USA and NATO vs RUSSIA and CHINA - Who Would Win? - Military / Army Comparison

USA and NATO vs RUSSIA and CHINA - Who Would Win? - Military / Army Comparison

The Infographics Show

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Allah snackbar
Allah snackbar - 20.09.2023 03:27

Imagine being one of two that died that caused ww3

John Jacobs
John Jacobs - 19.09.2023 20:40


Jim Steven
Jim Steven - 19.09.2023 20:23

America is getting Taken Out! Judgements of Nineveh are coming upon her! Divided State's of Abomination's is coming to an End!

Rick Ros
Rick Ros - 18.09.2023 21:35

Putin is not going to live forever...

Czechoslovak Beefstew
Czechoslovak Beefstew - 18.09.2023 03:02

Funny how someone kicked out by vietnamese wearing pijamas and cave dwellers talking about misshandled logistics while russia still holds the ground again ukraine fully armed by entire west blah blah

Mačak u čizmama
Mačak u čizmama - 18.09.2023 02:33

Bs video

DariusDawg - 17.09.2023 17:45

2027? Bro just let me graduate

XL B the Demigod
XL B the Demigod - 17.09.2023 15:56

Russia and China wouldn’t alone. They got the Taliban, Africa, North Korea, and India. It would be an even playing field.

Luke Wallis
Luke Wallis - 17.09.2023 09:12

It's unlikely (although not impossible) there will ever be a direct war between NATO and China, or Russia.
Everyone knows that China or Russia will never allow itself to fight a conventional war it knows it would lose against NATO.
In a direct war between NATO and China, or Russia; China or Russia would unleash its entire nuclear arsenal against NATO, with NATO doing the same against China or Russia.
Unlike Russia, China may not have the nuclear capability to destroy entire countries yet, but it's safe to say China will get there in a few years.
If there was ever a direct war between NATO and China, or Russia, the rest of the world would have the grim task of inspecting the belligerent nations after the war, and see how human greed, arrogance and stupidity have led nations to reduce each other to radioactive wastelands.
After such a war, none of the belligerent countries would continue to exist as livable nations.

robert hergane
robert hergane - 17.09.2023 08:58

fed printing more than 30% no cover. tons of dollars. people pay double for sugar and energy. america has to fall down

Kevin - 16.09.2023 23:32

It's idiotic to even ask the question of who would win in this scenario. We'd all lose- BIG TIME. That war would end civilization.

Nevyn Karres
Nevyn Karres - 16.09.2023 11:45

China is much more likely to grab Vladivostok and I am not sure we would step in.

Michael Jr Cortes
Michael Jr Cortes - 16.09.2023 09:03

China and Turkey would be an issue. Turkey is not an ally to trust. China had its own goals, even over Russia.

BLOCKCHAIN BOY - 15.09.2023 19:41

no contest 🤣 USA ALL DAY

James - 15.09.2023 06:05

Why would the US and China have any desire to go to war. The economies are so closely tied and the world relies on both countries. Russia shouldn’t even be in this video

Salim Dembos
Salim Dembos - 15.09.2023 04:08

The only winner on this page is US and NATO 😂

Johan - 14.09.2023 17:39

Naive to think anything else than NATO. It would a horrible war though… like armageddon level.

salah ait el bachir
salah ait el bachir - 14.09.2023 12:11

Usa is a paper tiger

sengts - 14.09.2023 11:52

Infographic oversimplifying things again, as usual.

To put it into perspective of the Russia-Ukraine war, NATO collectively pledged 90Billion Euro's worth of military aid to Ukraine (which would have put it on par with, if not more than, Russia's defense budget for 2022). Also, let's not forget that although the West (specifically the US) had better technology, they did lose the Vietnam War, the Korean War and the War against terror (remember what a disaster it was when US retreated from Afganistan) fighting enemies that had far inferior weapons. War isn't, and never will be, so simple.

marshcrew - 14.09.2023 10:11

NATO has…
Jw grom
Sayeret Matkal
Forsvarets Spesialkommando
Le comando Herbert
Utti Jaeger
Brit sas
Brit sbs
Australian sas
R.o.k sf


A country that can’t even win a war in Ukraine…😂😂😂

John Smith
John Smith - 13.09.2023 18:57

The EU would never help the USA in a war

A man of culture
A man of culture - 13.09.2023 17:13

You say "poor little Russia with NATO aggressors" but also everyone says Russia is not strong enough to beat Ukrain. So which is it? Are they actually Poor little Russia or are they not that strong. Wtf? 😂

John Winkelman
John Winkelman - 13.09.2023 02:44

It’ll be Russia, China & N.Korea Teaming up if something happens or should I say when

Cedar Poplar
Cedar Poplar - 12.09.2023 22:34

That is definitely some scary stuff. I mean, going head to head with folks, you know, does not seem...

jascam1 - 11.09.2023 16:08

Don’t let the US politicians stress you over their little tiff with China. Russia was once their best ally and Japan and Vietnam their greatest enemies now Japan and Vietnam are Americans BFF. Go figure.

