Gear up quickly on Wipe day SOLO no BPS! | Fast Guns made EASY

Gear up quickly on Wipe day SOLO no BPS! | Fast Guns made EASY


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@nexgenm.i.a.9379 - 31.03.2022 19:57

Love the mix of informative and comedic content… keep it up brotha, def subscribing :)

@antsatlas4855 - 21.12.2023 08:57

I can't take these duos man. Everytime i get up to the tunnels there is someone else to kill me.

@JzBiff - 20.11.2023 04:34

How do you board the ship and have your boat winged?

@GoliathConsoleRust - 09.07.2023 13:53

The problem with watching videos that help is that the you-tuber is good and the player needs help and is bad

@syd4289 - 08.07.2023 02:39

cant lie this is pretty unrealistic unless its a solo only server. getting pump mission first on a high pop server and then going to underwater labs is probably better as it keeps spawning really fast

@MetalinTheSky - 13.06.2023 01:04

You will always get 3 times the crates, they aren't respawning but spawning.

@Newerik. - 15.05.2023 14:02

I do the same thing! I didn’t even watch this video but barrel farming is very efficient since most cards are taken.

@Minty44. - 12.04.2023 10:28

I tried this and got a Tommy, SAR, tier 2 and a base within a hour and a half all from tunnels. And killing a camper in tunnels lol. Btw the server i played is a vanilla one.

@tanelviil9149 - 07.04.2023 01:23

this is so BS advice.

In a real game you can't walk almost nowhere and not get shot. I run and run and randomly just a guy shows up with already machine guns... or i run to some other place and boom a guy witha bow shows up.
You cant even get anywhere .

And this guy is saying that farm for guns ... lol :D

one death and its all gone...... it's such BS idea. Just one death and all your progress ( killing scientists ) is over and time was wasted.

And considering 33 % people cheat.,,... using aimbots and can see where people are on the map... then trust me YOU WILL GET SHOT.

@Tateww-Shorts - 17.03.2023 18:47

The video should be named ,, Escape the Matrix in Rust"

@cdanhowell - 01.03.2023 03:36

"Some called him a nomad... others called him a murder hobo... We just called him Reks..."

@somedude9200 - 28.01.2023 07:28

Tbh didnt know until now you can use a paddle in the safe zone

@tubofbeans77 - 28.12.2022 22:02

instead of a crossbow if you have the bp would it be better to use a compound bow for the tunnels?

@rymanjones3 - 03.12.2022 20:27

I have abt 365hrs, gonna try this on a solo/duo lowpop server later. Wish me luck! :)

@evansgate - 14.11.2022 01:31

just watching to understand how I get rekt with guns so quickly after server wipe

@justaperception8859 - 20.10.2022 20:01

nice base

@pawedudek1149 - 13.10.2022 10:36

but what if u die to a group of 5 bows ;)

@sonnygrajo8000 - 11.09.2022 10:40

I like it video.i try hem .tnx

@a-2874 - 02.09.2022 19:24

Just wondering did you make this playstyle or does it have a name, I would like to do more research?

@freepowda - 30.08.2022 03:15

Can you make a vid of you playing a wipe using this playstyle?

@Funlax - 26.08.2022 10:23

now i know how some people get guns on wipe day

@tekno90 - 13.08.2022 01:23

These are good tips but unrealistic to make as a solo in a high pop server. By the time you get to underground you are most likely gonna die to a +5 man team.

@shulkerplayz9417 - 26.07.2022 10:43

Wow an amazing video! I'm quite inexperienced with wipe days and struggle to get end game loot and seem to just be behind everyone because of it. This was a very helpful tutorial, much appriciated!

@susmanrules - 21.07.2022 11:45

i didnt know that this was a playstyle when you made this video

@3XOUT - 11.07.2022 11:55

Nice. But when did you get the M9 and the AK or whatever it is? You went from Nailgun to M9. Lol 😆

@exileddude4787 - 10.07.2022 03:25

Imagine doing this on a solo only server. You’d quite literally own the server

@foggyvhs8790 - 05.07.2022 10:13

videos so frustrating because I know if you die once you gotta redo the entire process

@bangindabox9871 - 29.06.2022 23:25

You lying bastard, my sway is still the same……

@eg3534 - 23.06.2022 04:38

Just found ur channel today. Good stuff. Subbed!

