[FREE] "Ghost" | Drake Ft. Tyga Type Beat 2020 | Free Trap Beat

[FREE] "Ghost" | Drake Ft. Tyga Type Beat 2020 | Free Trap Beat

Benihana Boy

4 года назад

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WILL MAVERICK 💨 - 17.11.2023 23:50

Caio Lucas

Hard Da God
Hard Da God - 29.09.2023 16:32

God dayum I gatta kill this bihhhh

Mk Kosola
Mk Kosola - 21.09.2023 23:52

Vielki tääl vaik nauratte mul,
Ei mua kiinnosta se mitä sä oot mieltä must.
Sä oot kasa jotai tuntematont,
Jostai syvält pohjalt kai sä oot.
Pohjasakkaa ku ite alotit tän,
Pohjaan palaneita pläänei ku päätit tulla näkeen tän.

Triigger20 - 04.09.2023 04:17

Keep rewinding this one, sick one m8

SMW - 03.09.2023 13:00

Fire beat 🔥❤️

Michael Nicholson
Michael Nicholson - 17.08.2023 20:37

Could u imagine mozzy on this beat

Nickolas Weaver
Nickolas Weaver - 29.07.2023 08:25

"Hush Puppy" ¿?

dimitri bournazos
dimitri bournazos - 17.07.2023 23:35

got a face of a ghost
better treat me like the host
cant see my fucking soul
its too dark like a hole

Jmilo - 29.06.2023 20:58

love that

Isaiah Humphrey
Isaiah Humphrey - 23.05.2023 00:15

Into man dat boy benihanna keep saying that it's gonna catch😭

Mateus RS GO Beats
Mateus RS GO Beats - 16.05.2023 00:22

I'm enjoying this beat 🎧🔥

Indiano Films
Indiano Films - 20.04.2023 18:50

Faz o Kenny G

guiasvazadas - 02.03.2023 03:38

King of bell

Tavi Miller
Tavi Miller - 22.01.2023 22:51

T pencil pretzel special wrestle vessel devil several central ancestral gentle metal kettle settle petal peddle dental rental mental stressful dreadful level vengeful helpful doubtful houseful council spousal towel scoundrel

nelly belly smelly jelly friendly Wesley deadly gently intently immensely Presley deli many penny Benny Emmy ready steady trendy petty plenty sweaty empty twenty wealthy stealthy lefty hefty Bentley freshly entry envy heavy Chevy sexy messy Messi dressy Pepsi frenzy edgy veggies fenty

podium opium sodium plutonium utopian fallopian Napoleon custodian Petroleum smithsonian Nickelodeon Mongolian
accordion scorpion historian Cambodian
guardian cardigan

conditioning positioning petitioning soliciting witnessing sickening thickening glistening auditioning signaling giggling tingling mingling dribbling nibbling scribbling crippling jiggling sizzling visiting limiting fidgeting riveting dwindling

silicone styrofoam xylophone microphone chromosome cortisone milestone rhinestone jawbone cobblestone monotone telephone baritone pheromone kitchenstove Mobilhome lonlyroad

teams beams fiens read cheese mean seen seem scream dreams schemes themes streams green screen clean scene queen genes machines regimes extremes machines bees please keys fleas fees freeze threes breeze trees squeeze ease tease seize disease degrees decrease grease piece cease peace lease Greece geese niece crease

bottle throttle model waddle awful waffle Marshall partial marble gospel gobble brothel novel marvel consul fossil tonsil nozzle gravel travel raffle thankful battle mantle saddle scandal candle Handel paddle straddle rattle chattel cattle Seattle apple scalpel sample trample babble dabble scramble ramble gamble chapel barrel apparel financial substantial

cold bold told hold fold gold old rolled stroll troll scroll rope whole soul hole stole bowl goal pole mole coal

rode sold mode stove soaked choked poked broke joke smoke folk spoke woke coke stroke rouge yoke toke croak Vogue rose froze pros crows throws rows shows chose nose goes owes grows blows toes pose flows lows toads codes loads notes throat coat wrote boat goat vote both oath quote float glow whoa

phone stone bone tone known moan roam home comb loan blown flown lone clone own grown thrown grown drone groan zone sewn

bars cars stars Mars scars jars sparse par spar far are large charge barge sarge cart heart start part smart art chart fart hard hard guard card scarred bars shard charred tar

