The problem with AI-generated art | Steven Zapata | TEDxBerkeley

The problem with AI-generated art | Steven Zapata | TEDxBerkeley

TEDx Talks

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@411chook - 24.01.2024 01:55

""If we allow the appropriation of everybody's creative work for the benefit of technology that is just going to turn around and compete directly against them in their very markets, we are going to do untold damage to the vigour and energy that people have for their work."

@normapadro420 - 12.01.2024 19:03

I usually watch videos of art being copied by other people. I had a book being stolen by someone that I wrote. I don't know who is making money of it. They can't change the name of the book, or the file name, because I am the author. This is my only comfort about that. There will be those matters that you won't be able to repair. At least your name is on them.

@steves9305 - 10.01.2024 15:44

The thing is that there a lot of people in the World who say that it's perfectly fine to let AI feeding them with any type of content (Art, Music, Games whatever). The reason is that they are quite undemanding. They do not have taste in anything.

@FishingtonBurpPuzzle - 07.01.2024 14:14

I wish I had done something else. It was already almost impossible to make a living. Then this.

@dplj4428 - 06.01.2024 15:45

❤❤ Science fiction is science predicted. ❤❤. Remember Lieutenant Data playing music on Star Trek?

@dplj4428 - 06.01.2024 15:42

Is it true that Standford University and students have open sourced a robot, -- " Mobile Aloha" -- that can be built for less than $32k which can -- LEARN -- to:

Ride an elevator,
Wash and put away dishes,
Get a towel, lift up a filled long stem glass to clean under it.

Imagine home care assistants that would help families with care giving?

@BinaryDood - 17.12.2023 14:41

Give generative Ai all of the music prior to the XX century as input and it would never create jazz

@infopablo - 15.12.2023 21:55

Artistic style is not copyrightable by law. Duh.

@Darhan62 - 06.12.2023 13:52

Luddism. Anger about the inevitable advancement of technology for the good of all humankind simply because the process -- the changing of markets, supply and demand, etc. -- is messy, disruptive, and creates uncertainty. Yet you could see this coming for decades -- not exactly how it would play out, but futurists have been talking about the advent of artificial intelligence and the emergence of a "global brain" via the internet since at least the nineties, and in more general terms since well before that. He's afraid of the what's going to happen to human imagination and creativity. That all depends on us. Each of us. All of us. I try to listen to him, and to Karla Ortiz, but their naivete and Luddism just upsets me.

This is the beginning of a new era of visual communication. This is the democratization of creativity. This is the freeing of the human mind. Yeah, it's financially uncomfortable for visual artists in the short-term. But the future benefits are more than worth such temporary disruption. Further, trained visual artists are probably in a better position to leverage the power of these new technologies than almost anyone. They simply need to let go of the past, and to embrace the possibilities of today and tomorrow. In the decades to come, through the use of new tools and understandings, human visual creativity will flourish like never before.

As for the training of generative AI models by means of allowing them to see art that is freely available for all to see on the internet? That's fair use, by any definition. It's fundamentally no different from one of the ways in which human artists learn their craft.

@gitbuh12345qwerty - 28.11.2023 01:49

who is they?

@cdxx5517 - 24.11.2023 22:34

I will stop posting art. I’ll do it for me I guess, here I go restaurants.

@jamessderby - 22.11.2023 19:53

AI art is the future of art.

@yashanand2308 - 22.11.2023 16:39

While art isn’t my main career since i just do drawing and sell my arts online, but pretty scary how it’s gonna affect job markets

@shehroz295 - 22.11.2023 05:15

Just Beautiful!

@polinagolubeva9781 - 20.11.2023 15:10

The only good Ted Talk 😊

@AdamDuffArt - 16.11.2023 20:25

Emmm, I never knew you did this Ted talk?!?! I was watching a few of your videos and this popped up? Well sir, colour me speechless! (and well done, I'm feeling very proud right now thanks to you)

@jihadj.najmuddin9784 - 14.11.2023 22:07

Grate TEDx. I hope someday we win agenst AI.

