Warframe: New Playthrough | Episode 1: Your Beginning

Warframe: New Playthrough | Episode 1: Your Beginning


1 год назад

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@GoldWabbitG - 18.05.2023 09:01

Awe the music was the best part of the opening

@EmvyBeats - 18.05.2023 11:01

Can't wait for cross save. Don't see myself returning until then.

@SmokyMcPot77 - 19.05.2023 18:59

You mentioned that you would switch to another weapon/warframe once you hit max level with it. What I would like to know is, when I switch the weapon/warframe they are weak since they can't carry many mods, so do you just halt your star chart progression and level your gear somewhere? If so where do you do that? It seems like it takes a long time to level gear as a beginner.

@fredericmorice1058 - 22.05.2023 12:44

After growing tired of the monetization and reselling of vaulted content in Destiny 2 after 3 years of playing it, I decided to give Warframe a try. Fortunately, I stumbled upon your content, which proved to be incredibly valuable. It helped me navigate the complexities of the game and prevented me from giving up, as I had done three years prior after only a few hours. I'm genuinely delighted to have found your content. thank you. looking forward to see more as it is very complex

@gnome_with_the_iron_hands - 25.05.2023 00:24

THIS IS WHERE EVERYONE NEEDS TO START LEARNING WARFRAME!!! Even those with hundreds/thousands of hours will learn something in these videos, trust me. Thanks so much for this series!!!

@hollydusomelau1642 - 25.05.2023 02:12

Thanks for this. I have a friend who’s just starting and you’re going over things organically when they come up. Love it.

@zupreme3520 - 29.06.2023 04:23

This is incredibly, binged this entire first episode. I hope the series pulled enough traction for you to continue for a while.

@liposobravo - 10.07.2023 20:08

Since crosd-save doesn't seem to arrive, I'll just start from scratch on PC, hopefully when they add it we can merge accounts.

@joshbreaux5475 - 15.10.2023 09:07

Trying to figure out if this is actually viable free to play before starting on xbox s, don't want to get into if it is going to force me to spend a shit load of money just to be good at this game and progress.

@sabre2266 - 24.10.2023 22:28

There’s paths now I started 4 years I never new this

@Layarion - 29.10.2023 02:42

i came here hoping to see the cinematics, bye.

@radikkhamitov5909 - 01.01.2024 00:06

Hi I also play Warframe, can I add weight as a friend?

@S0UPURN0VA - 09.01.2024 01:12

This is the guide I've been looking for since 2016 thank you please keep making more

@galenwolfe - 09.01.2024 20:13

thank you for helping us out

@lesewski72 - 05.02.2024 10:11

Good Video Brother, Good Clear Info & Explaining Things before People need to do them & then when it's Time to do them Covering it again but more Precise. Great Job keep them Coming.

@Jouji_ - 09.02.2024 03:31

Hey! Thanks for this video, i just started Warframe and it has been pretty helpful. I wanted to ask if you show your keybinds in a different video because ive never really played fps games before and the default ones feel a bit weird to use

@lorenzolai992 - 12.02.2024 04:18

First video/stream I watch, magnificent, subscribed.

@CaitofFate - 18.02.2024 20:46

6days since last comment is too long.
The algorithm requires moooorree

@timiharte2402 - 26.02.2024 00:54

genuinely just subscribed for the nightwave radio mute, i despise those transmissions

@izikames8356 - 03.03.2024 23:27

Dude this was so helpful! I just started this and my buddies tried explaining things and showing me and they were terrible 😂 again this is so helpful 💪🏽

@fdthng - 05.03.2024 11:44

Thank you so much for this. I was so lost

@SandNinja98 - 14.03.2024 10:43

So I know I’m late to this video but I have enjoyed this and plan on watching the rest while I’m at MR12 I still have a lot to learn about Warframe

@quickstep2408 - 18.04.2024 12:06

loving this playthrough so far, and im pretty particular about my playthroughs. this feels like a big bro’s talking to you and telling you not to get overwhelmed by everything

@LouieAbstract_nyc - 03.05.2024 21:35

Super helpful

@PervySageSquishy - 22.05.2024 23:25

This definitely helped me!

@JweelTalukdar - 25.05.2024 15:22

I am seeing it and just copy playing but it's very interesting, thanks for making this video ♥♥♥♥♥

@thinkbolt - 28.05.2024 13:04

I tried Warframe for the first time today, and in my struggle to get any controls to do anything at all, I somehow skipped literally everything. No choices, no cinematics, no first mission, nothing. I was just suddenly on the ship, and I can't interact with anything anywhere.

@Gamedaughter1 - 13.06.2024 23:01

Thank you for thinking of people like me who are visually impaired. Looking forward to watching this. I am currently MR22

@dazedwanderer - 09.07.2024 22:09

Thanks for this! Exactly what I was looking for! Returning after 5 years and needed a refresher.

@sblnk4 - 25.07.2024 00:14

revisiting the game after years and find this useful in 2024, thanks

@Ranzor527 - 30.07.2024 12:50

I played along with this to get into the game, the junction requirements have changed but wasnt to hard to figure out. Thanks a lot.. But Also... HELP! I'm Hooked!😅

@veggiebroth5542 - 30.07.2024 14:30

Thanks for the video, my only problem is that you spend 2 or 3 minutes every other subject explaining that you're going to explain something to us in the future. I'm glad you're going to explain new things to us, but maybe just don't bring those things up or go into any detail until you're going to give the full picture. Thanks again man

@ShleepyTattooZzz - 30.07.2024 16:23

It has been so nice following along to this. Thank you! You're super considerate of new players and helping other and its amazing. Keep it up dude thank you!

@1div2agent74 - 31.07.2024 13:31

I left the first descendant to come here. What a game. This video should be helpful as I’m only 27 hours in

@1div2agent74 - 31.07.2024 13:33

Honestly can’t believe you said not to buy anything 😂 I will gladly give these devs money. They are the opposite of greed

@joshuasmith4559 - 02.08.2024 15:10

Don’t need to go to a relay to practice mr missions

@daltonphillips1314 - 24.08.2024 07:36

My sayas vigil quest is bugged..idk how to start it

@ianmatthew329 - 01.09.2024 19:33

My starting Warframe was Loki 10 years ago. After finding this channel I'm interested in returning to the fray. The game has changed a lot.

@MrTtabbs - 17.09.2024 15:44

Excellent video. As a new player I love this! Definitely earned a sub.

@cosychai - 25.12.2024 02:06

I am so glad i found this, my friend recommended this game to me although i've never placed anything like this before so not only is it hard to understand what i needed to do it's so helpful being able to watch you play and explain while i also go along. Every other video i watched had people zoom past everything and it was hard to understand what was going on and why but the pace you go at has been so much better! <3

@Drco_mM - 24.02.2025 12:36

Well i dont have a pc still i watched a 3 hour part 1 guide,10/10 would do it again
