Simple rules for cast iron care

Simple rules for cast iron care


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G-Rated - 02.10.2023 18:14

I wish I had washed this video earlier. Would have relieved a lot of worry from my wife

Additional Points
Additional Points - 02.10.2023 08:07

This is a great video but the music was really distracting

TheAllMightyGodofCod - 01.10.2023 21:05

The biggest mistake people usually do when it comes to cast iron (or stainless steel) cookware is.....not getting one.

Bees toe
Bees toe - 30.09.2023 17:41

Excellent. You articulated that beautifully. Best video I have seen on the subject.

HECKAKYH-ADEKBATEH - 30.09.2023 04:45

Your "carbon removal climate policy" are scam, you country is gutting africa creating wars and the reason why they are poor. The best option you can do is to fund yourself into getting out of africa and leaving them alone.

delphine b
delphine b - 28.09.2023 11:56

You have to do what we call in France "culottage": when you have a brand new raw cast iron pan (that means black like the one in the video, not enamel white like le creuset's one), or a non culotted one, you put any very thin layer of oil in it where you cook, and put it in the oven at 250 degree celcius or more for 20 minutes. To do this thin layer of oil, apply it with a paper towel. This thin layer will be forever stuck on the cast iron, and is naturally non-stick. You can do it two or three times if you're not satisfied with the result. The thin layer of oil should be shiny and impossible to remove, even when scraping. This is something you have to do also with raw steel pans, and tinned copper pans/utensils!
Culottage was well known by our ancestors, but now with non-stick pans we lost this habit. And you can then clean it with soap or put it in the dishwasher, the culottage will stay forever anyway!

Little Star
Little Star - 27.09.2023 19:52

I used only salted butter on lodge cast iron griddle from day one, and after few months the griddle is like slippery skating ring. Totally non stick. Lodge has bumpy surface unlike finex. But in my opinion it makes no difference in terms of creating non stick surface by seasoning.

Tyler T Kelley
Tyler T Kelley - 25.09.2023 21:36

Dihydrogen oxide is a tight covalant bond, producing tremendous surface tension, think beading on tx'd lumber; soaking w/ H2O in iron is frowned upon very generally do too unknown PH. Proper polymerization precludes said bonds infiltrating pores. Remember, CO2 is classified neutral(gas), though disolved in water H2CO3 or carbonic acid. Though a mild acid, think ginger-ale, acid plus time equals rust on iron. Aggressive thermal gradient followed by a soak, fractures polymerization. Caution when cooking citric, ascorbic, acetic acid; or better yet shy away.

Nidhi Sohanpal
Nidhi Sohanpal - 24.09.2023 11:12

Very bad video. I coukdnt understand a thing how to take care of it

RupertTheOctopus - 23.09.2023 15:51

Can I use coconut oil instead and do I need to oil my pan like a sword when Im not using it to prevent rust?

Fredrik Dunge
Fredrik Dunge - 16.09.2023 01:26

As long as you don't use acids or strong chemicals you cna do pretty much anything to a cast iron pan/pot. The worst that can happen is you need to reseason it. Nothing short of really stong chemicals will do permanent damage to the pan itself.

bflmpsvz - 15.09.2023 16:35

Absolutely fine to soak the inside in boiling clean water on the stove. Let hot water do all cleaning. Remove stuck solids by scraping with wooden egg flipper while boiling. Then just wait to cool a bit and wash the whole thing in the sink with a scrub in hot water. Again no detergent (no detergent leftovers in sponges/scrubs), no acids. Never use cold water on a hot cast iron. Use only wooden tools and non metallic/not aggressive scrubs. Let dry on a heated stove again. Seasoning is optional and not needed on a long used cast iron. Season simply by heating up well dry pan and rub in some cooking oil with a paper towel to the inside. How to make fried eggs not stick? Simple: blend a teaspoon of ordinary butter into the frying oil before breaking eggs in. Same way to make non stick everything else.

