A Dark Souls 3 Story Retrospective

A Dark Souls 3 Story Retrospective


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@ruffesv5254 - 30.12.2023 22:35

The boss area were you fight Iudex Gundyr. If you look at that area from the birds nest on top of de roof from your hub it looks like firelink shrine from DS1 with the bonfire in the middle 😊

@user-fe4fi8yq9f - 24.12.2023 23:44

I’m I the only one who thinks that the soul of cinders 2nd phase moveset is possibly Gwyns move set when gwyn was in his prime?

@zaneattano1311 - 24.12.2023 14:10

I hope he does armored core 6

@zaneattano1311 - 24.12.2023 14:10

Damn that was amazing

@harrisonfrazer7670 - 21.12.2023 23:57

My interpretation of DS3 is essentially: the world is already dead. The game world outside of the dlcs isn't the "real world" anymore, just a way for the old gods of Lordran to attempt to still link the flame. I think that the Untended Graves supports this, as it is essentially showing a world where the fire wasn't linked, and therefore the old gods tried to hide it, erase it's reality by hiding it in the past. The real world is essentially what the Kiln at the end of the game looks like, all mangled together with castles and towns from every single timeline that's ever happened. The world we traverse through is a mirage, a patchwork of timelines, which is why the lands of the Lords of Cinder are so conveniently converged for us. Most of the stuff in this great video are things that I agree with though.

@paulm2518 - 20.12.2023 15:36

Lorian is… alright. The entire issue I have with the boss is the delayed tells on some movements. The way he holds for a second or two at the apex of some of his later strikes are unnatural, hard to read and designed to piss the player off.

@jackvankirk8552 - 20.12.2023 01:34

Couldn't agree more. DS3 was the perfect sendoff for the trilogy.

@roberonin7400 - 19.12.2023 22:50

the child is invisble as it has its mums abbilties Oceiros got it on with lady of the painting :)

@roberonin7400 - 19.12.2023 22:40

i dont think dark souls 3 is the same world as dark souls 1 i think its ether a paralel or just a repeat and is much much further in its curruption and the ashen is the last chance after the hollowed have all failed to link the flame ! I do think the flame is linked and this leads to the repeat or splitting of worlds ! infact i think its very possible that the worlds are all paralell dimensions and the enities that come down to the worlds from space in demon souls bloodbourne and elden ring are the past ashen who survived and assended and are trying to infleance new worlds!

@crypto136x8 - 18.12.2023 23:06

Worst souls game ngl😂

@suttaaurchai6910 - 15.12.2023 17:38


@michaelakadap924 - 15.12.2023 03:55

Great video and an excellent explanation. It’s a shame the game didn’t go mainstream like Elden Ring did. But at least now there are more people to experience not only such a great game but art. It’s just a little unfortunate that the story is mostly in environmental detail and item descriptions. Since it’s quite possible for a person who is not experienced in these types of games to go through the whole thing, and still not completely understand a thing.

@matthewgibson9235 - 10.12.2023 18:01

i have played a total of 3 hours of dark souls 3 yet i have come back and watched your retrospectives on DS12 and 3 multiple times. The story is remarkable and how you convey it is amazing. Im sure i will return to these videos in another year from now lol

@Amfortas - 04.12.2023 01:06

It ends too quickly

@joshstotler5831 - 28.11.2023 03:41

Forgive my lateness to this video but where did it say Lothric was put to the flame and survived and then was cursed from experimentation? I was under the impression Emma was a seer of sorts and foresaw Lothric as a worthy champion but Oceiros interfered with the pregnancy making Lothric frail, contrary to Emma's vision. Hence the throne "King Lothric" a vision that didn't happen. Emma had Lothric's holy sword forged but he isn't capable of wielding it.

@FoxFireUnlimited - 27.11.2023 09:22

Aldrich is the Player Character from DS1...he consumes them, soul and all, to gain their powers (which is what we did in DS1) and, when they consumed Smough, they got the taste for flesh.

The entire series is basically an allegory for the theory of the big bang and the heat death of the universe. Each time the world is supposed to fall to darkness to be remade, there is someone to link the flame and literally remakes the world from their memories. This is why some things are back and some things are changed so much but still distantly related...it's a game of 'telephone' but on a world-scale.

