The Science of Why People Hate Vegans

The Science of Why People Hate Vegans

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@kellymoses8566 - 16.06.2024 20:56

I tried being vegan but butter is in everything that tastes good.

@celestcontreras9756 - 16.06.2024 18:10

we didn’t have this level of cognitive dissonance when we were integrated with our food production. veganism has been growing during a time when we’ve lost ownership and buy-in to producing food, and i don’t get the sense that many vegans have first-hand experience with farming or animal husbandry. the increase in vegan and vegetarianism has grown with this change.

@Gernot66 - 06.06.2024 11:02

The "science" why vegan is no sulution is that it has been pushed by those who exploit the world most. The shareholders of nutrifictaion industry, you grant them the steady rising dividend they expect. And some mindless even play and propagate to play broker games in the web.

Vegan has become a label and doesn't helps, it makes all worse, what would help is to buy only local products to bypass the speculators in the chain. And it won't matter potatoes or beef, because it would spare us the useless overproduction which is only for good of the speculators and if we eat this or not doesn't even matters they make profit as soon that is offered to the end consumer, you dont' have to buy it.
To buy local products would break the power of the nutrifiacation industry, to buy their products grants the speculators even a higer rendite and makes them only more powerful.

I'm not the tight minded, i'm one who thinks even more as just twice about a problem.
It's up to you how you nutrify yourself, i only say buy local no matter what

@pavelkiselev_youtube - 05.06.2024 09:34

Amazing video! Thank you. Can i translate it to Russian so more people can see it?

@stormiauunfriur4282 - 30.05.2024 13:15

Thank you for the video. 🙏

@michaelfourie345 - 28.05.2024 19:55

Has anybody else here read "The sexual politics of meat" by Carol J. Adams?

@user-un5mj5jy6e - 22.05.2024 00:44

Once certain folks find out I'm vegan they ensue with mocking/questioning what I'm eating. It's childish. I would never harass others about what's on their plate, and they only know I'm vegan when they see my food and ask what it is and/or why I'm not eating the pizza, BBQ, etc. This notion that vegans go around telling everyone they're vegan is actually vegan folks responding to questions about what they're eating/not eating rather than vegans arbitrarily telling people "I'm vegan". When they press me about my choice to be vegan, I tell them about the horror and abuse animals suffer and that I want no part of it. My advice to non-vegans who don't want to hear about the animal abuse and horrific suffering, don't ask questions that you don't want the answers to.

@noracamann3371 - 02.05.2024 20:00

I'm not a vegan (unfortunately I will eat whatever someone puts in front of me), but I recently pretended to be one. And boy were people mean! I didn't preach or anything, I just asked for the vegan options. People suck!

@courag1 - 06.04.2024 05:46

When a vegan is present, and the vegan is successful and healthy, even recovered good health, it would be obvious to say that ”well done”, but it is usually ignored in that if they acknowledge that vegans are OK people, and a meal is involved, they do not enjoy their food quite so much.

I changed for my health so that also gives them the feeling that they have time and they can walk on the wild side for their own health.

It I think it is Group Think. You can’t look down on so many group as you don’t want to be a “hater”, but if a vegan is there, it is the one group the others can feel good about hating. And they like to double down on telling you how they shot a mother deer!

We get treated as though we are invisible unless I am at a doctors office, then everyone is amazed at my good health.

@jadenamber8378 - 05.04.2024 23:49

"If vegans went away, then my guilt about eating meat would go away..."

@shadowrose1859 - 04.04.2024 02:34

I can't be vegan for health reasons (i have crazy amounts of allergies on top of a few other things), but I don't hate vegans as a whole. Like with any group however there are buttholes. Most vegans are pretty chill and understand why I need animal products however I have run into a few that don't care that my body literally can't sustain a vegan diet I should just "suck it up and do it anyway" it kinda sucks because it gives the actual cool ones a bad name 😑

@PhillipMortlock-yt8wc - 21.03.2024 13:02

If you freaks try and walk up and force your views on me I will force my views of MMA on you.

@Migos347 - 17.03.2024 02:44

I don't get it. If you're scared about being vegan because of a fear of being rejected or judged, you could just choose to not tell anyone that you are vegan.

@mrwizzardknight - 12.03.2024 18:45

I’m an omnivore wether you like it or not and a hungry hungry half Spaniard that LOOVES to eat fish! 😃😃😃 🐟 ¡Me gusta mucho comer pescado! 😃

@korstiaanakse1 - 07.03.2024 15:35

I only hate activist vegans just STFU I dont care and I dont like to be forfed to not eat meat. I dont see vegan activist as good an decent people because good and decent people are minding there own bussenis. If you dont want to eat meat im fine with it I dont care but dont force me to stop eating meat. And the same counts for vegetarians.

