Astra's NEW WordPress Block Theme is Amazing

Astra's NEW WordPress Block Theme is Amazing

Jamie Marsland

1 год назад

21,837 Просмотров

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Frikkie van der Merwe
Frikkie van der Merwe - 22.04.2023 14:10

I have a few projects coming up and transitioning all the way to block themes in them. Thanks for your videos - they've given me the confidence to really use block themes in production knowing I won't get stuck somewhere in the future and have to revert back to older approaches with which I'd grown so comfortable with. God bless!

Haifeng Zhu
Haifeng Zhu - 18.09.2023 04:24

Does Astra have built-in cookie consent banner?

Rob Cooper
Rob Cooper - 01.09.2023 22:06

Ever chapter title screen, when I hear the music, I immediately think of Diablo 3 music. It sounds a lot alike. Great video. I had avoided the block editor completely until over a year after it was out. Even when it became a part of core, I still used the classic editor. Then I finally saw how embracing the block editor could help me eliminate Thrive Architect and speed up our site so dove in. Now I'm 100% on board. Started using Astra for some client work just this spring of 2023 but I'm hooked now. As long as it all loads quickly, I'm good.

Tom Rankin Architect
Tom Rankin Architect - 24.08.2023 17:30

Jamie, I never comment on videos but yours was so on-target for me as I struggle with options. I'm not a web professional but prefer to build my sites for my own needs (finding that tasking developers often leads to more time and frustration, apart from the cost). I've used Wordpress for ages and was confused by the emergence of block themes at first, but I was also annoyed by so many people insisting that the only way to use wordpress is through page builders like Elementor which I despise (primarily because when I click to edit a page I see no content, arghh, just an invitation to edit with E). I've been using the Astra Pro Theme with some satisfaction but I'm with you thinking that Block Themes are the future. Thanks.

Nuna Media Designs
Nuna Media Designs - 16.08.2023 01:42

I think it is time to move to Block based theme! 🎉 From Elementor 😃

Neil Smith
Neil Smith - 22.07.2023 18:50

The cat treat is a master stroke. I was shamed into liking this article. Only kidding, I actually found it very useful as I'm just about to start using Spectra One after a long break from WordPress. Thank you for an extremely useful primer on the new product.

Brian Hauk
Brian Hauk - 04.07.2023 07:55

Does the Astra theme support any AI Plugins, and are Plugins theme-specific?

JDTX - 03.07.2023 00:14

Seeing the potential of Gutenberg awhile ago, I left Elementor and have sworn allegiance to Blocks. As you've said before Jamie, the learning curve is crazy. It never stops. With that said, I hope Gutenberg adopts some of the new Astra block features. Ty for the review.

DPJwp - 25.06.2023 04:06

Thanks Jaime, great conversation as usual.

I'm a little confused what's the difference between Spectra One and Spectra Pro?

Private Z
Private Z - 22.06.2023 04:09

Is it much easier to build a websitefor BEGINNER using Spectra OR easier to build website using by editung an Astra Starter template?

Iain MacGillivray
Iain MacGillivray - 16.06.2023 12:27

Definitely the way forward, and thankfully a few months ago I jumped in on GTB, Blocks, FSE etc. As a Beaver builder and Themer I was already pretty used to customising pages and categories etc, but this just makes it easier - and faster, with less bloat, if any. BSF are great and support is excellent, so Spectra theme and blocks is a no brainer. Also glad I went lifetime on their growth package so I get all the Pro goodies, bring it on! Shout out to Greenshift too, as others have noted, so I'm aiming to use the best of both and see what comes out top. It is still early days, but exciting.

Igor Huovinen - Chehonin
Igor Huovinen - Chehonin - 03.06.2023 01:01

wordpress main page template does not fall into place

Interactive Realm
Interactive Realm - 22.05.2023 22:39

Why do you think the standard wp blocks or really any and all blocks, not have responsive options for changing sizes on web, tablet and mobile? Would surely make things a lot easier. Not to mention and this is especially true on the 2023 block theme, why there isn't full options for link and bg color/ hover color etc? Seems like a no brainer to me that all these should be added.

Schlomoh Brodowicz
Schlomoh Brodowicz - 21.05.2023 21:16

Just excellent !

Esteban - 12.05.2023 07:45

Is Spectra One still useful without installing the Plugin Spectra?

Igor Huovinen - Chehonin
Igor Huovinen - Chehonin - 11.05.2023 00:15

Checking "Read - Static" I choose Home
Editor I choose the main page of the template
Editor closes and Home page comes out

Igor Huovinen - Chehonin
Igor Huovinen - Chehonin - 10.05.2023 20:05

I can't set up the new 6.2 editor
I select the template,
Activate it
I create a Home page.
Checking "Read - Static" I choose Home
Checked "Blog".
Editor I choose the main page of the template
Everything is fine, but as soon as the editor closes and the Home page comes out, which clogs the main page of the template.
Link not to the main page, but to /chernovik

Paul R
Paul R - 07.05.2023 23:01

Tried it out. Problem with these new FSE/block themes is working with different fonts is a real pain unless you like fiddling with JSON, but the whole point of block editing was to eliminate the need to mess with code, so it's like going back to square one again lol

Montañero Paisa
Montañero Paisa - 02.05.2023 06:03

Astra vs hello? Which is better?

Esteban - 30.04.2023 21:52

As a developer, how many Styles can a Block Theme have?
As a user, can I create-add a new custom style, same way I do wtih templates, instead of modifying an existing one?

