How To Fix Stutter In Games - Frame Rate, Frame Time & RTSS

How To Fix Stutter In Games - Frame Rate, Frame Time & RTSS


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selfs 6
selfs 6 - 31.10.2023 14:18

So do I use rtss framerate limiter with freesync on ??

Bob New
Bob New - 28.09.2023 03:55

If I limit the frame count in rtss to 100fps and set the frame count in the game to 99fps, and I get a stable 99fps and consistent frame time, can I improve the one frame lag that rtss brings?

FeeLiT - 17.09.2023 08:19


Arif Zaman
Arif Zaman - 15.08.2023 11:46

Use Frametime instead of Framelimit. Make sure your game is in 60hz or 120 hz refresh rate for perfect fps.

khizlaw gaming
khizlaw gaming - 16.07.2023 08:38

This is one of the best and most informative video of my life . thanks Chris

Pajo ☻
Pajo ☻ - 05.07.2023 22:11

But how are games supposed to be smooth if one has a for example 144hz monitor but below 144fps??

Cqllel - 25.06.2023 06:44

My games were at a very silky 60fps until I installed Hyper-V for BlueStacks. Ever since I installed Hyper-V, the same games I've been playing in 60/30fps are so much choppier. And some games just don't get to 60fps anymore at the same settings..

I looked up the causes of bad frame timing, and Hyper V was listed among the causes. I've long since uninstalled Hyper-V, but of course it won't be a simple fix. IDK how to fix it

I use a ASUS Vivobook laptop with the Ryzen 5 5500U. 1tb Samsung 980 m.2 SSD. 16gb dual channel RAM.

Last night, I was playing an FPS for like 4h straight. I was getting a solid 60 at 1080p the whole time. Until I went to the next game and all of a sudden it's 40-55-fps and constantly fluctuating. IDK why it did that. I even rebooted my PC and it did solve the issue, but for a single match in game, then went back to lag. Even lowering it to 720p did nothing. IDK if this is relevant tho

theLaconic - 02.05.2023 04:37

Should I mess with the frame time limiter itself?

Righteous One
Righteous One - 30.03.2023 12:53

Actually the higher the frame rate is, the less screen tearing you will see. Having 300 fps on 144hz monitor will show significantly less screen tearing, compared to 144fps cap on 144hz.
It's scientific and you can find the explanation on Google. It allows more frames to cross over and blend edge to edge visually when your fps is skyrocketing. And you will perceive better gaming experience and movement, and way better frame to frame in ms.

Youssef Essam Abdul-latif
Youssef Essam Abdul-latif - 19.03.2023 05:11

quick question. My monitor is amd freesync and GPU is nvidia 1060. I searched and found out I could use Freesync, or I could enable freesync and use g sync from nvidia's control panel. So the question is which one do I use in that case. Screen is originally Freesync. Gpu Nvidia.

Loh Ti
Loh Ti - 12.03.2023 10:29

I am using a 144hz monitor. I disabled G-sync on both nvidia software and monitor to allow my monitor running a fixed 144fps rate even my game setting for fps is set to 60.
Do I still need RTSS because I did not notice any differences.

tonzxc - 23.02.2023 14:52

All these times trying to figure out why my game feel so clunky, its because i enabled input lag from radeon software. Just today, i tested it without anti lag and it feel smooth and no input lag(+ increase fps) when i shoot compared before. Omg. Shouldve seen this video soon. Thank you! (Sorry for bad english)

Alec_Alex1990 - 17.01.2023 08:09

Now matter what settings I choose when I play at 60hz and I still get. 30fps drops. It’s driving me nuts. And when I turn off Vsync I get screen tearing. I’ve changed settings in nvidia control panel. I don’t know what’s going on.

Hogsqueal - 12.01.2023 08:33

turns out i have to turn on the free sync setting, so yeah... i realized how many braincells i have today

Scottishcxnt - 30.12.2022 05:11

XII Tom - 15.12.2022 02:43

I have really bad problems in warframe. I limited my fps to 120 with rtss and my framtime is really stabel (straight line) but sometimes it’s just spikes really hard and then it’s for slinger time stable

TheFlightSimLad - 25.11.2022 04:16

Doesn’t matter what I do when I upgrade my ram my CPU and GPU I always run into an issue on PC gaming. I got quite high spec pc but yet still get stutters. So I tried this, and it works. Every now and then I will get a stutter but it ain’t consistent.

Mordecai - 07.11.2022 14:29

very useful. tnx

oriongaming - 05.11.2022 09:54

Im kinda curious to figure out what pc part would be most important to upgrade if most of your games run 60 fps almost all the time but has the frame time issue or as i Call it microstutter
I would imagine the gpu but does faster ram say going from 2400-3200 also make a difference or does that have nothing to do with it ?

Hovig Vanoyan
Hovig Vanoyan - 06.10.2022 10:33

Man, consoles are so much simpler when you just want to game and not waste your time optimizing stuff (and I have limited time). I absolutely love the PC, but recently I’ve got a new GPU and PSU and my frametimes went nuts and nothing works to alleviate the issue. I’m close to giving up on PC gaming.

Vladislav Karas'
Vladislav Karas' - 30.09.2022 18:33

Really great video, thank you!

Alvin Horas
Alvin Horas - 13.09.2022 18:52

how to show fps and frametime on RTSS?

jedics - 24.08.2022 10:15

3 years after finding this video I still haven't solved the frametime problem, it doesn't matter where I set my fps limiting to, I still get frametime spikes every minute or more, its been the bain of my gaming existence.....

