MSX Computers - Adrian & Phil Checkout the Pioneer PX7

MSX Computers - Adrian & Phil Checkout the Pioneer PX7

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@SynthCatland - 02.06.2024 19:47

Great video. Possibly a good idea to not start the video by saying it wasn’t popular. One of the biggest turn off is creating a defensive vail over the whole video, right out the gate. There’s no denying it was very popular. It was hardly available in a lot of regions

@melkovsky - 31.07.2023 14:10

Hi. Congrats on this nice video. Do you guys have an email to get in contact? I would like to talk to you about this video. Thanks

@sanoskae2000 - 26.08.2020 22:46

So do you plug the MSX into your television or do you need a different type of monitor?

@krisgarrein9632 - 11.05.2020 10:12

Very biased MSX review, I would expect more objectivity from a computer museum review.

@8wealthyone8 - 09.04.2020 13:49

Good reviews. Can you include a regular feature of hot big boob women pushing the buttons on comupters pls

@brcardoso00 - 15.02.2019 14:57

The MSX was very popular in Brazil, too, and it was manufactured there.

@JesterEric - 26.09.2018 09:26

Well that was a completely biased video. You can just see the bald guy completely hates msx. He seems almost in pain even talking about MSX. The problem with selling home computers in the U.K. in 1985 was that so many of the computer manufacturers went bust. Companies like Sinclair, Acorn and Atari were dumping old stock and it was being sold at below cost price in Dixon’s. There was no room in the market for msx at a price that would justify selling them. 250k msx 1 computers were sold in the U.K. mainly when they cleared stocks at 1/3 original price

@Mythteller - 20.09.2018 12:13

Bill Gates could have give real full support to the MSX system to come into North America and start into video gaming console business sooner with an early X-box in early 90s.

@vgtheory - 12.08.2018 07:24

The look of that particular Pioneer MSX is quite a departure from other computers of the time. Very interesting aesthetic, although I don't know if it appeals to more than some of the other models. That superimpose feature is quite sharp for an 80s computer.

@MeitsMSX - 18.06.2018 13:10

That guy with no hair talks like he knows stuff.

@santiagotelemach8236 - 06.05.2018 11:17

The laugths after naming MSX didn't presage a good treatment for the machine.

I understand that you're based in UK and that MSX had a very poor treatment there as there was protectionism in favour of UK manufacturers...Understandable anyway.

In 2018 and with a more objetive perspective MSX had it's bad points of course (scroll for example) but they were terribly well built machines, with an excellent basic, best electronics in of the era (when japan did things properly), and had a magnificent range of konami, namco and compile games (to name the best ones).
Those games were colourful, addictive witch real arcade feeling ,fun and much more enjoyable than 80% of euro games. If you just saw sad Mastertronic speccy ports is easy to laugth on the machine...But don't misjudge it for that limited vision friends.

Said this...Keep up the good work!

@SantiagoOntanonVillar - 12.04.2018 23:58

Cartridges load almost instantly, I believe you have a dirty connector. But man! you say that the graphics of Salamander are not great?!!??!! did you try the ZX Spectrum or Amstrad CPC versions?! the MSX version is no doubt the best 8-bit computer version! And again the "not particularly popular", is a totally UK-centric view. MSX were significantly popular in Japan, Brazil, southern Europe, Holland, Finland, and the middle-east, at least. Just not in the UK :)

@edoz8939 - 12.04.2018 21:06

I'm sorry. But it seems that this review about MSX is very poor to what a MSX can do. It is one of the most powerful 8 bit machines. And it was very popular in Europe as well.(like Spain, Italia,Netherlands) I think you have to review the MSX again and make a better review on the subject ;)

@Vamptonius - 19.03.2018 12:18

Why would ANYONE intentionally destroy something like that?!?

@kenknight5983 - 13.03.2018 02:13

Can 8 bit machines not normally handle more than 64k? Maybe there was something special happening with the Commodore 128.

@Larry - 10.03.2018 17:34

Every British made MSX game I've ever seen are always been terrible, slow Spectrum ports. Did anyone ever do any original ports for the machine in the UK outside of bedroom coders?

@nickstubbings - 10.03.2018 06:49

nice, more videos like this please!!!

@Zobbster - 09.03.2018 23:40

Great video lads!! I absolutely loved my Toshiba MSX back in the day. Getting software was always a challenge and I'll never forget the giddy joy I experienced when on holiday in Spain coming across an entire carousel of games in a shop.

@theseob - 09.03.2018 22:20

Philips also made MSX computers up to the MSX2 range, so not only Japanese. There is also a Arabic and Korean one. They where pretty big in The Netherlands and also in Spain if i’m correct.
The Philips also had a msx2 that used super imposed mode.

@Rockythefishman - 09.03.2018 22:19

Another informative video :) I never new they were even sold in the uk

@LieutLaww - 09.03.2018 21:49

The Toshiba HX-10 was my first home computer.
