/r/GamersRiseUp BANNED, Nazis MALDING

/r/GamersRiseUp BANNED, Nazis MALDING


4 года назад

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@xcharlesbronsonx - 12.12.2022 13:32

Gamers do need to rise up tho!
LOL you cupcakes DID RUIN comedy forever. You even went at Chappelle and acted like it's normal behavior. And this whole punch up or down shit... Who determines which group is up or down and at what moment in time?
You guys? Vaush? State department? The guardian/buzzfeed? Plebbit?

GTFO lol

@artificial_S - 09.12.2022 00:23

Reject wokeness, embrace gamer

@star3catcherSEQUEL - 10.07.2022 00:38

So are we just not going to talk about how Vaush actually does a pretty good Heath Ledger Joker impersonation?

@sorryifoldcomment8596 - 01.07.2022 00:59

It's sad how my subreddits have been taken over by anti-SJWs and transformed completely. Even subreddits that weren't 100% progressive but still definitely not actively hateful or anti-feminist. Remember when MGTOW wasn't a hateful shitshow? It was a long time ago, but it wasn't named "Men Going Their Own Way" with the plan of only talking about how much women & feminism suck.

I even remember a time when r/tumblr_in_action wasn't a hate sub.

Believe it or not, Tumblr didn't use to be the obsession of anti-SJWs.

A decade ago, the subreddit was just filled with progressives talking about the media and posts that were created on Tumblr, making fun of fan fictions, but not in a mean way. It was created by and for fellow Tumblr users, obviously. Because no one else cared about Tumblr except its actual users...it didn't use to represent all SJWs (to everyone who never went on Tumblr).

Seems impossible to believe, now that you get automatically banned from other subreddits the moment you even comment under a post on r/tumblrinaction (even if you're telling someone they're being a bigot) because it absolutely deserves the label of "hate sub."

But, it used to be on my list of automatic subreddits - because I've had like 20+ Reddit accounts over the last decade. 😂

At least the left is finally reclaiming PePe the frog. I think PePe the frog is a perfect example that represents all the media, forums, and subreddits created by progressives, to be used by fellow progressives but then stolen by conservatives.

Shout out to r/MensLib for holding strong and not letting anti-feminists take over a subreddit that's supposed to be about men's issues and pro-feminism. The moment their moderation team gets compromised, it's all over. 😔

@panlis6243 - 16.04.2022 17:55

I think this sub reddit has actually helped me. I've never been a stereotypical incel but I was pretty close to that Nice Guy mentality at one point. Seeing these memes that were exaggerated to the point of absurdidy (stuff like "gamer tax" or "Players get chicks, I get bullied at school") helped me to see how ridiculous the incel logic is and I think it made me subconciously stay away from this kind of mentality.

I think the important point is that a lot of jokes there specifically said stuff like "I'm proud to be a racist". Actual racists would never call themselves racist because they believe they are "speaking the truth" and that "the left polifical correctness" is censoring them.

I'm not trying to defend the sub. I usually just browsed it on my phone for a few seconds when for a minute for a quick laugh. Idk how much of it was actually ironic. Just sharing my thoughts

@panlis6243 - 16.04.2022 17:15

With the glass ceiling broken all the opresssed groups shall prosper

@Stop_The_Car - 11.03.2022 13:23

We ought to take hate filled statements and turn them around.

For example, turn "and once again, for no reason whatsoever, the jews were kicked out of another country" into "and once again, for no reason whatsoever, the bigots have were banned from another website".

@panekoekopjema - 09.03.2022 21:18

you guys need to lift.

@herculesatan4514 - 08.01.2022 08:38

If you roll around in shit for ironic purposes, you’ll still stink and attract flies.

@Thomas-hv4tq - 25.12.2021 19:01

Now it's r/sigmagrindset

@tempy2440 - 08.11.2021 18:02

We can really see the post rona glow up

@kubre - 04.11.2021 05:25

I saw Vaush clip of calling LGBTQ+ degenerate taken out of context and posted on right wing Indian Instagram, someone even asked who is the person and the account who posted didn't even knew.

@OLOYism - 29.10.2021 19:20

it’s funny watching this happen to r/politicalcompassmemes as we speak

@xenasBS - 08.09.2021 13:41

I love the "Oh but you don't know what's happening in my head" argument.

Like, by that logic, you can't call Hitler a racist. Sure, he exterminated some 6 million jewish people while proclaiming the superiority of the aryan race... But you don't know if in his head he had a problem with other races so WHO'S TO SAY???

@gfox-ck5xx - 14.08.2021 19:18

This post has been approved by GANGWEED

@ShabazzTBL - 07.08.2021 08:25

I largely stopped using that type of humor because what always ends up happening is that someone will take it seriously and attack it but with a very bad argument. Then I point out how bad their arguments are but I usually say something signaling that even though I reject their argument I agree with their stances. They completely ignore that and there’s a little back and forth and I get annoyed and say “Look i don’t really want to continue this conversation because I was just joking originally anyway.” But of course they don’t believe me because in their minds I just got done defending even though I already said I agree with their viewpoint. Then it turns into me arguing with them that I DO believe the same thing with them and it was just terrible argument I took issue with. It’s just not a worthwhile thing for me anymore. And yes I could just ignore their bad arguments but I hate the idea of them going out and trying to us them with actually bad people and making us look bad.