Gila - 15.09.2023 06:00

A lot of people think cast iron is too much trouble to take care of. But it lasts a lifetime and is easier to care for than other pans. I never wash mine, haven’t in decades. Easy to scrape clean, heat up, and wipe with oil after every use.

Ulf - 15.09.2023 00:44

To clean it, use hot water while the pan is still scorching hot. The hot water and the resulting team will allow to wipe most of the crud right off. Next, while still hot, put it back on the stove and leave the burner running on low heat for the pan to dry off. Done :)

Man Cave
Man Cave - 09.09.2023 02:56

I used to watch my Grandmother cook as a child. All she had was cast iron so the skillet she cooked your breakfast in was the same skillet she cooked dinner in. She would drain off bacon fat and reuse it to season the skillet or wipe it down with a little Crisco, then toss it in the oven for a couple of hours, if needed, but not every time. This is why there is so much confusion about how to season a cast iron skillet. These days, they see little use compared to many years ago. Back then they were constantly being seasoned every time they cooked the next meal.

applejacks971 - 07.09.2023 11:36

Nice, I'm gonna try this on my car this summer.

Cheryl Bundy
Cheryl Bundy - 05.09.2023 23:22

There is crud on the outer sides of my iron skillet. Totally not sure of how to remove..Please advise.

Heather Marie Spiritual Junkie
Heather Marie Spiritual Junkie - 05.09.2023 01:28

Just cook on the damn think..thats how u u season it

I Brown
I Brown - 03.09.2023 20:44

From my experience, avoid acidic foods i.e. fried tomatoes. I wondered why my well seasoned pans lost theirs until I came to this conclusion. Started fresh and all is OK.

Celtis Africana
Celtis Africana - 01.09.2023 18:12

Sunflower oil 👌🏻 polymerises like nothing else. Oh, and I also learned that filling the pan about halfway with water and bringing it to the boil for half a minute works wonders for cleaning

Mr Jumbly
Mr Jumbly - 28.08.2023 06:48

love to abuse cast iron, cook more pancakes with oil.... do not obsess about it

Aaron Tiffany
Aaron Tiffany - 27.08.2023 17:49

cook in pan . as soon as you are done rinse scrub rinse set back on burner heat until water is gone rub with oil

FC - 27.08.2023 04:27

Cast iron is the best and safest Teflon and other chemicals used in non stick pans is a poison and like it or not every time you cook with them the chemicals leach out.

B P - 26.08.2023 19:13

That awesome video got you a SUBSCRIPTION and a LIKE

Dislocated elbow
Dislocated elbow - 22.08.2023 05:01

I'm a guy and I have never been into kitchen stuff before, but since I bought my first cast iron pan last week, my sister is getting annoyed about how obsessed I have gotten in a short time over a cast iron pan 😂😂.

I truly want to master the art of seasoning the cast iron pan and its maintenance that keeps it brand new for generations to come. ✌🏼

busybillyb33 - 21.08.2023 02:07

Wow, this is the first time I'm seeing the need for seasoning and how it works through actual science. It all becomes clear what I must do to treat my cast irons well. Thank you for this!

Rainquack - 20.08.2023 23:30

Oh, huh...
I got a non stick pan and always try to get all the oil off it, soaking it in the dish-soaped filled sink overnight usually, then re-soaking a bit more.

Also had some arguments with people why I couldn't just chuck it in the dishwasher, like some documentation said without explanation - cause of course it can stand boiling oil, so what should be the issue.
(I still have no idea - still just wanna do that.)

Crusting lots of oil onto it is the last way that I expected to be good care/practice.

Might've messed up. :0

(Edit: wait, I'm dumb in multiple ways - I don't have a cast iron one)

G T - 09.08.2023 15:30

Google the max healthy temperature for frying olive oil, except you like cancer

Attibot Gaming
Attibot Gaming - 06.08.2023 16:19

Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead 2.

