The Ultimate Upgrade Bait - From 1800X to 5800X3D

The Ultimate Upgrade Bait - From 1800X to 5800X3D

Hardware Canucks

2 года назад

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Satyajit Dey
Satyajit Dey - 09.09.2023 16:40

Isn't 5800X a Ryzen 7 instead of Ryzen 5??

Mattwer - 04.09.2023 19:58

1% lows

CutiePi - 04.09.2023 16:01

Drop in upgrade on a CPU bottlenecked system is a massive win.

dhurt8955 - 25.08.2023 19:46

This is the only channel to give the 5800x3d a poor review. I have it and am very pleased with it.

Lucas Mancini
Lucas Mancini - 22.08.2023 13:11

talks about reality, shows benchmarks with 800fps 😅 Nicely curated list of games too! you picked exactly just the games where intel excels. Every other reviewer showed that the 5800x3d clearly beats intels 12900k in games. but sure you can select your games to influence the result and only show games that benefit intel. Hope intel pays you enough that it’s worth it. You definitely lost my respect and my sub

Vortex - 14.08.2023 00:08

Lmao, these benchmarks are so crappy. Only tells a small portion of the real truth. Typical Intel fanboy. Show all system specs, also the Intel. Typical for Intel is to enable all performance enhancers, running 400 Watts on the CPU, use 500 doller memory sticks, with as high as possible memory frequencies and as low possible timings, while the AMD uses 25% of that power to get the same performance, with (much) slower 80 dollar memory sticks. Oh shoot, nobody has to know that. As long as Intel looks good !!! Final verdict is just a joke. You shouldn't do CPU review, as it's clearly you lack the knowledge, and deliver underinformed video's. Keep to your peripheral video's, and let the pro's do the CPU/GPU benchmarks please.

Zerkerss - 24.07.2023 19:55

You needed to run games at lower quality. You were getting GPU bottlenecked.

ez45 - 24.07.2023 16:15

This review fails to show what every other review showed, huh

sonyericssoner - 18.07.2023 17:56

Omg the 5900x is now cheaper then 5800x3D and its mostly faster. Bye my 1800x.

Bridget Clinch
Bridget Clinch - 18.07.2023 07:18

Your methodology seems sound, I don't care if a piece of hardware gets a million FPS in something crappy at low res and low details when I am still rocking a 3440 x 1440 monitor and want my games to look good. Still runing a ryzen 7 3800x on an x570, so I might give it a better 5000 chip next year if they are cheap, otherwise I'll wait for my next AM5 build.

Adrian Koch
Adrian Koch - 03.07.2023 04:37

Not measuring and comparing the 0.1% and 1% low data between the 5700x and 5800x3d was a mistake or poor editorial choice. That's the part where the V-cache shines. What annoys me in games above 60fps is not the average, but ANY low dips that vary more than 30% from the average.

random weird YouTube channel
random weird YouTube channel - 19.06.2023 13:13

Just upgraded from an 1800x to a 5800x non 3d a couple of days ago even at 4k where my 1070ti is the bottleneck on both cpus the 5800x is just crazy fast all the games just almost instantly load

Michael Trivette
Michael Trivette - 16.06.2023 10:03

And here we are a year later and the 5800x3d is still rocking strong.

I think you lost a bit of cred for me.

Hugo Takayama
Hugo Takayama - 10.06.2023 08:52

Los resultados son cercanos debido a que no hay cuello de botella con la nvidia rtx 3070, pero a tarjeta mayor potencia a la antes mencionada se vera mayor porcentaje de diferencia entre ellos.

