No King Rules Forever(Quitting WoW)

No King Rules Forever(Quitting WoW)


2 года назад

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@natecartwright2319 - 09.02.2024 02:24

andddd were back... I dont mind it but a lot of people will claim grifting on the reddits. its the internet nothing ages well

@strategystuff5080 - 08.02.2024 14:10

Remember this is a game that already has an expensive sub + expansions.

@Lemaus433 - 03.02.2024 03:04

I respect that you want to keep personal things personal. I also understand this video is close to two years old. That said I hope it works out in a way that is optimal for you. I look forward to the day when you rejoin us either just making videos, or in Azeroth. I agree a great deal of integrity was lost with the level boost and the WoW token and now blizzard is banning GDKPs and it is because of gold sellers. Funny enough Blizzard cares not about buying gold as long as they get the cheese. Flucking hypocrites.

@Syndroo - 23.01.2024 01:57

The funny part to me is the money streamers and content creators make off of their channels and subs revolving around wow…then offering “plushies” and other items for sale at their personal store…and then trash a game that offers mounts and mogs for $$$

@liquidsleepgames3661 - 15.01.2024 12:06

Although i hate warlords of dreanor i have memories of playing with a friend and co worker who is no longer with us.

Dude ended up in a coma after a car accident on snowy roads.

@Quick-Silver206 - 12.01.2024 16:31

I play for the journey not the end game competitiveness. I'm very thankful my guilds are likeminded.

@jamesrideout123 - 24.11.2023 06:34


@VulcanLogic - 24.11.2023 01:00

This aged well (watching him play spriest on Hardcore right now).

@TrTriTrippin - 11.11.2023 07:03

I deleted my warrior before BC dropped, It still hurts, This game truly is an addiction, Stole so much time.

@ArnieS1947 - 09.10.2023 22:23

"Why would you surround yourself with things that annoy you?" That one hit the jugular for me. So much of culture now is things that annoy us or people reacting to things that annoy them. It's depressing, and as amusing as it can be to laugh at it, it's sometimes better to distance yourself from it entirely, if possible, and focus on the things you like and make you happy.

@Tbone272 - 08.10.2023 22:20

That cliff haggar on number three...

@danielsaurusrex8798 - 06.10.2023 09:10

two years later and it still brings tears to my eyes...

@EfnysYersina - 31.08.2023 15:47

Slaves shall serve.

@sullen117 - 28.08.2023 02:40

You will be back.

@Xxj0intxX - 27.08.2023 20:59

We needed to wait about two years but we all knew that he would return and save Azeroth
Welcome back my liege! 🫡

@realScottThomas - 27.08.2023 20:18

I knew you’d be back lol

@SpicySharp - 23.08.2023 22:53

TWO years ago….😢

@ballgang367 - 22.08.2023 23:50

who else didnt know who this person was until this video got recommended to them?

@michaelavila5056 - 22.08.2023 23:49

You are right. Selling tendies to buy items that where not attainable to the casual player,…… I’m head out too…🖖

@zawazawa957 - 20.08.2023 09:02

Thanks for everything Mad

@against_the_machine - 18.08.2023 06:37

you could swap out wow for halo and video would still work.

@fireraassassin3911 - 10.08.2023 01:55

MadSeason i started watching your videos not long ago, and i am sorry that i didnt earlier. I feel nostalgia and your voice gives it even higher volume to it, but one thing is sure my friend, no one will ever be able to take your memories and one day when even this nostalgia is gone, you will think again about the time back in a day and you will be having a honest smile on your face while watching where did life all take you to so many years after. The life is really beautiful and yes… NO KING RULES FOREVER.

@dawsonlucas369 - 20.07.2023 11:57

It's funny because of the cash shop I was able to get back into wow for legion and play almost every class

@curious5661 - 18.07.2023 20:43

I quit way back when LFR was introduced. Back then I started to notice that Blizzard had developed a habit to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to make a quick and easy buck. Countless more nails have been hammered in the WOW coffin since that day, so I dont think I will ever return.

@yaki6915 - 09.07.2023 04:48

Thank you. Love your videos.

