Teddy Roosevelt Liberates AMERICA and the WORLD!! WW1 | hoi4

Teddy Roosevelt Liberates AMERICA and the WORLD!! WW1 | hoi4


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𒅒𒈔𒅒 - 08.10.2023 13:50

make a next video where mexico annexes america and becomes central power

Lob The heavy
Lob The heavy - 18.09.2023 12:39

As a Danes, That wasn't very Danish of Denmark to give away Greenland :c

M26=BestTonk - 16.09.2023 11:59

Best timeline

Banana Ramen
Banana Ramen - 16.09.2023 02:39

We kicked the spanish out of America so we will now kick spain out of spain

Guilherme Oliveira
Guilherme Oliveira - 25.08.2023 15:31

can you do a video with portugal?

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 03.08.2023 15:55

Behind the scenes talk for Zi Jun part 5.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 30.07.2023 18:51

[Selepas Eclipse bertanya siapa yang Elena cari, dia kemudian mendedahkan pintu kepadanya.]

Elena: Dia kemudian berhenti di destinasi dengan Eclipse serta-merta mengenali pintu ini tanda dagangan khas dan ciri-ciri pintu kerana dia kelihatan terkejut dengan siapa yang Elena cari, kerana plak di atas pintu menyebut nama "Luna". Anda ibu, dia mempunyai sesuatu yang saya fikirkan yang berguna dalam pemikiran dan minda orang ramai lagi, saya tidak boleh membayar balik hutang saya kepadanya kerana mengadakan pertemuan perdamaian dengan sepupu awak mengenai persahabatan saya yang mekar dengan Fajar jadi saya akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk menjadi peranti atau pelajarnya .

{Elena mengetuk pintu dan menunggu selama beberapa saat untuk membuka destinasinya.}

That random Guy on the internet
That random Guy on the internet - 21.07.2023 22:38

A yes a classical the British attacking like the war 1812 that the Americans started
Said like a true American

Spookventures🇲🇽 - 20.07.2023 22:48


Celestia - 18.07.2023 17:31

(Canterlot, Equestria 2)
Celestia: Hey we're back. What are you guys talking about?

Celestia - 15.07.2023 12:48

(Canterlot, Mirror Equestria)
E-Celestia: Clock is ticking Sombra. What your choice going to be?
Celestia: (Trapped in the bubble) Sombra don't give her your world. I'm willing to sacrifice myself for it, we may not be lovers anymore but that doesn't mean I don't care about you.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 11.07.2023 09:17

Behind the scenes talk for Belge and Zi Jun part 4.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 05.07.2023 18:43

Behind the scenes talk for Belge and Zi Jun part 3.

Qu empire
Qu empire - 05.07.2023 04:01

Happy 4th of july

Vittorio Sareni
Vittorio Sareni - 04.07.2023 10:07

But the Spanish then counterattacked our counterattack at their counterattack

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 03.07.2023 13:01

{3/7/1963 at Rio de Janeiro, Pedro's office. After Pedro finished a mundane meeting he find a 🎁 on his oak table and with a paper on it.}

[He reads the contents]

"From Esmé to Pedro, open the gift! The pictures under it will make sense!"

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 03.07.2023 10:47

Behind the scenes talk for Belge and Zi Jun part 2.

Sunny Dawn
Sunny Dawn - 29.06.2023 18:12

(Canterlot Castle, Mirror Equestria.)
Dawn: So they heard what we're going to do, so new plan have them come to us. They have to come eventually to do whatever evil scheme they cooked up.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 27.06.2023 18:36

{30/6/1963, New York, Manhattan, District 01.}

Within a week of frantically trying to get any information out of the woman who declared a "krieg" on Lensky's organization, they have struck gold and hope they can do a drive by of this meeting she is having for an important client to sign a deal.

Financial Captain:MR LENSKY! WE MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE, SHE IS OVER HERE IN AMERICA, want to hear the full reports we found?

Son of Mars
Son of Mars - 18.06.2023 12:40

(Caviana, Northern Amazon Delta, Brazil)
Workers continue mostly working as normal, Dragging around pipes and standing on the walls, Some are eating on the walls, Overal a lively active environment just like before

Jay - 17.06.2023 17:09

Our man Teddy is my favorite president, he was a wrestler and boxer, he frequently held boxing tournaments in the white house and he was muscular, he fought in the Spanish-American war and wanted to personally fight in WW1 but Woodrow Wilson intervened and ordered him not to. And in contrary to Wilson, he was one of the most progressive individuals at the time, being a driving force behind the standard labor laws that we take for granted today.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 17.06.2023 16:07

{Istana Canterlot, Canterlot, cermin Equestria.}
14 Jun, 2023

[Bahagian 2 jalan cerita ini, dengan Dawn dan keluarga muncul di ruang takhta Canterlot, kuasa lain juga menyedari kedatangan 2 orang baharu tidak termasuk Celestia dan Sombra. Good-Sombra kemudian mengeluh kecewa dengan cadangan penyelesaian Dawn sambil menerangkan.]

