Is Path of Exile Worth Playing in 2023? Free to Play ARPG Review

Is Path of Exile Worth Playing in 2023? Free to Play ARPG Review


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@LeyviTV - 10.04.2023 05:01

Subscribe if you want more RPG reviews just like this, and like the video if you enjoyed it! Thank you
Next up is Last Epoch, what other RPGs would you like me to play and review?

@brianshaw3903 - 27.01.2024 04:56

Dont give a shit about your video answer is yes its a awesome game better than blizzards bs cashgrab amd poe2 is gonna be insane so gtfo yourself

@wtfisthishandlebs - 15.01.2024 09:39


@justdroppingby7383 - 10.01.2024 21:51

Never a bad time to play POE, POE for life

@Taufik411 - 14.12.2023 12:54

Just started playing it again and it is amazing fun .. so fresh with so much options how to play

@silhouette3857 - 02.12.2023 20:06

do yourself a favor, if youre interested in the game, if youre a new player, stay away from the main pathofexile subreddit. its incredibly negative and whiny and what gets upvoted there is often exclusively the takes of players who have 20k hours and play 12 hours daily on the first week of every league. the lake of kalandra 3.19 league was when i properly started playing and got really into the game, i enjoyed it a lot, i went to the subreddit to see potential fun things and i had to scroll through i kid you not, hundreds of posts about how horrible everything is and how everyone's lives are suddenly ruined because some enemies are extra strong or something. it was exhausting.

maybe if you are that type of player or you are willing to become one, it might be more for you, but im a more casual player, i love the game a lot, and i find the subreddit unbearable. other poe communities are better.

@biggertonandy4423 - 26.11.2023 08:46

One of the negatives ( not having a respec at the end of the story ) can technically be taken off the tally because if you make a league character you get a free full respec when the league is over

@sarnem5330 - 16.11.2023 15:41

Never cared for these kinda of games. However I am now 20 hours into P.O.E and loving it. Not using a build guide and doing good so far. Game is a blast

@damienkrawczuk1435 - 16.11.2023 07:01

Diablo 4 felt pointless after hitting LVL 100, so I'm back at Path of Exile again, least these fella's n gals know how to keep there fans invested with constant content, and path of exile 2 looks insane awesome clearly the Grinding Gears game Devs know what there doing a heck of alot more, season 2 of D4 is definitely alot better and is in a better state, but might take a few more seasons yet before D4 can compete with Path Of Exile at its standards

@cacarahma9893 - 05.11.2023 20:32

could I play with multiplayer with friends in this game?

@TwizzElishus - 04.11.2023 18:06

Stash tabs are not really "quality of life", they're borderline mandatory at endgame.

@floreamihaicristi2713 - 31.10.2023 22:18

Sponsored to spread fluffy fake positivity about how good smell P2W ... F _ _ K you .

@kazemba3177 - 26.10.2023 04:11

2 things about PoE that turn me off. Camera is too zoomed in, and theres NO cosmetics unless u spend $$. Having the camera so close, is like playing an FPS with low FOV, for me personally. And having cosmetics locked behind $$ kinda sucks because i like to look cool, unique, and badass. Lol

@JT-vn2rl - 16.10.2023 02:54

Do weapons/ gear get removed at end of season?

@chadr4013 - 09.10.2023 13:08

Save you time, no. I made it 4 hrs in before I quit. It’s a slow ps4 game that should be retired.

@The_Vegan_Punk1967 - 07.10.2023 16:47

Heck no! POE is a flaming pile of dog poop that should have stayed in the early 2000s when it was made! I hated the game. Played for about 20 minutes n then uninstalled it. It’s that bad! DO NOT believe the hype!

@JBeswetherick1 - 27.09.2023 19:49

I’m guilty of this myself but everybody be like “Path of Exile so complicated what do”

Know full well we All hit “Skip Tutorials” literally 3 microseconds into a new character

@eclipse369. - 27.09.2023 17:51

Tried it again recently for about 10 hours before quitting.
Diablo 2 still remains the king.
PoE is just suck.
Maybe PoE2 will try to take the throne? Would be nice.
Someone needs to de-throne the damn king already.

@Sandro_de_Vega - 15.09.2023 23:26

Its not as bad with respec. There is no magic button for "fix my build" but regrets orbs that gives you respec point are suprasingly cheap on market. On Stardard you can find people selling them for 1 alteration orb. And if you gathering loot then you should have at least few hundret of them.

@THEF4LLOFM4N - 12.09.2023 16:08

D4 bad.

@mattturenne7450 - 01.09.2023 17:33

I just started this again after a decade, so much has changed i love it.

I'm doing a templar minion build and it's so much fun.

@adambasri3397 - 01.09.2023 14:57

Never knew ARPG could be this fun. Now I understand the craze over MMORPG. Downloading PoE right now lmao. Came for Wolcen, it was cheap and kinds look like WH40k. Had hella fun but now I can see why the hate on the game. Beautiful but almost every level looks the same. So lets give PoE a shot.

@wolfman-zd1ed - 15.08.2023 15:47

You know, two of these cons are barely even cons. The complexity can be seen as a plus by a nerd like me! PoE is pretty great, you guys.

@Jacob_88 - 06.08.2023 20:41

Having to pay for inventory space is a giant no for me

@howardyoo4070 - 05.08.2023 23:13

Path of Exile and Warframe has similar vibes

@hibbity_hooblah - 04.08.2023 18:29

I tried poe a while back and it was extremely overwhelming. They throw the whole damn book at you while being too complex for no good reason. Ive been told countless times that if you don't look up a build guide your character is going to suck, and that's not fun. Maybe I'll try it again soon

@DarkepyonX - 01.08.2023 22:50

Ugh fanboy covering topic , and FYI 1 MILLION players after a decade is barely holding on not successful😂.