@artedalou - 13.11.2023 22:12

Everytime a new tool is created in the society we need to figure out how to use it in a ethical way. Well IA isn't even created in a Ethical way, but now the genie is out of the bottle and we MUST demand laws to unsure the ethical USE of this product! Also an ethical way to maintain it, cause I am sure they will need to update the datas bases. Now that we know what they are up to we need to be against this improper use of our data! ( I am talking photos, text, voice, videos, intelectual property in general... Not "just" art)

@antyhingforeverythingnew6285 - 13.11.2023 11:55

Now AI, then AGI, then probably Bio AI then boooofff. Then....Nothing to talk about:) Anyways, what we are living today is just because of our curiosity for perfection while being a part of a nature where imperfection is a key spec to keep the harmony alive. Imperfection is the reflection of human artist and I admire it. Imperfection is a natural must that opens a gate to sincerity.

@laviniasnow4494 - 12.11.2023 16:39

I wholeheartedly feel that AI use in art should be banned forever! 😒

@av3885 - 04.11.2023 05:08

You know, I'm all for transformative fanworks, fanfic, fanart, and TBH I don't see anything immoral with piracy, either. But not for a second do I think it's appropriate to claim any of that as my "original work" or try to make money off of it.
There's enough public domain and creative commons art out there that these corporations could've build their generative AI around them and come out with good results. The reason they didn't was because it was cheaper to scrape the web and not worry about the consequences.

@stratovolcano7813 - 03.11.2023 09:57

I got so excited thinking there was a new steven zapata talk before realising it was the old one, but maybe it was time for a rewatch anyway 💜

@samankucher5117 - 01.11.2023 21:13

i agree with him .

@agathalynx - 30.10.2023 00:27

Didn’t expect to see Steven on TedxTalks, but it’s great! As artists we should bring our point of view to non-artists and those who don’t know the main danger of AI.

@time9967 - 29.10.2023 09:05

Scroll down at your own risk, you'll find too much negativity it's better if you go and do your studies

@amirartn9734 - 26.10.2023 03:20

awesome video!

@matejzorko7890 - 19.10.2023 22:26

Commenting for the alghorithem.

@LSDemon.666 - 17.10.2023 23:26

AI frauds will never be considered real artists, only con-artists.

@nananina982 - 17.10.2023 15:08

bravo Steven!

@shrimpdance4761 - 17.10.2023 00:54

So much insight in such a short time! He articulated so many of my thoughts and frustrations. This might be one of the most important TED talks ever given. I had to take notes and quotes:

"We need to figure out exactly who the future is for. I think it's for people, not for machines."

"We need to acknowledge that we have power. These systems would not exist without out data and our content. And if the people making these things don't want the valuable data that they use to train their products to up and vanish, they're going to have to help keep the markets healthy. So resist, speak up. Tell these companies and lawmakers and the websites that you use that you want your data and your content protected."

"This is an opportunity for artists, creatives, people of all sorts to come together and defend each other. We have never had such a desperate need for collective action. The very heart of creation could be on the line. And if we really want the future to be aligned for our benefit, we need to remember why we got into art in the first place: because we get an experiential joy from doing it, from making it. Is that something that we are really ready to give up to machines today? I'm not."

@ayisige3019 - 16.10.2023 20:48

This is addressing Non-arabic speakers seeing this!
Humans ! What people in Gaza,  PALESTINE are witnessing now is nothing but against humanity!
Children, women, men and Elders in Gaza are having no water sources, no food and living without electricity since 5 Days ago.
They are being kil'led everyday from dusk till dawn with no drop of mercy by the Isra'eli occupation. Everything and Each part in Gaza ,now, is being bombed, destroyed and demolished brutally by Isra'eli and USA missiles and Internationally prohibited gases since the 7th of October more than what has ever happened before!! The Isra'eli occupation is again and again doing an ethnic cleansing in Gaza! It is trying by all military means to make Palestineans homeless in their own LAND 💔💔 .
Even if you're not an Arab , please , you can just help by sharing a bit of what is happening currently there. Research using the hashtags you will have plently of videos of the press and Arab content-creators sharing in English more accurate details about this. We have to voice up the injust Isra'eli military attacks on civilians in Gaza, Palestine

@rayvirgoe7231 - 16.10.2023 04:47

I appreciated this talk, and it is a serious matter evolving in the areas of creativity. Photographers are losing their images through the cyber realm, and AI is a typical element designed to superimpose itself upon the naive and empathetic. I just pray we all wake up, be watchful, and value one another's work with the utmost respect. Thank you and keep up the process you're undertaking.

