How Incredibles 2 Destroyed Everything - Part 1 | Underminer Battle, Interrogation & Devtech Meeting

How Incredibles 2 Destroyed Everything - Part 1 | Underminer Battle, Interrogation & Devtech Meeting


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WhataWeeb27 - 29.09.2023 21:16

Im scared for kung fu panda 4, if great franchises like toy story and the incredibles can have such character slaughtering movies then that means it can probably happen to any series. Kung fu panda three was 7 years ago, thats a big gap in time and im afraid that it lines up with what happened to ts and incredibles. A long break since the last sequel, one that perfectly wrapped up the story, getting reopened for a new cash grab. Please be better than that dreamworks, im beggin you.

Vinny And Lin
Vinny And Lin - 27.09.2023 21:16

What I don't understand is that they made a video game about the Incredibles fighting the Underminer so why are they fighting him again like it didn't happen? He was also more interesting in the game, wanting to turn the planet upside down and using a robot army so what is this garbage of him robbing banks? Also I find the underminer's lack of a neck in the 2nd movie to be disturbing as in the 1st movie and the game he looks like a relatively normal human but with mole features

HistoryFan476AD - 23.09.2023 05:48

The Banks being insured line is actually just proof these writers have no real concept of what "Insurance" really means in this context. No Bank is insured for being levelled by Explosives and then all the assets being inside the vaults being stolen. Insurance also only covers so much, and such a big thing like what happened with Underminer would have been beyond the pay outs. Also those insurance rates then rocket as well as a result, and finally the State (Taxpayer) then has too likely help the banks too, which raises taxes as a result at least in the local area.

What happened there would have likely bankrupted the banks, and I dare say if the Incredibles had just let The Underminer do his work, he likely would have just robbed more targets during his rampage if he was not intervened with, Likely I doubt that Bank was his only target today during that "raid" on the surface. And I find it downright laughable the Cops are telling the heroes to do nothing, when just a few months back the police and Army where unable to stop another giant robotic threat in the city, and had to rely on The Incredibles turning up to even stop the Robot. Maybe The Incredibles should have just gone straight home and avoided the Omnidroid 10 all together and just left it to: Syndrome, Police and Army to deal with then. Ungrateful gits the lot of them coppers. Even pointing guns at kids for no reason, hero kids by the way and a baby.

Nicholas Sims
Nicholas Sims - 20.09.2023 00:46

When The Powerpuff Girls destroyed the city in the movie it doesnt last long aside from the Professor being arrested .

Melinda Ahmed
Melinda Ahmed - 12.09.2023 08:24

It was such a horrible sequel. What a complete let down

Rick Torres
Rick Torres - 09.09.2023 20:54

They had no plan in Time for Incredibles 2!

DorKarri Johnson
DorKarri Johnson - 09.09.2023 14:11

How do you got the power to make
Hours long of content

Tresor - 04.09.2023 06:43

w. hist
spanish I
eng II
chem I

KINGSWAG10 - 02.09.2023 09:54

I appreciate all of the phineas and ferb references and clips used in this video.

KINGSWAG10 - 02.09.2023 08:45

I'm only 17 minutes and 6 seconds in and I am already loving this video.

BWMagus - 28.08.2023 00:02

If people straight-up blamed superheroes for things like the enormous, city-destroying drill, then being a superhero wouldn't have simply been banned--all the superheroes would have been sent to the fucking Raft. They only banned using superpowers because of the collateral damage caused, which actually makes sense in cases of minor crime, like, don't destroy the entire gas station just to keep one guy from robbing it for $500 and a pack of cigarettes. Clearly, people understood the difference between collateral damage the supers directly and indirectly caused, and the actual crime being committed by actual criminals, because otherwise, superheroes would all be seen as supervillains and would have been arrested or killed, not given government money to relocate and hide their identities all over the country.

Charlie Church
Charlie Church - 25.08.2023 06:09

Your videos are AWESOME

Heralds & Henbane
Heralds & Henbane - 22.08.2023 22:02

Thinking back on it. Mr incredible, if this was still the tone of the original, wouldve just picked up a rock and threw it at underminer.
Killing him in a pathetic oneshot that even bob would be taken aback by in a "I thought he was stronger when he said he was declaring war on peace and happiness" kind of way.
(considering he was punching omnidroids in the last movie, yeah, he has to low-diff underminer)

And getting supers in trouble
And bob would have to argue his 1 murder against underminer's possible hundreds when he set off the charges under those buildings
before an entire courtroom
he could do one of his bob outbursts where hes found in contempt of court be cause he screams about how rational it is to rock&stone the mfs who declare war on peace and happiness and procede to blow up buildings with people in them. He could decry hes not a bad guy just for lobbing a rock at underminer while his back is turned.
Instead of the movie being about the legality of heroes, it couldve been about the ethics they use to stop the badguys.
and make their victories seem dirty when there is a lack of theatrics involved.
It could be about the fact that now that your family after the first movie bonded about being heroes together
that you also deal with the effects of the family knowing that killing might have to sometimes be done or witnessed and that it makes hero work hard... especially when they are... kids.
Dash could have to cope with speedster fragging someone..... or maybe he will like doing it, which would also be a stain on hero work that bob would be pissed about. He now takes the heat for whatever his son does. you could make a story arc about disciplining your self when using your powers since there is always public perception looming over you. That could be something the father and son character tackle together since they will both get in trouble for it in different ways.

