Hello! It's Kiaa here. : D And I have been looking at other peoples fandubs for a while and I thought that it looked like a lot of fun. ^-^ So I wanted to give it a try. My new friend, Freya-chan [Chobits3799] helped me by explaining audacity and other important fandubing stuff. ;-; She was really very helpful to me. ^-^ And I'm very greatful. c: Because she is so kind I'm deticating this fandub to her. xD Even though it's my first one and it's not very good and I'm recovering from a soar throat. D : But I hope you like it Freya-chan! You've been a great help to me. ^-^ I will continue to try my very best and make more fandubs too! c: Enjoy~
#chobits #opening #song #round #table #chii #hideki #let #me #be #with #you #first #fandub