@richardbautista9256 - 07.07.2023 08:55

How do you play wow...? Answer.... get the best gear. How i do that? Money.... uhhhh

@Zaurthur - 30.06.2023 10:16

For every dollar someone who thinks the game has integrity doesn't spend there's a hundred people willing to spend ten times that much to buy the power.
Any outreach you might have is out weighted by an advertising campaign funded by the systems you hate.
Because of this, you don't matter.

@tomdonis4315 - 30.06.2023 04:35

Just watched this today, went to store, the wow token shows as NEW, glad I quit 18 months ago.

@tobychurch5652 - 27.06.2023 16:56

Man this is depressing, I just wanna play WoW. Don't click on the 'Buy' buttons if you don't want to purchase them. If your friends quit, make new ones. I'll carry on my adventures, thanks.

@joshwillis2358 - 22.06.2023 20:06

gj blizzard your greed ruined happiness

@teeth716 - 22.06.2023 07:49

Fuck man I Just found your channel and I already miss you 😢

@rodfarva6749 - 18.06.2023 19:55

I just found your channel. I play retail and I was like, "Oh cool! this guy's videos are great! I can't wait to see them all." I started watching older videos, and saw your arc from current player to former player and wow did it made me sad. I totally understand how you feel. How the business decisions were made with investors in mind instead of players caused that shift. WoW was always for me the game that was above pay to play but you've made me realize that while they don't directly sell in game items and content(Aside from level boosts), they indirectly sell them through tokens which is almost worse because they think that if the water is muddy enough players won't notice. As far as the harassment goes The CEO Bobby K is an absolute piece of trash, just recently coming out and saying that the sexual harassment lawsuit was a bunch of trumped up media spin, when he initially said no one cares more than him to rectify it is absolutely disgusting. Anyway, thanks for making great content and whatever you make it about will be great. Take care.

@MrHowardMoon - 11.06.2023 22:19

Look, it's been a year and WoW Classic now has the token. I can't talk about other servers, but on my server, Pyrewood Village, it dropped from 14k to 8k in less than 24 hours LOL!

@RBFILMS - 11.06.2023 16:44

Literally could just stop player-to-player trading and only sell items through the auction house at semi-locked prices set by the community = No gold farms & no wow tokens. This game has just tanked, it's so depressing.

@holczy0 - 10.06.2023 14:10

You were always right man, I feel dumb for thinking it won't go past the level boost.

@nestorasbellas6604 - 09.06.2023 01:57

Just checked in to drop a comment.
Your prophecy is fulfilled.
WoW token found its way to WoW Classic - Wrath of the Lich King.

@PeterRudesindus - 02.06.2023 13:14

You can thank casual players for this.

@Keandros - 27.05.2023 10:03

Madseason has been vindicated.

@rant9881 - 27.05.2023 08:55

Dude is a psychic.

@Alabasted - 27.05.2023 02:13

with the wow token out, this aged perfectly

@Tzunami789 - 26.05.2023 13:24

With wow Token being now on WOTLK classic this video is even more relevent :D fckin hell....

@cabbytabby7415 - 26.05.2023 10:27

Madseason, yet again proving how right he was the whole time, Wrath Tokens enough said.

@classicwrestlingvault - 26.05.2023 04:08

and now wrath classic has tokens. yippie

@mattbowman7759 - 25.05.2023 21:23

Wow token just got added...

@bloodfurypk666 - 25.05.2023 16:59

1 year later wow token is here 110% on spot mad

@zinofwin4973 - 24.05.2023 19:30

You called it Madseason. The WoW token just got added

@TheCostanzag - 24.05.2023 18:33

It's funny how right before I watched this video I see an article in my feed about WOTLK classic adding the token. Spot on my friend. Didn't catch your videos until after I replayed classic but they truly are a treasure to behold for any veteran of WOW.
Hope things are going well in your new endeavors

@Xazamas - 24.05.2023 08:11

Blizzard went full-on Microtransaction Chainsaw Massacre on us, they added WoW token to the WotLK Classic.

@koryk5740 - 14.05.2023 02:39

Noooo! Coommme Baaaacck!!! 😢

@berserk9147 - 10.05.2023 20:23

Literally yesterday i discovered this channel and watched that 2h WoW Pandoras Box video. Now this. F
