4D Thinking for 3D Graphics #SoME2

4D Thinking for 3D Graphics #SoME2

Maxwell Hunt

1 год назад

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@birdeye700 - 09.01.2024 23:34

any translation in low dimensions can be represented as a transformation in higher dimensions (n+1). Great illustration !

@chanonchaisanit4803 - 14.11.2023 09:44

this is exactly what i wanted!!

@mourirsilfaut6769 - 17.10.2023 08:34

Really nice

@rigbyb - 08.10.2023 15:41

Great video

@EndlessEnergy - 29.05.2023 00:08

Great explanation, thanks a lot!!!

@titouan3702 - 04.03.2023 16:38

Wow😲. So helpful to me. Thanks a lot.

@cyanisnicelol - 04.11.2022 07:49

Now make a 4D game using 5D matrices (5x5 matrices)

@angeldude101 - 30.08.2022 02:19

It's actually possible to extend complex numbers to handle 3D rotations and translations. The 3D analog of the complex numbers are well known as the quaternions, but there also exist the dual-quaternions which are capable of describing any proper rigid transformation, ie rotation and translation. There's also an interesting way to extend these to higher dimensions as well as other types of transformations. While the components grow faster than matrices, doubling with each additional underlying dimension rather than going to the next square, they provide much smoother interpolation. I actually noticed a few times in this video where an object appeared to shrink as it was moving before ending up at the same size as it started.

@Number_Cruncher - 28.08.2022 17:28

Very cool. Now, it is just a small step to quaternions😀. By the way, since there was a short blender clip inside the video, I just wanted to mention that I'm working on a library that realizes much of the manim tools inside blender. If you are interested, let me know.

@kartik06 - 18.08.2022 14:42

Great video! I didn't knew homogeneous coordinates intuitively. ! Nice visuals

@jordanlitt6777 - 15.08.2022 04:16

Linear algebra is still a very new concept for me but this video was very nifty! Awesome work :)

@Ger325is - 14.08.2022 18:17

Great graphics and explanation. I thought I was watching a 3 Blue 1Brown video at times. Well done!

@OpenSourceCS - 14.08.2022 18:03

Super cool video, really helpful to build intuition.