@Nah_Bohdi - 14.06.2022 06:54

(Thos scientist missing at those long ranges.)
Yeah...that dont happen with ne.

@glaiez9458 - 13.06.2022 19:56

This will work in a group?

@josephkrambeck8723 - 04.06.2022 00:43

You don’t think you should stash the scrap before going back out

@thursdaytv6421 - 03.06.2022 18:14

That middle mouse tip was clutch!

@pablownc2744 - 23.05.2022 05:12

A less risky move is to farm on the way to outpost buy a double barrel and research it in outpost. You can craft db on tier 1 that is there also. Craft and unload eoka for some ammo. Murder farmer and toss down a temporary base close to outpost farm players leaving after recycling for a while. Or farm on the way to bandit and get a spas and recycle nades for gp to put with stone for ammo. Murder farmers or look for players leaving bandit after recycling to rob. Just make sure safe zone can’t tag you while your hostile.

@bensetera - 22.05.2022 10:02

I wouldn't call this an "easy method". "Just farm for a gun then to go take oil, then off to cargo and kill the counters, it's just so easy."

@vFontzz - 08.05.2022 12:49

This is the video I have been searching for, I'm at 500 hours on Rust, I am able to get to a compound and T3 Guns but it takes me about 3 days of solid playing to do so, can't wait to give this a try

@wiDOmAker04 - 04.05.2022 20:03

What would you recommend for console players that don’t have cargo or tunnels l

@alexnas9634 - 27.04.2022 13:52

i would always build a small 2x1 or even a 1x1 because it takes up very little resource from coming back from outpost i usually have enough for a TC a 2x1 a few boxes and furnaces, best start i ever had is the route i took had me running the roads for a few grids to get to outpost and while farming i got a revolver, a ladder and ladder hatch lol, with one trip i had the 2x1 set up and with a few hours go a mini compound with bunker base and t3 and AK and MP5 BP, Outpost or any safe zones are pretty good for new players on the server, you can also try your luck with poker if anyone is there.

@fatalflaw3125 - 24.04.2022 15:15

I’m still new to rust so I can happily say I’m in the process of learning a lot yet. I’m definitely not new to first person shooters so I have plenty of gun play experience. Sadly though anything outside of that, I’m a complete noob lol. I’ve been doing the same thing up until I craft the weapons at outpost. After that I’ll base down in the area I wanna play in then I’ll just run the keycard puzzles for loot and going for airdrops. This strat seems like it’s perfect for getting to lategame gear but not really maintaining it :/ my luck I would lose it to some naked camping a corner in lighthouse..

@lukeskywalker2778 - 21.04.2022 07:05

How do you take so much damage from npcs and not die they shoot me 3 times and I’m almost dead and bleeding

@Joellivin - 20.04.2022 21:32

You could pair this strat with cosmonotic films "most broken bunker in rust". Strategically place 2 or 3 of these around the map to bank any loot and farm you get from players, they are so cheap, 1 floor, 2 walls and a roof piece.

@dovydas4036 - 18.04.2022 21:28

Works on dead servers

@Tom-wm6jr - 13.04.2022 16:08

a full wipe day vid of you pulling this of would be pretty rad

@ericmaher4756 - 11.04.2022 21:55

Don’t be mad, bro. Be nomad

@sgt_retiredcharlie4102 - 08.04.2022 18:50

Great vid and strategy. I like what you do here, I would just add that when I kill farmers, I make a bag and stash the farm for later when it's time to build. Great ideas and great way to hold cargo, early game when 8 man zergs aren't taking it!

@sheriffofbirds5346 - 07.04.2022 20:11

Got 190 hrs and havent done an oil rig or cargo without dying. I sense great danger in me trying this out, but will still do it nonetheles. Thankyou great vid! Love the base design as well!

@rustbob2482 - 07.04.2022 00:11

This is not doable on a normal vanilla official

@koha3637 - 06.04.2022 19:51

damn this video is epic! ill try it my self and i hope i can do sometihng like you

@bonez2450 - 06.04.2022 17:19

Lets be honest, if you're still playing rust you like to RP and getting top tier guns ruins the fun faster.