Wacks Alvarado
Wacks Alvarado - 11.09.2023 03:39

Seems like everything in the Chinese military is based on Western tech.

Oskar Vom Himmel
Oskar Vom Himmel - 11.09.2023 00:52

If this was the case...The USA and NATO would be all over China and Russland (North Korea, Iran, All USSR countries, some Baltic countries etc etc)...Which is probably "why" NATO and the good ol' US of A are a bit shy on the "pre-emptive" attacks right now...But, whatever feeds the minds of those in need to hear what they crave, not what "it is" or it is more likely to be...

Jhaen Mascoll
Jhaen Mascoll - 10.09.2023 15:56

How often do u make any positive videos about china and Russia.

Jhaen Mascoll
Jhaen Mascoll - 10.09.2023 15:55

U r so biased. It's sad

Axel Garcia
Axel Garcia - 10.09.2023 04:38

so many lies...

Xing Ha Lee
Xing Ha Lee - 09.09.2023 19:54

u have a huge mistake on ur assessment about Russia-China alliance. Russia needs China & China needs Russia. our alliance may not be in comparison with US-EU alliance BUT it is an indisputable fact that if Russia lose, its a big damage for our country. likewise, our lose will also a big loss for Russia (just like how John Mearsheimer's). if Russia decided to sell top secret military tech to our country, its not primarily becoz of ur assumption. its on Russia's benefit if China could modernize extremely fast. Russia is currently not on a position to play hard-to-get with us

Sean Dorval
Sean Dorval - 09.09.2023 18:22

No one, let's not find out.

Ragin Cajun
Ragin Cajun - 09.09.2023 06:50

Why are we talking about Russia only? I don’t hear much about China. GDP and weaponry is equally superior to US’s

RevWolf1776 - 08.09.2023 23:37

Russia and China are not on the best terms like everyone thinks that they are. Also basically all cruise and ballistic missiles are hypersonic.

Thích Delicious foods
Thích Delicious foods - 08.09.2023 20:21

If the US increases tariffs on Chinese imports by another 50%, China's economy will completely collapse because all investment companies will flee to other countries to avoid taxes.

Erik Van Gelder
Erik Van Gelder - 08.09.2023 18:09

Russia's economy doesn't have a strength comparable to Italy's thanks to the sanctions. Russia had an economical strength comparable to Italy's BEFORE the sanctions.
I expect it to be a lot less currently.

Goran Yau
Goran Yau - 08.09.2023 15:43

USA or NATO can win Russia and China combined in the air and sea, however, USA and NATO combined cannot control the massive land of Russia and China

darreng34 - 08.09.2023 13:57

Without nato and usa, china and Russia would have already tried to take over the world by force. A frightening prospect.

Johnie Taylor
Johnie Taylor - 08.09.2023 12:08

factually speaking, you are as relevant as drag queen story time, just saying.

ETEC Argha Kamal lahiri 432 Lahiri
ETEC Argha Kamal lahiri 432 Lahiri - 08.09.2023 06:14

Russian can sink the hole world naval fleet with single posidon

Dale Bouwman
Dale Bouwman - 08.09.2023 01:50

It's kinda funny that the US has to gather up buddies (other countries) to fight country.

gee Tee
gee Tee - 07.09.2023 23:24

19.25 that didn't age well. Even a month ago, we knew that line was bs.

Jeff D
Jeff D - 07.09.2023 22:22

The USA could defeat the Russian and Chinese militaries by itself. If Nato got involved, it would only slow us down. We would get some of our toys back so it might help a little.

Spyro McRebel
Spyro McRebel - 07.09.2023 19:27

why did u write "USA and NATO" when USA is IN NATO???

Plaksh 28
Plaksh 28 - 07.09.2023 11:45

i sense a bias. i don't like it

phillip roberts
phillip roberts - 07.09.2023 05:00

Everybody in the whole world loses will it happen yes if China tries to take tiawon by force one or two mad men can destroy the world unfortunately

boedude - 07.09.2023 01:20

never underestimate your opponents. that said, worst case scenario is that the u.s. trues to play the limited and external target game for a couple months, instead of fighting a war 110% all in like your very existence is at stake. a no nukes but all in attack against china would be a very short engagement, and even shorter for russia. imho, if either let's go with even 1 nuke then it should be armageddon on that country, making it virtually uninhabitable for a century