@user-xu9pe2vh4u - 26.02.2024 19:12

I do not hate vegan just ones that hate meat eaters that all.

@georgetosounidis5545 - 20.02.2024 18:50


@SKOG900 - 19.02.2024 01:46

Post a link to the study please.

@MadamoftheCatHouse - 19.02.2024 01:45

I eat animals and have no dissonance about it whatsoever.

@smlndolphn9802 - 15.02.2024 19:44

I started my journey of going vegan in 2009. Today my family is finally starting to get it, although they still offer me foods that I don’t eat and comment on my meals on holidays. Thankfully my fiancé is also vegan so I’m no longer alone on holidays as the only one eating a vegan meal. This has made it much easier for me to feel confident instead of uncomfortable. In the past my parents and siblings have asked me “when are you going to eat real food?” My dad asked me this when I was eating an amazing salad while he ate a pork hot dog. I wanted to tell him that my meal was much more real than his, but I didn’t have the courage to say anything at the time. Recently my dad mentioned that he wanted to start cooking vegetarian meals sometimes. This gave me hope for the future!

@jlob2804 - 07.02.2024 14:41

I don't end up announcing I'm vegan a lot of the time and just try and slip by undetected. I'm reserved and just find it easier that way. The world has some impression vegans love to shout it from the roof tops, so this has helped me understand that disparity better. Helpful video, thanks 👍

@user-qp4nm8hh2t - 29.01.2024 13:34

And the classic excuse of meat eaters is that plants are also life form and one smartass meat eater even had a recording of some plant " noise" from stress ! Plants do have souls but the soul in the plant do not have a sophisticated connection to the host plant body , so the stress these souls feel are more like the stress that a human would feel when they are in a house that is shaking from earthquake ,the human in the shaking house will be distressed but not feel pain levels that animal and human body can , unlike souls in animal and human body that have a more developed connection to the body and therefore a more developed sense of pain and the law of karma is about levels of pain you cause others , not to mention that if you are insensitive to seeing blood and a piece of chopped up carcass in front of you, you are a callouse monster

@dw19715 - 29.01.2024 09:56

It's because there isn't enough long term data on a vegan diet and the health effects so people are skeptical. What we do see is alot of so called "vegans" who are malnourished and deaths resulting from it which is blamed on "They weren't doing it right". The other, there are those radicalist ones which shout profanitys and "protest" blocking traffic (which can be bad for the survival of humans when urgent deliveries such as blood supply, transporting sickly patients, emergencies etc when people are trying to get on with their lives). This is why there is hatred. I understand where vegans are coming from, but doesn't mean I agree with them. Ideologies are different and not on same page, so of course it will clash.

I believe that we are omnivores. I believe that we are meant to eat both plants and animals, and not processed garbage (including supplements) for optimal health, but as close as we can get to nature. It's when we start to dissect ourselves from nature thinking we are so different that problems arise. Long term Veganism would not be possible if not for pharmaceutical supports. That already tells me there is something wrong with all this and if the system fails, so does veganism. Yes it works (for now), but show me the long term data across multiple ethnicities, show me the effects it has on the children and ability to reproduce over a few generations. Show me. You can't. Because there isn't any. So until then, I will go with a KNOWN, and what we humans have been doing for Hundreds of thousands of years and follow my "instinct". I will say I admire those who become a Guinea pig in their own experiments though.

I too feel for animals and sorry that they have to suffer, but that is my belief. An animal is lower on the hierarchy so worth less in terms of intelligence than a human. If I had two choices, kill the animal, or save the baby, then I would save the baby. Don't get me wrong, humans are the most disgusting, vile, creatures on this planet.
An old man once said to me "I'd rather hesitate to shoot the animal, than the man".

It's about coming to terms with this and accepting reality which is the hard part for some. What I will say is that we should be having more "vegan" days than "meat" days. But to completely remove that option, and say veganism is "superior" at the moment is just a lie. Who knows, perhaps if we can evolve to eat only plants one day, then great. Most people are "selfish" when it comes to eating meat, simply because they just love the taste.

