BG3 - KARLACH THROWMANCER Build: 60+ DMG & 7+ ATKS - Why THROWING IS OP - Tactician Ready!

BG3 - KARLACH THROWMANCER Build: 60+ DMG & 7+ ATKS - Why THROWING IS OP - Tactician Ready!

cRPG Bro

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Bevan Jonsson
Bevan Jonsson - 20.09.2023 02:06

I will be using the Gloves of Hill Giant Strength because.
1. Extra 3 str (23str vs 20str) because Tavern Brawlers adds strength modifier TWICE to the damage AND attack rolls, will equal more damage than a 1d6 roll.
2. I can respec my str to only base and pump it all into Constitution and others since the gloves boost it no matter where it is.

HairyManlyMan - 19.09.2023 15:16

Can I take this build and use it to throw familiars such as rats or other animals that are small enough to throw instead of the weapon?

Marcus Holm
Marcus Holm - 19.09.2023 13:35

Why not go with half orc if MC?

Robert DeCaire
Robert DeCaire - 17.09.2023 18:24

I found out that The Sparkle Hands are supposed to trigger their lightning charges only on unarmed attacks, but they actually work with thrown attacks as well. Presumably, the game checks to see if you have a weapon in your hand when it rolls for damage, and since your hand is empty now that you've thrown something, it assumes that it was an unarmed attack. I've been using the pike of returning with Karlach, and I keep doing a bunch of extra lightning damage since she can hit 5 lightning charges with 3 throws every round. Also threw the Jolty Vest on her to use the extra lightning charges for an extra defense proc.

Родион Чугунов
Родион Чугунов - 17.09.2023 07:12

I guess "barbarian with a twist" is a melee one now, since every usual build is a throwing barb, lol

Laur Tekguys
Laur Tekguys - 15.09.2023 17:14

Hahah, it's funny the way you say 2. Try to say it like "to" instead of "chew" :)

jeff beggs
jeff beggs - 14.09.2023 20:50

Another early game option for gloves is the sparkle hands. The throw attacks count as unarmed attacks so each throw gives 2 lightning charges, pairs pretty well with the lifebringer circlet for some extra hit points and damage.

Etrius MacGuffin
Etrius MacGuffin - 14.09.2023 17:54

It would appear that the problem with the Frenzied Throw is that it causes you to suffer a cumulative -1 to hit... which is quite the cost for a bonus-action attack. Maybe this was a change from an update?

Il Giallo
Il Giallo - 12.09.2023 11:23

Probabily lae'zel is the best starting charachter for this build , because misty step .
More of that she will have a reason after lv 5 to get angry and at lv 8 she will trow a lot of weapons ...

DummyUrD - 11.09.2023 22:49

Why no shield :o

kamikaze9576 - 11.09.2023 05:58

I tried this Build and it hit hard. Even unoptimized with only Niryulna, Kushigo glove, Sarevok Helm and with random gear all the rest of it, it just annihilate enemies. Thanks man

Georgio Verini
Georgio Verini - 10.09.2023 14:10

Nice! But where and how to get dwarven thrower?

Thomas Neal
Thomas Neal - 10.09.2023 13:49

I disagree with some choices here. if you are building a throwing damage build, you want things that add to the BASE damage of whatever you are throwing. the only two good examples of that are the Gloves of Kushigo, which add 1-4 base damage, and the ring of flinging which adds another 1-4. these stack, and are multiplied by your strength bonus. elemental damage is not multiplied, it adds on at the end.
both the gloves and the ring are available in ACT 1 IIRC. one of the merchants in the druid camp sells the ring, and the gloves are a reward for saving the doddering husband in the underdark.

Tomliwag - 08.09.2023 23:29


Eric D
Eric D - 08.09.2023 22:37

Does enraged throw still add a stack of frenzied strain for each use?

Ricardo Costa
Ricardo Costa - 08.09.2023 22:32

Are you sure that you get the 2 bonus necrotic damage from the Horns of the Berserker? Because it says thats only for unarmed and melee attacks.

Dave Maxwell
Dave Maxwell - 08.09.2023 19:47

Fantastic builds, I’ve followed a few for my tactician run. My only feedback is it would be better to get a text list of the optimal equipment per act and where to get it from.

