Is There a Way to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids for Good?

Is There a Way to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids for Good?

Rachael Ray Show

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@astrofizz8383 - 01.12.2023 23:46

To get rid of hemorrhoids naturally, you must fast. Not just intermittent fasting but fasting at least 48 - 72 hrs. This allows autophagy to begin healing your cells. While doing this take plenty of vitamins, including turmeric and fish oil and tons of water. Practice a high fiber diet with vegetables. A steak and chicken once a week is ok. Stay active and enjoy life.

@chriscruz8269 - 29.11.2023 20:02

fiber makes me constipated

@jeffmannlein9772 - 25.11.2023 05:28

Who would go on tv and talk about their pregnancy hemmeroids

@jdbruiser - 23.11.2023 06:53

The fact we're still playing coy about stuff related to our private areas shows why so many people are uninformed. Everything to do with our bodies should never be taboo.

@levelupentertainment8519 - 02.11.2023 21:22

Recent as in a few days ago go rid of this! I said to myself if I cure it I will share it because I was looking for results tirelessly and it ruined my life for about 6months!

What I did:

1. Soften stool: buy a stool softener I used DulcoEase (after each meal) 3 times a day if possible.

2. Drink 2 litres of water only per day. Always drink after food!

3. Eat soft food. Google Soluble foods. I had Oats for breakfast and Fish and Veg for dinner.

4. Try to keep a gap of 4-6hrs for food to digest properly.

5. The doctors gave me something that totally flushed out my system but this was because I had to have an camera up my ass to see what was happening! I think this helped.

6. Reduce your stress, stay away from stressful people.

7. Exercise: I would walk but I stopped doing weights (no straining)

8. Cleaned bum after passing using Witch Hazel and a cotton swab that women use to take off make up.

9. For pain relief I had warm baths

10. Used a Ice after bowel movements to reduce inflammation but DO NOT put ice directly on the area, use a flannel/rag and wrap it around the ice.

11. I used a suppository which I inserted. I used Germloid, the anusol ones didn’t work for me. BUT I also used the anusol cream for the outside.

12. Get good amount of rest and don’t sit down for long periods.

At some points the pain was so much I thought it was easier to not be here🙈 so I hope this helps someone and don’t feel ashamed with it.

Please invest in the products to cure it as it got so bad I looked at paying to get an operation but glad I waited it out.

Good luck people.

@shanepeters7514 - 27.10.2023 22:50

Witch hazel in Huggies!

@deaconbness2533 - 26.10.2023 06:09

I'm wondering or is just me. doctor 💊 we needs a medical to cure Hemorrhoids 😂 please 🐼

@RickySlatton - 21.10.2023 22:14

Fiber will make you even more constipated if your not drinking buckets of water every day.

@user-oq5ig4kc9z - 16.10.2023 02:09

I try pooping and it’s soft but it burns like hell especially after going in in my bed crying so much because of the pain I’ve had this for a week now..

@matt17389 - 14.10.2023 11:52

its not only women/pregnancy ive been getting hemerroids for years now. the last week ive had watery blood in the toilet. ivd been to hospitsl spoken to 2 gp’s outside hospital. they all say its just yout hemerroids. had 2 stool test done both times they said very low % chance its cancer or anything serious. just dont know why they have suggest surgery? i have been getting them bad for 2-3 years now

@pacho7992 - 11.10.2023 07:07

if yall want cure.. i have this cure and it is veryvery simple and it will blown your mind

@josiahjohn214 - 08.10.2023 22:54

Me watching this on the toilet as we speak😂

@murphdog9506 - 05.10.2023 21:20

On the toilet watching this on my phone......🫤

@irshadkhan9285 - 04.10.2023 12:54

Apply castor oil when u feel pain

@sn350channel - 30.09.2023 04:17

There’s only one way. Unfortunately it’s getting them snipped off. Prepare for 2 weeks of hell.

@nariko47 - 25.09.2023 08:32

Fiber. Exercise. Water.

@cquintana8 - 21.09.2023 08:26

Collinsonia root cures them. Also varicose veins. You’re welcome

@blschafer4310 - 15.09.2023 23:45

Too much fiber is the WORSE thing you can do. Its not the end all/be all of solutions.

