Experience the Golden Eagle

Experience the Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle Luxury Trains

4 года назад

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world of Astrid-Ma
world of Astrid-Ma - 29.10.2023 04:40

Golden Eagle Trans Siberian Express is in my bucket list … aLready watched full duration of this excellent video maybe for four times … 😊 … so gorgeous train trip ..
greetings from 🇮🇩 Indonesia
and hopefully 🤲🏻 one day i’ll be there

Claudia Z
Claudia Z - 27.10.2023 02:52

I had a look at their website but could not find this trip as an option. Dont' they offer it anymore?

Henri Vignol
Henri Vignol - 22.10.2023 08:41

Voila une projet de voyage à ne pas manquer !!! Пойдем !

Caleb Farris
Caleb Farris - 15.10.2023 12:18

The intro Moscow tour was so good I forgot I was watching a video about a train ride.

BENJAMIN SILVA - 03.10.2023 15:57

With this video of the Trans Siberian train travel from Moscow to Vladivostok seems I was in that 6,000 mile travel which I could not afford. Wow, I really like it. Thanks to the vloggers.

BobG127 - 25.09.2023 09:44

I really enjoyed this video. Sure, I would like to have seen more content, but I don't know how much other people would be willing to watch, describing such a long journey. I really wish I were in a position to afford such a dream trip. Such amazing examples of architecture, culture, and nature... It saddens me to see comments here denigrating Russia, its people, and its governors. I am an American who has been a news junkie for over 50 years. I used to read at least 2 major newspapers per day, front to back (except most society and obituary pages). This I did when the papers made some attempt at journalistic integrity. Of course, some papers leaned left and others right, which is why I read more than one. For many of those years, Pravda was held up here as the ultimate example of state-sponsored propaganda. While communism or socialism never made sense to me as a long-term system of government or economics, still I often wished I could read and understand Russian so that I could see for myself what was being promulgated by the Soviet powers that were. When the Soviet Union broke up, I had hoped that our nation's leaders would breathe a sigh of relief and find joy in the prospects of working with Russia, a great nation with people of a long history of great strength and resilience instead of fearing the prospect of another world war. Part of me hesitated, though, remembering Eisenhower's warning about our own military-industrial complex. There is much money to be made off the fear of war. Unfortunately, many of my fellow Americans have not done their homework in this Internet age. Much of that is because our own media have become propagandists that would make Pravda's operatchiks proud. Many Americans (and other Westerners) conflate Russia with the Soviet Union. They do not know about America's involvement in the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian government 9 years ago. They do not know that it is the Ukrainian government who has been murdering its own people in eastern Ukraine since 2014 and that those people voted for independence from Ukraine. They do not know that Putin stepped in simply to stop the attacks against these people. Most amazingly, they do not understand that Russian forces could simply have destroyed most of Ukraine and its people long ago. They do not see the Christian values that Putin expresses in some of his speeches -- the very values that have led him to show restraint, limiting the conflict to eastern Ukraine, protecting the people who have been attacked by the Ukrainian government -- their own government since 2014. By simply rolling into eastern Ukraine and taking a defensive posture, Putin has limited the casualties of innocent civilians in Ukraine. Unfortunately, Zelensky has persisted in attacking the vastly superior Russian forces. Unfortunately, our so-called "leaders" have funneled billions of dollars in cash and weapons to Zelensky and his cohorts -- much of which has gone unaccounted for as hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men -- and tens of thousands of Russian men -- have died in this pointless war. It is a sad state that we are in. We elect leaders based on the believability of their lies, then try to justify our poor choices by holding up their further lies as truths. As our wisest founding father, Benjamin Franklin, replied when asked by a concerned citizen what we had after our Constitutional Convention, he replied, " A republic -- for as long as you can keep it." He understood the draw of power and the people's willingness to grant that power to those who promised the most. Those willing to seek truth can see clearly how far our country has strayed from our Founding Fathers' intent. It seems Russia has undergone a revival. Please pray that we might, too, for the benefit of all mankind.

