VRChat Avatar 3.0 Tutorial - Adding Facial Expressions to your Avatar

VRChat Avatar 3.0 Tutorial - Adding Facial Expressions to your Avatar

Sipp's Avatar Box

2 года назад

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@LekroPower - 20.12.2023 22:24

make sure to toggle "Saved" and "Synced" in your VRC Expression Parameters Object - otherwise others will not see the expressions (but you will as it is local only, took me some time to figure out)

@madog5682 - 20.12.2023 00:47

How do?

@craindemolik7231 - 18.12.2023 10:55

Following his tutorial my Model is in the floor now

@crafter_boyz - 12.12.2023 16:59

Is there a part where you can show us how to rig a model correctly?

@cringemariobros2516 - 08.11.2023 04:56

How do I get project assets

@MrBlazedFlame - 29.10.2023 03:14

this was really simple and easy to follow. Thank you for making these!!

@OurVirtualTime - 02.09.2023 01:20

Thank you for the friendly and exciting tutorial! Empowering the next generation of 3D enthusiasts.

@danialquddoos7561 - 18.08.2023 16:31

I'm using the creator companion and I dont see a VRCSDK in either Assets nor Packages, could someone help me out a bit please?

@catvr1372 - 10.08.2023 22:45

does with work with blender models with no fx layer? and if not how do i make one

@mamaploppichuu9831 - 10.08.2023 09:34

PSA: If you notice your gestures are working fine, but the normal face is stuck on one, go to the "All parts" Section, then make sure the yellow/orange one is your Idle animation. If it isn't, switch to it. That would be where the switch/toggle starts.

@Kimo_Neko - 18.07.2023 05:38

Is this tutorial outdated? I can't find the sdk hand controller file, even when I search it

@DTTArt - 16.07.2023 07:25

With the first method I have the problem of my avi for some reason switching rapidly between it's "default" state and the idle animation, do you have any idea what could caause that because I find no one talking about this.

@Capt_Lucy - 09.07.2023 21:08

I did this differently but it worked out, so in case anyone else is having trouble and wants to try a different way: Write defaults are off. start goes to idle (this is an animation that sets all blend shapes to either 0 or their default state for resting face [don't make changes to the blendshapes that start with "vrc."]). Then idle goes to an empty wait state with no transition condition. Duplicate the idle animation to create every other animation for the face because each animation should include the instructions to set all blend shapes back to default, not just change the ones you want to use for that animation! Now set up "any state" to go to each of the gestures except for idle, and give them all a transition to exit on the condition that the variable no longer equals whatever represents that gesture (basically the same as the transition from any state except with the notEqual condition). I may have added an unnecessary step here, but I also created an avatar mask and called it head and just only selected the head. Then I applied the mask to both the left hand and right hand layers. I moved the right hand layer below the left hand in the animator and gave them both the same weight making the right hand take priority unless it's in the idle state bc it will have transitioned to the wait animation which does nothing giving the left hand a chance to shine. Lastly, I decided I didn't like that sitting my right controller down made the left hand useless (bc the animation would play until the right hand changed and left hand only matters when the right hand is idle), so I made the open hand gesture (I use for cute sleeping face) only trigger on both layers if both the left hand and right hand are open at the same time and set the right hand open hand to transition to the wait without any conditions instead of the exit. Might want to turn off or set exit times to 0 too. Sorry this comment got so long. Hope it helps someone.

@dentalgore - 09.07.2023 05:31

okay so my model has blendshapes and everything and adjusting the bars when not recording works fine, but once i press record adjusting the bars doesnt do anything

@1Chitus - 01.07.2023 02:44

fast, clear, straight to the point, amazing!

@Airorm - 25.06.2023 23:09

Thank you!

@IcookiezL0V3R - 20.06.2023 07:03

The biggest thing for me is that I cant even find the examples folder for the hand gestures part. Its legit no where

@saphiraluxray9606 - 19.06.2023 04:04

Can this work if I put this in the Base Gestures? I already have something in the FX Folder and I really don't want to redo all my toggles....

@JohnSmithsu2006 - 15.06.2023 06:04

what's the max amount for toggle?

@Its_A_Gundam - 07.06.2023 02:58

Just bought an avatar on Gumroad. Your tutorials are a lifesaver. Thankyou

@aidanfreienmuth006 - 06.06.2023 17:31

Okay for the first way of doing expressions, what if I already have an FX controller? what am I supposed to do then?

@RikkuYellowEars - 06.06.2023 15:41

Can someone please help. I got the Face Blend to work but now my viseme's aren't detecting when I talk

@cypoux - 21.05.2023 02:53


Great video! I was hopping someone would have an answer to a couple issue.
The first one is that i dont have the VRCSDK folder and i have to go the the Avatar 3.0 Manager to find the gesture controller. Dont know if its an issue or if it creates my other issue which is:
My avatar does the gestures just fine but the hand is frozen and i cant figure out how to have the hands and the facial expressions work in sync. Its one or the other. Hope someone can help :)

@epixfox7916 - 18.05.2023 21:23

I did everything for the toggles but ingame they aren't toggling. Help???

