Interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis

Florida Center for Urogynecology

2 года назад

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@gloriap.7681 - 24.05.2022 16:34

We need a cure for Interstitial Cystitis. It is a miserable and chronic pain disease that is inhumane to live with.

@ziggyflame6988 - 10.12.2022 06:52

I no longer see a urologist because the ones ive seen really do suck. They just give you medicine but dont get to the root of the problem. The last one I saw prescribed me some weird medication and two weeks after he prescribed it for me, I got a letter saying that its still being tested on people and that i shouldn’t be using it because its dangerous. Now I see a functional medicine doctor and ive been doing rectal and vaginal ozone and its worked for me big time. Been seeing so much Biofilms coming out of me. One time I literally farted while peeing and a bunch of biofilms came out,just with a fart… I also take serrapeptase, a long with a charcoal binder to help flush out the biofilms. My nutritionist put me on something called FemGuard for hormonal balance and that really got rid of pain in my urethra. Specially before and after my periods. Im also doing lots of therapies. Im doing cryotherapy, red light therapy and magnesphere. Oh and earthing,except now that its winter,I really cant seem to get much of sunlight. Ive been seeing a really good progress. Oooh and I changed my diet, which has been so helpful with ic!! I now eat a lot of meat!! I used to habe more of a plant based diet. I rarely ever aye meat and ever since ive been eating meat, I just feel so happy and I just feel so much better health wise. My doctor still wants me to do a microgen test, hormone test, and ozone sauna. But so far im doing good because ive no longer been crying in pain because of pain in my pelvis,and urethra🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 strongly recommend anyone with ic to look into all of that because it sure is helpful! I also been peeing less!!

@teresaowens7822 - 30.01.2023 17:36

Is urogesic blue ok to take long term?

@aslater5 - 25.02.2023 23:11

I had what seemed to be interstitial cystitis. It turned out I had a problem with oxalates, a type of plant toxin. A long course of antibiotics had gotten rid of the oxalate-degrading bacteria in my gut. So what happens in that case is the oxalates start to form sharp microscopic crystals that get deposited in tissues and cause pain. It took four months for my gut to fix itself. Four months of pain! Even some people who weren’t on antibiotics can have oxalate issues. It can be a good idea to avoid high-oxalate foods.

@LabRat6619 - 25.03.2023 01:51

I'm male and I suffer from it badly.

@emilyraven4899 - 25.03.2023 21:45

I have this… it’s so hard. I was diagnosed last year and it feels like I was just told I have it then given no tools. Not to mention doctors treated me like I was gross and full of STDS when I had already been tested MULTIPLE times for them all and tested negitive… I still struggle with it all the time. I also have Crohn’s disease. I think they’re related

@nettiebetti1484 - 12.05.2023 12:28

There's no support where I live

@earickmocilnikar8276 - 13.05.2023 06:35


@jeniromero1949 - 18.05.2023 22:15

I was diagnosed with this, and have had the cystoscopy done and now I'm still suffering with this painful bladder issue. Almost feels like period cramps sometimes. Ugh I am gonna try to do the food 🍲 thing and see how that works. I've been to the Urologist, and the medication that they give me usually doesn't help. Even Gabapentin does nothing for me.

@carlasenecal3434 - 17.07.2023 04:59

I have had it for many years. Probably 50 years. I have had all of the tests etc. It is a miserable. It has made for a difficult life.

@Noorieification - 16.08.2023 00:06

I have been drinking celery juice for cystitis, per Medical Medium and I can tell the difference within a week. What a relief! I also take curcumin, cranberry extract, quercetin, propolus, and vitamin C. Hope this helps. Feel free to reply if you have any questions or recommendations. thanks.

@user-yx1ti3cs8l - 18.08.2023 21:31

Thank you for the information! 💚

@tecieastorga2932 - 07.09.2023 17:58

I have IC and my main symptoms are from certain foods as well as sex. What has helped me the most is eliminating sugar/alcohol from my diet and taking amitriptyline. I also go to a physical therapist who specializes in the spine, and she has been having me stretch my (tight and stuck on the left side only) upper back because she believes the nerves are getting blocked from properly sending signal to my bladder (which can be caused by pelvic trauma as well, which mine would be chronic UTIs). She has been able to help relieve my IC symptoms just by working on my upper back. The research is out there and I'm hopeful this will become more common knowledge and help others.