@aethylwulfeiii6502 - 25.01.2024 04:42

The thing vegans miss about morals is that they are by definition radical utilitarians and apparently think that rights somehow entail no obligations. It’s actually bizarre to think that the ethical treatment of a crocodile is anything beyond useful culling. How we treat animals depends a lot upon how they treat us. Eggs, seriously there’s no animals in it. It’s not surprising that most vegans are also urban dwellers far removed from the reality of living with animals of various kinds, from extremely useful domesticated horse that are treated like royalty and bring people great joy, to wildlife that can be extremely dangerous and must be killed for an area to be safe for women and children, and our other domesticated animals., they just don’t have these same life experiences with animals so they get into very abstract philosophical utilitarianism.

@veganforlife5733 - 22.01.2024 06:51

I don't want to be viewed highly by those who subject sentient creatures to exploitation, lifelong misery, pain, captivity, abuse, and horror for the sake of their taste bud pleasure. They subjugate animals for their oral gasm perversions. They use the dead animal's body parts and the enslaved animals' liquids for pleasuring themselves. The animal is subjected to lifelong misery and pain in exchange for those few minutes of pleasuring.

Something would have to be horribly wrong with me if I wanted to be seen in a positive light by the pervs. I do not want rapists and murderers of animals to admire me.

The attempt in this video, and in the media, at a nuanced quid pro quo balancing act that views us as being on an equal playing field is ludicrous and bogus. Vegans are better. But I claim zero virtue. I could be shoe crud scrapings, and still be better than those who do mouth pleasure on animals parts. Until they stop, those who commit their beastly horrors several times per day (or week) on animals are deserving of our ongoing visceral disdain. If reasoning were going to work with them, they would not be 95% of the human population. Reasoning has failed. It's time to move on and call them out for who and what they are. It's time to cast them in the limelight that reveals them in their grotesque and ugly reality.

@okzoomer5728 - 21.01.2024 04:22

I'm not vegan but I've always supported the ideology of veganism, and know a few number of vegans. I don't feel threatened that veganism in and of itself is pressuring my lifestyle choices. It is a form of progressive thinking and living that benefits many parties. I have my own dietary needs that would make veganism difficult [ needs high protein and fish oils], but I admire other people who take this path.
I guess I do have some discomfort about the some people who embrace veganism based on their demographic makeup and social caste. Of course I might be internalizing stereotypes rather than actual statistics, but I've often seen it as a facet of a white affluent lifestyle and pretentiousness that can be muddied with judgmental views of other demographics.

@marcelpenuelatraub2343 - 20.01.2024 20:38

Humans are animals too!!!

@marcelpenuelatraub2343 - 20.01.2024 20:37

So many cannibalistic politicians!!!

@marcelpenuelatraub2343 - 20.01.2024 20:29

Did the so-called "Fall of Man" force us into cannibalism?

@cheryllewis1697 - 08.01.2024 01:02

This is why it is necessary to join a community that supports your vegan choice. It's hard, though not impossible, to make this change alone, and we don't have to with so many online vegan communities to participate in.

@Saphyre73 - 29.12.2023 04:03


@peterkotara - 14.12.2023 10:14

There is a small (but not insignificant), highly vocal segment of the vegan populace for whom veganism is not simply a dietary choice but an identity, and by God they are going to let you know just how superior they are to you. Essentially an arrogant, entitled minority are controling the public perception.

@DeviDalyYoga - 13.12.2023 21:17

"To the degree that vegetarians better understand how dissonance affects meat eaters, they may be better prepared to negotiate these interactions." This has been very true for me. I was vegan for ten years in my 20s, and ultimately stopped, mostly because I didn't know how to handle the social distance and vitriol targeted toward me. My big mistake was taking it personally. But that changed at age 49 when I found Colleen Patrick Goodreau's book "The Joyful Vegan," which helped me feel emotionally ready to return to being vegan in 2022. Colleen's work is largely about navigating the cognitive dissonance that you face every day when you're "the vegan in the room." I now have a much more balanced perspective on how to field the wide range of disturbing people say to me. It's not about me at all, it's about them.

I believe this is the top ethical and moral dilemma of our time, just as slavery was a couple hundred years ago. The early abolitionists were generally hated, and slavery was the largest form of cognitive dissonance. Just about everyone ate food grown by slaves and wore clothes made by slaves. People invested in slave stocks the same way people now invest in farm stocks, happy to turn a blind eye to what was happening - because everyone else was doing the same thing! There's a great book about this by Sue Monk Kidd about real-life abolitionist Angelina Grimke, who, along with her sister, broke through the cognitive dissonance of the time and helped establish the movement toward ending slavery. It's one of the best books I've read.

This is an excellent video.

@bevegan1887 - 13.12.2023 10:00

People hate truth and vegans are the truth in the flesh. We live in a society where truth isn't popular and people don't wanna embrace it. This is why vegans are hated.

