5 Reasons – Why Should You Learn English? - Speak English fluently & Confidently – Free ESL lessons

5 Reasons – Why Should You Learn English? - Speak English fluently & Confidently – Free ESL lessons

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@ritanjalisahu4767 - 10.03.2022 15:43

English is the language of sex

@mehandraji2103 - 23.03.2022 23:27

To whom do you want to teach. This lips 👄 moving English. you speak very well English with well assent also.
But please don't move your lips too much 🤪🤪🤪 while talking.
Arey madam hum Desi Han, per aisi English mharey palle na padti.. ya
English ho ke babdi poonchh..

@DEVIL-lw9ht - 10.04.2022 22:57

Japan mahi jada karke japaniesh bole jati hai english kam hi log bolte hai lakin deko yo technology may kite aage hai america se bhi aagay hai. Unse kuch siko. Hindi me kya karabhi hai. Hum sub indian hai india me rahai te hai videsh mejaoo to aalag baat hai lakin puray india may hindi hi bolni caahiye jammu kashmir se lay kar tamil nadu tak aur gujarat se lay kar nagaland tak kar school me hindi anivaary kar na chahiye. Hindi hamari raashtreey hai puray india may hindi bol nichahiye. Isko maja kitor pe mat layna me gambheer rup se bol raha hu. 🙏🏻

@DEVIL-lw9ht - 10.04.2022 22:58

Koie hindi kyu nahi bol ta. Aaray ha maaf kar do me bhool gaya hum american hai america me rahate hai india me nahi. Hindi bol lay ge to unpad sum je gay. Baday baday log hai hindi bolay gay to ijjat nahi milay gi English hi bolo please hindi mat bolo mat bolo hindi. 😣😣😭😭😭

English bolo lakin thode bohot. me ye nahi bol raha ho tum shuddh hindi bolo hindi bolte waket 1 ,2 shabd english bol la to thi hai lakin sub log english ko importance de raha ho. Interview mai koie super star ya koir aur hindi bol ta hi nahi hindi  hamari pahachaan hai. Hindi Bol lo.🙏🏻

@lifeisafrickenchicken6950 - 05.05.2022 21:25

I’m here cuz I have an exam that needs to be pass tomorrow and one of those questions are “why is is important to learn English”and it has to 15-20 sentences and I’m out of ideas😅I’ve only written 5 😭

@aniketsinghvlog8205 - 08.06.2022 04:18

Thank you so much

@drrd4127 - 08.07.2022 10:41

Why are you telling people that they should learn English while in English? Surely if they understand this video they can understand English.

@ramdasmurmu1504 - 12.08.2022 13:38

Because English is a link language ....

@turkmen3674 - 12.08.2022 20:09

I leave some comments here, maybe one day I'll back here by accident..)

@prashanttayade9635 - 16.08.2022 15:01

Good presentation... good luck

@prashanttayade9635 - 16.08.2022 15:03

Niharika...you presention is very good... good luck mam

@rajeev_kumar - 31.08.2022 09:40

English is the best language I guess.

@ashukotekar - 15.09.2022 23:07

English is important for Parents ,now a days because have to interacted with School Principal and Teacher of the childrens school.

@vickeydonor1779 - 22.09.2022 11:32

I have some other reason
1 showoff
2 to impress girls
3 make new friends
4looking smart

@educationwithNiraj - 29.09.2022 17:21

इसके अलावा

@FilipinosaAmericavlog - 12.10.2022 16:05

I learned English as being a toastmaster with rank of competent . It's very effective in coordination, dissemination of information and most important of all , in team building. From Texas

