REINCARNATION explained by Hans Wilhelm

REINCARNATION explained by Hans Wilhelm

Hans Wilhelm

11 лет назад

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@TreeCricket0524 - 20.01.2024 22:39

Take 100 people 1 person dies. Now you have 99 people. That 1 person has to reincarnate in order to learn lessons or to pay back karmic debt through reincarnation. You now would have 100 people. Take those same 100 people. 2 of those people die. 1 has to return for reincarnated karmic debt, but 1 goes on. You now have 99 people. Which were 98 people from the original 100. <------ This is basic GED Mathematics. DO YOU FOLLOW THESE BASIC PRINCIPALS??? Commonsense

@MindBenderMav - 12.01.2024 13:25


@user-de6nl2ez8c - 07.01.2024 15:32

There is nothing purer than a newborn baby. If a baby were to die, there would be no karma, for the world has not had a chance to corrupt it. There are no lessons on earth for a pure soul to learn, except the repentance of any corruption it allowed to influence and sully itself, as a result of having descended to earth and take on flesh. Who created a soul? Why did that pure soul come down to earth to get corrupted and to struggle to get out of that corruption when it could have just remained pure by simply not coming down to earth in the first place? Pointless much. Unless that soul was cast down to earth for making a decision that was against its nature (rebellion against the Godhead, aka perfection), and thus took on form that is in line with its fallen state (flesh). Its journey, therefore, is to ascend spiritually back to its original state of purity.

All our progeny are fallen by virtue to lineage and hence they take on fkesh. There's no point in bringing more new souls to earth, for anything that is birthed into this world is fallen, but instead, we should strive to ascend back to whence we came. Children, just like everything else in this fallen world, is but a distraction from our true purpose, unless of course, by raising them, we purify ourselves through the experience. And even if you believe in reincarnation, why are you spending time raising a soul that is not uniquely your child (as the ego likes to believe), but the reincarnation of a person once deceased

And if reincarnation is true, what happens when everyone stops having children and the last human on this earth eventually dies? What happens to those souls who can then no longer 'learn lessons' or 'resolve karma/unfinished business'?

@Lili-Benovent - 27.12.2023 01:42

De’ja’Vu Lili

The three lives lived of mortal man, each with a different view
The feeling that you felt today, so strong and not misplaced
You know that person, you know that place, you’ve felt the De’ja’Vu
You also know that if approached, a blank stare on their face
Would leave you asking if you’re sane, you turn your head away
You know you’re sane, you know the scene, confusion is at play. –

The more you think the more you’re lost but it’s all a part of fate
It’s then you need hypnosis deep, the magick Mandrake root
The Peyote and the incantations will bring your past life back
You may not like what you may find, Black forbidden fruit
Or past loves that you still love, revenge left lost and black
If knowing is your only goal, the truth is absolute. –

But if you want to immerse your soul in joining once again
The people and the places lost you risk your present life
You’ve only three and they won’t mix, you’ll only bring the pain
The cards of life will not be shuffled thus, complications rife
De’ja’Vu’s a two edged sword you’ll avoid if you accept
The pleasures in the knowing and all it does contain. –

But what of when you are approached, told by strangers to your side
That you were part of their past life, Oh so long ago?
The circle turns, you can’t recall, they are sure, they know that you have died
You see the questions within their minds, you were called a different name
A riddle to be pondered as you follow life’s slow flow.

Blessed be.

@thehand2466 - 24.12.2023 11:59

So does it mean there's no ending?

@thehand2466 - 24.12.2023 11:58

Reincarnation doesn't work if you don't know your past memory. If you have no memory about ur past life, then it's not reincranation, its called new population

@amberdwyer7142 - 17.12.2023 12:41

All species share that karmic real. This is something many gurus don't appear to talk about, making it okay to keep on abusing all else on earth in the belief that karma only affects humans abusing humans.

@ajayb1874 - 18.11.2023 10:27

Wtf, where is science

@gigafox8737 - 03.11.2023 22:25

I keep trying to tell people these things but they think I'm crazy

@nalan2959 - 01.11.2023 13:00

This is a planned process towards growth.Religion says the contrary but thinking clearly about reasons which are hidden in the mind of creation, I see that reincarnating is the only way to get rid of burdens that we accumulated through lifetimes and that only One Life is not enough to clear this path

@brucechuff8430 - 24.10.2023 05:55

No such thing as reincarnation.

