In this video I will show you how to run the latest version of macOS, which is Sequoia at the moment this video was created, in a virtual machine on a Windows-based PC. I will go through the process step by step and the goal is to get a running and workable virtual machine with macOS without the need for any Apple hardware or pre-made ISO images. Once we managed to do this, I will also check how well this actually performs and if it is usable for some tasks.
00:00 - Introduction
01:55 - Process Overview
02:33 - Download Sequoia BaseSystem.dmg
04:27 - Convert BaseSystem.dmg to VMDK
05:46 - Install VMWare Workstation Pro
07:22 - Unlock VMWare Workstation to run macOS
08:04 - Create Virtual Machine for macOS
11:44 - Install macOS Sequoia
14:40 - Install VMWare Tools
17:15 - Change resolution and Shared Folder
19:38 - Performance and Benchmarks
Links used in the video:
- Python 3:
- OpenCorePkg:
- List of board-ID and macOS versions:
- QEMU for Windows:
- VMware Workstation Pro:
- Auto-Unlocker for VMware:
- VMware Tools download:
Commands used in the video:
- Download Sequoia BaseSystem.dmg: py -b Mac-937A206F2EE63C01 -m 00000000000000000 download
- Convert BaseSystem.dmg to VMDK: C:\"Program Files"\qemu\qemu-img.exe convert -O vmdk -o compat6 BaseSystem.dmg BaseSystem.vmdk
- Change resolution inside VM: sudo /Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Tools/vmware-resolutionSet 1280 800
Changes required to the VMX-file:
For both Intel and AMD CPUs:
Change these existing lines:
board-id.reflectHost = "FALSE"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "vmxnet3"
Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
board-id = "Mac-937A206F2EE63C01"
hw.model.reflectHost = "FALSE"
hw.model = "MacBookPro15,1"
serialNumber.reflectHost = "FALSE"
serialNumber = "C01234567890"
Only for AMD-CPU:
smc.version = "0"
cpuid.0.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1011"
cpuid.0.ebx = "0111:0101:0110:1110:0110:0101:0100:0111"
cpuid.0.ecx = "0110:1100:0110:0101:0111:0100:0110:1110"
cpuid.0.edx = "0100:1001:0110:0101:0110:1110:0110:1001"
cpuid.1.eax = "0000:0000:0000:0001:0000:0110:0111:0001"
cpuid.1.ebx = "0000:0010:0000:0001:0000:1000:0000:0000"
cpuid.1.ecx = "1000:0010:1001:1000:0010:0010:0000:0011"
cpuid.1.edx = "0000:0111:1000:1011:1111:1011:1111:1111"
smbios.reflectHost = "TRUE"