@pocketsdsquirrel3207 - 27.11.2023 05:45

So fun fact how Ornstein was in all 3 Dark souls games:

Dark Souls 1) Ornstein isnt real. It is stated in the lore that Ornstein lost faith in the Ideology of keeping the flame lit, and thusly deserted his post as well as Smough in the first game. The People you fight in DS1 is Smough, and only a projection made by Gwyndolin to portray the 2. I think it was said in the Artorias DLC somewhere. I think Hawkeye mentions it.

Dark Souls 2) I believed that this was indeed Ornstein at first, considering that he uses the same move set as DS1 Ornstein after defeating Smough. Turns out it was just a crude interpretation of him based on stories regarding a legendary knight who slayed dragons. Which is accurate considering you fight the dragon riders before you meet up with the blue sentinels afterwards.

Dark Souls 3) This is the real Ornstein. He joined up with the nameless king (aka the firstborn son of Gwyn) to join forces with the dragons. The firstborn son found strength in unity amongst working with the dragons, and begin to harness that very power. Gwyn detested this. Seeing his madness to sprout, Ornstein found only hardship should he stay within the kingdoms of Anor Londo. And with that, joined the Nameless King on a pilgrimage for change. Ornstein at this point was tired of fighting dragons. He wanted to find a better purpose.

The dragon slayer armor you fight isn't even a human. Just armor brought to life by the sorcerers ordered by the princes to keep as a guard dog.

@gestalthat7717 - 26.11.2023 15:14

Man looking at these boss clips makes me wonder how many moves I missed just because I decided to stay under these bosses. xD

@TryingPositive - 22.11.2023 06:36

I had no idea the storm ruler was a thing against Yhorm lol. I just hugged his ass and hit his legs 😂😂😂

@Blaakheart88-87 - 22.11.2023 06:35

Whoa their mr. We never speak on dark souls 2... the forbidden dark souls.

@yourlocalhuman3526 - 20.11.2023 02:22

Too bad the "story" isn't actually in the game. I just finished my 1st run yesterday

@ethanmcguire-zi5rb - 18.11.2023 20:47

These souls games are are straight up masterpieces that give you whatever emotions they give you and ugh😩the piano playing in the end always gets us

@KuroReisho - 17.11.2023 19:18

Dark souls 3 is amazing even without prior knowledge about the predecessors, ds3 is my first souls game
But I played it after playing Elden ring

@Touma134 - 16.11.2023 14:33

The blind in ds3 are considered to be able to see things others cannot. In the opening movie the fire keeper is shown putting on her eye crown thing with a weird swirling darkness. It's possible she's not actually blind but willingly blinds herself and all the fire keepers before her do as well. Once you get the eyes in the untended grave you find out why they're blind. The fire keeper eyes you get see visions of betrayal by the player character. Implying they're blinded for cyclical reasons and miracles were made later to codeify (codify?) That belief using braille.

I always loved the eye as a motif for forbidden knowledge it has an air of eerie mysticism. Eyes being found in the untended grave was the best moment in souls for me.

It's such good horror how many centuries or thousands of years went by with these eyes just laying there forgotten in this space of no time and absolute darkness. It's grim in a very specific way unique to it I can't properly convey. Actually it's a lot like the feeling the tower Griffith was tortured in gave. Evidence of ancient atrocities left to rot in obscurity waiting to crawl its way back into history. Though ds3 it wasn't so hostile it is more uncaring in its own brand of sinister. You feel like there is something trying to crawl its way out of the darkness (thanks crytic old lady) but it's not, just the grim truth laid forgotten for millenia.

Maybe I'm tugging a threads at the end that are only there in my mind but I just find it really neat. Untended Graves and the eyes ooze atmosphere to me.

@Die4Gesichter - 13.11.2023 21:18

I had a shitty day today. I stumbled upon your DS1 video and listened all the way through, while commuting today and while chilling at home.
It was a bliss. Thank you. I'll definitely replay these videos regularly, you did an amazing job

@Hiddenronin - 13.11.2023 14:33

Iudex is Latin for "Judge".

