Debunking Neanderthals - Scientists Debunk Misperceptions About Neanderthals

Debunking Neanderthals - Scientists Debunk Misperceptions About Neanderthals

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@asimian8500 - 11.03.2023 18:33

As a homonin with Eurasian Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis genes, including an occipital bun seen in Neanderthal skulls, I salute my ancestors on both sides, including that chad Neanderthal male seen hanging out with the Homo Sapien women. Modern humans do not have Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA which would originate from a female Neanderthal mating with a Homo Sapien male.

Bigger Neanderthal pelvises are an evolutionary trait due to Neanderthal baby heads being bigger than Homo Sapiens. Childbirth has always been dangerous for our Homonin ancestors as increase in cranial size did not increase proportionately the pelvis size of females. We also see this in our jaws as our jaws shrank, but the teeth size did not decrease proportionally. I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed because of this.

@tractorhead971 - 11.03.2023 18:41

There is more Neanderthal DNA walking around the planet now than at any other time in history, even when pure bred Neanderthals ruled supreme. The total of all the 2% Neanderthal DNA in modern humans is greater than that in the small original population of Neanderthals. By hybridising with Homo Sapiens they share in our success and continue to walk the Earth.

@roringusanda2837 - 11.03.2023 18:53

Certain odd images in this presentation ought to have been left out for a more realistic video. Especially that bit at the end...🙄

@biffphuddle6581 - 11.03.2023 19:16

I am beginning to think that all these weird extra humanoid 'species' so called are merely what happens when cousins marry and or toxins are ingested over many generations.

@MrGaborseres - 11.03.2023 19:48


@ESL-O.G. - 11.03.2023 20:17

They obviously were pretty smart, but they were not the smartest or they would still be here, and we'd be extinct

@Shade_Dragon - 11.03.2023 20:20

They were on the barest edge of genetic compatibility. they were more a separate species than dogs and wolves, and about as much as lions and tigers.

@trinidadscorpion3835 - 11.03.2023 20:32

Research has shown that Neanderthal were more mentally advanced than most republicans.

@DrCorvid - 11.03.2023 20:54

Comparing this information to Sumerian genesis, it might be that Neanderthal were one of the Lulu experiments to make a slave race. The accounts say several attempts were made and the outcomes put out to stabilize and multiply in various regions. Could Neanderthal be one of, or the final, experimental series to make these workers some 200,000 years ago? Dates match the accounts....and we know they are discussing genetic manipulation....

@OldieBugger - 11.03.2023 21:15

It figures, modern-day Homo Sapiens females are often attracted to big, burly guys. It's no surprise this happened also in the long past.

@donaleigh2352 - 11.03.2023 21:30

Seems to me that since there is no Neanderthal mt DNA or Y chromosomes present today, their hybrid off spring were sterile..indicating speciation.. No?

@axl1002 - 11.03.2023 22:03

There is an archeologist in France that specializes in stone tool making. He said that the Neanderthal's technique is way more advanced than African one and as someone that used to work with stonemasons I totally agree. The Neanderthal make a blade in few minutes, something that African will need days.

@joseraulmiguens6699 - 11.03.2023 23:24

machine learning was fundamental

@warlocksden - 11.03.2023 23:45

Behavior should be included because there is a difference between throwing a long spear and jabbing it into a animal and tackling it, changing this one behavior would change the entire physical makeup of a person

@stevoplex - 12.03.2023 02:52

"Peripheral interbreeding is permitted". 😃 I'm so happy to hear that.

@larryfisher8332 - 12.03.2023 03:22

They still haven't found the "Missing Link" so, evolution is still just a theory. Between each branch in the so-called evolution tree of man the difference between each is so great there would have to have been at least20 more branches between the two. How did ape evolve into human? It didn't happen. Human evolution never happened. It's "almost" impossible. Why look at some theory when the truth is easy to prove. Throughout history many species "evolved" at the same time. How can this happen? It can't What has happened on a cycle is our sun having a micro nova. This happens every 12,068 years. This will change species DNA. Some DNA is changed so that the species can no longer reproduce causing an extinction of that species. The DNA is other species change and causes the DNA to mutate. In between these nova's there's huge plasma events too. These also change the DNA. The last Nova helped cause the younger dryas.

@JimAParks - 12.03.2023 07:18

Addressing the Neanderthal problem, a delightful maze of different ideas using different evidence, I camp amongst those who see Neanderthals as a subspecies of sapiens, first and foremost because we were able to interbreed with each other. I recently read (no source info, sorry) that it’s the skulls and faces that are most often used to differentiate the more recent species of our closest cousins. Body anatomy is pretty similar. And I read elsewhere (I really should keep track of sources) that face shape is highly variable and changes quickly based on diet. Thus, it’s not only sapiens that has had a small flat face. Flat faces came and went several times. In your highly compelling video, you yourself mention that some sapiens looked more like Neanderthal and vice versa. Wild-ass suggestion: all the recent cousins of sapiens belong to one supergroup (like the band Cream). The same species? I don’t know. Why do we still use the Linnaean system, anyway? Hasn’t it become limiting?