revving stepping prepping wedding fencing sensing commencing addressing expecting impressing guessing depressing dresssing stressing pressing expressing presenting inventing preventing dissecting digesting suppressing progressing obsessing confessing assessing possessing blessings attending suspending ascending suspending pending ending bending sending spending lending mending tending blending descending depending defending setting sweating getting petting bedding heading spreading dreading shedding shredding treading netting testing resting

weekly freaky squeaky cheeky freely sneaky leaky creaky Kiki geeky deeply neatly completely easy uneasy cheesy sleazy breezy meaty cleanly

pot lot not got caught snott shot hot bought taught thought cloth broth frost toss gloss moss loss

applause lacrosse across pause claws laws flaws jaws paws straws saws clause cause gauze

option auction suction function London button
sudden cousins Russian concussion production assumption consumption construction obstructions reduction abduction malfunction Hudson dozen onion drunken muffin oven dungeon shrunken tusksan huntchmen

properly scholarly property robbery armory mockery archery pottery poverty hourly

worry hurry blurry curry furry Murray dirty thirsty sturdy birdie thirty thirties turkeys

midst fist ditch rich bitch switch twitch witch list hitch kitch pitch snitch pinch lynch clinch inch flinch

turban urban suburban bourbon person certain curtain burden surgeon version Persian worsen German sermon urine diversion insertion exertion insertion excursions virgins disturbance

taco Velcro narrow Pharoah Mayo Mayo Plato peso halo draco retro electro momento escrow
ghetto stilettos echos memos yellow mellow demo limo limbo hippo bimbo window weirdo hero zero intro bingo disco pillow swallow hollow melo

blotchy foggy soggy groggy hockey rocky jockey donkey cocky oddly motley costly promptly godly Polly

jereremy clarity slavery bakery neighborly bravery savery

calories batteries galleries factories salaries allergies memories centuries jerseys

head bed said led dead read spread red thred fed shed pled dread sled bred fled bled tread

meat leak seek feet reep keep leap heat cheat sweet street treat greet beat beep deep cheap sleep bleep creep jeep sheep sweep reap weep peep sheet wheat eat beat teeth

feast feet priest beast beat chief leaf teach speak

cash ass pass gas class mass grass brass jazz last fast crashed dash stash flash trash rash smash splash catch patch batch match scratch snatch hatch detach rematch dispatch mismatch

forward ordered offered cornered tortured fractured Stanford captured backward

narcotics harmonics electronics robotic demonic exotic symbolic hypnotic erotic neurotic chaotic melodic atomic platonic economic diabolic metabolic aquatic catastrophic anabolic alcoholic lethargic logic chronic iconic ironic garlic topic comic tropics optic arctic toxic

limes wine shrines fines signes times rhymes kinds tides rides slides sides guides brides stride pride tied died sighed lied tried

tab lab grab dab stab crab flap wrap scrap rap map cap gap trap snap lap zap clap flab slab cab scab mad dad sad add chad pad bath path spat bat rat math chat Matt strap

lick split fit it lit shit miss fist bridge list kids rip crip grip fix chick stick shift swift stiffed lift dripped stripped script gripped ripped tripped tipped flipped whipped skipped shipped chipped clipped

acrobatic automatic pornographic demographic democratic diplomatic systematic cinematic mathematic pancreatic transatlantic psychopathic diabetic psychedelic academic pathogenic calisthenic schizophrenic paramedic epidemic epileptic sympathetic empathetic energetic anorexic anesthetic photogenic apocalyptic optimistic statistic realistic sadistic ballistic journalistic specific scientific optimistic pessimistic cannibalistic nationalistic

image business instance distance existence resistance assistance presistant brilliance residence evidence arrogance excelllence elegance relavance

motivation operation moderation observation conversation confirmation altercation cooperation incarceration exaggeration admiration laceration aspiration saturation transformation transportation masterbation collaboration configuration inspiration information alliteration consideration obliteration deliberation refrigeration exhilaration discoloration generation separation declaration acceleration preservation reservation decoration resignation education reputation medication revelation penetration hesitation devastation speculation ventilation legislation mediation abbreviation celebration presentation demonstration dedication regulation accusation explanation exclamations destination estimation detonation
practical capital rational international irrational detachable impassable interactable incompatible adaptable collapsable phenomenal abdominal

die sigh fight kite light bite right tight tonight sight hight night knight might quite write sprite recite bright fright cite invite flight slight lite site kite

can't aunt chant slant rant strand grande brand hand canned band stand land gland planned banned panned sand rand strand scanned tanned fanned manned demand expand withstand disband implant transplant jammed crammed slammed rammed

for your more nor door tore floor war swore war store thor score whore pour boar shore drawer gore soar snore rumore ignore before explore implore deplore restore decor laure encore sophomores mentor therefore centaur eyesore baltimore dinosaur commodore labrador singapore amateur mature

permission mission driven given

to due dew two who new knew through grew screw crew grew true drew brew blue glue flew flu
clue blew ooh shoe sue chew cue view que mew ewe phew coup jew hoot fruit root truth Ruth brute shoot suit booth youth tooth loot mute commute pollute compute allude collude salute subdued acute conclude argued issued continued tribute statute valued rescued institut