@CT-nb5lm - 15.09.2023 05:47

My Brother(genX) when we were 30 had badGalBladder & got hemroids from it
and said it was huge & the othe rsmaller one was on the inside but rock hard..
~I asked him if he was gonna pop it & he said that was the plan
but wanted me(ugh) on backup duty in case i had to stich it up if it wouldn't stop bleeding.
He agreed to my steep terms(his sister in-law ;D )
~So The legend states that he used a ExactoBlade(new blade)
and a candle in case he had to cauterize it.
~So we all learned that day that this isnt like a pimple & there is no prize for victory.
~It was nothing but blood. even the hard sac was just blood.
~So he put Ambesol(Litocaine) on it nd 15 mins later stabbed it with exacto and squeezed it out.
i saw the picture of the blood on paper towel & it was regular normal blood..
~~So he didn't have to cauterize or stitch it because the hole was small.
~His concern was an open wound contacting bacteria shit..
Neither grew back..
~Time it right after a Huge bowel movement so it has 1-2 days to fully heal.
And get a mirror & light..
(i wasn't there) but to this day dude says it was no big deal and he felt instant relief
and his pain went all the way down to only the pain from the wound & squeezing..
~~The deep inside one was difficult(i wasn't there and lived 4 towns away)
But he said he got annoyed and squeezed it hard and felt the pop and blood was on the
towell.. With only a dark marron spot. whatever tf that was....
~Yeah people do sh at home because if ur in NOrthEast dr. appointments are an insultin rude joke.
Like 6 months out....
~If you do go solo on this= have a plan to cauterize it or have
someone who knows how to put in atleast 1 stitch.
just in case. <as bot healing the bleed is the main concern..
~~You can't tell me everyone you see on Dr.Pimple Poppers
doctors office aren't goobers who run to the dr for anything
& will live with some giant growth on their face for 20 years..
I wait till it's emergency only....

@SportsBettingDude - 12.09.2023 09:58

I think rooting for the patriots causes hemorrhoids 😂

@JamarLDrCold - 06.09.2023 17:58

Panacur C Canine Dewormer contains fenbendazole the active ingredient cures hemorrhoids and or bleeding hemorrhoids and some cancers in your intestinal tract and colon. You can try Fenbendazole by itself and other forms like capsule but if you get the package just take half with water or oil or food or any type of drink and it will do the trick

@Dustdog99 - 02.09.2023 09:43

I have no kids but a lot of hemorrhoids

@mainaunt4447 - 27.08.2023 20:55

Can we cut it off

@clydelouis2553 - 25.08.2023 23:54

You probably have to live with it

@lawrenceshdow - 24.08.2023 04:07

When i just had a shampoo bottle to read it wasnt an issue.

@TBM._ - 14.08.2023 17:40

Had them for 3 years... Somebody please help

@shirlburris-fg8eq - 07.08.2023 06:49

IBS ,constant diarrhea causes hemorrhoids.

@user-kd4zl4ul7t - 03.08.2023 00:53

I installed a beday however you spell it. And got some relief. But not a lot. Prep H helps some but not enough. What I finally discovered is that if you take garlic mingled with some prep h and place it in the area it will get rid of piles for up to a week. Expect some pain, mostly stinging. But it works. If it is a milder form you can pour boiling water into garlic and let the steam penetrate your hemmroids. This is effective too. But direct application is better.

@colmrooney414 - 01.08.2023 22:23

Yoga can reeally help, specific for piles not hatha! nd avoid sitting too long where belly breathing is dominant. full 360 breath and balanced meals. fruit is great but not too much quantity. for example I can eat 4 mangos, after exercise. but a large green smoothie might overload the water system- spleen, kidneys, bladder and not allow time to absorb. Also Bai Hui acupressure point on top of head between ears- the energy upwards! (short term solution)

@pkbakoliya2765 - 31.07.2023 19:01

Very painful 😢

@menstruation4women - 21.07.2023 01:45

Bisexual men can get hemorrhoids better change to transgender LOL

@Tnc874 - 05.07.2023 19:16

My as* hurts. And i have a desk job. Im going on a high fiber diet !!!!!!!