@gabrielgkabelen9824 - 13.11.2022 09:20

Thanks so much Dear, greetings from Indonesia

@learnenglishbybangla - 02.01.2023 06:52

After five years, this video worth watching

@ziyachhakeem6595 - 07.01.2023 09:40

I know English only so why here

@nepaliprogrammer2161 - 14.01.2023 11:51

impressed nice communication skills and the killer smile was awesome

@احمدعبده-ر3ث - 22.01.2023 20:35

Iam anew can you accept me

and also don't know how speak English con you help please

@JPdynabook - 08.02.2023 03:14

English is a critical language to learn in today's interconnected world. It is widely used as a lingua franca for international business and communication, allowing individuals to expand their professional and personal opportunities. Learning English can also provide access to a vast array of resources, such as books, movies, and websites, and enable easy travel to English-speaking countries. Additionally, knowing English can help to broaden your cultural horizons and allow for more meaningful cross-cultural exchanges. With its growing importance, learning English is a valuable investment for both personal and professional growth and success.

@oscartigga5039 - 14.02.2023 12:01

Great, thanks for explaining it very well

@gagadhartelgad2595 - 22.02.2023 04:47

I can,t make quicky santanesas like you, please give me new taknik to spaking english , apusulataly right , so good By

@ParomitaSaha077 - 26.02.2023 14:39

I am also come to complete my project but what I understand....I don't like it and go back 🙏

@anlgungoren8212 - 15.03.2023 12:09

There are so many reasons to learn English as much as I count.

@englishtalks8395 - 21.03.2023 17:50

Yes you are right 👍🏻

@chetanrawatji - 29.04.2023 15:31

Thank you mam❤

@crazywork3066 - 29.05.2023 14:27

She is giving reasons for 'why should you learn english' in english💀

@dannyparache3618 - 20.07.2023 17:57

One reason to learn this language is that all the good and relevant information on internet is in English. There are some info that has been translated but all the good sources are in English.

@AngloTales - 29.07.2023 22:30

The English language is crucial for global communication, cultural exchange and accessing opportunities in various fields, including education, business and technology. Keep learning, all the best! 🎉

@Sezgin-w6v - 15.09.2023 16:06

Good job!

@Sezgin-w6v - 15.09.2023 16:08

Understandable video for everyone😊

@MungaraDayakarreddy - 25.09.2023 03:17

What is your mother tongue

@SALMASALMA-hw1nn - 26.09.2023 06:16

Thank you 🙏🏻😊 mam

@nageshwarrao4013 - 07.10.2023 11:31

Niharika, Thank you for your five reasons to learn English.

@SadhanaKushwaha - 18.01.2024 17:25

Not alphabets u should say letters in English there is only one alphabet .... In English alphabet there are 26 letters like Hindi varnmala English varnmala is known known as alphabet 😊

@Study_sphere22 - 05.06.2024 14:34


@Juniorhalweendo - 06.06.2024 19:14

What if it's French?

@无李-d9c - 10.06.2024 08:35

I know English as a international language around the world in actually. the reason why I want to learn about English is that I want to learn about the international information

@HungNguyen-pj8zc - 01.08.2024 16:20

Try to get your way out in other countris. ( I do not understand this sentence. Please help me explain it . Thanks.)

@Theyoungambassador3 - 08.08.2024 21:26

Thank you. Your video is so interesting !

@Airic - 07.11.2024 02:48

a quick comment for constructive criticism: "hot property" is a hilarious phrase that I would not recommend anyone uses... that sounds like slavery! 😅 Instead, I would say "a valuable asset"... But, I'm sure the speaker doesn't realize this since she seems to be a newbie English speaker as well. I'm an American songwriter/author who's considering teaching English as an Expat, so I'm just doing some research on it... and yes, to all the non-native English speakers: please don't use the phrase "hot property" hahaha much love and God Bless!

@ehekepalabapakkau - 21.11.2024 03:35

Aku di suruh oleh pak diky untuk menonton ini

@gustavauliaakbar1365 - 21.11.2024 03:42

kaga bisa bahasa inggris 😢

@BilanQurux-t1x - 09.02.2025 05:17

1: english is a popular
2: for my self to make everything easier
That is all

Guys plz correct me if I am wrong😊

@shampakundu6482 - 26.02.2025 21:29

Maam i love to hear your voice .....❤