I'm crime rhyme prime time climb dime thyme lime slime mime chime fine nine shine sign wine twine whine line pine spine stein shrine dine design decline define resign divine incline vine assign consign align refine sublime hide tried pride bride cried fried dried stride ride lied tied dyed side died wide guide slide flied glide tide eyed spied hyde pried

morphine chlorine pristine vaseline gasoline magazine limousine philippine nicotine guillotine quarantine bloodstream sunbeam josephine mescaline creatine eighteen clean seen green queen mean screen scream team deem theme

ammunition addition condition acquisition suspicion edition expedition repetition definition recognition deposition demolition

Gabriele - 16.12.2022 01:14


ho due chiamate perse al cellulare
mi sveglio dal letto fumare e cantare
mi sveglio e leggo che anche oggi sei il peggio
ti burló e ti sbeffeggio
per me sei il più scemo
ma per tutti questi pusher io sono il più vero
svuoto tutte queste buste poi sono sereno

c’è chi le fa e chi le vende
chi di fa, e chi la prende
chi vede, e chi crede
chi al rosso, chi al verde
di sicuro non me

di sicuro non mi faccio mettere sotto da te
dallo stato, il Vaticano, l’Italia ha ancora un re
solo che si chiama mafia e non Enrico
chiedi ai politici italiani fra che cos’è uno scericco

ti derido e non ti fischio
tu schiacciato per il fisco
chai sempre il nuovo iPhone
fra mi sembri un po’ una pisda

prendo a schiaffi con il micro
problemi che ho e che non dico
questi si atteggiano da gangster,
ma mi sembrano i mininos

e inizio, e finisco, giù da un precipizio
e se non faccio sto disco, mi impicco
scrivo sulle note, faccio gesti col dito
ho una decisione, consulto il mio amico

Gabriele - 16.12.2022 00:47

ho due chiamate perse al cellulare
mi sveglio dal letto fumare e cantare
mi sveglio e leggo che anche oggi sei il peggio
ti burló e ti sbeffeggio
per me sei il più scemo
ma per tutti questi pusher io sono il più vero
svuoto tutte queste buste poi sono sereno

c’è chi le fa e chi le vende
chi di fa, e chi la prende
chi vede, e chi crede
chi al rosso, chi al verde
di sicuro non me

di sicuro non mi faccio mettere sotto da te
dallo stato, il Vaticano, l’Italia ha ancora un re
solo che si chiama mafia e non Enrico
chiedi ai politici che cos’è uno scericco

Sullivan Mars
Sullivan Mars - 20.10.2022 17:36


Jeremy Williams
Jeremy Williams - 24.09.2022 18:23

The beat bounced harder than a blank check

Toan Tran
Toan Tran - 22.09.2022 19:53

Đụ má

Nuch - 22.09.2022 18:17

Je t'aime ALYSÉE :)

krzychu mixtape
krzychu mixtape - 20.09.2022 00:56

Mnie grają w pałacach, w kamienicach, w klubie w mieście bo ciągle chce więcej
A Ciebie nie bo ja się nie poddałem i ciągle biegłem dalej nawet jak odciski i odwodniony cały
To bariera o jaką można się wyjebać a także jak skejter graindowac
To cienka linia
Zeby się przełamać, że to teraz jest ta pora, żeby wstać i przebiec się takie 25
Joł mam wydolność
Nerkę byś oddał za to
Nie da się być na szczycie nigdy od razu
To jest jeden gest, jedna decyzja, ruch i pewna jakość, bo wiem jak zwyciężyć, nie potrzeba mi aplauzu
Joł Ja mam to nonstop
Ciągle dążę za pieniądzem
Jak patrzysz tylko na to
Cie mógłbym mieć za darmo
Ciągle dążę, kręcę, mące, błądzę bawię słowem i bujam ośke

