FFXIV Patch 6.4: The Dark Throne - The Aetherfont Dungeon Run

FFXIV Patch 6.4: The Dark Throne - The Aetherfont Dungeon Run


1 год назад

105 Просмотров

FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010 - 2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

Record on 05/23/23 - 07/01/23

Lucca Roroshan here!

So most of this was recorded actually on 05/23/23. Only thing re-recorded was the first boss in the Aetherfront due to some screen tearing in the recording I was none to pleased to see. Also just a side note I was super struggling with the new Paladin rotation having Holy Spirit be on the end. Just wanna apologize about that. Was throwing me off terribly.


"North of the Sharlayan mainland lies the verdant Isle of Haam, a land long protected by the Forum as an academic asset due to its abundant wells of aether. Yet with plenty often comes peril, and the vicious beasts that live there will not so readily relinquish their claim to the island's lifeblood. Will you secure the energy you need to breach the void─or be returned to the very flows of aether you seek?"


Going Haam

#FinalFantasyXIV #Endwalker #Roplay


#Final_Fantasy_XIV_(Video_Game) #Final_Fantasy_XIV:_Endwalker_(Video_Game) #Roplay #Ro-Play #Lucca_Roroshan #Massively_Multiplayer_Online_Role-playing_Game_(Video_Game_Genre) #Patch_6.4 #Endwalker #The_Dark_Throne #Going_Haam
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