Chris Gallardo
Chris Gallardo - 07.09.2023 21:33

From everything I can tell, enraging heart garb is broken and does not give wrath

JNevy - 07.09.2023 18:27

Kushigo gloves are the way to go if you want to stack more damage. The 1d4 throwing damage can be proc'd multiple times so its more like 3d4 extra throwing damage. Helldusk 1d4 fire damage only procs once on your first layer of damage. So with kushigo you get 3d4 extra damage vs the 1d4 for helldusk. Caustic band has same downside the 2 acid damage only has 1 damage instance, doesnt proc multiple times

Christopher Steel
Christopher Steel - 07.09.2023 06:02

Quick question. In order to throw bodies as Karlach, do I need tavern brawler? Because I'm level 5, everything else is pretty much the same as the video other than the feat. Thanks anyone 👍👍

Orrestes - 06.09.2023 20:08

If going Barb/Rogue/Fighter, I would do 4 fighter instead of rogue for the health.

I was thinking of doing this build, but want to go 5 barb / 7 rogue. Give up action surge, 1 AC, and crit chance for evasion/uncanny dodge, expertise 2 skills, 3d6 sneak, cause you can sneak although unsure if thrown weapons count as sneak attack, maybe with a dagger or do a ranged attack.

So get far away, hide instead of throw on a bonus action if you can.

Randon M
Randon M - 06.09.2023 19:24

Is this only good if you throw? What else does this build offer?

komecomo - 06.09.2023 01:56

nicely done!!

thx for the idea and explanations

just reset my karlach into a lad/barb exploder xD

Keilink - 05.09.2023 05:28

I'm playing a fighter spear throwing build with the eldritch knight subclass, it allows you to bind your weapon, you get the effect of the Returning pike but with any weapon and you can't be desarmed.
So far I've used the "Vision of the absolute" spear in act I, really easy to recover and the blind effect is pretty great to control dangerous targets, then in act 2 I'm currently using the LightningJabber for the extra lightning damage.

Hephaestus - 04.09.2023 23:46

In act 2 you can buy gloves from the Daamon the smith that does 1d4 of fire damage instead of the regular 1d4 damage. It gives you some more versatility in dealing with resistances and as it's the same damage you should just replace the act 1 gloves

damian lysniewski
damian lysniewski - 04.09.2023 15:01

What is the best Meta build for melee Barbarian, multiclass included?. Thanks in advance

Adi Blake
Adi Blake - 04.09.2023 12:18

I saw a lot of people recommending to get Giant Hill Str pots from the dwarf in underdark, but no one says anything about Ethel, she sells 3 pots that refresh 100% every time you refresh the inventories of vendors so if you want to get a few hundred pots and don't mind taking some time to rob the half-ling at the entrance of the groove then buying the pots from Ethel then resetting your level in camp. I usually end up at level 4 with Ethel still in the groove, so what I do is I go to Withers in camp, reset someone for 100 gold, go back to the groove, rob the half-ling guy, then go to Ethel, buy the pots, move my thief next to the half-ling , level up, then repeat from robbing the half-ling , until I get the character that I reset back to lvl 4 then I go back to camp and repeat from the start, in 20-30 minutes with good SoH I get a couple of stacks of pots off this whole thing.

David Bailey
David Bailey - 03.09.2023 23:36

Would a Gith be a good throwmancer since it can bind its weapon and have it return to them automatically like Thors hammer?

André Souza
André Souza - 03.09.2023 16:42

i like the version with eldritch knight multiclassing with mage or something so we can cast haste and others usefuls spells.
We can choose others weapons to throw cause we can bind weapons.
And we also have acess to action surge.

Ricardo Costa
Ricardo Costa - 03.09.2023 08:32

You have a free hand. Why dont you use a shield in offhand?

extremely unfocused man
extremely unfocused man - 02.09.2023 21:19

I guess killing the goblins without getting the returning spear is a game over for me, right? 😢

Rada - 02.09.2023 18:16

I was kinda hoping for a throw enemies on each other :(

Yakultero - 02.09.2023 02:49

Great Vid Bro! I want to try a playthrough with your builds! Can you recommend a Team comp with your builds for tactician?

gotzn0name - 02.09.2023 00:13

what about the Graceful Cloth that increases armor by 1 and damage of throwing attacks?

Andriej69 - 01.09.2023 23:53

Heh, it even fits the character!

Chillzism - 01.09.2023 20:34

resistance to being shoved uses the highest of either athletics or acrobatics, so no need for prof in athletics

TheDiscipleOfHell - 01.09.2023 08:07

I see youre goi g sround snd stealing other peoples buolds and trying to post them as ur own thinking ur smart watching their video of theor build straking then making ur own viceo snd pretending you vame up with it snd giving no vredit to svrisl credtor snd person you steal it from.