To jest przekaz dobry, biorę życie za morde i nie pierdole się w tańcu
Jak zrywa do buntu kurwa jutro będzie płacić w smutku, przykry to widok ale muszę go mieć już tu, mam powod by dorosnąć i nie zażywać dragów,

HFPGH - 03.09.2022 01:03

Deep 🔪

Nativos Dreadlocks
Nativos Dreadlocks - 17.08.2022 21:38


Steeven MITRAM
Steeven MITRAM - 15.08.2022 02:49

Ghost pas de host generation d’autodidacte
Pas de peur même le diable peut ranger des pactes
Clac c’est le bruit du glock
Plus de foot entre pote je crois qu’on a un toc
Toc-toc qui est là perquisition du matin
Du matin le même ou je dois aller à l’école
A l’école l’endroit qui me saoule le plus
Chui un ghost au milieu de tout ces plouc
Arrogant les anciens m’évite
Toute les meufs montre leur boule sur tiktok
Tout va trop vite
Hmm hmm
Mon tel vaut plus que mère
Tout est cher j’aime bien y laisser ma chair

MORNING STAR - 07.08.2022 17:43

I been in a road like no one can find me
You in a zone like no one could beat me
But I'm tellin a comin a beasty
This nigga poor but now is so Richy
You play it fool but I play it risky
Gone in a down u need a hy pe

Cha Mso
Cha Mso - 15.07.2022 02:02


Djellal Hasnaoui
Djellal Hasnaoui - 02.07.2022 20:44

Mc artisan TAWBA

D!!!!!!! - 21.06.2022 15:12

Can I buy this beat?

Icecold - 15.06.2022 13:17

Murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick
Mannen jag är thug in this bitch
Murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick
Förälskad i flous de är G
Har suttit för mord jag är fri
Iskandar han gola mig fint
Vi släpper stora på krit
Klicken är liten men namnen är stora min G
Jag har jappat din hora precis
Roll up i tonade b's
Ingen av oss gick i skolan och skit
Benim blev skolad av g's
Vi tjänar stora på vit
Murder murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick
Murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick
Mannen jag är thug in this bitch
Murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick
Jobbar konstant som en myrstack
Mannen ser vi opps inte konstig de flyr snabbt bram
Du blir goad av kids när de roll up med sticks
Trycker dum dum sen gitt från en fyrtakt
Förut det var Wickr nu det ba Ghost eller SKY
Trettio clips skickar boys to the skies
Händer det bli så händer det bli så
Du skickas tre meter ner med kostym på
Krona på boxar med certifikat
5.56:er det helautomat
Utländska skyltar på tonad Passat
Jag har Glock under bältet den stora där bak
Murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick
Mannen jag är thug in this bitch
Murderer shit
Mannen benim kör för min klick
Du ser att jag är störd i min blick
Jag har aldrig känt love för en bitch
Jag har alltid känt love for the stick

Kadir قادر
Kadir قادر - 16.05.2022 00:04

يبكرو حالن قدامي بس انا اشتريهم بقرشين
فرجين فلوس يقلولك مراحب واهلين
بس يحبو التظاهر
امثالن شفنا كتير
حكيتلن مين انا قالولي انت جاي من وين؟
مابحب اكتر حكي بس انا كلامي واقعي
من هلق بحذركو انتبهو لما تشوفو تراجعي
امورة محمرة مفكرة حالها بشارع الملوك
ماشوفك مرة تانية لانو هاد بس شارعي
كلامي عليهم نغزات كلامن من ورا الشاشات
مفكريني وراهن راكد وانا معتبرن لعبيات
حاج بكفي تصنع بشوية مي رجعهم شباب
لو ضروري معلش حطو بس حطو شوية مو كميات

PlaYMaN MakeR (Chaîne officielle)
PlaYMaN MakeR (Chaîne officielle) - 04.04.2022 17:51

Ils t'aime pas.
Comme ils le prétendent .
Ils savent même pas que tu parle sur eux.
La vérité c'est qu'ils font des manière parceque m'ils me déteste ils croivent être audacieux.

Mais moi j'ai compris.
Que dans la famille.
Si ils te lèche.
C'est que c'est des bites.
Bah ouai tu sait quoi vaut mieux avoir une grande gueule.
Au moins j'reste vrai et k'parle pas dans ton dos.