@JungleJargon - 12.03.2023 08:33

You can’t argue with known human history. The ancient civilizations are all descended from Noah who had sixteen grandsons that became the sixteen ancient the civilizations each with their own paternal haplogroup lineage.

1) Tubal Italy K,
2) Javan Greek sea people T,
3) Tiras Thracians L,
4) Magog Asian O,
5) Meshek Siberians N,
6) Madai Medes Q,
7) Gomer Europeans R,
8) Arphaxad Arabs Hebrews I&J,
9) Elam Elamites H,
10) Asshur Assyrians G,
11) Aram Arameans F
12) Lud Lydians F2,
13) Cush Cushites A B & C.
14) Phut early Phoenicians E1,
15) Canaan Canaanites E2,
16) Mitzrayim Egyptians E3,
D is likely the Sinite tribe from Canaan.
C is the descendants of Nimrod since they can’t be from anyone else.

Neanderthals are Japhethites and Denisovans are a mix of Japhethites and Hamites, not Semitic. It shows up on DNA maps and charts. Every grandson of Noah and their descendants have their own paternal Y chromosome haplogroup lineage! I can name all sixteen of them like I just did and give you each of their haplogroups!

The evolutionary out of Africa claim is exactly backwards since the oldest progenitor is Japheth the ancestor of Eurasians then the Semitic populations of Shem and the Hamitic African progenitor is the youngest progenitor with their eldest sons connecting the three different families descended from the three sons of Noah.

It took me a while to understand that the evolutionary claim is assuming that SNP markers are being gained forming the stair steps out of Africa when the reality is that the original SNP markers cited are in fact being lost forming the opposite stair steps out of West Asia as known human history shows.

The stair step out of Africa claim has to be addressed because the SNP markers are real evidence but the evolutionary assumption is exactly backwards.

This requires that the older most original genomes of the Japhethites be connected to the Semitics by way of the eldest son of Shem which is Arphaxad (IJ) and the Semitics are then connected to the Hamitics by way of the the eldest son of the eldest son of Ham which is Nimrod (C) the son of Cush. So the Hamitic C paternal haplogroup SNP markers being lost to the less original younger brothers verifies the Table of Nations outlined in Genesis. Learn the Bible before trying to learn anything else.

It is also noteworthy that the D paternal haplogroup lines up with the E2 haplogroup of Canaan and his son’s tribe of Sinim the Biblical namesake of China. So the only Hamitic haplogroups outside of Africa are the C of Nimrod and the D of Sinim still there in Andaman, Tibetan and Japanese areas.

@edwardhippely7700 - 12.03.2023 09:01


@Bigbudda12 - 12.03.2023 09:13

Thank you.

@sandro-schmitt - 12.03.2023 09:14

I'm not a modern human, I'm an actual human. Sorry ! For to be modern, I need more time and patiance, because "modern'' is a mobile concept !

@titolino73 - 12.03.2023 12:41

Awsome in order to destroy completely the most common religions on planet Earth ! Thanks

@stevenschilizzi4104 - 12.03.2023 13:17

Very interesting summary of the upheavals to current knowledge brought about by recent discoveries, which will surely go on to wreak even greater havoc to our current (mis)understanding in the coming years. But why show pictures, or rather drawings, of « ancient brutish cavemen » that represent bygone perceptions that are no longer valid, without telling the listener/viewer that they are totally wrong? Those were the perceptions people had more than 50 years ago or even earlier. These pictures are also contradicted -blatantly! - by what is said in the video.
Anyway, although the overall picture that is currently emerging appears to become messier and more confusing by the day, it does seem to herald a new and deeper understanding of what did happen back then - and in the next decade or two, after more discoveries with newer technologies, this messy picture will again shape up into something we can get our head around. I guess that’s the way science works: a long painful climb through thick scrub with hardly any visibility until one day you emerge on a summit and discover a grand new vista… and another summit out there that’s much higher than the one you’re on! The fun must go on…
One question springs to mind: Could it be that the infertility of male-female or female-male would have been greater for Neanderhals than for modern Sapiens (for reasons to be discovered) which, over 10 to 15 thousand years would have contributed to Neanderthal’s demise? Would that be a possibility?

