Make Tana Supertags  in Obsidian using the Metadata Menu Plugin

Make Tana Supertags in Obsidian using the Metadata Menu Plugin

John Mavrick Ch.

1 год назад

36,912 Просмотров

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@mathieudelobelle9432 - 05.11.2022 15:12

Thanks so much for this great video. It’s very good at highlighting the plugin’s capabilities. Much better than what I can do in the demo videos 👍🏻. It’s very cool to see the plugin in action in other workflows than mine.

@jivexero - 15.10.2023 17:04

This is a lot of effort just to have tags…

@ArnauViaM - 03.10.2023 22:27

Great content and extremely well explained, congrats!! This plugin seems to be the key to build a note base task management system in obsidian. I guess you could use each note as a task with some dataview fileds to define projects, due dates and everything and modify it from the dataview query

@shudupper - 20.08.2023 11:20

Hi! Love your work! Will you make an update to this considering new properties feature in obsidian?

@rebeccadevere8034 - 18.08.2023 23:30

Love you for this!

@matthewpham5608 - 13.07.2023 22:37

Hello! I applied this to my obsidian set-up and for some reason, at random times by cursor and typing will shift randomly to the bottom, as well if I have it side by side with another note, it'll randomly jump to the daily note in which I have this set-up in. Please let me know if there is anything I can do!

@nikitanikitov9362 - 13.06.2023 11:47


@anthonyyoung5560 - 12.04.2023 02:15

What was the latest version of Obsidian were you using? I'm really hoping you have that in your notes because I would love to purchase your vault. Although, I can't be sure the plugins will work because I'm having issues just by doing it myself. I appreciate you 🙏

@ryanbartlett672 - 31.03.2023 21:02

Watched again and implementing this week. Thanks for showing js queries!

@hedgefundsrus - 14.03.2023 23:59

Is there a way to "Add fileClass" to multiple files at once? (or alternatively, all files in a folder) Instead of having to right-click the files one by one?

@Foxhunter_DE - 13.03.2023 02:17

I managed to add fields to a supetag, but after that, your tutorial does not seem to work. I just can't insert the tags in the note, the button you click on does not show up. When i right click and say "Add fileClass to XYZ" the following menue just says that it could find nothing. So i don't know what to do.

@sergjo - 03.03.2023 23:50

I'm a programmer myself, but this is getting ridiculous. I just want to concentrate making notes and not sort of script hacky Dataview solutions, with 3rd party plugins that might be abandoned in the future.

@thibaultmol - 05.02.2023 10:35

For those stuck on being able to right click in the note inside the fileclass folder: use CTRL + P to open the command palette and choose 'insert a new file attribute' there

@xXB00MheadshotXx - 16.01.2023 15:07

I’m stuck trying to do this with subtag and the add a new field button isn’t coming up 😣

@TALGAlll - 14.01.2023 19:18

How to sort lists by date?
I have lines not in descending order or not by date.

@DhavalPateldp - 09.01.2023 02:00

Great video! I really think this should be baked into the main app. Needs better UI integration etc like tana and notion so its simpler to use. However this is good for now!

@jonr6680 - 26.12.2022 15:27

Thanks to you for this vid and all hail to the glorious algorithm for eventually bringing your channel to my attention!!

@danielegalati7522 - 19.12.2022 12:43

the problem with using a plugin to replicate a core feature of another app is that you become dependent on the developer of that plugin. What if the developer one day abandons the project and a future Obsidian release break the plugin? All this code left by the plugin will become useless. It's already happened with several plugins. :(

@xtnctr - 18.12.2022 06:05

Jeez... You gave me opportunity to edit fields in dataview table. I didn't get to watch other videos of yours yet. But this one by itself deserves a "join channel". Tks also for the calm cadence you use on your explanations. Obsidian-content creators often don't realize it's hard sometimes for the viewers to grasp the content for it being rather code-oriented at times. But you nailed it.

@golamrabbany6168 - 02.12.2022 19:41

This plugin is great .. the first part .. 2nd part coding is hard but you can do the same using The Projects Plugin

@krzysztofkaminski6474 - 25.11.2022 22:37

Great video ;) Clear and concise. Thanks John

@yorgohoebeke - 24.11.2022 00:53

for your areas: are you using the supercharged link plugin or are you putting the emoji in the name of the note?
Also, what is the lookup query for your area notes? looks really useful!

@ViktorChuprin - 13.11.2022 11:15

Doesn't work if there's emoji infront of field

@bassamsaleh8034 - 13.11.2022 05:38

Your video is very helpful, thank you so much.
One suggestion though, because the plugin is very powerful but a bit hard to comprehend, it would be very nice of you to make part 2..

@Zitrolena - 10.11.2022 12:10

Hey! Just came across the plugin "Influx" and I'm amazed by it and would love to know what you think of it!! It basically builds a new backlink-View where you can view block mentions much better. Kinda represents the setup of Logseq (and Roam). It's definitely not perfect (yet) but I feel like a combination with other linking methods could be gamechanging

@mzantsi - 07.11.2022 06:15

Thanks for this. Super helpful. Can you share the dataviewjs query that you use? For those of us who know the code, it's useful to have an example to play with.

@jeffk8900 - 04.11.2022 23:32


@timmortensen632 - 04.11.2022 13:05

Thank you so much for doing this. I’ve seen the metadata plug-in in action before and I thought it was pretty rad but thanks to your video I’m definitely giving it a spin this weekend😊

@DannyHatcher - 04.11.2022 12:53

Nice video. I am not sure where the Tana supertag features are?

Applying filed information to all pages in a class I assume is possible... I will go explore 😁

@andypassion5787 - 03.11.2022 22:00

thank you very much!