Pretty sad

Richard Drakh
Richard Drakh - 01.09.2023 05:47

Great suggestion, I tried this build at level 8 for my Karlach and enjoying it.

W M - 01.09.2023 04:42

I am going this build but i went barb 1 into thief, and used hand xbows while I got past the first act. Drop dex to 8 and use the gloves to boost to 18, boost wisdom for perception expertise

its tysonpham
its tysonpham - 01.09.2023 04:16

Love the game lol. We got necromancy barrelmancy, and now throwmancy

il-JumperMT - 01.09.2023 02:08

You can toggle light of weapons from passived tab

Satcliff - 31.08.2023 20:39

chu chu chu

Alice Sundelin
Alice Sundelin - 31.08.2023 18:20

I don't know how it works with it auto equipping the trident when it returns, but a trident is a versatile weapon and can be one handed, so equipping a shield feels like a no brainer.
Could also possibly work with another weapon if you pick up the two-weapon fighting feat at some point (If you can spare asi for it).

Another thing you can do is put your first level into fighter instead of barbarian for heavy armor proficiency. I think that way you can get the same skill proficiencies and everything else and just heavy armor proficiency in addition, heavy armor will disable some of you movement bonus and things, but it's always good to have the choise.

I'd also just add my opinion on action surge being more urgent than thief extra bonus action and you can get it earlier.

MArsethewalrus - 31.08.2023 17:39

Crusader's mantle requires concentration, so isn't that cloak kinda useless on a frenzying berserker?
Edit: Same goes for haste from the bow, right?

Michał Banasiak
Michał Banasiak - 31.08.2023 15:09

This game is just too easy ... those spicy build are fine if there is some challenge to build them. You can walk bg3 with simple builds on tactician diff np. And unless You throwing battles like walking into traps, triggering opportunity attacks or just on purpose do wrong positioning game fells like in just a story mode. Anyone else feel also this way?

Nobody Nothing
Nobody Nothing - 31.08.2023 14:57

Dwarves are better with dwarven thrower. You can also get +18 attack and damage from 28 str with tacern brawler. Demonfoil Masks, mirror, elixir of vigour. -4 mental stats though.

You can get noxious fumes from the caustic band with the ichorous gloves, and a flat +2 damage vs 1d4 with ring of flinging using light on a thrown weapon and the callous glow ring. The weapon should illuminate the target as it gets close.

Branding Amulet can give the target vulnerability to bludgeoning or nyrulna.

You could also throw severed fish heads, etc as a chimp barbarian in act 1.

Act 1 Barbarian Items

Chimp Barbarian: Thrown 1 value camp supplies damage and blind (disadvantage on attack rolls) targets hit.

Tavern Brawler: Double your strength bonus on attack and damage rolls when throwing camp supplies.

Ring of Flinging: +1d4 camp supply damage.

Ring of Protection: +1 ac and saving throws.

Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo: +1d4 camp supply damage.

Boots of Stormy Clamour: Thrown camp supplies also inflict 2 turns of Reverberation (-1 strength, dex, and con saving throws) after blinding the enemy.

Diadem of Arcane Synergy: When your thrown camp supplies inflict blindness, and reverberation you gain the barbarian's charisma modifier to weapon damage for 2 rounds. All classes have a spellcasting ability modifier.
Amulet of Branding: Cast Brand the Weak (vulnerability to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage) once per long rest. Lasts 3 turns or until the target takes damage.

Adamantine Shield: When an attack misses you in melee the attacker suffers 2 turns of reeling (-1 to attack rolls). When an attacker hits you shield bash them with a reaction and knock them prone if they fail a dexterity saving throw. Immune to critical hits, and +2 ac.

Gaming Birch
Gaming Birch - 31.08.2023 14:02

Great... I am playing a throw barb and was theorycrafting a build that is basically the same as this... I wanted to make a guide about it, so I guess there is no point now :D
I am level 6 at the moment, and the build I have now easily takes away over 50% HP with each attack from usual enemies (which is about 50% more than my regular melee attacks).

Smok Lares
Smok Lares - 31.08.2023 13:41

How nyruln come back to hands?

rockerdonkey - 31.08.2023 13:37

Time to make a new custom and name it "Kobe" 😂😂😂
