How to stamp the filename of a PDF to itself, or many PDFs in a batch process

How to stamp the filename of a PDF to itself, or many PDFs in a batch process

Johnny Hubert

9 лет назад

25,657 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


gabriel' Geraldin
gabriel' Geraldin - 30.06.2023 19:51


BOUNAITAN - 16.06.2023 19:56

THANK YOU! its very helpful and saved me a lot of time

Sikandar Ali
Sikandar Ali - 15.11.2022 00:46

Very helpful, thank you!

AbsolutelyFeral - 09.09.2022 13:23

I am almost in tears..... do you have any idea how much time you have just saved me?!

Say Astaghfirullah
Say Astaghfirullah - 19.03.2022 21:02

Hi do you have a Mac version? this is amazing btw!!! just what I needed.

An Lê
An Lê - 19.10.2021 13:52

really helpful. thankssss <3

Molasky Productions
Molasky Productions - 23.06.2021 19:02

Spectacular...thank you so much!

Paul Seale
Paul Seale - 19.05.2021 10:11

Nice, tast and effective program. When I tick the option "page numbers x of y", that's what gets stamped, just "page x of y", not the filename. Other than dragging and dropping twice [once to stamp the filename, once again to stamp "page x of y"], is there a way to stamp the filename and "page x of y" all in one drag and drop?

games of the world
games of the world - 17.02.2021 21:42

Thank you very much

Cover Hub
Cover Hub - 17.09.2020 23:24

Hi Sir,

I have sent you email. CAn yo please hlp us.

Christina K. - 受膏者
Christina K. - 受膏者 - 01.07.2020 01:14

Hi there Johhny! Your program is like a Savior! Is it possible to add a stamp only in the first page of each pdf? At work we have to stamp 2000 pdf's by Friday.. but only the first page.. :/

Cheap Rudy
Cheap Rudy - 24.06.2020 17:50

This is exactly what I was looking for. I found others who had long Java scripts to kinda does what this does, but it was not near as slick or user friendly. Something like this should be a built in part of Adobe, but for some reason its not. Coinage headed your way!!!

Stuart Till
Stuart Till - 30.04.2020 19:45

Johnny - i tried it and got an error, can you help?

Matthew A
Matthew A - 03.09.2019 11:07

great program! Helped a bunch with printing many small pdf for the university!!
I tried version 2.75 but didn't recognise Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version 2019.012.20040 (latest), and the preview window hides the options. Working on windows 7.
Is it easy to add a option on version 2.65 to stamp only the first page of each pdf ?
In any case, THANK YOU ! :)

uslenghi - 27.02.2019 15:32

Awesome, it works perfectly.

susila cherla
susila cherla - 13.12.2018 15:12

do you have something similar for bulk Digital signatures

Tax Deed Surplus & Unclaimed Property
Tax Deed Surplus & Unclaimed Property - 22.05.2018 21:35

Thank you SO MUCH!!! I donated =)

Sebastian Lauffer
Sebastian Lauffer - 04.05.2018 14:49

thats great!!! no spyware or so? could you make it open source maybe? thanks

Brenda van den Broek
Brenda van den Broek - 13.07.2017 13:35

Thank you so much, your program was extremely helpful!

Rose Ann Haft
Rose Ann Haft - 27.05.2017 00:33

It works perfectly. Thanks!