Sending up prayers of comfort, peace and understanding to all who suffer from IC and those impacted in their lives. 💖

@lilyawood - 06.10.2023 20:52

I recommend going to a PT for anyone who has this. Mine went from daily, keeling over level of pain to just a tinge once or twice a week for the past month. Have seen a dozen doctors the past two years and so far my pt is the only one that has shown any kind of understanding and care for my pain. She’s helping me regulate my nervous system so I can get out of the fight or flight mode that this chronic pain has put me in and has somehow unblocked some nerves in my spine so that I have normal feeling in my legs, pelvis, and abdomen again. I tried so hard to heal it on my own but it was putting so much stress, guilt, and feeling of failure on me that I see now why none of it was working.

@jrobert6916 - 15.10.2023 01:22

I hurt sooo bad. Diagnosed in 2008. Living gets more painful every day. Need angels to take me HOME 🥵😭💦😱🥵💔I’m pain exhausted. No life at all. Why am I still here?

@jinxeditss - 22.10.2023 11:04

How about estrogen?Before my menstruatiol cycle I feel much better for 2 days,when there's hormone change,and after that everything goes back

@vivavita3769 - 14.11.2023 03:08

I've had ic with Hunners Ulcers for years and no treatments have helped me. I've eliminated milk, wheat, soy, oxylates, inflammatory foods and have lost 25 pounds. My weight is dangerously low,
Elmiron can cause blindness years after it's stopped, Pelvic floor therapy is useless . I'm allergic to steroids so no instillations for me!. No pain management will treat this. This is NOT something that's ever gotten under control for me.
Just diagnosed with Sjogrens.What misery.

@ladyanne8139 - 16.11.2023 02:12

T U doctor. I take antihistamine s well. Heating pad sure help.

@nathandavis5730 - 17.11.2023 08:47

If you’re watching this video looking for answers don’t bother, they clearly don’t understand.

I.C is caused by neurological inflammation and probably indicates histamine intolerance which is why citrus, chocolate, basically anything high in histamine is going to be an issue. The 10th cranial nerve pair (the vagus nerve) terminated at the cervix, this is not a coincidence.

I have I.C, which is rare for a male, and CFS/M.E/CIRS.

The root cause for all of this plus heart palpitations and insomnia is……mould spores or more specifically mycotoxins. For others it could be Lymes or some other biotoxcin.

Remove the toxin, calm the immune response and no more I.C or CFS/M.E/CIRS.

@richlegacygaming1420 - 17.11.2023 19:14

Why are you referring to only women? I'm a male with thus condition.

@marieldavison5121 - 08.12.2023 20:47

Nothing really works ~ elm iron can cause permanent damage to your eyes. Water distension can cause fissures and scar tissue over the long run makes it worse. Awful disease.

@kardoyle - 03.01.2024 01:16

I have been suffering for three years !!! Thankfully I figured out what it is . Doctors were useless😮

@annanderson1089 - 12.01.2024 23:07

It's crazy, Anywhere i go, i always try to locate a washroom area. No Uti nor bacteria found in my culture. I will be seeing a urologist in early February i can't wait. I also have +1 blood in my urine. Im very worried, I pray that it's not what we all fear..Love to all you wondetful people. Lets take care of our health🙏💕

@cheryldipretoro7282 - 25.01.2024 10:06

I had a cystoscopy and it showed irritation and a diverticulum. I've tried the d mannose supplement, dietary changes, anti histamines, elavil which I had to stop due to staggering, and bladder installations. My pain has continued to progress and am now on norco. I can't take NSAIDs as i am on coumadin. So, i am at the point of mostly being on the couch with a heating pad, drinking water and able to some activity for about 45 minutes 1x2 times a day. I can't stand all the excitement of my current life.

@Ranbutch75 - 19.03.2024 06:30

Don’t forget men

@brianogorman7752 - 04.04.2024 16:04

Girlfriend has suffered for last 6 months with this. Run all the tests. Anti biotics work only for two weeks. Will read all the comments & try some helpful tips from others. If anyone has any other useful comments please do post.

@LoolJohn - 17.04.2024 13:06

the sound clips in-between is very distracting and irritating but am grateful for the pro tips

@Lisa-hm2mp - 28.05.2024 04:13

