet, she won't freak out and claw my skin off.

John Cira
John Cira - 30.06.2023 11:07

As far as scratcher's
I have yet to find a cat tree anywhere
That my boys won't destroy in 6 months.
Unless I spend at least $70 on a single heavily rodded scratcher.
The dozen or so cat trees I have purchased have had most of the rope removed.

Venus C
Venus C - 26.06.2023 05:23

when you create the cast super hwy but you cat insists on following you by your feet like a little soldier...

Sketch Adoodle
Sketch Adoodle - 24.06.2023 01:27

I made my cat a grass bed and he couldn't care less. We had to feed him grass. Little prince.

samantha allen
samantha allen - 21.06.2023 05:30

What do you recommend for cats that don’t climb? I just adopted a 10 year old, 20 lb cat & she’s not using this cat tree anytime soon lol

Christina Williams
Christina Williams - 20.06.2023 22:34

I live in a small condo. I plan on adopting two kittens. Trying to figure out where to put litter boxes etc

Ros Coleman
Ros Coleman - 19.06.2023 20:02

A "herb garden" - dried herbs on a towel for cat to smell on a towel laid out on the floor. Keep a few types and let the cat choose what they like. Refresh regularly. Some herbs are medicinal for the cat so good in that respect. Quite a science but can't go wrong with catnip and valerian. My cat loves hers and sits on it regularly throughout the day.

Naomi - 19.06.2023 07:45

I got my cat one of those scratchers that goes all the way up to the ceiling! It's awesome! My little boy loves it sooo much. I also have a balcony that he can go on,but never without supervision or his leash.
ADDED: I also have huge windows, but had not windowsill in one of the rooms, so I built one with special clamps that hold on to the radiator. That way I didnt have to screw anything in. I used a really wide plank, and because I have a sofabed in front of it, it's basically my cat's windowsill. He's got his blanket, food, and some cat grass on there.

Angie Yuwen
Angie Yuwen - 18.06.2023 19:33

Thank you cat daddy for sharing so many useful information! Btw, that’s a great shirt! 😸

Kyle Klassen
Kyle Klassen - 15.06.2023 23:15

How do you feel about automatic litterboxes?

Tina Scordo
Tina Scordo - 11.06.2023 06:18

OK, question: What if you do not have a mantel or a TV?

Just Vryatt
Just Vryatt - 09.06.2023 03:25

Growing your own cat safe plants and make a little mini indoor garden by a nice window !
Cat grass is awesome too

Cherie F
Cherie F - 09.06.2023 02:31

Do you have a video on how to ensure grown cats don't miss out on their play when a new play crazy kitten arrives... The boys defer when she charges in to play, and I'm trying hard to make sure they still get playtime too.

kaitlyn michelle
kaitlyn michelle - 09.06.2023 00:38

My bra is my cats “scent soaker” and I’m not sure I want to haul that inside my carrier with my cat LMAO

ThriftyWhite - 02.06.2023 14:38

Gonna start renting for the first time soon, gonna use this to make sure my baby can be as happy as possible

Malak Adebashi
Malak Adebashi - 30.05.2023 12:56

i took the lowest or second lowest self in my book self off and put his litter box there

Pam Zelin
Pam Zelin - 30.05.2023 05:55

I have a oriental shorthair cat in a studio apartment
