10 Writing Tips from George R. R. Martin on how he wrote Game of Thrones

10 Writing Tips from George R. R. Martin on how he wrote Game of Thrones

Outstanding Screenplays

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@shadowfax1552 - 24.11.2023 21:40

Rule 1: Don't procrastinate, or you'll never write anything, period.

@tk423b - 29.10.2023 07:23

2 Tits

@DCapital-hm8eg - 27.10.2023 23:13

GRRM is my inspiration on possibly my biggest writing project yet in my amateur writing career.

@hannahl.4494 - 15.10.2023 19:06

I always thought ending chapters on cliffhangers was lazy. Because there needs to be something else that keeps people reading. I mostly just have questions come up during the story and some will of course not be answered before the end of the chapter, but they might not for five or ten chapters. You need to keep a balance between taking too long and taking not long enough to answer questions. Questions keep the reader interested but they shouldnÄt drag on for like six seasons cough, cough Pretty little liars cough

@familycorvette - 15.10.2023 05:10

Tip #11 — Take your time.

@MrsCSHarrison - 05.10.2023 15:49

With my own writing I like to think of myself as a Gardner architect. I plan out my garden then let it grow.

@trevordillon1921 - 01.10.2023 22:42

Wow there’s actually 10 tips here, I was only expecting 6

@NorthSky44 - 18.07.2023 12:30

Pretty generic advice from a guy whos spent the past 13 years "writing" yet has nothing to show for it other than ruining the TV show and wasting our time with a spinoff

@r3gulat0r - 14.07.2023 08:20

Tip 11, Relax and take your time. Don't hurry.

@TomorrowWeLive - 23.06.2023 15:18

As a writer myself, 3 days to write one scene is...not fast. 3 hours would be more like it, if it were a substantive scene. 5 years to write one book, even a big chonking epic fantasy, is also not fast. I think the problems with Martin's writing pace were there from the beginning.

@matt984 - 08.06.2023 15:41

It's too bad he'll never finish the series. Someone should have given him the tip that a writer should inevitably complete whatever it is that they decide to write....

@stevermacsoucher1625 - 02.06.2023 01:14

Tip one never finish your work take forever and ruin got

@lottoguy6457 - 28.04.2023 00:14

He wrote a scene in like three days he acted like that’s fast no wonder it takes him a decade to put out a book.

@pinakichakraborty8759 - 21.04.2023 14:01


@laithamekir5778 - 27.02.2023 08:51

I wouldnt take advice from GRRM due to his lack of completing winds of winter alone.

@GTATheWrongWay - 03.02.2023 16:57

Some very good writing tips, but they are quite general, how do I NOT become George RR Martin?

@VoodooD0g - 23.01.2023 11:33

take my downvote for the stupid music and the constantly repeating clips

@robertowalsh5707 - 18.01.2023 19:46

Ja ja ja ja I just want to say....ja ja ja what a fanny fatty.

@hoomansawakenwoof5746 - 17.01.2023 03:11

Best tip I ever heard...write the story you would want/like to read yourself,write what you enjoy. It got easy for me when I first heard this as a teen

@garyoak317 - 11.01.2023 03:56

So I agree with his point on writing war honestly. But I think GRRM needs to take a step back and realize that he has often criticized Tolkien’s writing. GRRM was a draft dodger of the Vietnam war and writes completely about the depravity of men and everyone is a gray character. Tolkien fought in the trenches amidst the gore and death and wrote about evil but also the good.

@alphaswain9588 - 27.12.2022 14:53

Valar Morgulish

@senacht - 29.09.2022 16:24

He might want to add: Finish what you started. Just sayin’

@sportsnewz5608 - 28.09.2022 07:04

Put your characters in crisis. Make them question who they are, what their place in their world and it's meaning. Take them through the journey of their dark soul. The human heart is worth writing to. Jamie losing his hand which defines who he is. Tyrion's wanted his father's love and admiration but at the end he lost everything. The Lannister name, the gold.

