I'm Done With Windows ...

I'm Done With Windows ...

Michael Horn

5 месяцев назад

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@michaelperrigo - 28.01.2024 23:29

Abandoned Windows 11 for Ubuntu 23.10 and now it's set up as a near 1:1 replacement for it. Took some work but I'll never go back

@patrickday4206 - 28.01.2024 09:03

I'm done with windows also but the extra work to get everything working is a pain hours looking up why some driver isn't working right.

@MarkDavidMcCoskey - 27.01.2024 16:31

My Win10 machine has been relegated to being a Music Server (with VLC Visualizations). Linux, specifically Endeavour OS Cinnamon, is my daily driver. Clean, simple, it just works.

@videosfromhell - 27.01.2024 04:39

Congratulations, love your videos so much info and great tools.

@bejoalan - 26.01.2024 09:18

Is it me or this is the second time you make "I'm done with Windows" video? Although the other video has different points you talked about

@PentangleYT - 25.01.2024 17:52

My biggest irk with Linux based OS is non-availability of MS Office. As an accountants guy, I need MS Office for daily driver. Any idea on how to fix it?
(side note, please don't recommend me OpenOffice, it's still not up to the mark)

@el_god_de_redstone - 25.01.2024 14:44

As a programmer, I switched to Linux (Ubuntu) because I needed the GNU GCC compiler for my C and C++ projects. It also runs faster on my laptop, Thinkpad X250

@foxriver9156 - 24.01.2024 21:27

I just switched to AMD graphics this upgrade cycle so that I can finally make the full leap to Linux with as much freedom as possible

@asdion - 24.01.2024 14:28

"that's entirely on me"
No it isn't, it's entirely on Microsoft and their incessant unwillingness to add the simple option to choose where you want your boot-loader to be, something that has been an option with Linux distros for god knows how long

@dustsucker4704 - 24.01.2024 04:34

I have been using Linux on and of for like a decade now(about 1 year exclusivly) and I musst say it's Come a long long way. And after having my nix config ritten once with changes in mind i can never go back to windows it's just so compftable to have your own workflow keybinds and Skripts at your fingertips. I remember i had to copy a file with a Script in Windows it was a pain in tha ass with the permission system.

@cestusfr - 23.01.2024 18:24

Back in 1999 ( i'm 45) i would lose my windows hdd one week before every exams. Reinstall put back up in new drive etc... i was so fed up that i installed Mandrake linux. I lived on linux only until 4 years ago when i wanted to play AAA games. To this day i still have linux on my machine (manjaro or a minimalist version like Bunsenlabs openbox+Conky style OS).
Microsoft made so much progress, but i still prefer linux. And most progress MS did often came from the linux/BSD world anyway.
With the progress of AAA gaming on linux today, i would never have installed a windows OS 4 years ago, believe that! ^__-

@alternatuber6698 - 23.01.2024 17:56

Windows killed itself after Win7 versions.

Linux is life!

@Filipomnomnom - 23.01.2024 16:16

I was a linux user during my highschool in the windows 7 era. I had a very weak laptop and windows was killing it. Was mainly using Elementary OS and it was perfect. However, later for work reasons I had to switch to windows and only used that for 6 years. Last week I got sick of windows waking up my laptop from sleep while it is closed for no reason, as it almost burned my motherboard (left the laptop under a blanket) and I decided to install fedora on it. I was shocked to see that basically everything I need is just supported now, every game I play on steam as well. Right now, I don't think I will be switching to windows ever again.

@Milena-ix5mq - 23.01.2024 10:36

You can still run windows (and any games/apps you wish to use) on a virtual machine, and that is just chef's kiss
Yes, it's not the same as to when it's installed on metal it may be buggy here and there, but it's nice to have 😊😊

@Negalijus370 - 23.01.2024 08:17


@wulfhem - 23.01.2024 07:57

Linux was my main system for almost 20 years... until I discovered Destiny 2 a few years ago and spent thousands of hours on it. From SUSE to Redhat and finally Debian and then Ubuntu since version 6.04, my computers have seen everything. I had to get used to the bitter aftertaste of Windows, but I would love to go back to Linux. My laptops and every other device in my home, aside from my gaming machine, run Linux. Shame on you bungie.

