Reality check: the true dangers of reality TV | 7NEWS Spotlight

Reality check: the true dangers of reality TV | 7NEWS Spotlight

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eddie Towers
eddie Towers - 16.09.2023 02:26

Reality TV, commonly known as trash TV, has become so pervasive it proves you are what you watch. You. Are. What. You. Watch.

Lyn Fawcett
Lyn Fawcett - 28.08.2023 03:38

Billy, you are a beautiful, caring person and that woman... well, I think there's something wrong with her. Maybe she's a control freak, maybe she's a narcissist.
She needs help, but U don't think she'll ever get that, because Narcissusts are always right in their own minds.
However, the main thing is, they really do need help to set them on a goid path.
Be strong, Billy, you are worth it.

Lyn Fawcett
Lyn Fawcett - 28.08.2023 03:17

Let's face it, Married at first sight is based on Arranged Marriage!
That in itself is disgraceful. Then you have the hoops that the participants are made to jump through.
Utterly disgraceful.

C Liverpoolboy01
C Liverpoolboy01 - 15.08.2023 15:11

The Phycologists are being paid by the show makers, and are a disgrace to the profession !

C Liverpoolboy01
C Liverpoolboy01 - 15.08.2023 15:03

The U.K. has regulators, bloody useless, they do nothing!!!

Liv - 24.07.2023 12:40

Good god. Just horrific.

chris scifo
chris scifo - 20.07.2023 07:25

Yet people keep signing up for this circus.....its not love...its a social experiment run by a network looking for massive ratings.

i Gaudion
i Gaudion - 11.07.2023 11:57

she "now knows what the show was looking for.. was ratings.." that JUST dawned on her?

Simon Tait
Simon Tait - 08.07.2023 08:34

Boo Hoo!!!!..

Leonne Haaijman
Leonne Haaijman - 06.07.2023 23:29

ALL reality TV is voyeuristic. Also, it attracts a certain kind of participant and a certain kind of audience.

Gerald Wenn
Gerald Wenn - 25.06.2023 10:59

Never watched any of these garbage shows .

B Sway
B Sway - 07.05.2023 13:58

That Suzy cow that Billy was matched with was a festering vile piece of work inside and out. Lower than steaming turds in the gutter.

CGB SPENDER - 06.05.2023 18:32

3 dogs woman major red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Amy Cubbison
Amy Cubbison - 11.04.2023 00:13

I am so happy to see this program. There needs to be many more of them. I was on Nanny 911, eighteen years ago, when reality tv first started. I have three young children and I was desperate for help and to get them out of my bed, so I could sleep. They began filming in my home Del Mar, California. They were at my house Fox TV for three weeks to film one episode. As soon as they took over, I felt like ai was a slave or a prisoner in jail. I was NOT allowed to see my friends, I was not allowed to leave my home, I was NOT allowed to take my kids to school. They would surprise me and wake me up in the middle of the night. Before we began both my husband and I had psychological testing. I was never quite sure why. They paid my kids to do things, they found that I am the sensitive soul with ADHD, and they targeted me and My abandon issues. I was trying so hard to please the Nanny. One night the Nannyc amp and told me she quit . I was exhausted and humiliated. I lost it. I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. I cried all night long. The nanny was really mean and yelled at me an told me that I ddi not listen. That was one of the worst nights in my life. All my sadness and abondanement from my whole life surfaced. Then My husband pushed the cameraa out. I cried all night. The next morning the producer and the Nanny came in to apolotize to me and told me she was not leaving and today was going to be a good day. I was shaky and nervous and felt an outer body experience as I pretended we were al happy. Then the psychologist came in to me and did testing again. I asked why > He said that they do testing to make sure you are good enough at being emotional and being dramatic without going crazy...........I felt lrazy and depressed for months on end. I tried to reach out to other families abut got a deist and desist letter from Fox. I then read the terrible comments that everyone wrote about me and I had to go to therapy. I later was on a few episodes of Scam Fish and it was much different > They truly were trying to help me. They also replayed the show internationally an put us in books and we got no residuals.............

Liz Dutchman
Liz Dutchman - 07.04.2023 01:32

She seems rather dumb

becca - 31.03.2023 16:41

Making the wrong choice as a grown woman doesn't make her a victim, its part of life. Putting herself out there, she can't blame anyone else apart from herself when it doesn't go the way she expected. Using the word torture is an insult to the real victims of torture. I've very limited sympathy for her.

Mar y Cielo
Mar y Cielo - 05.02.2023 07:04

Why didn't you just breathe Clare?

J D Rex
J D Rex - 26.01.2023 19:20

if anyone thinks this report isnt ch7 wanting to take a shot at rival ch9 first, ratings second, the ppl in this report a distant third then ur a fool. ch7 has zero credibility here

NicNak Braun
NicNak Braun - 17.01.2023 13:32

Vicky B
Vicky B - 01.12.2022 00:50

People sign up and go on these shows, with the dream of gaining fame and a large pay packet, however, it may be called reality TV, yet the editors and producers may be instrumental in tweaking the characteristics of real people, re-shaping them to say certain things at certain times, etc

Vicky B
Vicky B - 01.12.2022 00:42

Not forgetting Caroline Flack, in the UK, a TV presenter. Something happened in her private life that she thought would stay private, but somehow the incident was picked up by the media and Caroline was talked about with what happened a main topic, there were even greetings card companies mocking her, which is a bit sick, she took her own life in 2020, because she probably felt she could not live it down

FinleyPlaysGames - 02.09.2022 13:04

The comments people write to these people are brutal and totally unnecessary

TJH - 06.08.2022 10:12

I’m sorry but even though I’ve only just started watching this. I don’t see how anyone would believe that anything good would happen for them by going on such a ridiculous show! Where’s your brain!!

