6 ChatGPT Secrets to Transform Your Writing Overnight

6 ChatGPT Secrets to Transform Your Writing Overnight

Brie Kirbyson

1 год назад

267,669 Просмотров

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Executive Coach
Executive Coach - 05.11.2023 14:10

Thank you for a very useful video on ChatGPT prompts.

The Hanging Parsiple
The Hanging Parsiple - 26.10.2023 19:04

I think it's a crying shame. AI should totally stay out of the creative industry - the whole point of creating is exactly that; the building of it, the creating. The whole process, start to finish should be yours alone.

Geofry Lawton
Geofry Lawton - 20.10.2023 15:33

The funniest prompt I ever gave Chat GPT was to tell it to rewrite its response but make it less cringey and it totally improved the tone 😅

Paul Rutherford
Paul Rutherford - 20.10.2023 04:35

Just used chat got to improve my written responses using STAR method for a selection criteria. I asked it to ask if I answered the question and how. I typed in the capability framework for the job I was applying for and asked for it to analyse what capabilities I was demonstrating in my response. Brilliant I was able to do a lot of analysis of my own writing and how well or not I met the capability’s.

Brett Douglas
Brett Douglas - 06.10.2023 14:20

I'll rewrite your list.
Tip #1 - Stop being a lazy sod and hone your writing skills. Write every day. Study the craft. Read the authors you admire. Stop using crutches like AI to find a shortcut. Your writing will sound like everyone else's if you use AI. There are no shortcuts to success. Remember, views and clicks and followers are not the same thing as success.

Tip#2 - There is not Tip #2. Stop being a lazy writer AKA Alex Aster

dariodeak - 04.10.2023 19:53

Question for anyone, can you trust the info you get from chatgpt?

dariodeak - 04.10.2023 19:50

Tip #6, grow a brain

SD R - 28.09.2023 22:11

Just found you in my feed and you are at the top of my HERO list! Awesome information! Thank you!

anwar hussain
anwar hussain - 25.09.2023 19:36

"Thank you B. Kirbyson, for introducing ChatGPT! Your insightful video opened my eyes to the incredible possibilities of AI-driven conversations, and I'm excited to explore this fascinating technology further "just tried ChatGPT to thank you.

earl528 - 25.09.2023 10:52

Great tips! Thanks!
Unfortunately, Chat GPT 3.5 has a 4096 Character Limit, which makes it hard (to useless) when creating long format videos (i.e. ones that are longer than 15 minutes in length). Any work arounds for this?

Parrot 07
Parrot 07 - 24.09.2023 20:25

من همیشه شمارو دنبال میکنم

ADOGWU SIMON AKATU - 24.09.2023 19:13

Really learnt alot from this video. Keep it up

Gia An
Gia An - 22.09.2023 17:39

3. Đừng bao giờ thay đổi mình vì người khác. Nếu họ không thể tiếp nhận một con người nhiều điểm xấu là bạn, thì cũng không xứng để có được một con người với nhiều điểm tốt là bạn.3. Đừng bao giờ thay đổi mình vì người khác. Nếu họ không thể tiếp nhận một con người nhiều điểm xấu là bạn, thì cũng không xứng để có được một @Brie Kirbyson

Angel of A Million Years
Angel of A Million Years - 19.09.2023 04:46

Silly mumbling and she is new to GPT. No expert here.

Iris Simpson
Iris Simpson - 13.09.2023 07:42

Thanks for the tips! Being specific in my prompts got me way better responses from ChatGPT. It's the same with boost app social when I need clever captions or hashtags on the fly.

Mike Marra
Mike Marra - 12.09.2023 22:46

Great tutorial, Brie! Really learned a great deal and downloaded the publication. I am writing a short text book and could use the help to make my writing better. Thank you! 😀

Spinx - 11.09.2023 15:09

This is awesome. I've been trying to write a novel on a personal accident recovery but just couldn't get going so now I have a tool from you. Thanks

Russell Freestone
Russell Freestone - 05.09.2023 00:13

You might ask chatgp to come up with a better phrase than ..spitting it out.

walkabout16 - 04.09.2023 10:37

In the realm of words where thoughts take flight,
I'll unveil six secrets to ignite your writing's light.
With ChatGPT's wisdom, let's embark on this quest,
To transform your prose, be at your very best.

Secret One: Precision, Trim the Excess
Trim the excess, make your writing concise,
With clarity and brevity, your words will entice.
Cut the filler and waffle, let your message shine through,
In the world of writing, simplicity is true.

Secret Two: Diverse Vocabulary, Gems to Unearth
Expand your lexicon, explore words anew,
A treasure trove of language, waiting for you.
With synonyms and metaphors, paint vivid scenes,
Enrich your prose with vibrant and varied means.

Secret Three: Structure and Flow, Harmonize Your Song
In the river of words, let your sentences flow,
With structure and rhythm, your writing will glow.
Craft paragraphs wisely, let ideas align,
A symphony of thoughts, in harmony they'll chime.

Secret Four: Show, Don't Tell, Unveil the Scene
Engage the senses, in your reader's mind,
Show, don't just tell, let your scenes unwind.
Describe the emotions, the sights, and the sounds,
In your narrative tapestry, the world's joys and bounds.

Secret Five: Editing Magic, Revise with Grace
First drafts are but clay, mold them with care,
Through editing's magic, make your writing rare.
Correct grammar and spelling, but also refine,
Each edit brings your masterpiece to the line.

Secret Six: Feedback and Learning, Forever in Flight
Never cease to learn, seek wisdom and insight,
From feedback and mentors, your skills take flight.
In the company of writers, grow and evolve,
For the journey of improvement, your resolve will solve.

With these secrets in mind, let your writing transform,
Into a masterpiece of art, in the creative storm.
ChatGPT's guidance, a catalyst for your might,
To elevate your writing, day and night.