SEGbruh - 20.08.2023 07:27

after 14 years of waiting for this movie, it's finally out and nobody talks about it. Big impact pixar, big impact

James Tolbert
James Tolbert - 19.08.2023 02:21

And I hate how stupid Bob is just to make Helen look better and make Helen less smart and morally minded while making Bob more civilly minded and smart

James Tolbert
James Tolbert - 19.08.2023 02:18

Why is Helen so skeptical and cynical into thinking that saving the city was a mistake and that they’re kids are not “old enough” or capable of handling these type of situations when they’re the reason why they’re all alive!

Orange_turtle - 17.08.2023 03:30

I really wish they had ties underminer back into the story somehow and made him a supporting villain, with what seems like a measly bank robbery actually having much bigger implications than was originally assumed.

Middle Man
Middle Man - 13.08.2023 19:45

I’m planning on rewriting the incredibles 2 and I have an idea for an antagonist. Namely the Underminer, the main antagonist. It can start with him robbing a bank and destroying those buildings and him escaping. The motive I have planned for the Underminer is to cause as much destruction as possible in order to help the blue collar working class make money. His backstory would be that he was originally a deformed man who was the leader of hardworking construction company. He along with his employees made great amounts of money cleaning up after the supers. These workers were able to afford moderate homes and provide for their families. But after the supers were made illegal the Underminer’s company plummeted in finances not entirely but it was just enough to have his employees struggle to pay for their homes. Desperate, the Underminer tried to cause an accident for his company to clean up but he was caught in the act and he decides to go into hiding underground, he grabbed all the tools he could along with a tv and fled. He eventually comes back after hearing the legalization of supers. Now you may be wondering, why did he say he wanted to wage war on peace and happiness. Simple, it’s an act to make him look villainous. He could stop and potentially be redeemed but due to him being alone in the caverns has made him insane and is thoroughly convinced that this is the only way for the workforce to flourish. Thoughts?

James Karlo
James Karlo - 11.08.2023 20:33

The fact that there's even people making the choice to rob the Deavors AT ALL, trigger-happy or not, is contrived. Yes, people get robbed in real life, but not everyone does. If the robbers didn't exist at all, Mr. and Mrs. Deavor would still be alive and wouldn't have been robbed.

Skellington80 - 09.08.2023 23:56

Say what you will, but…. One of the best memories I have of my late father is going to see this movie in theaters back in 2018 and then going to go eat sushi afterwards. I’m willing to look past all the flaws in this film just so I can look back upon that night and smile knowing that I made a memory that will last a lifetime and remind me of how he loved to spend time with me.

PihajZVetrom - 09.08.2023 23:46

You know, I really didn't want to think this, but it seems like the entire purpose behind rewriting Bob's character is just to make a "straight white guy bad and dumbdumb mysoginist" trope.

Elemental voiceover guy
Elemental voiceover guy - 08.08.2023 02:31

The one thing Toy Story 4 has advantage of over incredibles 2, at least Toy Story 4 had a different director than the rest of the franchise while incredibles 2 was directed by the same person as the first. So basically Brad Bird just took a big shit over his own movie

Yoshi_Chuck05 - 02.08.2023 02:44

I also hate how the cops saying that "if the supers had done nothing" bullcrap is absurd. It's like they don't care if anyone survived the Underminer Attack and only care about the banks being ensured. What about the people huh? Are THEY ensured too? No they are not you can't replace those people who could've been killed or injured

Isaiah Adams
Isaiah Adams - 30.07.2023 04:51

After watching this video, I now realize how gaslighted I’ve been the whole time. Cause back when I saw this in theaters I was wondering why it didn’t feel impactful as it’s predecessor. But now, knowing that it’s a bad movie, I now regret seeing it in theaters

Darkington ಠ_ಠ
Darkington ಠ_ಠ - 29.07.2023 03:51

I can't believe they turned Bob into Peter Griffin

Wes Enderson
Wes Enderson - 26.07.2023 18:36

I feel like the movie would be better if they made the Underminer the main villain, and after the first fight, cut forward into the future when the kids are grown up.

glowing mash and beans
glowing mash and beans - 24.07.2023 03:42

It's kinda poorly structured to go on a tangent 30 minutes into a video, preempting criticism and addressing prior complaints on a barely related topic — it's distracting. If you're going to do something like that do it at the end, because it's hijacking the critique and not everyone cares about your thoughts on nitpicking. Or if you really think it's that important, start off with it. If people really have those critiques in mind, why string them along for 30 minutes before addressing it?? It's like an elephant in the room. And it takes 15 minutes to address the difference between nitpicks and more serious critique; even if you gave examples you certainly could have truncated that with a rewrite. If you couldn't have... Well, it's still jarring because it's 30 minutes in for no good reason.