Greenalex89 - 05.06.2023 01:31

Of course u have to check if that CPU is an improvement for your specific needs, especially for the launch price. For most people who play AAA titles or optimized games it probably wouldnt have been the greatest option (as mentioned in the vid, a 5800x or even 5600x would be perfectly fine).
Yes its awesome in terms of power consumption (a little more than my 5600g in gaming oO..) and socket support bla bla..My reason to buy it was that it shows great results dealing with the 1% lows, making most games and especially unoptimized games super smooth compared to my former 5600g (which is basically a 5500 or 3600x).
Additionally, im very convinced that future games will be less optimized, cause game devs have to cut all sorts of corners to get games published asap, sadly. And thats were the 5800x3D shines too with its big cache.
450 bucks, questionable, niche scenario upgrade. But for 300 bucks rn, and for the realistic scenarios I mentioned, definately a good deal. U will stay competetive in gaming for the next 2-3 years at least+ u can safe that electricity money for the next upgrade during that time..But as always, check ur stuff first and think about what u really need and dont buy by emotion :)

Damir Trako
Damir Trako - 04.05.2023 17:12

You did something wrong i dont know what but 5800x3d having the same performance like 5800x is off. 5800x3d is much better in gaming.

Muli H
Muli H - 04.05.2023 12:56

delete this video, poorly constructed and ill informed

alsiniz - 30.04.2023 17:22

Being unimpressed when the X3D goes neck and neck with a more expensive 12900k equipped with much faster DDR5 makes no sense…

bwilmusic - 27.04.2023 15:41

the fanboyism is strong with this one

AngelTyraelGM - 26.04.2023 18:00

"lets dive into the difference between marketing hype and the reality most gamers actually live in" bruh i feel like you don't know what reality that is, you literaly bottlenecked your own benchmarks with your gpu, most of us that do competitive pvp games or just like to max out our 240fps monitors, can casually lower graphics options, or dlss or resolution scale to get the max fps out of a 5800x3d even with a 3060Ti (granted it depends on the games), preety much everyone buying a cpu or gpu will try to match them to get the most of out bouth weather its in Ultra quality settings with rtx 1440p or competitive settings(ultra low) for max fps/low input lag, nobody buys a 4090Ti with a 5600x and then goes "ah this gpu is all hype its not the reality most gamers live in"

Zdenka Koren
Zdenka Koren - 09.04.2023 10:10

5800X3D gives you low FPS +10-15 uplift and avg. +5-10FPS

Kilyien - 25.03.2023 19:44

Why is it an upgrade bait? If you have a CPU like the 1800x and a AM4 motherboard the 5800x3D is a huge upgrade

Humanalien - 22.03.2023 23:10

I have a GTX1080, with Ryzen 1700, on 1440p, are there FPS'es to be found with à faster CPU?

David Hua
David Hua - 03.03.2023 22:34

I got big gains for MSFS2020

M0on Mo0n Gaming
M0on Mo0n Gaming - 28.02.2023 13:06

i've been thinking of maybe upgrading recently, and i have a r7 1800x.
a lot of people have told me to go with the 5800x3d, but i haven't found a real reason to go with a lower clock speed but higher cache yet..

my gpu is starting to age, with being a 1080ti, according to some benchmark sites and bottleneck calculators, getting the 5800x3d is gonna bottleneck me more than the 5800x

IrelandVonVicious - 20.02.2023 22:23

It would be nice if my x470 board had a bios for this chip 10 months later. MSI kinda sucks.

Shao Zapomni
Shao Zapomni - 20.02.2023 19:44

Where it loses, it barely does and where it wins it creates a very big discrepancy that no other CPU can achieve even with lesser GPUs.

MyStuff_Irl - 18.02.2023 10:59

This cpu is a beast, especially for somebody who came from r5 3600. Where 3600 was maxing out 5800x3d have 1% lows

tonkatoytruck - 13.02.2023 05:22

This video aged like milk. The 5800X3D is a great gaming upgrade on the AM4 platform and sells for $300usd in 2023. Your limited test sample really hurt the credibility of your results.

NoClearly - 12.02.2023 20:08

Something seems off with this review compared to others.

los ballos
los ballos - 12.02.2023 01:08

You didn't test multiplayer games. The difference is huge in large mtiplayer games between 5800x and 3d version

sigma male
sigma male - 09.02.2023 06:05

"We used gpu bound scenarios to test cpu performance"
What a terrible review

Grzegorz Reszel
Grzegorz Reszel - 08.02.2023 10:20

You compare the CPU by building a PC with RTX 3070 that bootlenecks the whole rig in gaming performance. You just can't score well a CPU like that because changes will show when upgrade the GPU in future. Lower resolution and minimum graphics settings and highest available GPU are the only way to verify what the CPU actually can do.