@coacht1738 - 01.07.2023 13:37

As I'm sitting in the toilet watching this on my phone. 🤦🏾‍♀️

@jeffreykobe4011 - 28.06.2023 12:26

Your utmost dedication towards curing other people was what gave me full confidence dr igho, We all need to keep a positive mind in any situation, I never thought there would be a way to eradicate Hemorroid naturally, thanks for curing my pains and putting other doctors to shame who'd thought there was no permanent cure.

@leesanderson6885 - 22.06.2023 07:59

If I could share a top tip, I just had a flare up of exterior swollen hems. Invest in some caster oil and tea tree oil. Also with diet..two kiwi fruit...lots of hydration .(cooled boiler water through the day). Start the day with two black coffees ..get three cups of drinks ready each morning ..two black boiled water ...cooling ready to get digestion and soft pooping going. During a flare up and drink differently for a few days upto a week..whilst the flare up calms down...whilst swelling going down...going for a poop during this time is traumatic. Getting everything nice and soft is crucial. Worth investing in a good stool softener too. After a shower ..lay on your bed on a towel..massage the rectum..swollen area with caster oil and few drops of tea tree oil. Best before bedtime. Google effects of caster oil on Hemorroids. Keeping everything soft is a battle!! And last tip...don't sit on the toilet to poop until the pressure to open bowels is at you know you will instantly opening bowels. Least pressure on swollen area is really important. Avoid fast foods...too much bread. Few top tips. ☺️

@MarcoNegrisEye - 18.06.2023 23:23

"The ONLY way to get rid of haemorrhoids completely is with a surgical procedure which thankfully most people won't need" - You're going to have to explain that one to me mate 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

@joannwilliams3979 - 18.06.2023 13:52

That was horrible info.
None at all

@mossfrank3535 - 06.06.2023 02:50

Every way to make sure I could get rid of it were all in vain. So I gave in to the believe that nothing can be done I have actually tried different means but never produced good results. I appriciate Dr Kelvin who cured me with his powerful medicine.

@user-pr5 - 30.05.2023 07:19

No surgery, all need is garlic and witch hazel.

@sweetbeep - 27.05.2023 06:27

This guy is wrong. Hemorrhoids can be cured. I guess he's a doctor so he wouldn't know..

@Iam_Exposing_U - 11.05.2023 10:49

This guy is a total dumbass. Theres a way to fix hemorrhoids forever and thats through essential oil suppositories. I have zero respects for ignorant doctors who studied in schools like parrots but never understands how body works.

@fazzkarimi - 26.04.2023 16:26

working from home gave me hemoroids

@StingOfficial-bw4gd - 18.04.2023 19:50

Accolades to my doc. @drgboya I have so much respect for how much positivity he put in helping me get rid of my pile 🙏🙏

@enemanozzle - 14.04.2023 11:31

In the case of haemorrhoids you ought not to have a painful bowel movement with extreme pain. So you should avoid any stool pressure and bleeding due to hard stool. In order to keep off this one take regularly 1 tablespoon castor oil early in the morning on an empty stomach; 1 to 2 hours after having swallowed this dosage you will have an easy bowel movement without any pain.

@amorer.7825 - 11.04.2023 18:08

Use granulated sugar...wet it with water, use a spray bottle pain gon instantly and shrinks hemmroids

@whizbang7130 - 23.03.2023 03:46

After three large babies, my hemorrhoids have been the beign of my existence. Two thrombus, two internal banded, and still problems 50 years later. Aggravated by too many BMs, standing too long, or constipation 😢 so painful.

@chopie7 - 21.03.2023 00:35

"we are pushing during childbirth" What exactly are you pushing, sir? 😂

@muizzkhawaja6734 - 13.03.2023 20:35

I've always ignored the last advice..and suffered!!!

@iliyasusamira-ut2jh - 26.02.2023 18:53

I suffered hemorroids for 8 years,I never thought I could be cured because of what the doctors told me,but thank God I did not loose hope,because I still have my mentor Doctor osaye,who helped me with natural solutions which successfully got cured me©®™