Dildeep Sahasi
Dildeep Sahasi - 23.07.2023 03:30

will you edit it into a complete sage

n00bish - 21.07.2023 18:53

I honestly love the new Tony, although I understand why the lack of continuity might annoy people. In the first movie, he looked like he was on every drug imaginable, and in the second movie, they really stepped up their game and were like "Maybe lets give Violet a love interest that doesn't look like he started snorting crack at 4 years old"

Alchemy - 20.07.2023 18:07

The reason I consider Dreamworks sequels better than Disney and Pixar ones is that none of the Dreamworks sequels had to re-set their characters to their former selves to create conflict. Even the highly despised and reasonably hated Shrek 3 was self-aware enough to at least imply its main hero has new challenges in his life, grasping the concept of fatherhood without any reference or experience to it in the first place (which was a neat idea, would`ve been great if the movie actually expanded on it). Whereas Pixar literally resets the characters in their sequels to do the same conflicts all over again.
Incredibles is a prime, but not only example of that
Finding Nemo closes with Marlin realizing he can`t keep his son in a protective shell for eternity and no matter how worried he is, he needs to let him grow and experience life, but in Finding Dory, he`s back to his old, overprotective self, not trusting Nemo`s decisions at all.
Toy Story 3 estabilished that no matter what`ll happen, the gang will always stay together and they don`t have to worry about how much they`re played with - but then Toy Story 4 literally breaks all this back giving Woody this weird love interest arc with Bo, putting his character back to the 1st movie`s level.
Monster University was a prequel, and probably my favourite out of these, my only issue was they did the opposite of what they do in sequels and made a complete 180 turn on Mike`s character. Knowing he was an ambitious, outgoing and extremely hardworking student makes it look kinda weird how he ended up as a cowardly goofball as an adult.
Weird to say but Cars 3 might be thematically the best sequel Pixar made. I never really cared about the Cars movies but that one at least had an interesting concept with McQueen accepting that he simply can`t race the new generation anymore and has to let his glory days go, but founds a new appreciation in giving on the knowledge and experience he gathered as a trainer.

WideDolph3 - 20.07.2023 02:13

Dude there’s analysing a movie and then there’s pausing the video every 2 seconds to complain for 10 minutes about a random scene in the background. That’s literally your videos

Dakina Demino
Dakina Demino - 18.07.2023 22:00

Woke tropes:

1: Men are stupid, evil and useless: Bob had to be reduced to a bumbling, self centered moron to make Helen look better. Even if it goes against everything that has come before, it is a must that a male character be assassinated to make the female look better.

2: Evil can not create, only destroy: The plot had to be completely redone while shoving the blame for everything anti hero onto Bob, so Helen can look so much better when she solves everything with her "yas, slay qween" ways.

3: The message is more important than the plot: Do I need to explain this one.

The OG Pixar staff is gone and the current batch is clearly more interested in selling a social political message than delivering a movie, and it shows with how their movies are getting worse with each new one.

Abel Alemu
Abel Alemu - 15.07.2023 20:52

This review was absolutely on point! I cant believe you don't have 100k yet or even more! Now whenever I say Incredibles 2 is trash and people dont believe me, I can show them this. Amazing Work!

Scary Santa
Scary Santa - 15.07.2023 18:42

Because you assholes pushed them to make a second movie as fast as they can because y’all were so eager for Incredibles 2. It’s like they completely rushed it.

LordHenry Killingbelow
LordHenry Killingbelow - 15.07.2023 09:39

The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer videogame was and still is a better sequel than The Incredibles 2.

Kenny Havoc
Kenny Havoc - 14.07.2023 22:29

Incredibles 2 is my genuine least favorite movie ever. After how intensely you ripped apart Toy Story 4 I cannot wait to see this utter atrocity ripped to shreds

Gabriel  DJ Atienza
Gabriel DJ Atienza - 11.07.2023 16:06

The Rick Dicker in this sequel is no longer played by Bud Luckey....which is why he is so disappointing here !

Gabriel  DJ Atienza
Gabriel DJ Atienza - 11.07.2023 12:25

The opening action scene made Mr.Incredible look incompetent! The original movie made him evolve professionally and become a real group leader...which Brad Bird forgot after 14 years in our world!

Roark The Half-Orc
Roark The Half-Orc - 08.07.2023 15:11

Imma say it...winston sounds like jordan peterson lol

James Tolbert
James Tolbert - 07.07.2023 01:40

I think I can write a better script for this. A fan idea

Genesis blast
Genesis blast - 03.07.2023 18:49

Why are you asking round. To present a rant a good but a rant