@dawn8542 - 02.12.2023 05:49

People suck.

@luciamacakova7516 - 28.11.2023 03:05

People hate vegans because vegans are ignorrants when anyone talk about science and knowledge. Change my mind.

@jjjones4982 - 22.11.2023 21:55

Simply guilt

@the_derpler - 22.11.2023 19:31

I think its because I'm a huge pain in the ass when it comes to randomly picking a restaurant to eat at when we are out and about as a group lol.

@tylerwagner7060 - 18.11.2023 21:19


@charles9489 - 18.11.2023 21:15

Lol moral guilt, We literally have to comsume the "life force" of another living being to survive.

All i see is ppl who lack empathy hating on ppl who lack empathy.

@ThatVeganTeacherYouTube - 17.11.2023 20:27

All good people are striving
to be as vegan as possible.

@22seanmurphy - 17.11.2023 00:16

The reason why i really dislike so many vegans is that there constantly trying to ram it down your throat, just keep your opinions to yourself, I've been a butcher now for nearly 40 year's and yes i enjoy meat but i don't go around telling vegans about it.

@Joefest99 - 13.11.2023 17:04

I honestly believe that some people look for (maybe subconsciously) a justified way to fulfill their predisposition to aggression.

I always had a problem with factory farming and wanted to not contribute to it, and encourage others to do the same. But when trying to transition to a vegan lifestyle in a healthy and sustainable way, I had gotten…almost hatred for asking simple questions, and was made to feel like an idiot. It was very off-putting. I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a personality type that had embedded itself in the movement and badly tainted it. People that were antisocial, in the clinical sense, seemed drawn to it. I saw them engage in arguments, fights and even criminal activity for the cause of veganism. And all of that COULD be justified, and they knew that, and I think that was their primary motivation for joining the movement - as a cover of sorts.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this is MOST vegans. In fact, some of the absolute best people I’ve met have been vegans, and they became such out of pure compassion. Those are the people that drew me to it. But those predisposed to antisocial behavior that I believe were attracted to the movement as a justified, or even glorified outlet for it, were EXTREMELY vocal and positioned themselves at the forefront of the movement, constantly posting on social media, leading events, or putting themselves out there in different ways. They ruined the movement for a lot of people that were curious about it.

@graememcelligott8874 - 12.11.2023 12:36

While I think the main reason people bristle at vegans is their reaction to potentially being judged (let's face it, vegans and vegan activists universally DO judge non-vegans), I often wonder just why there is this culturally enhanced reaction. Anti-vegan sentiment is ferocious and as research has shown, vegans seem regarded even more negatively than many other poorly regarded segments of society. Perhaps it is simple. In the past, survival for most groups was an everyday affair and all members of the group had to contribute positively. Some philosophers have even proposed that morality emerged from early efforts to prevent failures of altruism; that is, we developed moral attitudes from the need to ensure that all members of a group wanted the best for the whole group. Food is perhaps our greatest need and there is no doubt that animals provided one of the most important sources of food and nutrition. An enormous range of cultural attitudes have sprung up about hunting and procuring food (consider Inuit attitudes to eating blood). Maybe deep in our collective psyche these attitudes are so deeply embedded and the value of hunting and eating animals so critical to group survival that anyone proposing we don't eat animals is unconsciously regarded as a threat to survival. Perhaps most people simply perceive vegans as a threat?

@kezza6921 - 09.11.2023 11:51

There mentally ill

@theresamnsota3925 - 09.11.2023 11:27

I went plant based this summer for health reasons. I seem to have developed something where eating meat caused digestive issues, and since I was already lactose intolerant, it wasn’t that hard to remove all animal products from my diet. The only judgement-free places I’ve experienced when I’ve disclosed my dietary change was with my husband and with my doctor. It’s just easier to stay quiet and hope you won’t get the “where do you get your protein” question or the side-eye from others.

@stevengreen11 - 08.11.2023 19:18

Your videos are so thorough. Love this content!

@CerealGrrrl - 01.11.2023 22:28

One reason I moved from a small rural town to a coastal suburb of a major city because some of the locals in my old hometown were outright hostile to vegans and vegetarians.

@GordonPavilion - 01.11.2023 02:25

Everyone “loves” animals until they hear the word “vegan”…then they’ll argue tooth and nail why it’s acceptable to abuse them.
Rob Zombie

@sattibirdi8546 - 29.10.2023 16:01

Does it matter what you eat or not, as long as you don’t force your diet on others. I’m a vegetarian and I don’t care what you eat….