@crunkalac - 02.08.2021 11:24

Soyboy uploader loves oppression and censoring free speech

@kfchundur4087 - 26.06.2021 21:22

Why couldnt this sub have survived in its ironic form

@rat_king- - 15.06.2021 12:18

No Vaush, it was never satire. I meant what i posted there. Its your warped twisted little brain that changed its opinion when that thread stopped agreeing with your opinion.

@Ikkiaku - 13.06.2021 16:37

You win this one, Vaush. You cannot keep us chained forever.

@m1cah - 10.06.2021 18:25

Now yuo see

@shortstack9895 - 22.05.2021 02:50

There are w*men at my gamestop.

@modtyrant1784 - 12.05.2021 02:52

Good video! Thanks!

@AlpharadsbiggestfanIloveyoualp - 04.04.2021 06:43

This is happening to my poor r/Gangweed where it's slowly getting taken over by real incels :(

@Will-hc4xv - 22.03.2021 23:25

Sorry, buddy. You don’t get it.

@Nethr - 20.03.2021 00:15

Can someone explain to me the difference between the capital "I" "Incels" he is referring to in this video and the "incels" I am familiar with? Please pardon my ignorance here. I'm just new to Vaush.

@tolertarpley5350 - 08.03.2021 04:52

Wait y’all were roleplaying

@JJMoth - 06.03.2021 18:14

I feel like this is a similar thing that happened to ifunny. I use ifunny pretty regularly for the occasional meme. But it seems like at a certain point it became overrun with right wingers, especially alt right people. I noticed the first huge saturation of it when parler closed but its always kinda been there? I remember certain tags being shut down because it became largely a troll tag and they were often tags like lgbt, trans, nonbinary, blm... progressive stuff and also kpop for some reason. Part of me is considering leaving the app but i like some of the memes that aren't of the fascist variety and arguing with the nazis on that app entertains me when im bored.

@neonsamurai4604 - 03.03.2021 00:39


@wowwow7210 - 22.02.2021 02:12

B was never good.
Meme aside, good vid.

@Cagon415 - 29.12.2020 13:24

Did they all just miss the irony of the white guy being the "ceo of crime"? 😂

@TrueDM44 - 20.12.2020 22:49

tomatoes are just worse cucumbers

@cantfeelthis3288 - 16.12.2020 19:58

kidna funny how you did so little research that you call them all nazi. There were no or almost no nazis in there. Maybe racists, anti trans anti lgbtq whatever they might be. Very little of them were nazis. Labling them all including the people just on there because it was legit funny as nazis is ridiculous and retarded.

@Will-hc4xv - 07.12.2020 05:43

You don’t get it, homeboy.

@Chronically_ChiII - 24.11.2020 18:02

You can punch down as much as you can punch up in comedy.
You cannot claim that only one things defines comedy.

@user-xm8ew3eq5f - 24.11.2020 07:16

I’m from iFunny, shit happened there. Used to be a genuinely interesting and original community once you went deep enough. Used to even be predominantly left wing. The election happened, iPolitics rallied around trump originally ironically, went serious once he had a chance, they all went down the pipeline, now it’s almost indistinguishable from /pol/ politically. It’s unfortunate, it’s basically where I grew up and got my sense of humor from.

@fulcrum6760 - 24.11.2020 06:41

Yanderedev is the embodiment of a r/gamersriseup user.

@basicindiebro - 11.11.2020 00:04

That’s true about punching up. Jesters were the only ones who could mock the king.

@kylegratenburg5268 - 28.10.2020 08:13

please do more of your gamer joker voice

@MetalliCxZero - 25.10.2020 06:59

This reminds me of the Fallout Radposting group on Facebook. I joined for Fallout memes and it was literally this gamersriseup unironc 13/50ing and 42%ing etc. nonstop. I screenshotted some comments and posted it to another group so we could make fun of how dumb these people are, but I guess someone in radposting saw my post in this other group to they shared it to radposting. Of course I was getting dragged after that so I just ended up reporting the page and it got taken down. There's no moral to the story I just idk

@creativerealms - 20.10.2020 20:50

Its easy for the people you are making fun of to take over.

The Donald use to be satire? I thought it was always a Trump worship sub reddit.

@RedShadowOfSaturn - 12.10.2020 19:32

"Irony often attracts people who don't get the joke." Way too long has gone by that this didn't occur to me. And a lot of things are clicking now that I've heard it.

@alexandredesouza3692 - 11.10.2020 01:15

I liked the CEO of Crime meme. That was so stupid. Lmao

@TheRetroPerspective - 06.10.2020 04:57

Hopefully Kotakuinaction will be next!

@xaviercockerton6989 - 03.10.2020 19:03

I once randomly came across that Robert Sterkeson fella. I made a comment mocking them. He replied “white people will fucking destroy you“.

@bonkmeabeab3563 - 28.09.2020 13:25

It's always funny when far right people get banned from shit and then they mald about their freedom of speech. I believe in everyone's freedom of speech, and that includes hate speech, and I will support people being unbanned from shit. Censorship fucking sucks. Although, it's so ironic when far right people get banned.

-Noooo, my freedom of speech has been violated

-What were you saying?

-Oh, just that minorities dont deserve freedom of speech