@pofok6498 - 22.01.2024 20:08

I'll definitely be switching by the windows 10 EOL. Linux is close, but it needs a bit more commercial software to run on it in my opinion. The desktop environments are magnitudes better than they were in 2007 when I first used Linux, though.

@luisquintana2793 - 22.01.2024 11:34

I given dell vostro I was 😡🤬how long it take just to set it up,dang nearly an hour, not to mention how many more process are running in the background. does any one know which os system where i can run my few windows, such as scrapebox,gsa search engine ranker and few other software. Windows 11 left a bad taste. Windows 11 your definitely being spy on.

@Clanps - 21.01.2024 05:17

I've been using arch linux for the last 3 years on my main machine, I'll never use windows again.

@pavaomrazek - 20.01.2024 22:28

I tried Linux Mint a year ago. Terrible experience, had to do a lot of tweaks to make it partially work. Tried it again a month ago, didn't have a single problem until now. Works flawlessly and I would even say it has become friendly enough even for regular PC users.

@tm02019 - 20.01.2024 08:56

You are too late =))

@tamodolo - 19.01.2024 21:23

Microsoft store would be good if they drop uwp entirely. As that won't happen, I will not use it. End of story.

@fvs666 - 19.01.2024 14:58

what about gaming on linux ?

@shittingpurpletwinkies - 19.01.2024 06:27

I switched to linux because of the spyware, and the need for all of these accounts to log in to your own computer...so that microsoft can just fill your computer with distractions and spam.... and if you use a local account.. instead ( as you should)... the difficulty of recovery from a failure was 10x more complicated, and microsoft would say screw you because now your drive is encrypted and they cant help you recover because its a local account.

@shittingpurpletwinkies - 19.01.2024 06:23

Your tonality or voice pitch of explaining things, was very difficult to listen to... you go up in voice at the end of the sentence and I dont understand why, other than for emphasis... but, well ... if you are learning English from a class, you need to discuss this and get it straightened out... only woman speak like this. F'n annoying my guy.

@dunkelklinge1 - 19.01.2024 01:36

Thanks for the tip with the xwaylandvideobridge. I'm finally able to share my sceen in Discord!

@TnAhunter - 19.01.2024 00:09

One of the reasons I keep windows around is for when I'm playing with my friends soundboards are easier to use on Windows rotting all the audio through voice meter. Sure there's a way to do it on Linux I just haven't figured it out

@AndreasToth - 18.01.2024 21:58

I forced myself to use Linux as my daily driver for more than a year now and all I can say is that Linux on the desktop is definitely not production ready. There are way too many niggly little issues here and there which everyday users should not have to deal with, not that I am an average user, no, I'm a power user. Linux as a server, however, is definitely production ready.

@opensourcetechtraining64 - 18.01.2024 20:46

Having used Linux exclusively for almost 6 years, and a Linux user for another 7 or 8 before that, I do think Linux should have a higher market share given how polished it is. What drives me nuts is the lack of control the user has in Windows - that issue of the boot partition going somewhere else, or windows updates doing lord knows what. I recently had a call and the host of the meeting sent out a message saying "Sorry my laptop needs to update, the meeting needs to start later"..... That shouldn't happen, and yet Windows is the "Professional choice".

Hopefully more and more organizations can take advantage of Linux and open source tooling and just enjoy computing more.

@MrYossarianuk - 18.01.2024 18:44

I left it in 2003 found Mandrake Linux and never looked back

@guntergutermann6126 - 18.01.2024 18:12

Honestly I don't know how to get an official version of my BIOS update utility for Lenovo laptops on linux yet. So I'm still stuck with dual booting.

@ekkochi9016 - 18.01.2024 02:29

Windows is king no matter what

@DoctorSoulis - 18.01.2024 02:11

Is any analog for the Logi software for my keyword on linux?

