Woo Sell Services - Introduction - WordPress WooCommerce to Create Online Service Website

Woo Sell Services - Introduction - WordPress WooCommerce to Create Online Service Website

Wbcom Designs

1 год назад

3,617 Просмотров

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@steevecleoron9795 - 14.12.2023 15:13

Hi, is it for freelancers or is it a general marketplace i haven't understand ...

@adame9974 - 10.09.2023 04:52

thanks for your video. Can you create another video to show how can admin assign the multiple vendors to support the differences services with commission calculation? Thanks

@CryptoDEXia - 21.12.2022 03:53

Hi there! Is it compatible with any woocommerce wp theme? Can we use it with wpml in multilanguage or translate it just into our language? (Spanish) Thanks in advance!

@ameerprestige - 09.10.2022 22:29

Excellent explanation. Can you make a video of how the service seller can add a service from his control panel?

@ankaracraft9ja202 - 02.10.2022 12:30

does this theme come with the plugin?

@ankaracraft9ja202 - 02.10.2022 12:29

how do vendors get their payments?