Darrell van Zyl
Darrell van Zyl - 27.04.2023 13:48

Is there any downside to using the Spectra plugin with Spectra One?

Visualmodo - 27.04.2023 02:25

Very good video!

ΔŁƗŇ - 26.04.2023 21:59

thanks J for the detailed review, also Ocean theme it’s one of my fav. 😊

Resy van Rooijen
Resy van Rooijen - 26.04.2023 19:05

Thanks again for this great video! I am watching a lot of your videos lately to make the stept and switch to a block theme. But what is the best way to do this and make sure everything looks like I want it, before my visitors can see it? I want them to see my current theme until I am happy enough to show them the customized block theme. I was searching on your channel but couldn't find the answer. Hope you can help here - thanks in advance!

Tim McReynolds
Tim McReynolds - 26.04.2023 13:57

That is a great way to handle the landing pages. How easy is that? Thanks Jamie.

ROB Weaver
ROB Weaver - 24.04.2023 16:12

Do you still need to use a normal theme with Spectra or just its own blocks with gutenberg?

AlamiYo - 23.04.2023 20:18

Is it free one paid?

Matthew Martin
Matthew Martin - 23.04.2023 14:14

For some reason i don't see the styles tab

Ghost Runner
Ghost Runner - 23.04.2023 07:57

Great video and thanks for the update! I'm a big fan of the Block Themes.

Matthew Martin
Matthew Martin - 23.04.2023 02:31

You made me a tru believer

Marcel Heiniger
Marcel Heiniger - 22.04.2023 13:26

Block Theme are the future of WP, not ready now IMHO but with Brainstorm Force entering the game, I strongly believe that in a few months it will get where it should be.

Francesco Tosi
Francesco Tosi - 22.04.2023 12:51

Where are template revisions?

Daniel Felipe Quiceno Rivera
Daniel Felipe Quiceno Rivera - 22.04.2023 11:55

Really Nice. Spectra Plugin is the plugin block for this theme?

Keviin Cosmos
Keviin Cosmos - 22.04.2023 09:43

Exploring but I using Bricks Builder, and its so powerfull
I've tried Cwicly but the editing experience for me and clients is just not there

Mark Constable
Mark Constable - 22.04.2023 05:12

Yay, finally we have easy to use FSE compatible sticky transparent headers! I'm all in. I hope they don't put all the good stuff behind a paywall.

محمد حمدين
محمد حمدين - 22.04.2023 00:17

What about page speed??

Gerry King
Gerry King - 21.04.2023 23:52

I have to say Jamie, over the last few years of building most of my sites with the Beaver Builder theme and quite a few with the Astra theme one thing has become clear. I regularly experience glitches with the Astra theme and never do with BB.

If I could turn the clock back I’d stick to BB and wouldn’t touch Astra.

Stefan Kluz
Stefan Kluz - 21.04.2023 21:47

I installed Spectra One on Wordpress through Hostinger and I don't have the option to change styles under Design. Is there something that I am missing?

akshay supekar
akshay supekar - 21.04.2023 20:26

Make detail video with spectra one pls

G P Singh
G P Singh - 21.04.2023 19:45

Wow Jamie, that update is truly exciting! I'm wondering if it would be wise to switch the theme of my website that currently has the Astra Classic theme with Spectra One block theme. Do you have any recommendations or suggestions?

Michiel Tieleman
Michiel Tieleman - 21.04.2023 19:26

Heck yeah I'm going to play with this!

filmat11 - 21.04.2023 18:30

OK here it comes: With Jamie's AI expertise he will now create a AI Plugin to automagically take Ken's legacy ThemeForest Sahifa classic theme and turn it into the Astra Block theme. And it didn't break! 🙂

Pixolin - 21.04.2023 18:22

Perfect timing, as I just stumbled upon the Spectra theme two days ago.
I somewhat struggled to get the front page look as in the demo and again got confused with the information for the home template ("… If it exists, the Front Page template overrides this template when posts are shown on the front page." – What?!). I hope, the core developers will rephrase that, soon.
The theme however looks great and in combination with the Spectra plugin you have bazillions of layout possibilities.

Mridul Barman
Mridul Barman - 21.04.2023 18:20

Your videos are very informative. But one request. You should start doing long tutorials on different themes customisations like astra, kadence, blocksy etc. I think this will definitely help a lot of us. Also, please do tutorials on free themes as a lot of new bloggers don't have the budget to go for pro themes. Good wishes 😊.

Annette Martinez
Annette Martinez - 21.04.2023 18:02

Amazing! I'm having trouble understanding block themes. Do you have a step-by-step tutorial, or know of one? Maybe there's even one for Spectra One. I just noticed you have a Full Site Editing course. I'm going to check that out. Thank you for your videos.

E. Rohner
E. Rohner - 21.04.2023 17:43

Only block themes

Richard Wade
Richard Wade - 21.04.2023 17:18

Excellent overview Jamie. I've been quite torn on which way to jump when it comes to moving from page builders over to GutenTurd 💩. It looks like Spectra could be a good option to consider.

Andrew Wride
Andrew Wride - 21.04.2023 16:58

I'm wanting to get used to block themes, but find the WP core nav block too limiting to dive in and use it in production, also hoping that WooCommerce will adopt a block layout so we can customise our pages.

Ben Hicks
Ben Hicks - 21.04.2023 16:57

Thanks, Jamie, I appreciate the one-click install - nice idea! I am not sure I would take the time to download and install though I should. Your videos are always well organized and helpful