@johnrenkas7578 - 17.01.2024 23:34

I switched to linux all programs are available on Linux that I use

@MarianoDevourment - 17.01.2024 16:26

Nowdays there is no bad OS, each has its strenghts and weakness.
You can work and do pretty much anything with either popular OS.

In my case Winnows 10 is the plataform that makes me more productive, zero problems, runs smooth and stable.

I guess it is a matter of how well you know a system and what makes you work more comfortable with.

@SZ-Gaming - 17.01.2024 15:13

i have been on Linux for a little over 5yrs now and never really had to give up anything cos it just works, started with Zorin but it would not run 60% of my games at that time so after some research i settled on Manjaro and have not had any issues since and I could not be happier, also it updates when i want it too. im sure there will be a lot more people turning to Linux when windows turns into a pay to use subscription in the near future.

@RedSaint83 - 17.01.2024 11:50

Just tried out AntiX, then MX Linux and finally Q4OS on my 1GB 2009 netbook (ASUS EEE PC 1000H), and wow. It's not like it runs amazingly better, it's still a piece of crap 😅 but I get so much more customization, style and security from running a modern OS instead of Windows XP. Heck, I can even install Steam and games from Steam on it - not big games, but it should be good enough for old games like Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis and ScummVM stuff like that. And well, not even Windows 7 users can access the Steam store any longer, that's kinda wild to think about.

@tenminutetokyo2643 - 16.01.2024 23:35

Ever hear of GPARTED?

@aman11025 - 16.01.2024 10:55

Why bother with windows 11 when windows 10 works fine?

@portman8909 - 16.01.2024 01:55

So freesync isn't even standard on every distro? Just lol

@fabricio4794 - 15.01.2024 19:54

Linux is My Main OS,our Mission is Teach More people how to use it.

@PS5USER00 - 15.01.2024 15:34

On windows 10 Microsoft force me that i can't play gta 4 without crashesh 😭

@MichalBrynczak - 15.01.2024 15:27

So I've been using Linux as a daily driver for well over 5 years now and apart from some weird, but minor, configuration bugs while installing distros on my MSI Modern laptop (version 14", i3-1115G4, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD), I'm so used to the Linux "way" of using operating system, that whenever I need to go back to Windows, I feel annoyed with so many details just not working the way I want. (Keep in mind, I was using Windows since Win95, so I got my mileage from using that OS.)

@mohsinofficial - 15.01.2024 09:26

Linux can do it all and better

@sneakyguy8917 - 15.01.2024 03:34

Thanks for the vid, I always find going in this direction gives me inner conflict. I love the idea of Linux, and the user/technical differences between Linux and Windows is something I can work through and it does seem to be getting easier. But I always seem to hit a brick wall when it comes to software, my latest concern being Ableton live and VST's. I suppose I could dualboot, swapping SSD's for different OS's is pain as my main drives are NVME's that live under a big heatsink on the motherboard so bulk hassle to remove. My fave distro so far is Deepin OS mostly due to it's ease of use and installation but willing to look at other suggestions. PC is mostly used for browsing/email and music/video production. Also some gaming but I can live without having everything available if I have to. /rant. Cheers

@bilaliqbal2439 - 14.01.2024 15:48

Make a video How to play warzone on linux

@BitsOfTruth - 14.01.2024 05:26

I agree.

@mypeeps1965 - 14.01.2024 04:59

I want to switch to Linux but Iam worried about h/w compatibility. My spec's: 13700k, asus z790 prime wifi mb, gigabyte 4080, 4tb gen 4 nvme, 2 tb gen 3 nvme. I was thinking of Zorin 17 but im open to anything that will work. use case: gaming, video and photo editing. Iam also teaching 2 young grandchildren so if i have to do too much trouble shooting Iam afraid they will become disinterested. Thank for any advice you could offer.

@justdude7222 - 13.01.2024 22:08

I switched to Linux on all but 1 of my computers. If I didn't need adobe.. all computers would have Linux...