@jonathanb6911 - 15.10.2023 19:58

Ai generated imagery isn't the same as human-expression art

There, I saved you 17 minutes

@StevenZapataArt - 15.10.2023 15:33

Many thanks to UC Berkeley for putting on this great TED event and for inviting me. A lot has happened since I gave this talk, and the situation remains urgent. Speak up, please write and call your representatives, and keep drawing and being creative.

@Artx-works - 15.10.2023 00:51

One thing to remember, the people on the side of AI art/ AI will replace artists genuinely hope they are wrong because it’s definitely not to their benefit if they’re right.

@sansarmedia1946 - 14.10.2023 11:00

Plagiarism and greed is an old world problem--not just something that sprung to life in the age of AI.

Major publishing houses of London have fried and eaten the small fish writers of the Third Workd for dinner, while handing their novels to the bigwig writers of their literary stable to copy and "revise" (in landscapes featuring bigger and more profitable demographics.)

We need better copyright laws overall. Ironically, AI already knows who stole whose novel. But they won't use it to machine-train and catch the big criminals because plagiarism is far too profitable.

@sushmajoshi8666 - 14.10.2023 10:50

Plagiarism is an old problem, though. I shared my novel with a major publishing house in London and next thing I knew the editor-in-chief had passed it to the best literary names in her literary stable. Her bigwig writer with a giant demographics attached went on to win big accolades and very nice royalties. Third World writer=0, London publisher=9. Greed and anhillation of the small fish by the big sharks is an olde worlde problem, not a new thing by any means. We need to have better copyright laws and respect for creators, not just for marketable "content."

@humberto6781 - 13.10.2023 17:34

Thank youuuuuu Bro. Well done 🤝 You can count on with me. We'll fight.

@bookworm8815 - 13.10.2023 15:54

The technologies change, but luddits mentality never do 🤦🏼‍♀️. So I really don't understand why some people always want to complain instead of embracing the technology and think how it can help them make their life better. I'm the digital artist, photobank contributor and graphic designer myself so I know very well how these things can easily take your job, your clients and your profits away. And it keeps happening to me for more years than this presenter's entire career. Yet, I'm very happy with all those AI tools and use them successfully in my daily work routine.

@cemtural8556 - 13.10.2023 15:36

This reminded me of South Park's 'they took our jobs' episode

@Multi-Waves_Sketchbook - 13.10.2023 12:32

STEVEN?!?! i wasn't expecting to be jump scared by my favorite poet that just so happens to be an artist by opening the recent tedx posts

@rameshdevasi6720 - 13.10.2023 11:24

his art great!

@rameshdevasi6720 - 13.10.2023 11:22

i never subscribes tedx but after this video, i done it!

@Rachnaknowledgehub - 13.10.2023 11:19

Very very very very nice 👍🏻 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊

@nissi2005 - 13.10.2023 08:15

It's the same as protect horse riding because of cars

@Cerbskies - 13.10.2023 07:50

I could never take this AI art outcry seriously.

Its always pros acting like everyone else should learn or create exactly how they did. "I grew up loving the process" blah blah and? No one decides how you "art" other than you. If someone wants to prompt naruto in walmart then who cares? If they copy your artstation dime a dozen style, so?

Make art for yourself. This has never been more important. People will come to you for what you make personally if they want.

If you're doing it for clout and a sense of superiority cause you studied 10 years but now every teen can prompt your style in a second, then you're in the wrong field. If you want to feel validated for something you did become a doctor, you wont be validated but atleast your skill wont be replicated anytime soon AND you'll be useful to society.

Every pro has a chinese workshop ripping their work, tracing it, duplicating it, and selling it plastered on a pillow.

AI changes nothing. It simply let people with no skill generate something that required skill. Simply, that.

@trippyvortex - 13.10.2023 04:22

All my videos are made with the help of AI, and they are works of art.

@nhanthanh303 - 13.10.2023 04:16

Great talk Steven! I can hear this forever

@bifrostbeberast3246 - 13.10.2023 03:11

We need global universal basic income. I bet artists would mind less if their lifelyhood wasn't depending on it.

@mary-janebrewington8503 - 13.10.2023 02:13

I listened to this while making AI art on Dall E 3