Treat war honestly. It does bring the beast of men and any man can die.

@BlueisNotaWarmColour - 23.09.2022 16:57

George RR Martin loves heraldry, feasts, and huge black nipples. It is known.

@taronwaite963 - 15.09.2022 21:31

If you are seeking a great book to read, then nothing could be better than the book “The War of Colossals.” An exciting story, filled with adventure, war, mutants, and drama.

@KittSpiken - 11.09.2022 07:51

Anyone have any tips for him on how to finish it?

@trevormoorctaft3906 - 23.08.2022 04:21

Oh yeah. Rewrite British History, The War of the Roses and The Hundred Year war, change it a little. Add a little dragons and fantasy And call it an original story. Give me a break...

@aranchilingar9086 - 20.08.2022 10:16

Georgia Martin took the gauntlet from Robert Jordan/Tolken and ran with it I like Usain Bolt

@georget3953 - 19.08.2022 13:41

why WOULDN’T you kill your characters? makes characters genuinely at risk abs the story unpredictable

@mmap360 - 18.08.2022 15:34

The channel makes me feel that great writers only give generic tips so they can keep the best to themselves

@theworkspace753 - 10.08.2022 01:40

... my biggest fear of writing is allowing this complex that authors get because of celebrity status... like just right the book. thankssss....

@GTSN38 - 07.08.2022 14:15

I want help writing my stories, but this guy sucks ass. His stories are lame and boring plus he makes people wait forever to reveal them. What a horrible author

@lesbiansaregoodandch - 04.07.2022 23:16

Santa is such a great writer, who would have known.

@bintube5269 - 01.07.2022 19:11

I need some tips on how to write faster

@porky1118 - 23.06.2022 22:25

I'm not sure if I'm rather the gardener or the architect.
I think I have both modes, I'd call them a fantastic mode, where I immerse in some idea, as if I'd live it myself, and a logic mode, where I plan stuff, know all the relationships between events, places, characters, etc.
Both modes can't be combined. As a programmer I'm mostly in logic mode.

If I just start to write, because I like the idea, I don't know, where this is going and don't see any progress, so I lose interested.
If I know exactly, what is meant to happen, writing isn't fun anymore, and I lose interest as well.

I think, it's a good aproach to have a clear plan before starting to write.
Sometimes it's useful to have outlines, but often this doesn't work.

Sometimes it's just better to restart the story or a chapter. Maybe make a pause for some time, and the next time I don't look at my notes again. I already internalized most of the stuff, so just writing might lead to better results now.

@chase7767 - 22.05.2022 23:00

Wow there are actually 10 tips. I thought it would just be 8 tips, with 9 and 10 tbd.

@v.a.l.i.a - 07.05.2022 22:29

I wonder if he still likes David and Dan so much that he wouldn't ask 13 episodes per season. I feel like they had a Christopher Lee-Peter Jackson moment 🙃🙃

@Tipzyyy - 26.04.2022 07:21

tip 1: Never finish

@qrdebele632 - 20.04.2022 16:40

Tip 12 Jeśli jesteś głupi nie pisz książek. Pisanie to przywilej mądrych, by uczyć głupich, nie odwrotnie. Szkoda drzew.

@eman1996fish - 18.04.2022 03:12

The irony is surreal. The man who detests writers who cover characters in plot armour... You know where I'm going with this already 🤣

@jnbfilm56 - 16.04.2022 02:28

Really love what he says about Faulkner. I know people usually skip Faulkner, and I understand why, but I find what he says to be so perfect, specially in contrast to all literature today, and old: "The human heart in conflict with itself", damn!. I think more people would learn a lot from Faulkner.

@lukedudley5030 - 09.04.2022 11:37

He left out the tip of not bothering to finish the story you write.

@unspilledmilk7888 - 09.04.2022 08:22

Hope George can find some use from these Tips

@anthropicandroid4494 - 06.04.2022 20:29

Hm, write half a story, then lost interest in completing it after getting signed?