@MacronLacrom - 16.10.2023 21:05

So, all physical reality is just a tool? To learn? So the person who you've wronged and controlled/manipulated may become a controling/manipulative mother in your next life?
You and everyone are just playing a character

@opheliarose2517 - 10.10.2023 10:30


@cityhotel5959 - 07.10.2023 09:57

In 1989 a child was on the verge of dying, it was my only way to come back, saving the child and coming back on earth, i was told to stay focused on this journey, not being influenced by others, just like radio waves that could disturb me.

My past life memories are vage, the only thing that remembers me of my past home is the oriental countries, the music the people but mostly the warm orange sun light, i can't explain, it makes me feel home, im the only child in my family that looks like an Arab person, we are all in the family blond and blue eyes, people often though i was adopted.
Im a traveler, my journey has not come to an end, im on earth to take care of someone.

@Manish_1729 - 03.10.2023 17:22

Jai Shree Ram.

@cravencorey17 - 03.10.2023 06:03

Sorry mate I’m a cat

@TheWittyCommentGuy - 01.10.2023 14:26

If this is real, why dont we remember anything before incarnation? And if we can't remember, what's the point? It's just another concept based on the human fear of death.

@tobymaguire8197 - 12.09.2023 12:50

So are we talking just when humans arrived on the scene or did the dinosaurs too reincarnate?

@letsgo8814 - 05.09.2023 21:53

I dunno why lie I dont want to come back here...what a bad decision...23 is out.

@wirawanasril4463 - 16.07.2023 05:20


@roseamarin5109 - 12.07.2023 14:28

I have question, does reincarnation ppl might look the same or not? Pls someone answer me. Thank you.

@jcjovic - 11.07.2023 09:37

I chose not to ever come back here again even live like a KING. NO WAY.....

@chantkressmyfavouriterockstar - 28.06.2023 23:45


@milicas.4534 - 24.06.2023 13:00

Blessings to you handsome soul ty4 sharing your visdom ps. You dress well

@TIGERZY2K - 17.06.2023 14:59

What happens to a man who has never committed any crimes, always done good but sadly has died of unemployment? If theory of reincarnation is applied to such a person then does God gives him a second chance in his next life or punishes him severely?

@happyhermit931 - 12.06.2023 08:13

Ive had enough as have many wheres the so called love to protect us all from this evil !

@philliprobinson7724 - 24.05.2023 04:28

Hi. A much needed teaching, thanks. The Bible's best karmic statement is (Gal 6:7), "be ye not deceived, that which a person sows, that shall he also reap." Notice this doesn't need any sort of moral judgement from an authority, it's an impersonal law saying "what you give is what you'll eventually get". If this law is true reincarnation must happen whenever a "sown" action cannot be "reaped" within one lifetime because of the irreversibility of the action, and its magnitude. For instance the consequences of committing murder cannot be reaped within one lifetime because the victim is physically dead. Reincarnation is a returning to life, and a necessary adjunct to the law of sowing and reaping.

Other Biblical statements that cannot be true without reincarnation are: "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword" (Matt 26:52), and "Cast your bread upon the waters (people) for after many days ye shall find it again" (Ecc 11:1) This last one is particularly important because it implies our positive actions return also. Too many people only think of reincarnation as a way to punish when it's much broader than that. Cheers, P.R.

@skip991959 - 20.05.2023 14:27

Your theory is interesting and I’m sure that you are sincere. However, all this talk is speculation. Each point could be debated and none of it can be proven.

@thewebmaster1133 - 17.05.2023 20:59

it was perfectly explained

@gace73 - 14.05.2023 23:36

If you can choose..why does souls choose to be serialkillers ..etc..?

@Swati_1112 - 10.05.2023 12:02

It's a holographic projection. Okay every one. It's a holographic projection of your own mind.

@jasonsamuels9797 - 07.05.2023 14:07

i was brought up as a christian since young and i have always been interested in knowing more about the concept of reincarnation. unfortunately i am ingrained and instilled with fear since young that anything other than what my religion says is wrong and sinful and i was never given a choice to explore and open my mind more to this concept.

