How To Install The Gotek USB-Floppy Emulator On The MPC2000XL // Step By Step Guide

How To Install The Gotek USB-Floppy Emulator On The MPC2000XL // Step By Step Guide


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_sugr.skull_ - 21.05.2020 20:27

If you need any clarification please don't hesitate to leave a comment, I'll be sure to answer. 😊

ben.wav1 - 25.11.2023 21:09

Hi brother, I was wondering if I have to update the 2000xl before installing the gotek, I still have the first version 1.12 from the year 2000. thankss

lpn369 - 15.11.2023 21:20

Those SMACKING beats brother

lpn369 - 15.11.2023 21:15

Question sir.. gotek is only 40.00?

urielterry - 13.11.2023 22:41

I did that for Korg Karma and still doesnt work =(

edcypha - 01.09.2023 06:22

The info downloaded says it’s jumper s1

Skulptur Sound
Skulptur Sound - 05.08.2023 07:40

What size usb thumb drive did you get?

Boo Deini
Boo Deini - 17.06.2023 12:53

Hey so I did everything as instructed but when I go to format my usb partition it says “disk write error”. Am I supposed to like copy the OS to the usb drive ? Or format it on my computer first ? Should the disk type be 2HD or 2DD 😩 I need this to work help please 🙏

4energy - 14.04.2023 04:26

Thank you for the jumper advice. That helped out without me even knowing it would be an issue.

Diez Tha Pacifists
Diez Tha Pacifists - 29.12.2022 00:56

I I bought the gotek and I have a problem, the power plug of the reader which is in my mpc has nothing to do with that of the gotek, no one has had this problem?????

harleyrider916 - 18.09.2022 03:36

Curious, why not just install a Zip 100 internal drive? It’s 100MB. Only need to deal with one disk and it’s 1000 more times stable than a floppy drive.

hugmode - 06.05.2022 23:49

great vid! what os version does this need? thanks!

Jan Willems
Jan Willems - 06.01.2022 22:04

We're are trying to use a Miditemp with a Gotek USB Floppy Disk Emulator. Now we have two problems: 1) We can't connect the Gotek in the proper way. We tried all possible solutions and variations with jumpers, flatcable or config files. Miditemp doesn't recognize the Gotek. 2) Even if the Gotek displays the correct number of images of floppy disks on the 4GB USB stick, Miditemp doesn't see the midi files in those images. Not sure what software (Windows 10) to us for making images and putting files in those images. Can anyone help us with (step by step) instructions, software, links or whatever? Thanks.

Mic Holden
Mic Holden - 12.08.2021 18:14

what size usb stick did you have to use and how did you format the USB stick with the info?

MetamophisisBeats - 01.08.2021 17:29

Ha LOL 😆

James Kapociunas
James Kapociunas - 18.07.2021 17:13

Nice music.

Toke de keda
Toke de keda - 15.07.2021 10:01

Good video bro :)

A trhee Headed Monkey
A trhee Headed Monkey - 16.05.2021 18:20

I have a problem, after installing the gotek usb emulator, after making the partitions the mpc tells me: type = no disk.

J. No
J. No - 29.04.2021 09:34

This is awesome, we have an old MPC60, with the original software (Not the "MPC 3000" upgraded OS). We are trying to back up MPC 60 sequences, and drum sounds saved on floppy disks to a Windows 10 computer, for import into the "MPC BEATS" software, as the specifications claim that it can "read sequences and drum samples from any MPC ever made". Any suggestions? Thanks in advance 👍🏾

Christian Torma
Christian Torma - 04.04.2021 17:35

Der Tipp mit den jumpern ist am Ende unendlich nützlich 😎🤘😎🤘😎🤘😊✌danke 😊✌

NYCSTREAMS - 22.03.2021 07:18

Just installed the Gotek, and it says floppy not found

Loud News Net
Loud News Net - 20.03.2021 02:18

Great video. Just installed mine on my 21 year old 2000xl

Jose Renteria
Jose Renteria - 06.03.2021 06:24

How you doing buddy..question do you have to format the flash drive before putting in sounds

Alfie Taylor Music
Alfie Taylor Music - 19.02.2021 17:31

Hey man, great video. Is the drive hot swapable? meaning i can interchange usb drives without having to turn the mpc off and on again, to use new sounds from a new usb? Thanks man, stay safe.

Mr. Loop
Mr. Loop - 11.02.2021 01:58

I recommend you try out the Startech cf card drive on amazon. I think that works better since there are no partitions involved.

Ungruma - 04.02.2021 07:20

Thank you! :)

Mr. Loop
Mr. Loop - 30.01.2021 00:26

What size USB drive did you use? Can I use a 2T USB drive and be good for life?

alta ego
alta ego - 27.01.2021 16:48


steve schantz
steve schantz - 08.01.2021 00:16

I think you have a great video here and an even better point...... the floppy is done, at least on the 2000xl. But I'm going to throw you a serious bone here Mr Budda. Emulators are only really useful where only floppy ribbons are present. But if the sampler has scsi or ide you are in much better shape, and the 2000xl has both. Today you can purchase a $79 scsi2sd drive with bracket. it's a hot swappable drive and loadind/saving speeds are 50x faster. If you enjoy your emulator then keep it...but I promise the next step is worth it. All you need is a SD card, a 50 pin internal scsi ribbon, a scsi2sd drive (v5.2 is fine), OS 1.2 (although 1.14 has been known to work from time to time), and finally a compatible power cable... but the floppy drive power cable should match up. Take the leap my friend, the grass is greener on the other side.