@mossysockmsm2869 - 21.04.2023 02:34

I dont know if anybody is getting the same issue but whenever i make a face gesture in vrchat it moves my avatar forward when i jump

@eggleg9655 - 18.04.2023 02:39

(I used method 1) My facial expressions get stuck/mix together and don't change unless I spam it until it falls back to idle

@somenerdygirl4696 - 17.04.2023 06:27

Do we delete the duplicate after or do we put the fx in the duplicate?

@thingthingsss - 07.04.2023 08:50

I'm having a mild issue, now that I've done the hand gestures settings, my hands won't work. The expressions do, but I can't close my fists around things anymore. It appears yours does, but mine does not?

@JordaNeale - 04.04.2023 01:52

This dude's tutorials are life savers... my god.

@paulblart5358 - 29.03.2023 09:32

Pro tip, make a list of all your facial animation blendshapes you used for each guesture. On each guesture, set the blendshapes you used on all other guestures to zero to prevent artifacting while transitioning to different guestures on your hand.

@alexsanderviscaino6255 - 29.03.2023 00:38

Followed the steps, but the animations aren't working in the VRChat. The model just stays idle. Checked the conditions: Any State at 0, the first at 1 and so on. Can anybody help me?

@Alex82pd - 26.03.2023 23:54

Guys, I am trying pretty much everything... I am using the expression menu method, got it to work but the toggle does not retain, it shows the expression for a second and goes back to iddle, and the button does not show the "spinning arrows" showing it is active. What am I doing wrong? I tried many different options

@ashedwards6862 - 21.03.2023 02:30

I followed every step for the first way to set up face gestures but when i went to test them in the creator companion they didnt work

@SillyStarKG - 17.03.2023 12:06

Thank you so much. This helped a lot!

@ScowlingZebra29 - 05.03.2023 08:46

Okay, I have a question. What do you do if you want more than one method, like the hand gestures and the expression menu toggles are two different animation controllers. At that point are you stuck with one or the other or are you somehow able to combine the two? I'm making an avatar and the person I'm making it for wants it to have both hand gestures and toggles and I'm not sure what to do with this.

@narkroshi88 - 19.02.2023 07:39

PSA: leave on the loop time on the animation. This works great though.

@World_Theory - 17.02.2023 21:00

What do you do with the duplicated avatar after you make the expression animations? Delete it? Leave it?

@brandonwalker5970 - 14.02.2023 06:09

this dude is super helpful..

@juliangator8735 - 12.02.2023 18:07

i need help with just one thing i want to be able to controle my jaw ... like opening and closeing without actually needing to speak

@gugalldiznii383 - 30.01.2023 16:29

so I made some facial expressions for about four or five gestures. but when I go to a gesture that doesn't have a face, the previous facial expression remains. Have things changed since the last time I uploaded avatars? do I now need to do something else? Do I need to manually make a resting face just to have a neutral expression?

@BokuWaHikikomori - 28.01.2023 04:58

I've a few questions, when recording a new animation is the duplicate model supposed to show? And secondly, I'm tinkering with my blend shapes but nothing's moving, what am I doing wrong? :<

@fabianremie9888 - 27.01.2023 08:00

Hey, Sippbox. It might have gone over my head no matter how many times I watch the video, but is there a difference between using one controller to emote and both controllers to emote? And also, can i bind expressions to unconventional hand gestures like 🖕?

@dissonanceparadiddle - 20.12.2022 11:41

So I'm having an issue. I have a character with textured eyes so I'm wondering if i can animate the uv's instead of using bones somehow.

@QWERTYCommander - 15.12.2022 10:53

To anyone having a problem with Method 2, where the animations loop despite "Loop time" being disabled on them: Try unchecking "Can transition to Self" when clicking on the transitions in the animator. This fixed it for me

@littlenuni - 04.12.2022 00:53

Yup one minuet in and am lost

@Reynardfoox - 28.11.2022 20:38

Hmm its not working

@LizzieGoldenMH - 25.11.2022 21:00

ok so my puppet menu popup but it just snap back to expression menu. idk what i did wrong

@theclearskyhermit6417 - 16.11.2022 09:49

hey there, working on converting some 2.0 avatars animations to 3.0 using the toggle method and i just CANNOT get them to play in game. im doing everything the tutorial says to do and its not like the animations are empty or things arent parented right, ive double checked and everything is correct... and yet the animations just wont play. what do i do?

@magmaticx7501 - 12.11.2022 01:23

I'm having a strange issue, where changing from one facial expression to another consecutively makes the facial expression a combination of the two blend-shape animations
