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@sebastianrivera6164 - 04.09.2024 18:27

Was waiting for this reaction, because I was mind-blown with this song last night.

@puritywept - 04.09.2024 18:31

Anyone want to take a guess on a the meaning of the music video? lol

@Demonic_Reacts - 04.09.2024 18:31

Disembodied tyrants just keeps getting better! Rather uniqe sound at parts and just overall awesome!! S tier band!

@drums-and-disruption - 04.09.2024 18:44

God tier, honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if his hair was forced from his head because the ideas were pushing out too hard. If they can pull this off live, this blows Lorna out of the water, honestly.

@camdrouilhet6892 - 04.09.2024 18:46

Still waiting for Don to come back for a feature

@drums-and-disruption - 04.09.2024 18:48

Does a 4/4 waltz qualify as an aberrant waltz? I mean, obviously yes. Love it.

@sweettangoTIMMY - 04.09.2024 18:50

Just feels like they're about to hit their second form, and that is scary considering what their first form is.

@saughs - 04.09.2024 18:50

Definitely some Igorrr influence here, and I love it

@GoshDangDingus - 04.09.2024 18:54

Doing these vocals while playing and being able to shred.... Dude is Flexing on everyone!

@pixelhotdish - 04.09.2024 19:01

Shadow of Intent, then this... what a fun week.

@Deletirium - 04.09.2024 19:23

Agree- Blake is an amazing vocalist, but the Synestia collab was god-tier. The neoclassical elements, and overall cinematic grandiosity with the choir vocals and live strings, along with the frantic, melodic riffs, were what really made it all come together.

There's a lot of deathcore bands that use keyboard strings and choir sounds, and are just kind of ok- Blake is too talented a producer and vocalist to be wasted on the mundane.

All in all, wasn't bad, but it's not something I'd go out of my to listen to again.

@glen3133 - 04.09.2024 20:07

the way i grinned when waking up to this

@TimatorA - 04.09.2024 20:18

These guys are the new Necrophagist

@mukkman22 - 04.09.2024 20:25

This is amazing. I don't think your dog approved though. 6/10 dog rating, few ear twitches but not better than licking floor.

@KGCMX - 04.09.2024 20:30

I feel like if you played this for a classical musician like Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi, they would be proud of humanity.

@mikehunt956 - 04.09.2024 20:31

ending reminded me of mirar

@XueYlva - 04.09.2024 20:45

I thought their previous productions were really good, tiny bits of improvement could be made but basically no complaints.

The production on this song got even better though. Kid's a fucking virtuoso. Happy to see a full band here. Disembodied Tyrant does everything I wish modern deathcore bands could do right.

They have the vocals, production, and breakdowns on par with Brand of Sacrifice. They have the symphonic elements and better leads than Lorna Shore (I always called them Lorna Snore for having boring composition despite the talent they all have). I don't have time to finish my comment, I be shitting at work after clocking in 5 minutes late.

But Disembodied Tyrant gets everything right at the same time.

Old school deathcore deserves its own category (looking at you Psychoframe), but DT is all I wanted in modern deathcore but done right.

@daft9904 - 04.09.2024 21:09

Lorna Disfigurment what? Lmfao this is... yeah

@flagg6211 - 04.09.2024 21:30

I think at least this song it felt more on the death metal side of deathcore I think it was a good song I think the same with the poetic edda ep which is hard to live up to that standard especially when it’s your first thing you put out that got a lot of traction but I think they may be going in the direction Shadow of Intent is going if so then it’ll be good whatever they put out

@andreimarasigan - 04.09.2024 22:17

I think we just really had very high expectations from Disembodied Tyrant at this point considering the epicness of Poetic Edda EP. And I agree with that con that the song had so much ideas in it that made it chaotic. But if I'd judge the song for what it is, it would be a 9 since it could still be a trendsetter for other bands to follow. They could indeed be well the kings of deathcore for sure.

@evanblake5252 - 04.09.2024 22:19

Blake is one of those "everything he touches turns to gold" type artists.