Dj Zerotolerance
Dj Zerotolerance - 26.12.2020 03:47

Wow I hate that disc error 😁😁😁😁 I'm install me one of those thank you for this video

aekorps - 18.12.2020 00:31

How are you saving files to the USB? I can only access the first 100 partitions from Windows and nothing on Mac. Are you able to access all 1000? Would be great to be able to use all 1000 on my Mac. I can use Windows if that's the only option...

brian o'blivion
brian o'blivion - 03.12.2020 10:12

Just to clarify.. you need to create a new partition every time? and the partitions are only capable of saving with a max size of 1.44 floppy etc? Hmm just wondering if an SD card is probably a better option. I've got a Zip disk at the moment

brian o'blivion
brian o'blivion - 03.12.2020 09:05

hiya, my gotek didn't come with any power cable, what's the name of the female 4 pin cable that's needed?

N U K L E U S O F F I C I A L - 19.11.2020 23:44

Ok man I’m a order it , but before that just have a few questions ?
1. Would it work for an original akai 2000?
2 . you said the jumper ? And M-O - when booking up harness’s
Can you be more specific? Thanks man would appreciate your help?

Verse Osmo. Beats
Verse Osmo. Beats - 21.10.2020 07:47

hi, so when i installed the gotek and turn on the mpc it says insert mpc2000 disk. i add the usb drive with the os mpc 2000 in the usb stick, but the mpc says disk read error. how do you even the the gotek to load up the mpc os? this is so hardd brooo! lol

Jaden Inzauro
Jaden Inzauro - 21.10.2020 04:55

Just installed mine! The drive shows up on the MPC, LEDs are on. But the screen says no disk.. Any advice is welcome :)

thedjmikep - 17.10.2020 17:56

Hey bro, any chance you can make a vid clearly showing the process of saving and loading from the emulator?

thedjmikep - 17.10.2020 16:07

Dope vid, hilarious intro! 😂

Patrick Johnson
Patrick Johnson - 11.10.2020 23:54

I just got an MPC 2000 and when I tried to load it from the floppy it started with disk read error, so I ordered the gotek hoping it would fix it and I formatted it and put the startup program on it but it still says disk read error when I start it up. Any ideas what the problem is?

Carlos E Mendez
Carlos E Mendez - 09.10.2020 16:45

Hello, I just installed the Gotek to my MPC 2000xl. I do not see the led light up. Just the green light. I am running ox 1.20. it came with a 4 gb usb. I can read it on my computer and it's formatted with empty folders (floppies). But no go. I may have a bad drive. Also, I tried to reformat the the usb on the mpc and it says no disk.

Saltamontes Beats
Saltamontes Beats - 07.10.2020 19:28

Great video!!!... How can I install the OS 1.20 update using this emulator? , I think I can't transfer a file from my PC to USB and then connect it to my mpc, can I?

Raymond Murga
Raymond Murga - 27.09.2020 17:10

What OS does the MPC 2000XL need to be using for the Floppy Drive Emulator to work? My MPC is currently running on 1.14.

Paul Nuno
Paul Nuno - 14.09.2020 21:59

Hey Budda, loved the video and decided to do the same thing. Jus finished installing my floppy emulator but when i turned on the mPc the screen is turns on and lights up but is blank. Did i miss something? was i supposed to install a software or something? please help, thank you

PatanSy - 11.07.2020 00:21

I just got myself an Akai MPC 2KXl and I bought some zip disks and the newest OS on zip as mine still has a zip drive in the front. The green light turns on the zip drive but it won't read disks and now my OS zip disk is stuck in the machine and the machine reads no floppy device when I try to load anything? Any advice would be appreciated. I want to get this baby working right

E.W. Rand
E.W. Rand - 05.07.2020 05:48

Hello. I saw your video and got excited. Was always trying to figure out how to make my MPC 2000XL USB friendly. I went a purchased the same Goteck emulator a proceeded to follow your instructions. So I thought.
When I loaded my sounds on my USB stick and put it into the emulator, and hit load , the MPC screen read ????? where it usually reads floppy. My question is did I miss a step or is there something else I need to do.
In the past I would take my sounds from my floppies and save them to my laptop with and external floppy drive. So I thought I could take those same sounds, load them on a Memory stick and load them into the emulator.
Well if you could, please advise.
I'm stuck like chuck.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
E.W. Ran.

MF KNOWLEDGE - 03.07.2020 02:55

I'm trying to re install and getting disk error haha I have USB but USB broke now I need USB again

Angel Jimenez
Angel Jimenez - 14.06.2020 05:06

Hey Budda! Awesome Tutorial, but i seem to be having issues after powering up .The Gotek wont let me change partitions and there are dots flashing within the LCD. Could it be something with the jumpers?

Martin Trudel
Martin Trudel - 13.06.2020 03:37

Question: How do I add the 1.72 version (boot disk) when the mpc opens.
P-S: I have a 2000

Emilien Tasset
Emilien Tasset - 03.06.2020 16:44

Hi, nice tutorial, i followed all instructions and I am able to save and load from the mpc. However, when i plug the usb to my computer, nothing appears, no partitions and no samples ... Any idea ? Thanks