Choisi bien ton camp je sais bien qu'ta compris.
Qu'ils essaye de me faire passer pour l'ennemi.
Si ils te glorifie laisse toi pas avoir.
T'est juste une roue d'secours c'n'est pas qu'ils veulent te voir

C'est juste qu'ils adore quand il y'a des histoires .
Tu sait bien qu'oarler pour eux c'est vital.
J't'explique les bails.
C'est des hypocrites.
Mais tu l'sait déjà.
Mais attend la suite

Tu sait très bien que le problème c'est moi.
C'est la raison pour laquelle ils veulent de toi.
Crois pas qu'ils t'admire ils veulent juste me tacler..essayer d'me narguer mais si tu savais.

J'rigole en silence.
La vérité.
Car dans la famille ils font tous que s'critisuer.
Après ça s'retrouve pour des réunions d'famille.
Ça ferai tout drôle si la vérité arrive.

Mais j'prefere en rire.
Vasi fait comme moi.
Laisse toi pas amadouer j'te l'dit encore une fois.
Ils essaye juste .
De t'mettre de leurs côté.
T'est la roue d'secours.
De leurs délire c'est cramé.

Mais tu parle sur eux comme eux ils parlent sur toi.
Putain cette famille c'est du grand n'importe quoi.
Envie d'me barrer mais bon pour aller ou.
Envie d'tout cramer vu qu'au final c'est moi L'FOU .

Yeet - 28.02.2022 09:11

Yeah look I been mellow and zen with devil but he just been meddling,
Foot to the petal unsettling
Tell us when , you ready to stop playin play pretend
patience thin.

U know they fr gon hate us when
My bread it ain’t always paper thin
People they aint always makin sense
My name always getting throw around like our mf dead presidents

Darren Nwakwubei
Darren Nwakwubei - 25.02.2022 07:46

Darren Adegoke Nwakwubei as Blade 666 and Lucifuge Rofocale and Trigon and Satan 666 and 8 ! amen.

dizzy - 06.02.2022 19:06

saí do fundo do poço nego

Vybe_EZ - 19.01.2022 21:16

Wrote about a 3some I had on this beat lmaoooo

Bouziane Abdrrahim
Bouziane Abdrrahim - 16.01.2022 18:53

Mc artisan ❤️❤️

Da great
Da great - 04.01.2022 11:36

underated beat

AKBeats - 01.01.2022 00:40

Gold 🔥

C. Hinds
C. Hinds - 19.12.2021 21:37

I neeeeeeeeeeddd this. 🔥 🔥 THIS BEAT TOUCHES THE SOUL! 💥💥❗🎶

Nostalgia ♪
Nostalgia ♪ - 27.11.2021 05:53

I play this beat while parents are arguing loudly...real life rap battle

Meech Beech5775
Meech Beech5775 - 06.11.2021 14:39


Tony Fianto
Tony Fianto - 04.10.2021 23:20

Says it’s free in the title but you have to pay to get it? Lol I’m confused

zbzjxbxhdjdh - 26.09.2021 13:47


Taylor Jones
Taylor Jones - 16.09.2021 05:41

Pepole talk about me behind my back make me wanna go gost dont even wanna post or pose for the camera maybe I should just disappear and go off by my lonely that way no one can taunt me cause they ant ready for this battle drop em on the canvas paint a bad picture then count six figures just too get it off my mind been on my grind cause it reflects my shine just keep feedin me this negative energy cause when I make it to the top they'll be fearing me wont want no smoke makem put they mask up now they gonna act up when I get my racks up when I make it I'm gonna be a legend in my own way knowin I went the right and they went the wrong now I'm fellin strong puttin my pain into this song gotta keep pushin till I have nothin left so keep feedin me the negativity your givin me all the energy ant stopin till i make it yall ant gonna shake me you can break me cause gods the one who made me straight to the top imma go and when I do imma blow and then you'll know pepole talk about me behind my back make me wanna go gost let's see if they do that when I make it to the top and I'm sittin back countin all my guawp bet u they come crawling for handouts but I'm gonna tell em all I just cashed out and they shouldn't have been mean to me back in the gap that's one of the reasons I'm chasin this rap so I can become somone and run it all up and that's no cap screw the ones that's against me but I know that imma run it up with the ones that's with me and we gonna stack up in my city countin 100s and 50s .

BUTFLYBEATS - 12.09.2021 01:47

Йоу, всем привет.
У кого есть желания послушать и оценить биты - заходи :)
Всем буду рад. Обнял.❤

35infinity - 09.09.2021 17:49

Cool beats 💥
Look at me👈