Godnyx - 04.08.2023 21:43

Simple and easy to understand for beginners! Thank you!

Leb Sivart
Leb Sivart - 31.07.2023 18:44

I have a fetish with cast iron. I love this video! It’s perfect to see. You just have to be on top of it all. I mostly use all cast iron.

Leb Sivart
Leb Sivart - 31.07.2023 18:44

I have a fetish with cast iron. I love this video! It’s perfect to see. You just have to be on top of it all. I mostly use all cast iron.

Classy Days
Classy Days - 29.07.2023 00:09

I found my cast iron pan on the side of the road. I took a wire brush to it, seasoned it up and it works as good as any cast iron pan.

Experienced Witness
Experienced Witness - 27.07.2023 07:58

Don’t use soap

Sylvia-Rusty; Babyfae Sings
Sylvia-Rusty; Babyfae Sings - 24.07.2023 19:20

While gettin nonstick isnt possible with cast iron... My exp has shown me that after only a few good coats of oil; an otherwise dry cast iron can cook a fried egg without sticking, overeasy or sunny side up or otherwise no doubt

Which like, goes against what ive heard so many say about cast iron and eggs. I love cast iron cooked eggs bcuz they crisp up better than any other way of fryin them short of maybe swimmin in an absurd amount of oil. I think a lot of ppl who cook with cast iron are just not seasonin properlt or are cookin/cleanin in waya that strip the coatin (like cookin with acidic food for long periods; 5-10 mins of tomatoes or vinegar occasionally isnt gonna hurt it that much... But simmerin a tomato sauce all day is gonna ruin that cast irons seasonin (tho it will make some rly flavourful tomato sauce as the oil coatings get cooked into the sauce as they brk down heh)

Alexis Harper
Alexis Harper - 20.07.2023 20:08

I like to think that adding some flaxseed layers in between vegetable oil is a good idea. I don't know if it is.

An Bay
An Bay - 18.07.2023 08:33

"simple rules"..aka the chemistry lesson I didn't think I was signing up for.

JP - 17.07.2023 21:26


Oh boy.

Yossepy - 16.07.2023 04:13

Awesome video. This was very helpful for me since I just got cast iron pans for the first time

Anthony Samuel
Anthony Samuel - 13.07.2023 03:53

As a chemistry teacher I humbly thank you!

ichi _
ichi _ - 11.07.2023 23:29

well I threw away all my other pans and I‘m only using cast iron pans. I will never go back to nasty teflon pans - nobody should use teflon, the production is horrible and devastating for the environment and your health

Scorponox93 - 11.07.2023 00:24

I wish you had told us about how to season, because I don't have an oven and there's a ton of contradicting information on stovetop seasoning

Sinical - 01.07.2023 14:19

Always use wooden tools when you can instead of metal. Then you can scrape all you want and NEVER worry about damaging your seasoning.

Lucky - 01.07.2023 12:39

Thanks. Very informative. Don’t need the cringe agenda nonsense at the end though.

Thumping Thromnambular
Thumping Thromnambular - 30.06.2023 18:51

This is really cool to get a peak at the involved in the chemical reactions.
I feel like cooking is a great way to have some context for learning chemistry.

Waiting on my first cast iron pan to get delivered.

Arashi Creations
Arashi Creations - 26.06.2023 20:31

How do I save my cast iron after it has been constantly scrubbed clean? It has less seasoning now than it did when I bought it...and my "help" always scrubs away any seasoning that it would have gotten from when I was cooking with it, too. I have to use way more butter and oil then I would normally have to in order to keep food from sticking. Help, please.

Glen Miller
Glen Miller - 26.06.2023 02:27

Use the fats and oils that were available when cast iron was invented and problem solved.

Orion belt Inc
Orion belt Inc - 24.06.2023 16:16

Non stick?

charjl - 16.06.2023 08:55

When you're looking for answers but get articles
