Potluck Picnic With Ven. Dupseng Rinpoche Hosted by Tapal, Pokhara in Toronto.(Part-02)

Potluck Picnic With Ven. Dupseng Rinpoche Hosted by Tapal, Pokhara in Toronto.(Part-02)


55 лет назад

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🎥 Welcome Ven. Dupseng Rinpoche: Tapal Community Potluck Picnic Highlights Part 02🥪🌳

Join us for a heartwarming and joyful day as the Tapal community gathers for a special potluck picnic to welcome Ven. Dupseng Rinpoche! Held at the picturesque Lakeshore in Toronto, Canada, this video captures the essence of our vibrant and welcoming community.

#PotluckPicnic #DupsengRinpoche #TapalCommunity #TorontoEvents #CommunityGathering #LakeshoreToronto #tibetanvlog #torontogorshay #tibetanculture #sonofmom #newgorshay #dalailama #tibetanvlogger #tashipalkhiel #buddhistleader #gorshey #tibetannewsong #Tibetannewvlog


#Dubseng_rinpoche #Jangchup_choeling_monastery #Hyangsa #Tapal_Pokhara #toronto_lhakar_gorshey #Karmapa #Karma_kyagu #Shangpa_rinpoche #Toe_ngari #Ngari #Tibetan_Buddhist #Tibetan_culture #Introduction_to_compassion #Tibetan_Buddhist_teaching
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