@insert_apathetic6159 - 12.11.2023 21:44

I assume the soul of cinder is everyone who linked the flame ever, so I’d like to think the final boss is every boss you fought in DS1 and 2 (because you consume their souls) and other NPCs like Solaire and all of the lords of cinder you fought before. It just sounds awesome to me

@Edge9897 - 07.11.2023 20:54

I hate dark souls 3, 1 and 2 are better

@ultor7654 - 07.11.2023 20:20

What an amazing documentary you produce here Sir. So much quality content on your channel. You are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing these masterpieces. Warm regards.

@unclaimedusername6608 - 06.11.2023 05:09

Also something that the a lot of bosses, namely the lords and ashen, have in common is that they gain a second phase associated with fire. They rely on a mechanic the player also relies on: embering. Friede takes this a step further, considering she's part of the sable church that would make her hollow.
So Friede not only embers, but restores humanity via the black flame.

@unclaimedusername6608 - 05.11.2023 15:12

Champion Gundyr is still my favorite fight in DS3 because while it keeps the faster pace of the game, it doesn't have the parts of boss fights that bother me. The "I have entered my second phase and now have anime sword magic" parts. It's just you, him, in an arena in a sliver of a dying world in an age that was forgotten.

@epicgamerneonprocheeseburgerep - 02.11.2023 05:33

wacky and cool lore video dude

@haziq12ish - 29.10.2023 14:14

That last edit nice

@haziq12ish - 29.10.2023 14:10

Whats difference between ending 2 3 ans 4

@huluandebayman - 26.10.2023 06:39

I'm pretty sure that DS1 ornstein was an illusion with the real Ornstein following his master.

@LiveKyro - 25.10.2023 01:12

There’s an issue with your theory on Ornstein, it doesn’t consider the fact that in DS1 everything in Anor Londo is likely an illusion created by Gwyndolyn as when the illusion is broken Gwynevere is no longer present either. They all had already abandoned Anor Londo by the time the events of DS1 even happen.

@maboroshithehopeful - 23.10.2023 17:33

also who else shat themselves when that plin plon hit during cinders fight?

@maboroshithehopeful - 23.10.2023 16:14

awe yes ds3 the most depressing story line and lore. i love it

@theRealNeroRedwood - 23.10.2023 12:38

Out of the whole trilogy, Dark Souls 3 has been and still is my favorite. I just think it's a really good improvement.

Yuria is the best girl, and Siegward is the best onion boy.

@Apollo-xs9zd - 23.10.2023 08:30

Amazing video even made me shed a few tears thanks to reliving parts of this amazing and beautiful game franchise thank you :)

@senormarston3283 - 19.10.2023 18:13

The nneat part about the ending of Dark Souls 3 is that there is space for a Dark Souls 4 in a new Era, where everything is more dark and creepy (my favorite aspect of Dark Souls 1); I would love to see a world more horror/scary oriented aesthetic

@jeomaiduldulao6655 - 14.10.2023 10:34

Lothric fight also has my fave soundtrack

@josephalmy5869 - 13.10.2023 21:53

Shira is also their in a small ruins area

@pjohososanta - 09.10.2023 00:19

brushes over ds2 characters without mentioning dearest Lucatiel >:|

@Frank-kq4te - 04.10.2023 02:06

Fun fact: while talking about the profaned capital, hearing you say "the devs could have done a little more" it's surprisingly rage inducing considering this game was done in 1 year and 6 months.

@Jamiemundy32 - 03.10.2023 10:28

The profane capital literally has an Amnesia custom story.. Someone made a Dark Souls Amnesia custom story of it and it is amazing.

@Thedeepesttruth - 03.10.2023 09:51

You know what I’ve never truly thought about nor understood? What exactly happens when you link the fire? I mean does it just extend the age of fire? Or does it restart it? Like an endless repeating loop? But it can kinda change each time? Or is it more like it restarts everything by burning it all away, reverting all souls and life into the primordial version? Does it go quite after and the smoke and fog sets in and dragons are reborn? Then the fire kindles anew again and lords are born? Do they remember the previous cycle? Does everyone? Are the lords Gods because they are immortal in soul and mind/memory? What is the first timeline then? How long did the lords/gods live past the linking of a fire? It’s obviously happened thousands of times? If each one is a new world and new reset then how would anyone know about the previous linkage?
