New Player Reviews World of Warcraft

New Player Reviews World of Warcraft

Asmongold TV

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@AFO3310 - 22.04.2024 06:03

Whoever told him to try retail should be thrown in jail for cruel and unusual punishment.

@Fierce_one - 22.04.2024 12:17

i started to play wow a year ago my friend suggested me to play classic.gameplay was so slow i couldnt find anything without addonses i couldnt find where to finish quest. am i in the right leveling zone ? is this 3 the only abilities i have whole game? couldnt progress in game without watching guides and installing addonses its so bad.then i started retail and leveling was fine for me i enjoyed bfa lore and cinematics leveling was easier . i think its not fair to ask a streamer or a pro player to judge classic vs retail u should ask normal people about it and i prefer retail over classic cause its a modern game and u can play some easy classes at start and learn the game but classic was so slow and it was like im wasting my time i was like taking 1 min to kill an ogre its stupid

@secretgtv8481 - 22.04.2024 12:15

First time I played retail wow (and I have been playing classic/wotlk private server for more than 5 years, so I am not a total newbee of the game) was when shadowlands started, like 1-2 years ago and literally for more than a month I felt like I was going crazy while playing the game and I literally had to pay and hire people from g2g to guide me through the game and explain to me all the stuff that I didnt know because it is absolutely impossible to figure everything out yourself. That experience wasnt that pleasent even because most ppl that sell these kind of services are russians that barely speak or dont speak english at all. So I stopped playing in like 6 moths, I got used to the game tbh but it wasnt fun for me. Now i want to try the new expansion but how can I? I dont know from where to start and everything is so overwhelimg you feel like you are gonna go insane playing this dumb game. So i stick to wortlk sod and cata soon…

@Locust66 - 22.04.2024 12:14

Why is it never brought up this is primarily because the game chucks you into the 100th expansion to a 20 year old game. It should put you in the old world at least to just start in the race starting areas.

@Tomigotchii - 22.04.2024 12:14

as someone who started playing on DF I feel like he is overeacting way too much.
I also started playing retail and classic and I think that retail was a way better experience for a beginner than classic
to be fair im not a 50yrs old balding men who cant press more than 2 buttons so im also not the target audience for classic

@ThatOneGoodLookingGuyYouMetRdm - 22.04.2024 12:13

Retail is the biggest piece of garbage i ever saw. Im playing woltk its way better.

@UberMegustador - 22.04.2024 12:12

I play wow on and off.. I started again when dragonflight released.. played for a month then stopped. I came back this month and there are so many things and systems, so many stuff that I forgot what was used for.. I have 1000 currencies in my bag... It's a mess.. I don't know where to go and what do to

@drallagon - 22.04.2024 12:11

"Real time action MMO", he should have read the box to avoid coming in not even knowing the genre of the game lol it's mmoRPG and he complains about the RPG elements lol

@Pepegalord - 22.04.2024 12:10

i mean he is in most points right but the missing knowledge about lore could be prevented if he just used 1 min of his time and found out what the first addon is and choosed it to start with.

@Trunka34 - 22.04.2024 12:10

Ppl today are not going to die repeatedly to a boar in classic and stick around either. We need to meet in the middle.

@realmetatron - 22.04.2024 12:09

I never even dared start.

@Sodablue1 - 22.04.2024 12:09

BFA's start is HORRIBLE for new players and I think Blizzard is aware of this since they are making Dragonflight the main leveling experience for new players after TWW. The beginning of DF has a much simpler narrative and there is also some continuity with characters from Exile's Reach reappearing (captain Garrick who guided us).

@phishinround420 - 22.04.2024 12:08

I love that the opposite is a game that doesn’t explain itself, and you have to learn (by yourself) how to play… I.e., Fallout.

@deneios1905 - 22.04.2024 12:07

Blizz should shove the BFA start where sun doesnt shine and just use the cata start zones.

@TheUbberman - 22.04.2024 12:07

Hearing Amsons rant at the start of 'too much talking'... man if he played Genshin.
If he somehow reached Inazuma even, we'd have the most glorious hate video on our hands. When every goddamn featureless NPC does that.

@classicleslie6914 - 22.04.2024 12:07

Leveling squishing while increasing xp took me completely out of joy and passion for the game. I want to enjoy the game and ingest everything, explore every world, every quest, and feel fullfilled after 2 years irl of playing with my one character. They ruined everything after late 2020. I was a first time player in early 2020 who loved this game the moment I entered it until then. I left to play Skyrim with mods.

@Wybrem - 22.04.2024 12:05

They should just make wow 2.0, make it classic with good graphics. maybe different areas, more, thats all.

@richardbarnhurst5789 - 22.04.2024 12:04

Retail is dead now they've killed the game classic is soooo much better

@davidmichaeljennings - 22.04.2024 12:04

I much prefer the Elden Ring method - getting your a$$ kicked by a demon thing, then a quick 5-10 min tutorial cave and then, there you go here is the whole world do what you like.

@brollgarth - 22.04.2024 12:03

The game needs a hard reset, aka a new game. I honestly don't see a solution to fix this the way things are.