RealtalkxDE x Beatz
RealtalkxDE x Beatz - 17.08.2022 23:02

No matter which limiter I use, I have even stronger jerks due to the limiting. What can be the reason for this?

Sparktite - 12.08.2022 05:08

Doesnt turning on a frame limiter by default usually introduce some input lag? Ive experienced this in a few games already and so ive sworn off fps caps because ive yet to see it improve my game or stream stuff. Thinking about redoing all my testing now that free sync g sync and graphics in general have changed.

IIExhibitAII - 20.07.2022 04:43

what if i dont want to use rtss? is there another method? thanks

Portyhouse - 05.07.2022 15:13

Any suggestions on the following, I get a smooth frame time and 4ms response but in most games I get random spikes that can be up to 100ms, which ultimately causes a stutter! It’s been a year of rebuilding my Pc, applying every fix under the sun but no luck…any suggestions would be awesome. Worth noting I’m using a 240hz monitor, 32gb ram,
I7 11700k, rtx3070. Playing Fortnite all low, this rig should smash 240fps at Epic

Alex - 03.07.2022 06:53

I have a 120hz monitor and within my advanced display settings there is an option for 119.88hz or 120hz. Which one should i choose?

rov furness
rov furness - 20.05.2022 02:34

this is ridiculous . I have a1080 gpu and this problem has only showed up since the new 30 range of gpu has hit the market is this a ploy to force us onto rtx card's . I play warthunder and have always played at Max graphics .... now I have to lower my graphics to stop stuttering . in my opinion they have made the game frame hugery by adding shit that that eats frame . such as sand storms and shit loads of grass and bushes and clouds . even if you have them tuned right down . it doesn't matter they are still there . adding more and more crap like this kills frame nomater what card you have

jimos98 - 08.05.2022 18:30

FINALLYYYY.. A SOLUTION!!!!!!!! I had some freaking spikes and with RTSS I had seen that my frametime/framerate at that time from almost steady as it was at all times, it spiked on full. THANK YOU MAN!!!!!! <3

Andrés Inchausti
Andrés Inchausti - 07.05.2022 07:18

My screen and graphic refresh rates are 1:1... and i have horrible screen tearing

what i don't understand is why when i have the fps perfectly capped with rtts at 60 (what my monitor is running at), i still get horrible tearing, even having them perfectly stable, because i lowered the game graphics to the minimum and if i turned off rtss the game would run at 190 fps.

The game I'm testing is war thunder, obviously vsync disabled with ulq enabled, all off, the funny thing is that the tearing almost completely disappears at 170-190 fps (x3 what my monitor shows), it doesn't make sense, shouldn't I have a fluid image without tearing at 60 fps (16.6 ms) perfect in rtss, since the images that the gpu sends to the monitor would be synchronizing well...?


Mr. Waffles
Mr. Waffles - 04.05.2022 02:59

Thank you for saving my eyeballs. I’ve tried everything to get Apex running smooth and this ultimately fixed all my issues. I really appreciate you going into such great detail.

Bernd Pongratz
Bernd Pongratz - 29.04.2022 22:23

Thank you so much! - Using RTSS to limit the framerate was the key to get rid of these frametime spikes ! 🥳

Tiger - 24.04.2022 01:19

Man, I miss you man. Come back and make videos please :(

Noah Whitney
Noah Whitney - 21.04.2022 03:25

This was so helpful and informative. Thank you!

Vlado S.
Vlado S. - 13.04.2022 03:38

Sorry, when I lower refresh rate from 144hz to 60hz of my 27'' Asus freesync monitor, and turn on vsync, games are way smoother than 144hz and 60fps rtss cap, do you know why, life-likely smooth, and it should be also in the second case? I have Nvidia graphic card, 1050 ti.

Glomi babel
Glomi babel - 03.04.2022 21:08

l have stutter with mod, not withgame

Christopher Anderson
Christopher Anderson - 27.03.2022 20:55

How about the framerate limiter they’ve added to Nvidia control panel a while back? Now I use that instead of RTSS since RTSS loves to crash different games if the game doesn’t like things hooking into it.

Artimoose - 25.03.2022 11:31

The thing is I get high fps even when doing flicks but randomly my game freezes for no reason

Nick Evangelou
Nick Evangelou - 21.03.2022 18:52

should i desable vsync and in game cap in order to turn on frame limiter in ravatuner?

Bubba - 07.03.2022 11:06

Fh5 crashes when i limit fps in riva tuner. Please help

Panicake - 05.03.2022 00:17

sometimes simple things can make huge difference. thx mate

Draziel Gyffes
Draziel Gyffes - 25.02.2022 17:28

Thank you very much. Greatly explained.

iFlynn - 15.02.2022 11:13

Did not expect to see Warframe in this video. Nice lmao

alex stefan
alex stefan - 12.02.2022 04:33

You made my day, I was always wondering why my experience isn't smooth, even with a G sync monitor. The information from this video are game changing.

POWERSHRI - 07.02.2022 15:42

Can we lock our frametimes ????

Samdborkiya - 07.02.2022 05:05

perfect times frames will make the game run perfectly smooth, but the thing is if you have a biffy graphic card that can run more than 60 fps like 80 or higher you will not notice any stutters or micro stutters because the frame times are very low that the human brain could not knowledge even if it fluctuates from 1 to 3 or even 5ms,you will not notice any difference unless it spikes very high like from 9ms to a 20 or 30, then yeah you will notice it, but it normal cases you will not notice any difference, unless you play at 60 and lower

Drizzle - 30.01.2022 18:28

Man, it is a royal pain to uninstall...

Martial Arts Gamer
Martial Arts Gamer - 24.01.2022 14:05

Does this work for Tekken 7?