Sheila Smith
Sheila Smith - 12.06.2022 01:43

Western Europe and the U.S.
Modern humans have lost purpose and meaning.
We are superficial and narcissistic.
Get back to principles and values, the real meaning of life.

Sheila Smith
Sheila Smith - 12.06.2022 01:31

How people are affected by the opinion of strangers is mind boggling.
Our close family, friends and ourself should be our validation, not associates and strangers.
Stay off social media.

Sheila Smith
Sheila Smith - 12.06.2022 01:22

Conflict, heightened excitement and drama appeal to many humans. I never watched any after the second season of the Bachelor.

TG G - 07.06.2022 05:42

The people attracted to these shows already have personalities that attract drama and no one would convince them not to follow through on the show. They are adults. What do they want the network to do for them after the fame and money?

Speak Life Garden Homestead & Permaculture
Speak Life Garden Homestead & Permaculture - 17.05.2022 11:43

We need to value family and living honorably far above money. Nothing wrong with living in poverty if you abide in the LORD and adore your family. Then you have it all. A bit more security also... as no one wants to steal from you... and a quieter life.

Speak Life Garden Homestead & Permaculture
Speak Life Garden Homestead & Permaculture - 17.05.2022 11:34

It's a greedy cult of narcissists that you vote for continuing and you fund by simply watching it. I stopped watching big brother, TV, msm etc entirely over seven years ago.
I HIGHLY recommend it!!

I only watch the documentary style videos now and then, like this, or true crime mysteries, sparingly and online without ads.


They can't control you if they can't reach you

Kim Sherlock
Kim Sherlock - 12.05.2022 15:37

Its all entertainment
Even this victim story.
Some how?
its supposed to be truth 💯
Nah it 🤣 is not

Aviaja Rehema
Aviaja Rehema - 26.04.2022 22:54

Outright downgrade your cable systems!

Ellen Taylor
Ellen Taylor - 19.04.2022 17:29

Sad they go for the fame they seeking an identity, not the show take responsibility for your life.

Annamarie Hewitt
Annamarie Hewitt - 14.04.2022 16:05


roachtoasties - 08.02.2022 23:47

I don't watch this stuff, because frankly, it's boring, where the producers try to create some sort of suspense when there isn't any. I didn't even watch all of this video, because I had enough of it half-way through. That said, these ridiculous shows keep being made because of ratings. People watch them. If the public wants to watch vomit, people in television make vomit. Simple as that.

mkchamp 96
mkchamp 96 - 16.01.2022 19:36

Has no one heard the age old saying, nothing on TV is real?? Even the news is hyped and worked for ratings

Amanda Miller
Amanda Miller - 03.12.2021 00:21

She is partly responsible for going on the show.. I have P.T.S.D and a panic disorder.. She knew she shouldn't have went on if she needed those tests first..Sad

Eduardo Chavacano
Eduardo Chavacano - 07.10.2021 00:00

The IQ levels of millions of people drop by 80% and they want us to care about how these actors get sad.

RAA 🏳️‍⚧️
RAA 🏳️‍⚧️ - 01.10.2021 05:52

TV is an acronym, TALENT VALUATION or TALENTLESS VANITY. Everyone wants to become famous without having a talent or working hard or creating something worth being known for ! I’m sorry but that’s the truth. I feel bad for Victims of fame i.e Marilyn Monroe & Robin Williams because they had no choice, I don’t feel bad because people were too lazy to work & became known for living their lives to entertain others. If they didn’t value themselves why should I value them !? I’m sad for their OFF TV families & friends, I’m heartbroken for those innocent people who work to live decently not greedy & selfish

slewter - 30.09.2021 16:47

It's not reality when you know you are on's bad acting

Paulette Barnes
Paulette Barnes - 29.09.2021 08:22

Really 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Michael Marzano
Michael Marzano - 08.09.2021 23:15

MAFS isn’t going to offer anything that even approaches reality.It’s purely entertainment for the lowest common denominator, that relish the suffering of others.

Annabella dragonlady
Annabella dragonlady - 04.09.2021 11:17

Money making pressure cookers

Annabella dragonlady
Annabella dragonlady - 04.09.2021 11:13

I think the popularity of these shows says far more about the audience than the participants.

avouri - 17.08.2021 03:06

To the people who wanna be in reality tv show! Just a warning it’s overwhelming and and stressful!

Amy Cubbison
Amy Cubbison - 17.08.2021 00:43

They gave us personality tests to see if we were interesting enough for tv but would not have a breakdown

Amy Cubbison
Amy Cubbison - 17.08.2021 00:42

There should be laws............I can share my story. I hear you adn get you. After our show we talked to other families on Nanny 911 adn Fox sent us an intimidating letter to not contact anyone who was on the show. I wanted to bust them but they gave me a warning. Had little sleep, could not work out, Could not see friends, and much more.

Amy Cubbison
Amy Cubbison - 17.08.2021 00:40

I get this I was on a reality show Nanny 911 years back They manipulated me, my time, my situation to get the best way for me to have a breakdown to make interesting tv.

Pro-Vanity🌸 - 02.08.2021 06:42

Taking advantage of vulnerable people who want to be loved and under societal pressures is just cruel.
