How to Create a Shortcode in WordPress

How to Create a Shortcode in WordPress

Hostinger Academy

2 года назад

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Your Nifty Solutions
Your Nifty Solutions - 18.08.2023 21:20

My site is hosted on hostinger, stuck at one point. I have multiple shortcodes but want to show in a single page but based on drop-down selection. Currently created a bunch of pages , i.e. a page for a shortcode. Please suggest.

Profeduardo67 - 23.04.2023 05:53

Hello that such a great video I congratulate you, an apology if there is any mistake in writing, but I am from Mexico, and my English is not very good, I am supporting the translator, and well I would like to see if you were so kind to be able to guide me with the following, I have an online academy with wordpress woocommerce and LernDash, and well my problem is that the payment gateway I do with WooCommerce and then I link the courses with the products, and in the store the products come out, but I really do not like the format it has, I have seen some templates that look great because the photo of the author of the course comes out, the name, etc, but I can't do it in the woocommerce product That's why I thought about touching the PHP code, to see if I could add those data I need, the name of the author, the image if it is enrolled etc, these I guess are shorcodes of lerndash, and well in conclusion not to get dizzy (Jejejeje), It would be how I can add those shorcodes in the WooCommerce product to create a more attractive product sheet, p.s. I can not put the templates that I liked, because they are not compatible with lerndash, thank you very much for the attention you can give to this message, in advance

SoVideo - 21.02.2023 22:24

Let's start an English Repair Course. You seem to need it. Contact me.

Morgannice - 29.01.2023 04:28


filmat11 - 01.01.2023 19:27

Ok here is the other side: I've inherited a website to admin and it is strewn with short-codes. How do I find the object represented by the short-code. In the editor all I see is the short-code.

Raju Desai
Raju Desai - 28.08.2022 12:54


mamazone - 02.07.2022 05:48

my functions.php file is a bit different .. it just contains <?php but no ?>
it oddly ends with an empty line, just below somthing like this :
// endregion

new OCEANWP_Theme_Class();

.. but no ?> so i don't where to put the include line

Ale - 05.04.2022 20:04

Thank you for the tutorial Victoria!