Game was ez af before now easier minus league challenges

@thomaswolf2391 - 31.07.2023 10:39

Lifelong diablo fan here. Diablo 4 did one good thing... It made me want to give poe a proper shot. I'm done with diablo. 4 was trash. I'm looking forward to trying poe and getting hyped for poe2. So thanks blizzard.

@icalculi - 26.07.2023 12:01

why is "bad build" included in the bads? does this game do not have respec/reset or something?

@andreicristian9575 - 15.07.2023 16:25

He's basically answering the question in the first 30 seconds. Should I watch further? Does he give a balanced review with pros and cons? I wonder.

@KabanicaTHEONE - 04.07.2023 23:48

He heeeyy we all quitting albion eh 😂

@michaelvigato3228 - 24.06.2023 10:47

"quality of life improvements come primarily in the form of stash tabs" -> they actually come EXCLUSIVELY in the form of stash tabs. Anything else is cosmetic only

Also, they are cheap and go on sale periodically. But it is true that if you want to engage in trading, premium tabs are pretty much a must buy

@KLUTCHairsoft - 24.06.2023 09:49

Thinking about trying PoE. I just got into ARPG, made it to level 72 and as of now, farming is just getting old. I've heard loads of good things about PoE. I just don't like playing solo haha.

@tjepting1 - 19.06.2023 00:56

I am playing Diablo 4 and loving the whole ARPG thing. I am definitely going to jump in Path of Exile. Looks Awesome!

@gryphon123456 - 12.06.2023 03:40

Is this basically the same as Diablo?

@jamierose9095 - 02.06.2023 10:52

Did GGG cut you a check for this tongue bathing? Notice how you conspicuously left out massive xp loss and all the other ways the game likes to set your progress back weeks at a time.
Also you failed to mention how PoE has one of the most rude, awful and predatory communities in gaming, especially when it comes to trading. Never send new players to this abomination of a game.

@NotYourBusiness-bp2qn - 25.05.2023 22:48

If you want to smell like cheese, see the sun twice a month, if that, and have no social life to the point your former friends actually think you died - yes, POE is worth playing.
Other than that avoid this game like the plague. It's designed specifically to reward no-lifers, people who dedicate all their time spent awake to a video-game. It is not enjoyable as a casual and that is by design.

@ryanfrieden4450 - 23.05.2023 01:36


@hydrax9303 - 21.05.2023 01:54

its free to play but you kinda must pay in the late-middle game, you could play without it but it will be miserable without those stash tabs and premium options, if you are looking for a totally free to play ARPG and you dont want to spend any money but still have quality of life, cosmetics, and also no pay to win then play warframe. you could literally get almost everything without paying, except for some cosmetics (you can get most of them ) the main currency is tradeable, you have to play a lot in order to get the currency but at least you got an option, once you get to the middle game (and you know what you are doing) currency making isnt going to be a probleme, warframe got the best 3rd party programs among arpgs at least in my experince, with them and some guides on the internet you can catch up in no time even if first time playing. I Like diablo style gameplay more, but im not gonna be biased, warframe just better. Anyway if you dont care about progressing and trading, and you only play for fun both of them is a good option. But if you cant afford to or dont want to pay additional money for playing then warframe > poe

@StrangerThingsInSpace - 20.05.2023 10:12

Thank you

@xxxsleepingawakexxx - 17.05.2023 17:27

I just want to know, is path of exile an rpg like the divinity series?

@Wild-Instinct - 14.05.2023 04:35

Thanks for the video :)

I do think this game is absurdly overwhelming in every aspect of the game. For new players, the skill tree needs a college degree in theorycrafting to understand what's going, spend hundred of hours on YT guide / english forums + addons...
You can't even reset your skills. Lol xD

Path of Exile is way too hardcore, it's a game for late boomers & veterans try harders who spent 1000h+ to be efficient in this game. It's just not possible & not acceptable in 2023.

@diamondsword7972 - 11.05.2023 16:05

You better be careful with PoE, that shit can keep you playing indefinitely. I’m at 3k hours and don’t even feel a bit worn out from it, it never gets boring

@johnturtle6649 - 11.05.2023 01:36

the answer is always no.

@TGMS77 - 05.05.2023 06:36

This video is good, but has some BIG flaws. There is no way you're taking weeks to finish campaign, even if it's your first time. Also, the skill tree is unforgiving, but only in a sense that it is hard to learn. I don't think it's fair to ever assume a new player will start going towards a totem part of the tree if they have no totem skills, or a witch running straight to strength nodes. It's hard, yes, but not as much as you made it sound

Also, inventory management isn't overwhelming at all. You go through the initial phase of learning what is and isn't worth picking up, and the game doesn't overwhelm u with items in that stage. Only when you start getting the sense of what you should pick up does the game start throwing a lot of useful and useless items at you. Most of what you pick up will be sold right after.

@crypticccxd - 17.04.2023 06:43

poe is free on ps and i want to try it xd I think dis game is so sick like diablo)

@HIROX13 - 16.04.2023 17:03

You listed next gen ARPGs and didnt list Last Epoc. Its in early access. worth having a look.

@RespectMyAuthoritha - 12.04.2023 20:30

Are there things like weekly raids?

@sandwichninja - 12.04.2023 01:35

Path of Exile is much more difficult for returning players than it is for brand new players due to the inventory and specialization issues you have to deal with when returning after a while. I just re-installed yesterday after a couple years away. Most of my characters are now FUBAR and I've got 15+ inventory tabs (completely) full of items I no longer recognize or understand the value of. It's a mess.

@sloesty - 12.04.2023 00:26

by the time you rly need stash tabs, you probably have over 100 hours in the game, so dropping 5 dollars after 100 hours doesnt seem that bad.