G-Sombra:Jika ia semudah itu, saya pasti sudah melakukannya dan tidak mempunyai dunia suram yang mereka terus mengganas untuk menguasai dunia. Bukan hanya Celestia lain yang saya perlu bertanding dalam kuasa fizikal untuk mengekalkannya di Tartarus, ada juga-! Dia diganggu oleh dua figura baru yang teleportasi di dalam bilik takhta sambil perlahan-lahan terbang ke arah Fajar, Celestia dan Zi Jun

G-Sombra: Berkata dengan suara perlahan Inilah mereka dan tepat pada masanya untuk membuktikan betapa segelintir mereka...

E-Luna:Baiklah, Sombra! Siapakah pelawat baharu anda dalam dunia "pelayan" ini? Saya melihat wajah comel muda di sini! Pandang Subuh.

E-Celestia: Perhatikan dirinya yang lain Oh my... Adakah itu rindu kawan wanita cantik? Oh, saya yang lain, sudah lama anda tidak bermain dengan saya DAN pengecut melarikan diri dari kekasih tersayang anda Sombra. Dia melakukan ayat-ayat ini dengan senyuman penjahat gila yang mendalam Saya tidak percaya anda kembali ke sini selama ini hanya untuk mengatakan meniru OG Celestia dalam suasana sedih dengan air mata ilusi palsu keluar dari matanya "Saya minta maaf Sombra ! S-S-saya tidak boleh bersama awak, saya mahu segera menghentikan hubungan dunia kita! S- tidak KITA tidak boleh terus melakukan hubungan ini selama-lamanya, selamat tinggal!"

{Selepas paparan mengejek lakonan E-Celestia ini secara besar-besaran mendapat perhatian OG Celestia untuk mengembalikan kenangan buruk yang menyedihkan dan pilihan besar yang dia TIDAK mahu buat dan terpaksa menjalani akibatnya dan menyendiri selepas peristiwa tragis itu.}

[Apa yang E-Celestia dan Luna tidak tahu ialah Dawn dan Zi Jun adalah berkaitan keluarga jika mereka melihat dengan cukup teliti tentang penderiaan sihir mereka tetapi sekarang mereka melihat mereka sebagai kawan dan bukannya menganggap OG Celestia telah membina keluarga. Bagi Zi Jun dan Dawn, mereka melihat ibu/isteri mereka berwajah lebih jahat daripada biasa, bagi Dawn dia melihat penampakan ini mustahil bagi Ibunya untuk berbunyi dan kelihatan seperti itu pada mulanya dengan ia juga pelik untuk lihat untuk dunia cermin ini. Bagi Zi Jun, walaupun ia mungkin momen yang tidak sesuai, dia mendapati E-Celestia agak panas dengan wajah itu berbanding isterinya, dan dia- tunggu apa yang dia katakan? Zi Jun segera menggelengkan kepalanya sambil memandang serius perkara ini sekarang dengan OG Celestia yang marah dengan kata-kata dan lakonan E-Celestia dia menunjukkan kepada keluarganya kesilapan lalu dengan Sombra. OG Celestia juga sedang mempertimbangkan untuk menggunakan Daybreaker untuk kesombongan yang ditunjukkan dirinya yang lain secara mengejek terhadap kisah penuhnya.]

Sunny Dawn
Sunny Dawn - 14.06.2023 15:44

(Canterlot Castle, Canterlot, Equestria.)
14 June 2023
(Dawn and her family decide to go to help out in spring cleaning Canterlot Castle. Dawn's currently in the restricted section.)
Dawn: Wow this castle sure has a lot of old stuff. (Looking around.) Jesus that's a big skeleton. Wonder what creature that belonged to? Huh what's this? (Walks up to a big pair of doors. Reads out the plaque on the door.) Athenaeum, isn't that another word for library, I read about it once on a thesaurus Twilight gave me. Wonder what's in here?

Prauwlet - 13.06.2023 14:13

"america liberates the world"
proceeds to colonise the world

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 11.06.2023 14:10

[15/6/1963 at Ilha Macapá for a future fortress and more incoming workers.]

{As the Head Architect finished saying that, the Entourage of 15 Senior members follow behind the Head Architect as they then arrive at the Elevator entrance.}

Esmé: She is holding a lever Everybody get in, we have much to discuss.