But I have zero faith on Blizzard of today to be able to do it.

@salamandiusbraveheart4183 - 22.04.2024 12:03

Game studios get too much money these days

@evgenymarchenko8473 - 22.04.2024 12:00

300 hours new player. insanity...

@uwuloluwu - 22.04.2024 12:00

im now only lvl 6 to20and never plsyed again

@lilyirons187 - 22.04.2024 12:00

player experience in retail is not that bad,
I enjoy the game and im handicaped

@Red-wb5jj - 22.04.2024 11:59

Hi, can you make a new video about uncapped games and their new rts? Would be interesting what you think about it.

@Xxdestroyer44 - 22.04.2024 11:59

but we need game like this, we are not like you, we dont love easy game who end in 200 hours and btw and buy a new one. Go back on classic kill 2 mobs then drink, not all new wow player are like him, i dont need 300h for that xd

@jazzawazza2033 - 22.04.2024 11:58

I am still in the boat that wow should be free to play you must buy the latest dlc and the subscription is like eso based you get some benefits not you need it to play

@micro555 - 22.04.2024 11:58

This is why Elden ring is a god tier game, they just keep beating you up with no bullshit tutorial in the beginning and no a long ass dialogues.

@Blu3yo - 22.04.2024 11:58

I remember when they first added these highly curated experiences at the start of expansions and it was so exciting when you’re up late on launch night giddy to kick off an all nighter.

Clearly it is a bad new player experience in retrospect. I guess it’s the difference between live retail players up to date, alts and truly new players.

@birzusergiu5165 - 22.04.2024 11:57

that's a rough 37 years my man, he aged really fast from last time i checked him out (sc2 stuff)

@dav552 - 22.04.2024 11:56

NPC : " That actually reminds me of who lived in that castle , so 500 years ago .. "

Underrated lore rant

@xelloskaczor5051 - 22.04.2024 11:56

I love the retail cope "goldfish attention span" while watching a starcraft 1&2, MtG player that also did many way slower games and things and enjoyed them

@ragerblade82 - 22.04.2024 11:55

Asmongold has become dumber and dumber over the years. That banned was stupid as well.

I mean, I agree with some of Asmongold takes, and others not so much, Yet, he is reaching acting like story does not matter in a mmo.

@mojolotz - 22.04.2024 11:52

That dude at the end is what the wow community produces. A player that has spent easily over a thousand hours in the game but feels like a noob.
Doesn't that tell you something about the noob-friendlyness of wow?

@dawnbridge5100 - 22.04.2024 11:52

Game tutorials are always dumb. It doesn't matter how complicated the game is. Look at the controls, jump into the game and learn more as you go. It shouldn't be more complicated than that. People are too afraid of struggling to progress

@reviewthetop1433 - 22.04.2024 11:50

During my playthrough of the Dragonflight I got the main quest with the cutscene where Vyranoth was already good, and then I get the quest where she's still bad and is just up to join our side. Like what the hell

@MitkaZz - 22.04.2024 11:50

games need to do the dark souls style
give him a spreadsheet of controls and tell him, yo kill this boss to finish the tutorial
no move there no, use this take this wood
leave him be with the damn boss alone, after ur done with the boss tutorial complete you can play the game ,
what happens? you know all the controls cuz you experimented and learned them

@EbonBlade86 - 22.04.2024 11:50

In retail is there even any reason to to visit kalimdor or eastern kingdoms anymore it feels like they're so outdated at this point.

@7xXSE7ENXx7 - 22.04.2024 11:48

dude just banned someone for having a different opinion to him and his viewers are okay with this?

@duckyorwell9416 - 22.04.2024 11:48

Yes let's keep talking about a dead game even if people play it, it's so old and the nastiest money grab company out there in the whole of gaming.. You all should quit and only play again if they put a WoW2 out. which should have been ages ago, this game looks so ugly and I have played, much better games out there

@rank1132 - 22.04.2024 11:47

I would really love to know how many new players actually stick it out, rather than returning players that constantly fluctuate wow subs.

@jazzawazza2033 - 22.04.2024 11:46

Gw2 has better art

@lukewilson8084 - 22.04.2024 11:46

29 minutes before he got to use an ability outside of exiles reach...

@FranksMuseumOfGaming - 22.04.2024 11:45

Day9 Looks dramatically different!? Almost as unrecognisable as H to the usky Usky

@davidmichaeljennings - 22.04.2024 11:44

How many games have people not replayed because you know the start is so long and wastes so much time.

@baladasanudas - 22.04.2024 11:43

Hare Krishna!

@Kechavx - 22.04.2024 11:43

Great review, this guy is very talented and definitly focused a lot on what is going on and didn't go into the game with an already predefined negative attitude and then on top of that played stupid, what a waste of time.

@Itsyourboyben1 - 22.04.2024 11:42

BFA tutorial wasn’t that hard to navigate or understand as a nee player coming into it a year ago. I can get the icon being confusing but finding the office in the first 5 mins wasnt as hard as the guy makes it out to be. Could use a fable glow trail to help out tho