GD Reynolds
GD Reynolds - 19.09.2023 04:23

What about the Orient Express? I thought that was number 1?

Kostas Kapa
Kostas Kapa - 16.09.2023 14:25

A video tailored to the arrogant idiocy of the average American... who has to see what they show him and understand what the propagandists of the evil society he lives in planted in his mind... Russia never left the communist past its and it will never go away... in fact it is adapting its capitalism to touch as much as possible on its communist tradition. what the average and stupid American should not understand is that everything he enjoys and exploits, under the hood of capitalism, are creations and achievements of communism. who only created and destroyed nothing. that's why today all of you like sheep stand open-mouthed in front of the luxurious tsarist palaces, the gilded orthodox churches and the technological and cultural achievements... one would have to be an absolute idiot to believe that all of this was bequeathed by the tsars or that it was created from the absolute corruption of Gorbachev and the alcoholic Yeltsin or from the capitalist facade of President Putin's semi-communist effort... everything you see, admire and enjoy is what the Russian communists created to improve their daily lives, since then , as now, Nazi America and its protectorates, had declared war on this wonderful country...clearly this train of American interests is not suitable to introduce you to the real Russian culture...what it offers you is a blatantly impressive, international cuisine and an artificial luxury, taking you to the fanciest spots created by the respective elite of the country. but this is Russia's showcase. and it covers 1/1000 of this vast country... Russia has a diverse culture, which you won't touch. find other trains to get to know the real Russia. there are... this train is inappropriate. it's only for programmed stupid Americans. it doesn't do for humans. it's like going to dubai and thinking you learned arab culture

Anish Bhattacharya
Anish Bhattacharya - 06.09.2023 22:32

The mischievous American way to say Russia is Russia, Siberia....as if Siberia is a separate country.... Siberia is Russia....now onwards we must say America, Washington, Chicago, new york and California then.... fucking capitalist American empire.....

Christopher Welch
Christopher Welch - 04.09.2023 15:52

No thanks. Russia. I’ll pass.

METATUBE - 02.09.2023 09:20

Oh yes ....Russians have faced bad politicians ..what about the constant onslaught of West who wanted to destroy it to exploit its riches right from Napoleon, Hitler, Western thugs throughout 19th century starting from Churchill who wanted to nuke Russia in the operation "Unthinkable" to every US president except Kennedy till the present time of that nincompoop Biden using Ukrainian Nazis to destroy Russians? Russian people and their rulers had to be tough to stop the west from destroying it. The so called professor on the train should be fired with immediate effect.
Some one should ask questions while he lectures about the west greed and drooling over Russia past 300 years.

Manuel Gomes
Manuel Gomes - 01.09.2023 04:43

What is Major Gordon Corrigan doing there?!!

Jean-Paul - 31.08.2023 12:24

That horn gramophone was an Indian reproduction crap-a-phone.....made to rip people off. Damages records instantly!

Robert Colfack
Robert Colfack - 31.08.2023 06:22

Beautiful country especially around lake Baikal so remote so untouched by man's hands.....I also like all the different cultures Russia being so huge and seeing Mongolia also.... Would love to put this on my bucket list but we have a dumb ass president of America now Biden.....

Peter Holetschek
Peter Holetschek - 27.08.2023 22:27

Impossible during these days - aren't you informed about politics.....

nancy haun
nancy haun - 25.08.2023 06:27

Thank you for the journey!

Mohd Fahmi
Mohd Fahmi - 21.08.2023 16:22


NF 500
NF 500 - 14.08.2023 04:23

I'am an Amereican I love Russia the people have allways been nice to me

Tinny Motu
Tinny Motu - 09.08.2023 09:00

Beautiful xperiyans 🚂🚂

raff - 07.08.2023 01:02

Do they throw you out of a window from the train like in the rest of Russia?