@ramaraksha01 - 30.04.2023 03:56

The idea is simple - there is only ONE WORLD! THIS ONE!
If you want life, it is here
I think Reincarnation came as a reaction against the concept of Heaven
Life is harsh, difficult, tough. Down here no one GIVES us anything, we have to work for a living once we are Adults, learn to stand on our own two feet, face the world on our own. Success is not guaranteed
Religions took advantage - happily promising a life of ease & comfort, Sugar Daddy Gods in the sky who act just like any King/Dictator
"Believe in me, support me & be rewarded or else!"
Amazingly the very same people who call Putin and his supporters scum now sing praises of the Lord!
To get to this life of ease what does one have to do?
Be a Yes-man, a butt Kisser - sing the boss's praises, swear loyalty & obedience to him and him alone, down on their knees, beg, grovel and the pleased Master will GIVE us Heaven!
And endless life of joy & happiness!
Billions get to just sit and sponge off this Sugar Daddy God without a care in the world
Live like so many leeches, prostitutes, gigolos, freeloaders, oligarchs do down here - happily living off their rich Sugar Daddies!
God is a Putin rewarding his supporters, oligarchs, leeches!
And amazingly even the best of minds can't see thru this!
That IS frightening!
Hindus saw thru this - they realized God is no fool -God is no Putin, Dictator - God is no Sugar Daddy
God is not running a Charity Retirement Home for billions to just sit and sponge off him
Hence, Reincarnation or REAL LIFE!
Running away and hoping to hide in a fantasy won't work!
or will it?
It is clear that those who fall for religions and their cheap promises are after the good life
A life of ease & comfort
And so they will be reborn as lower life forms - Dogs, Cats, Trees or even end up as Ghosts
As Dogs they get free food, shelter, protection, care - no work, no worries - lay about all day, every day! Heaven!
These fools think they are bound for Heaven, instead end up as Dogs!

@Paisleyrosa - 24.04.2023 18:04

The idea of having to live multiple lives is so abhorrent to me that I would prefer no life after death. Just straight up atheist style. Dead and done.

@nicosmith5590 - 23.04.2023 05:43

I've had this thought before , cool stuff.

@saramations - 16.04.2023 00:42

Honest question that I need help with... Is reincarnation a "bad" thing? Or is it just another necessary step into achieving a higher being?

@josephwanjiku6853 - 08.04.2023 23:58

Reincarnation is a trap , get outta it

This guy is a schill for the trap, a salesman.

@mickismj - 03.04.2023 09:43

I would love to hear bout a reincarnation of a newly dead twinflame, where one is left on earth and one in heaven

@TruthGatherer2013 - 22.03.2023 17:38

Seems comment section is filled with a lot of people making stuff up. I'm all for reincarnation after having watched everything I can find about it for years... however!... I believe there are a lot of people who are just seeking attention, cause they have nothing better to do, then to make up stories cause that's how bored they are with their lives... I wish those people would be more honest to themselves and stop lying

@seblee2664 - 11.03.2023 12:53

Nice video but we don’t have a soul… Buddha explains it better 🙏🏻

@kekoakaawa8879 - 23.02.2023 02:07

I’m confused about reincarnation. If part of why we come back is because we were not loving in some way- wouldn’t we have to be perfect? In my current thinking- it is a state of perpetual perfection for humans to always be loving…but humans aren’t perfect- so- wouldn’t we always reincarnate???

@jeffc7339 - 21.02.2023 14:25

This is BS. The after life truly is life's ultimate mystery. If a human claims they know what happens to us after death, they're lying. It's arrogant to claim you know.

@Sparkle835 - 17.02.2023 15:21

Dear Mr. Wilhelm
THANK YOU for these videos, which make these topics easier for me to understand and are very helpful. I appreciate your work.
Mary Ann

@antwon_arts - 13.02.2023 01:30

Is there a choice you could be reborn and what about heaven? Tho

@lynnrpr - 02.02.2023 07:50

And I really got the short end of the stick when it comes to do unto others, for sure, So did my parents.

@hecava9618 - 30.01.2023 16:59

Jesus said that ..." unless the seed dies it cannot be reborn again.." ( Mustard seed storyline) Jesus said..." and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.." 🎆