@JPac2202cz - 04.09.2024 22:36

Blake said that he wrote the new song and EP before powtic edda, so maybe the next one will fulfill your expectations

@jtbasey5404 - 04.09.2024 23:16

Sounds like the only con was the fact that he wrote the Poetic Edda (I agree)

@themcabbages77 - 04.09.2024 23:17

Saying 8.5 with a negative tone is crazy

@VN1X - 05.09.2024 00:22

Dude you weren't kidding! Just checked out The Poetic Edda and it blew my socks off. Thanks for the recommendation.

This track was great but that EP is just insane!

@mattb5268 - 05.09.2024 00:36

Agree with all your cons, one extra pro I would say is that they didn't go for another brutal breakdown during the outro. I feel like that's done so much now that it kinda would have subtracted from the song. Would've like to see the more calm sections drawn out a bit more

@anthonyanzaldi - 05.09.2024 01:28

I give it 10.10

@CastSenpai - 05.09.2024 01:38

Fully agree with you. Just too chaotic in my opinion, lacked a cohesive melody for me. Outro bit was sick. You can tell they have all the talent and skill, just gotta structure it properly.

@zombi0muertos - 05.09.2024 03:01

Actual crazy lore drop, didn't know he had some guys from fallujah in the project

@Furykidxxx - 05.09.2024 03:23

Shadow of Intent: We're back!
Disembodied Tyrant: Hold my orchestra!

@Furykidxxx - 05.09.2024 03:25

The level these guys bring to the game is absolutely insane!

@DMAProject - 05.09.2024 03:53

Stoked to see them live. I fully prepare to have to pick my face up off the floor afterwards.

@oppressorb7196 - 05.09.2024 04:02

That's why your reviews are so relevant!! You listen really closely and don't get blindly hyped, even when it's stuff from your favorite bands.

Riffs and Drumming are super impressive in this one, from a pure technical stand point, but it's lacking the epicness and groove from the Poetic Edda EP

@rainershinefishing3311 - 05.09.2024 05:00

Blake is a genius. Also a producer on the new shadow of intent song. I'm so stoked to see he has a full band now. Can't believe he's playing guitar and doing vocals live. WILDLY TALENTED. Definitely want a drum playthrough as well.

@YameDreKudasai - 05.09.2024 05:57

They're the final boss of deathcore

@McYates24 - 05.09.2024 08:58

song is fucking insane

@stevenlomon - 05.09.2024 10:43

Most interesting band in all of Deathcore atm!

@ckokomo808 - 06.09.2024 00:16

I find that they write great MUSIC. The music is heavy as heck, but they utilize it to tell a story rather than have it just be heavy for the sake of being heavy or to try and win the breakdown competition (although the do that too).

Really love their classical fusion/inspiration which keeps it interesting!

@michaelperry49 - 06.09.2024 01:16

seeing em live in Montreal with Shadow of Intent the 20th. Gonna be insanity

@artistrankings6794 - 06.09.2024 04:08

gonna be honest i think creatively its a lot better than edda and just makes for a cleaner overall listen

@Stubbsi1181 - 06.09.2024 12:20

Blake is like the Devin Townsend of Deathcore. Guy needs to be nerfed

@chubbymonkey452 - 06.09.2024 20:39

This is great, birb, if you havent already heard them the band 68’ their frontman is josh scogin. It’s like a garage punk noise rock group. Reminds me of every time I die but it’s not metalcore based. Pretty great though, scogin is that guy.

@IceDragon978 - 07.09.2024 09:58

This dude could scream the phone book while playing the rhythm of twinkle twinkle little star and it'd sound epic.

Man, I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a creep or something. If he can act right, he and DT have a bright future.

I agree with your cons though, it definitely felt less tightly constructed. It was awesome, and not every piece has to be the same as every other piece of course, but I felt like a tighter structure would have helped it hit harder.

@yourWronglol - 07.09.2024 23:21

Did anyone catch that, the influences of darko us?? Its amazing

@thefakerake - 08.09.2024 16:31

If you have plans on the 10th you better change them cause more is coming out then

@ThunderThumz - 08.09.2024 21:27

I just can’t get enough. My mind melts at the drum work everytime.

@BorrachoBandit - 09.09.2024 01:43

Yeah man. These dudes…holy shit.

@sincere6210 - 09.09.2024 15:07

This is actually what really a real symphonic/blackened deathcore band should aim for.