[As Everybody gets in the elevator platform with more than enough space, some Engineers who specialized in Carpentry are impressed of the handiwork of this immitation of an elevator with the work off an experienced Carpenter would make as some in the Entourage think their client at least know what she is doing in her instructions for the basics as they arrived at the top of the platfrom overlooking the entire island they are in. With the Entourage stepping on the circle platfrom with railings, in front of them and in the middle is a huge rectangle table with a whiteboard behind it alongside chairs for them, at the edges of the circle are extending narrow pathways with a small circle at the end for 5 people of space at all points to overlook more on North, South, East, and West for ideas/imagination on the type of building and issues that come up with it during and after its construction.]

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 08.06.2023 18:21

{8/6/1963 Rio de Janeiro, in a tight garage room the air suddenly goes stale as Esmé cranks the tensions of her information to Leopold to an all time high.}

Esmé:Are you sure it won't be free anytime soon because what if I change that situation at your homeland drastically? Especially if you want to rest or "redeem" yourself soon after commiting ©®!m€$ contre la civilisation au Congo, of course the Congolese people are more occupied with the Mittleafrikan states more than you. But still, I want you to have a peaceful end back at your homeland over the regrets you did back at Congo when you were a young man compare to now where you will oof of old age before Belgium is liberated if you didn't met me at all... Awaiting and is prepared for his shocked reaction.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 04.06.2023 15:18

Behind the scenes talk for Belge and Zi Jun.

Black and white cat
Black and white cat - 04.06.2023 11:29

{June 1,2023 4am, as the battle of Paris is delayed by the small Garrison, Megatron wants to try something with the airforce of 30 spaceships and 500 aircraft complete surrounding the city without any external means of entry except teleportation as he awaits more reinforcements}

Megatron: To Starscream Report on the human garrison, how are they operating and how much have we k!///€d the bugs of this city that are not soldiers?

Pedro Luis
Pedro Luis "Vargas" - 03.06.2023 10:22

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pedro stands looking down upon the City, Taking a sip from his glass before putting it down and sitting back down while looking over some Military and Political reports, Than taking another sip from his drink

Zi Jun
Zi Jun - 01.06.2023 14:43

(June 1 2023)
(Rivetville, Latin Federation, Terra)
(After many years left abandoned. The Latin Federation has decided to set up a research station in the ruins of Rivetville. While out exploring for a suitable location, the Federation research ship and icebreaker L'Astrolabe spots something crashing into the surface near Rivetville.)
Captain: What was that?
Head researcher: It seems to be some sort of asteroid. I think we should send a ground team to check it out.
Captain: Sure that's not a problem.
(The researchers use a Eurocopter AS350 Écureuil and flight out to the crash site. They land and walk up to the meteor.)
Researcher 1: It looks like a giant cube.
Researcher 2: That doesn't look like any meteor I have ever seen. It looks man-made.
Head researcher: I have to go make a call to get an alicorn here to teleport this cube to a safe location so we can study it.
Researcher 1: But what about the researcher station we're going to set up?
Head researcher: That can wait for later. This currently is more important.
(The giant cube is moved to a facility in Sainte-Baume Natural Regional Park between the two cities of Marseille and Toulon.)

United steaks of America
United steaks of America - 28.05.2023 09:34

because I watched this video I wish the North American union actually happened

Ariel Est
Ariel Est - 20.05.2023 13:09

here for daddy roosevelt

Lee Fairweather
Lee Fairweather - 14.05.2023 18:55

As an American, I can confirm this is 100% based and freedompilled

h stochla
h stochla - 09.05.2023 05:36

Manifest Destiny 100

Brok - 07.05.2023 01:32

When you counter-attack the enemy counter-attack

ruthrau - 07.05.2023 01:13

"The american dream"

HellTurtle - 02.05.2023 16:12

I discovered this dude yesterday and i love him. I just love this style

Wide Sun Productions
Wide Sun Productions - 01.05.2023 01:34

got me on the floor. XD

TallCasade1115 - 28.04.2023 20:27

“As the Spanish tried to counterattack we counter attacked their counterattack”😂😂😂😂

RICKY - 25.04.2023 22:25

Dude took manifest destiny too literally

Sorrest - 25.04.2023 05:27

Teddy Roosevelt: Mexico, give us the land that has bandits in it so we can clear them out.
Mexico: Uh... No?
Teddy Roosevelt: Yee-haw it is, then.

Angelita San Diego Guzman
Angelita San Diego Guzman - 22.04.2023 13:50

american wet dreams be like:

Kommissar Chaos
Kommissar Chaos - 21.04.2023 21:51

To be honest I wanna live in this timeline anyone got a time machine for me to assassinate President Taft

Bigzthegreat - 09.04.2023 20:32

why didn't you unite the anglosphere by annexing UK?

JitsWackyWonders - 08.04.2023 20:28

I started weeping after watching this video. USA #1

Oziq - 27.03.2023 18:44


Don_B - 23.03.2023 11:32

This is one of the most horrible timelines that i ever see