Maris Garcia
Maris Garcia - 06.08.2023 15:33


Christiane Cameron
Christiane Cameron - 06.08.2023 10:11

123332344456777678sittingbull ist 5678999890trense411 so 678999890trense411 und Uiuiui und Uiuiui und das 789000890

Satya Ramchander
Satya Ramchander - 02.08.2023 18:42


Nelson Mantilla León
Nelson Mantilla León - 01.08.2023 00:35


Imran Khan
Imran Khan - 29.07.2023 01:32

Imressive amazing Golden train ride

Qing Yu
Qing Yu - 28.07.2023 21:49

我喜欢西方的文明和古老辉煌的建筑,华丽,精致,大多讲述一个故事,告诉未来人。我钦佩他们的智慧和才能。今天我们的生活不再有那样的辉煌和华丽,我们似乎走上了另外的一条路,平淡无奇,更无意义. 贫穷让我们失去了智慧和想象?为什么人们喜欢旅游?是寻找他们祖先曾经的过去?是延伸他们自己的有限的生命?人们‘’贪婪‘的记录大自然留给我们的‘’馈赠’。。。保护和学习古老的文化一样重要。如果没有战争,我一定鼓励我的朋友们到俄国旅游,一个曾经伟大英雄的民族,希望您们国家没有战争,能更加璀璨辉煌。

Rick54 - 24.07.2023 11:31

our and the, have two different senses

Rick54 - 24.07.2023 11:30

something wrong with this video

Sparkling Gems
Sparkling Gems - 20.07.2023 23:58


M Al Haq
M Al Haq - 19.07.2023 18:43


enroute - 13.07.2023 03:32

What would be the cost to ride full adventure

Jay Walker
Jay Walker - 22.06.2023 00:21

I'm just an ordinary hard working, now retired man.
This is obviously aimed at the very rich...

MarcTheTrainLover - 10.06.2023 02:23

Riding this train IS, ON, MY, BUCKET, LIST!

The Invisible Hand of CV
The Invisible Hand of CV - 26.05.2023 10:10

Glory to Ukraine!

joshua_fry_speed - 23.05.2023 14:41

I am praying this stupid war ends because the beauty and wonder of the trip is breathtaking

larry mckenna
larry mckenna - 21.05.2023 07:53

Imperialist Decadence On Rails !

Elena Eros
Elena Eros - 15.05.2023 02:50

Very good, but poor selection of Art pictures showing images of communist leaders, giving false representation of nowadays Russia.

supersonicbird11 - 16.04.2023 05:13

No sorry , this looks dreadful - the first thing that pops to mind is the orient express - not this price of crap journey

I hate Russia , you couldn’t god damn well , pay me enough to take the horror of a trip - poooo :/

Anne Cohen
Anne Cohen - 15.04.2023 01:16

Oh Russia, BEAUTIFUL Russia! A magnificent portrayal thank you. On my bucket list. Thank you.❤️🇦🇺🇷🇺

Art Bremer
Art Bremer - 15.04.2023 00:26

This video lifted a curtain of lies and propaganda about one of the greatest countries on Earth. Here in the West, the "proper" opinion must be that Russia is the country of evil, dictatorship and poverty... But those who have been there once escaped the matrix....

Joao-Geraldo Damasceno
Joao-Geraldo Damasceno - 14.04.2023 04:15


Blake Rackley
Blake Rackley - 07.04.2023 19:36

These cruises are like $100k a trip....per person.

GIRITHAR JEEVASUBA - 07.04.2023 08:43

I Love Russia❤😍

John Pick
John Pick - 02.04.2023 18:43

Beautiful video.

Kostya Fedorov
Kostya Fedorov - 26.03.2023 19:02

Маршрут отличный.

Kostya Fedorov
Kostya Fedorov - 26.03.2023 19:01

Богатому отличное путешествие

Freyas slain
Freyas slain - 25.03.2023 16:05

This is a dream vacation .

MaggieMae - 25.03.2023 08:11

Its beautiful. Hope they have better luck with there trains than US is having

PAA411 Clipper
PAA411 Clipper - 22.03.2023 00:46

Well I guess its over now. 😢
