What is the Western Wall? (Not the holiest site. Not part of the temple)

What is the Western Wall? (Not the holiest site. Not part of the temple)


1 год назад

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Phoenixspin - 22.11.2023 21:29

Good information.

Hannah Anderson
Hannah Anderson - 22.11.2023 14:23

Sounds like Jewish Sharia

Unknowntyper - 21.11.2023 23:50

Religion is bonkers, but fun to look at.

Mel H
Mel H - 21.11.2023 20:02

Hi Oren, the title of the other video is ‘the third temple will soon be built, but not where . . Channel name is Terri Buckingham, kind regards,

Lester Hall - DisplayBiz
Lester Hall - DisplayBiz - 20.11.2023 15:22

Awesome Oren! 🙏

Wandering Android
Wandering Android - 20.11.2023 07:05

i just realized after watching this video judaism and islam is two of the goofiest religions with all the rules on how and when to pray. what to wear and what not wear. christianity, although goofy too, seems way chill compared to these two. 😂

Jeanette Raichel
Jeanette Raichel - 19.11.2023 00:23

Isn't it ironic that the enemy of the Jews built/or added to a holy site or on the ruins of a holy site.
Israel and it's holy sites are on the bucket list. My aunt went during winter school break with a group of Catholic school teachers in the early 80s

Johnzee ‘Tee
Johnzee ‘Tee - 17.11.2023 13:19

Can no one enter the “Temple mount” area?? Is there a section blocked off from everyone??

צמח ישראל מרום
צמח ישראל מרום - 17.11.2023 12:21

זה לא הבריטים, זה היה השר מונטיפיורי, הוא היה שר החוץ הבריטי אבל הוא לא עשה את זה בתור שר החוץ הבריטי, אלא בתור יהודי.
הוא גם עזר מאוד בהרבה דברים ליהודים בגולה ועשה הרבה דברים פה בארץ, הוא גם הרחיב את הקבר של רחל מחדר אחד לשתיים.

teo delfuego
teo delfuego - 17.11.2023 11:23

Release Roger!

Susan Brown
Susan Brown - 16.11.2023 23:12

Isn’t there a lot of excavations where there have been very dramatic and pivotal finds.

bpanther - 16.11.2023 17:37

Just say BC and AD man...fk the polcorrectnss 😂

WILLIAM ELLIOTT - 16.11.2023 15:12

Why use BCE and CE or Common Era? It means absolutely nothing and yet the same as A.D and BC which every one can relate to?

Bandwidth Hog
Bandwidth Hog - 16.11.2023 11:39

Wonder if there might have been, in place of the tablets, a copy of the Torah in the Holy of Hollies and a table to hold it. Sheer speculation, but that would make sense to me. Nice to mention the commandments. There are the ten great commandments, then there is Leviticus and Deuteronomy which contain additional commandments (built around the ten) as well as the counsel from Moses. Then, as far as I understand things, in trying to figure out how to comply with them, we get the Rabbinical interpretations which comprise the Talmud (it's all online if you want to read it), with, in many respects, much the same intent as the precepts that the Pharisees followed but also, "This isn't covered. What should I do?"

Dik van Luik
Dik van Luik - 15.11.2023 20:52

Thanks so much for your good research and clear explanation over the land of Israel.
It’s historical religious archeological and geographical sides.

Lynnette Hardy
Lynnette Hardy - 15.11.2023 20:19

I learned an interesting fact: They would tie a rope around the waist of the high priest before he entered the Holy of Holies. That way, if something happened to him inside, they could pull him out without having to enter.

Lynnette Hardy
Lynnette Hardy - 15.11.2023 20:09

The Temple of Solomon will one day be restored to its rightful place on Temple Mount. The Dome of the Rock will fall.

succatash the learner
succatash the learner - 15.11.2023 12:16

Its the holiest site we can access. But underneath is really the holiest place to access.

deborah painchaud
deborah painchaud - 15.11.2023 09:58

What about the historian Josephus who had a different comment about the temple's placement. The Roman fort would have been more likely considering the size of legions and all their support. The new testament also mentions that the soldiers traveled "down" to rescue Paul who was dragged from the temple.

dan kettels
dan kettels - 15.11.2023 09:30

A war USA created over a decade of supporting apartheid and repression, land stealing and supporting Hamus to avoid 2 state solution.
Zion farms Palestinians for genocide . You yanks are clones of military industrial complex, terrorists remember IRAQ
Collective punishment is the only sport Zion is great at.
You took everything but their hate, good luck with that, the special Germans, now the special Jews .
Zion, shout it, be proud, stand as one.
Joseph Goebbels here is a reminder of the irony Israelites are living through.
God laughs on at your folly chosen ones. LoL

Terri Juanette
Terri Juanette - 15.11.2023 07:07

According to Law of Moses (in Deuteronomy chapter 4) the rabbis did not and do not have the authority to add one word to the Torah...not even one word, not to mention adding rules and regulations God did not command. If Jews would read the Torah themselves even once a year (as commanded by God) they would know this. The Torah is commanded by God to be read aloud once a year to ALL who came to Jerusalem for the feast of Sukkot but it's not being done. (Jewish Males are commanded by God to come to Jerusalem for this feast.) Why is it not being read? And why aren't the men demanding that it be read?