@john-ic5pz - 13.03.2023 01:16

So good that even the robovoice didn't detract. 😀

@jonnyqwst - 13.03.2023 07:38

Human trust as a wonder of nature. Perhaps trust, like love, comes from God

@eacalvert - 13.03.2023 08:24

Always yes to a new video 😁😁😁😁

@lenawitkowski1073 - 15.03.2023 05:22

We have neanderthal DNA so they are our ancestors

@jamesrow3794 - 15.03.2023 05:50

We absorbed them

@johnshields6852 - 19.03.2023 00:53

I definitely have neanderthal in me, just give me a club and I'm your man

@hollyingraham3980 - 20.03.2023 06:41

Your introductory lines are such horseshit! Lone humans can't survive in the wild? Maybe you can't. Check the stories of the 19th century.

@Son-of-Tyr - 23.03.2023 19:18

Personally, I like the theory that we ate all the Neanderthals lol. Also, I really don't think we are all the same species just because we can interbreed. We interbred with Neanderthals but they're considered a different species sooo...

@jamesvanwyk1378 - 24.03.2023 22:43

In one of the Alice books (Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking Glass), I forget which one, a character says: "Words mean exactly what I mean them to mean, nothing more and nothing less." Species is an Alice word; it means whatever the user of it means.

@joemarucci3917 - 30.03.2023 06:53

Evilution will never be able to explain the Sub Atomic world inside every cell in every species. DNA is the receipts.
We have a Creator. Everything else is just speculation.

@katnerd6712 - 03.04.2023 20:49

I'd think the absence of progeny from neanderthal females and modern human males had an obvious answer. They probably exchanged females among their small groups through raids. When they encountered modern humans they did the same most likely.

@zorradone - 04.04.2023 23:57

If Neanderthal males liked Sapiens women more, they outbred themselves within a few generations. Like the Turkic people in Turkey that today only have 5-20% Turkic DNA....

@largelester - 08.04.2023 11:23

Reality is if everyone outside of Africa's genetic makeup is between 1 and at least 4 percent Neanderthal of 40,000 years ago means they never went extinct. From burying the dead, to communicating and mating with other tribes of Hominids, to farming and building the wheel, to civilizations and rocket ships.
We're still the same species as those from sub Sahara, just different classification and breeds.

@zeuso.1947 - 10.04.2023 00:38

It's not just noses and brows that separate Neanderthal from homo sapiens.

@zeuso.1947 - 10.04.2023 00:40

There are so many false claims and bad science in this video I had to stop watching.

@goombah226 - 14.04.2023 19:00

Anyone with 3% Neanderthal genes should get reparations.

@kevinrice7635 - 14.04.2023 20:57

Homovaginao in the mix of the ether so ......

@Cobalt1520 - 15.04.2023 00:57

The guy in the thumbnail looks nothing like a neanderthal. I look more neanderthal than him. Or maybe I don't look nothing like a homo sapiens ...

@thatbeme - 15.04.2023 08:21

These " artists " try to make these primitive people appear human with no animal features.. these "artists" try to make it appear that these creatures came from the barber shop and beauty salon. These drawers of cartoons make sure they appear intelligent like a college student... reality please...wake up..sorry I may have disturbed these cartoonists...

@nealpeterson3113 - 17.04.2023 20:40

I wish your Neanderthal drawings (of recent creation) were more realistic. I like how powerful they appear and the artistic liberty. What can be improved is the features of the head. ONE they did not have chins. TWO the skull is less tall than sapiens and is longer to the back. THREE they do not have the hollow under the cheekbone which is characteristic of sapiens. . . . If you have the name of the artist, who created those images, please pass it on to me.

@melissa502 - 27.04.2023 11:30

I'd like to see some research on why caucasian people have such an explosion of hair and eye color. It can't be attributed to living in the northern areas of the planet, because the japanese, chinese and mongolian, in addition to eskimos and siberian populations all have uniform dark hair and brown eyes despite living in the north - much like equatorial peoples, and indigenous people in all lands across the earth.

@carhunte1 - 11.05.2023 14:58

In my imagination the homo sapiens killed the neanderthals for fun at long range with bows.

@Jesusisking-c1e - 09.07.2023 02:17

I'm indian I have 2% Neanderthals

@burnbabyburn-od5sy - 21.02.2024 03:06

they can not tell us how the pyramids were built 2000 years ago but we are suposed to belive that they know what happend hundreds of thousands of years ago lololololol ok ,people that came from moneys mite just belive that and the moneys what happend only a few decided to evolve lolololol what ever you say money man keep me out of it

@iwantyourcookiesnow - 04.09.2024 22:38

Those female Neanderthals were like hot buff gym girls back then. I would not be able to resist interbreeding with them. Jungle love to the extreme.
