Cinemachine Transposer & Composer for Top-Down Object Targeting | Unity Tutorial

Cinemachine Transposer & Composer for Top-Down Object Targeting | Unity Tutorial


1 год назад

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A. S.
A. S. - 02.08.2023 06:46

Best video about Unity Cameras

crispy - 17.07.2023 06:32

My virtual camera has no effect on the transform of the main camera whenever i use SceneManager.LoadScene to restart play. I then deleted both cameras and remade them, setting Transposer and Composer and now the main camera "jumps" to origin when i hit play. Why does my virtual camera not override my main camera? What am i missing?

Xrc - 07.07.2023 03:08

Kinda unrelated question but what tool did you use to make the level ? Is it Probuilder ?

Bruno Bozic
Bruno Bozic - 01.05.2023 18:03

Hello, do you perhaps have any info (perhaps you have done some research for your own purposes) on how to make a good ARPG camera setup for games like Diablo: Immortal and or Warhammer 40k Martyr (action based, click to move, camera follow ARPG)?

Dreami Sover
Dreami Sover - 22.08.2022 07:13

Great! I never worked with CineMachine (and Timeline) properly yet, this gives some good insights on the former

Raccoon0710 - 19.08.2022 18:51

Can you please share your camera setting in your example (wip). Particularly I am interesting in how camera slighly rotates around player, while you moving

you slug
you slug - 16.08.2022 20:05

As always on top.

nickdevprod - 16.08.2022 16:44

hey liam great video. can you tell me why is my object jittering when using cinemachine to follow rigidbody? rigidbody interpolation is turned on . i tried changing settings on cinemachine to fixedupdate and tried different combinations but it was still lagging(more on some cases). im moving object with rb.velocity. also i tried creating empty game object and lerping it towards player and assigned cinemachine follow to that object still same. my script looks something like this. rb.velocity(dir.x * speed, rb.velocity.y, dir.z * speed); is it possible that player is jittering because of this code? thanks

Dippps - 16.08.2022 14:47

i find it overshoot for most projects. so i never actually used it

He Man
He Man - 16.08.2022 14:34

Plz do more about job system and physics ❤️❤️❤️
