WoW Hallows End fanmade trailer

WoW Hallows End fanmade trailer


16 лет назад

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@jdkenada - 01.10.2008 20:47

Everyone's commenting on the quality audio (on other sites). You might want to mention somewhere that it was ripped from a WWE promo video from 2007. Otherwise, not bad work.

@Thijz - 02.10.2008 01:09

Actually, i think it's really bad considering the only good thing about it (the audio) was completely ripped from a promo video for WWE. Basically all he did was rip the audio, create a few titlescreens in Windows Movie Maker, took some footage with a free(!) version of fraps and wrapped that all together...

@konack1 - 02.10.2008 17:33

I just changed it. Thanks for the heads up. I dont want anyone to think bad of me, or whatever.

@rothenbergers212 - 01.01.2009 21:02

i dont think bad about it or you i love the end i wrote down everything he said it took like 20 mins just for it!!!!!! i took a long long long time and wooot lvl 19 hopes getting to be a pig LOL

@undead4500 - 22.09.2009 00:04

headless horseman lore in WoW Thomson, following Uther's death, convinced his family to leave with Jaina for Kalimdor. I'm assuming the farm was abandonded. I doubt theres a corresponding anything in game. Theres actualy several unnamed towns. The first one Thomson fights off the undead and is protecting the town only to be tricked by Baron Rivendare to feeding them grain he though was safe. He single handedly killed everyone who became undead in that village.

@janeknr2 - 11.10.2010 21:46

ahh the pvping around the summoning stoen was awesome now it wont be no more fuck you blizzard

@konack1 - 11.10.2010 21:51

@janeknr2 if you are defeated by the other faction, do you REALLY want to be camped and just get on with the boss fight? Thats what they may be preventing