Ryan Teacher
Ryan Teacher - 15.11.2023 05:57

I'm not religious, but one thing I respect about Jews is that they actively question their faith, seemingly all the time. The scripture tells them to, in fact. Wrestle with your God. Nothing being in the "holiest of holy" room is the most Jewish thing ever lol

Tom Cook
Tom Cook - 14.11.2023 22:39

I was raised a Protestant Christian, but have always had Jewish friends. I am pretty much self-weaned from any religious belief; however I still admire devout Christians and Jews, particularly the persistent existence of Jews despite the unwarranted hatred by people I view as bad for that hatred.😂

Easy Ray
Easy Ray - 14.11.2023 20:32

Thank you for making these clear, concise, and informative videos. They're a source of vital information about Judaism and the land of Israel for non-Israelis. I'm a Catholic and these videos increase my knowledge and add to my faith. G-d bless you!

Michael W
Michael W - 14.11.2023 20:24

I haven't seen the Gazans dancing in the streets here of late... like they did for the first two days of their murderous spree in Israel. Isn't Islam great... with the morals of the devil/shaytan.

Han Boon Lee
Han Boon Lee - 14.11.2023 04:59

Thank you Oren. Now I can understand the Jews religion rituals more.

The Autistic Page
The Autistic Page - 14.11.2023 03:00

We know "King Solomon" could not have built anything in a very small village. myth

uluibaut - 14.11.2023 02:31

Great video. A learning experience about the temple mount, the surrounding walls and the Kings responsible for building the temples in them; as well as the modern Jewish society members now living in the area.

R J - 14.11.2023 01:43

Well they have to have a place to pray anyway, so they called it holy…
What you saying is correct!

Simrit Nam
Simrit Nam - 14.11.2023 00:05

Dude doesn't know Tanakh.
Abraham ate with God, so he saw Him.
Moses saw God's backside.
And several prophets also saw a part of God such as hand.
Read your Bible.

Gail1984 - 13.11.2023 17:24

Why do Jews bob back and forth when they pray?

נתאי ברנדריס
נתאי ברנדריס - 13.11.2023 13:52

לגבי הציצית, לא דייקת. אין חובה ללבוש ציצית. החובה היא שכאשר יהודי לובש בגד עם 4 כנפות(פינות) הוא חייב לשים על הבגד ציציות(הפתילות). בדומה לפאות יהודים דתיים מקפידים ללבוש בגד שמחוייב בציצית כדי לקיים את המצווה של הציצית(ללבוש אותה ולזכור את אלוקים) ולהתבדל באמצעותה מאחרים.

SRT KOVA - 12.11.2023 23:02

When people say it’s part of the temple I don’t think they mean physically they mean it’s all part of one big holy site

Tamas Moricz
Tamas Moricz - 12.11.2023 22:10

Yalla Bye ... :-)) Todah Oren for the tour... it was really fun to hear all of your explanations and to learn from you ! Thanks for making these videos !!

David Shanholtzer
David Shanholtzer - 12.11.2023 18:00

Excellent video and great history. Keep up good work, Todah.

abraham niyazov
abraham niyazov - 12.11.2023 08:55

Ark Wasn't lost,it was hidden down below,and thats why that place is still holy

Salvador Eguiarte D.G.
Salvador Eguiarte D.G. - 12.11.2023 07:40

No Wisconsin on this one! 😮

King Nerri
King Nerri - 10.11.2023 15:33

Its ironic that jews cannot be able to worship on the holiest place in Israel.

Ronald Marklin
Ronald Marklin - 10.11.2023 13:21

Would you ever consider interviewing a knowledgeable Messianic Jew? I love Israel and feel spiritually connected to the Jewish people as a born again evangelical Christian. I visited Israel in 2012 and it changed my life. My heart breaks for the families of the hostages from October 7 your 9/11. I would like to know why more Israeli citizens aren’t armed. I just discovered your pod cast and will be listening because I want to know more about Judaism and the Jewish people. Genesis 12:2-3 are my guiding scriptures and why I support Israel.

Spanellaful - 10.11.2023 11:08

Why did jews stop sacrificing animals?

Ken O
Ken O - 10.11.2023 09:20

My second comment here concerning Jews going up on the Temple Mount (Please also see my first comment)...

In 1165, (on the 6th day of Cheshvan) Maimonides, (Moshe ben Maimon - the Rambam), ascended the Temple Mount and prayed on the Temple Mount. This was the climax of a perilous journey the Rambam took from Morocco to the land of Israel. Rambam wrote with great emotion about his Temple Mount ascent.

Kevin Olesik
Kevin Olesik - 10.11.2023 05:52

very interesting history ... thank you

My Perspective
My Perspective - 09.11.2023 21:42

Is Israel still accepting tourist?

Salmo Jack
Salmo Jack - 09.11.2023 21:30

seems complicated