KillerOfLight - 05.02.2023 23:58

This intel fanboy should rename the video to "A 450$ cpu cant compare to a 600$ cpu for which you need a new motherboard and new ddr5 ram sticks which also uses almost double the power draw."

This was one the the dumbest tech vids I have ever seen.

Also as soon as he arrived at the comparison between the 5800x and x3d he should have realised that the gpu is bottlenecking this entire test lmao

DeadlyKiller54 - 05.02.2023 10:41

just got this chip for 300 at micro center, and man it's a beast, updated my b450, and dropped it in. no issues, just runs a bit hot, but no big deal to me.

Polivios Constantinou
Polivios Constantinou - 01.02.2023 14:05

Comparing two CPUs in tests where clearly the GPU is the bottleneck doesn't make any sense. Not all gamers play with the highest games and in some games the CPU is the bottleneck. Take for example a 5800x paired to a 4070TI in warzone.

PEKS - 01.02.2023 11:43

5800x3d is for one thing, tarkov lmao

Quin Trapnell
Quin Trapnell - 31.01.2023 12:47

I built a new system with the 5800X3D and ignored this flawed review. While the testing methodology was mostly fine it didn’t scratch the surface. While the opinions were not false; they were limited. My build was cheaper than Zen4 and intel 12th or 13th gen and will be able to handle everything for years and years on a dead platform despite no overclocking. One of the biggest strengths of this chip is it makes RAM performance less of a big deal. You can slot in some B-die CL14 3200 and not have to spend all day tuning it. You don’t have to spend over 200$ trying to get a 1-4% upgrade from RAM or worry about FOMO when faster memory exists. Also as of writing this the cpu is around 350$ and was as low as 330$ during the last holiday. I’m living in the past literally but this chip is going to age well on a dead platform so it’s fitting.

Welco - 17.01.2023 07:32

wish every video was sponsored by Tunnel Bear. Use that to watch porn and Netflix at work

MrSuperselenio - 14.01.2023 09:17

Finally a review where it points out that unless you have a 4090, the 5800x3d is almost identical to the 5800x. I had to look up soo many reviews to get to that conclusion myself but here you sum it up

undefined - 12.01.2023 12:48

Great video but maybe an alternative look on this upgrade path can be investigated, like "How much performance difference is between running a 5800X3D on a B350, vs B550 where you benefit from all the PBO2/curve optimizer goodies" . There 's is a big selling point this 3-4 year of upgrades on the same AM4 now AM5 socket for AMD. But could you really refrain from upgrading, and stick with the same 1600 or whatever first gen Ryzen people bought at that time, together with the entry level B350. Could you just hold onto your original processor and not upgrading in the meantime for 4 years? Just waiting for "the processor" like 5800X3D and in the end always having this little nag in the back of your head that "maybe the motherboard is holding back the cpu's full potential" ? 3-4 years may be a long time to wait and in the end the question remains, do I buy a 5800x3D and pair it with a 4 year old motherboard or I jump to the new "first gen" socket and wait for another 4 years when I am back to the same dilemma. Anyways thanks for the "Ultimate Upgrade Bait" , ;-).

its_butterrs - 07.01.2023 08:33

people are sleepin on the 3D

DAMR - 26.12.2022 03:28

I am glad I found this video and seeing the difference between these cpus when using a 3070. I recently built a 5600x since it was on sale for $150 and people have been claiming the 5800x3D is the better choice but I didn’t want to spend $379.

The fact I am the type of person who sees no reason to ever buy a card more than $500 for gaming, I believe my 5600x for $150 was the right choice. I was able to buy the 3060ti founders edition at Best Buy for $399. Perfect card for 1440p gaming.

sinephase - 22.12.2022 21:20

wait, where to I get the free pack of fans?

cbonez - 19.12.2022 02:26

5800x3d is made for 1440 gaming. it doesn't run well at 1080.

Eric Adams
Eric Adams - 14.12.2022 13:58

I got my 5800x3d for $280 usd new at micro center insane deal

Double Op
Double Op - 03.12.2022 08:17

Omg I get to get a 5800x3d .. bios update will give me more performance from my 1800x👀👀👀👀
